Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #48

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I would think if he was mentally incompetent and his lawyers knew it they would use have used it in his defense/plea in some way

I completely agree. If CW was not competent to assist in his own defense, they would have been asking for a competency hearing, delays, etc. We saw this many times over with the so-called "Slenderman case" in WI. Competency hearing after competency hearing. It can go on and on.

I think CW passed his psych evaluation(s) with flying colors. IMO, he was declared legally competent and legally sane. We will likely learn more after the 19th.
I would think if he was mentally incompetent and his lawyers knew it they would use have used it in his defense/plea in some way
Perhaps that was part of their first approach? I really want to know what the first offer was!
"She said she believes her son should have received a psychiatric evaluation to determine his mental state when he killed his wife."

This is from the interview, from the Mom.

NOTE: It's impossible to now go back and see what his mental state was when he killed his wife. Unless they did it soon after (?) (and kids...don't forget them, Mom). I wonder who told her to word it that way.

Christopher Watts' mother: Rescind guilty plea in deaths of daughters, wife
Thank you. It's easy to lose sight of that when every news channel has his family telling their side without any retort. And people are just eating it up. It's depressing. I just hope it will be over soon and justice will prevail despite the background noise.
But next week will be different!
"She said she believes her son should have received a psychiatric evaluation to determine his mental state when he killed his wife."

This is from the interview, from the Mom.

NOTE: It's impossible to now go back and see what his mental state was when he killed his wife. (and kids...don't forget them, Mom). I wonder who told her to word it that way.

Christopher Watts' mother: Rescind guilty plea in deaths of daughters, wife

His mother and father deny that he murdered the children. They are only willing to concede that he killed Shan'ann. They seem to have conveniently forgotten that Nico ever existed.
Thank you. It's easy to lose sight of that when every news channel has his family telling their side without any retort. And people are just eating it up. It's depressing. I just hope it will be over soon and justice will prevail despite the background noise.
Apart from the innuendo and lies about SW, that have been doing the rounds, they really don't have a 'side to the story'. Just one conversation with his father when he was first arrested. Before he was charged even.
They have been left out of the loop completely and only know what their son said the day after he lied to everyone about where they were.
Dear Colorado303,
No, my friend, we are not going to delete your post. Chris' parents, especially his mother, made a few pretty mean comments about Shanann and tried to paint their son as someone who did nothing wrong. We are allowing our members to discuss these comments and to express how they feel. As long as it doesn't go too far.

I think pretty much everyone can understand not wanting to accept your son killed his kids and pregnant wife but no one understands the vitriol toward Shanann from Chris' parents.
It is jaw dropping, shocking, and all around awful.

Jackie Peterson, all over again I swear.
Tricia, your message just warmed my heart which I didn't think was possible. Thank you!
It's interesting. About 2 years ago I left an abusive marriage. I'm not perfect, but I'm a basically honest and decent and kind person, and I did my best to make the marriage work despite being mistreated. After I finally left, my ex-husband launched a campaign of stalking, harassment, menacing, threats and property destruction against me. I successfully petitioned for a Civil Protection Order, which he violated within 24 hours by sending me threats, at which point they gave me a Criminal Protection Order. He was charged with 5 counts of various crimes against me, all with DV enhancers. During this time, my behavior was impeccable. I did not so much as say an angry word to defend myself. People said I had the "restraint of a saint" but in truth I was just terrified and exhausted. We had been married for a long time and friends before that, so we had lots of mutual friends and family. Occasionally one of these people would reach out to my former mother-in-law and brother-in-law and beg them to step in and try to convince my ex to stop his reign of terror against me, if not my sake for our kids. Every single time, instead of listening to these mutual friends and maybe realizing their family member's criminal behavior was a problem, they would say the EXACT SAME THING as CW's mom: "Well, you just don't know the whole story. There are things you don't know. She's not perfect either." There was no defense for my ex's criminal behavior, and they weren't willing to hold him (or themselves) accountable, and I hadn't done anything to "deserve" that level or retaliation, so all they had was vague insinuations that there were horrible things about me that people just didn't know. It's amazing to me how alike these generationally abusive families are.

Thanks for opening up with your story Lore Listener.:)
Hearing CW's parents interviews, will surely remind you, of your ex family support of your ex husband.
I bet your life now, with your kids, is so much better, after the actions you instigated.:):)
Your last sentence summarizes this well.
Thank you. It's easy to lose sight of that when every news channel has his family telling their side without any retort. And people are just eating it up. It's depressing. I just hope it will be over soon and justice will prevail despite the background noise.
Hang in there. You'll make it. Several stations did post Shanann's family's response. And you are so right, it's only background noise. Meaningless static! Remember the sweet music of Shanann and the children.
His mother and father deny that he murdered the children. They are only willing to concede that he killed Shan'ann. They seem to have conveniently forgotten that Nico ever existed.
Awesome grandparents, huh? Most grandparents (in my experience anyway) are even more affectionate and emotionally involved with the grandchildren than their adult children. These monsters seem to have forgotten they even had grandchildren. Only worried about pooooor victim CW. :mad:
Just came across this article posted today. Editors note says one of their reports is in NC today interviewing CW's parents and more to come tonight. In the meantime, it has some info regarding their contact with CW. I know one or two had asked about that.

Chris Watts' parents question plea deal in murder of wife, daughters

Good grief. Remember when Casey Anthony finally shut out her parents at the advice of Jose Baez? He didn't force Casey to stop allowing her parents to visit her in jail. She simply took his advice. It was one of the better pieces of advice that he provided, actually.

Similarly, CW's attorneys did not force CW to not allow his parents to talk to him. They likely advised him not to talk to them since all conversations would be recorded by the jail and could be used against him at trial.

This "eternal victim" card CW's parents are playing is getting really old really fast.
Thanks for opening up with your story Lore Listener.:)
Hearing CW's parents interviews, will surely remind you, of your ex family support of your ex husband.
I bet your life now, with your kids, is so much better, after the actions you instigated.:):)
Your last sentence summarizes this well.
Thank you. Thank you so much. That's exactly why I left in the end, despite knowing he would make my life even more hellish for a while--my daughters deserve to grow up and see what normal, healthy family relationships look like, and be supported in building their own one day. And they will! Poor sweet Shanann's children deserved that too... To make it to the other side of abuse. My heart just breaks every time I think of them all.
But next week will be different!
Yes. The evidence, along with Shanann's family and friends will speak the irrefutable truth next week, and CW's family will have to face the reality that their son is indeed a monster.

And his fans which include assorted spiteful sanctimonious jerks and lunatics will hopefully crawl back into their holes and stay there this time. MOO
Thank you. It's easy to lose sight of that when every news channel has his family telling their side without any retort. And people are just eating it up. It's depressing. I just hope it will be over soon and justice will prevail despite the background noise.

You're right Colorado.:)
The CW's parent interviews are just back ground noise, like the wind blowing through the trees at present.
Soon this unpleasant chatter will cease, they will be silent, like the wind stopping.
The sun will shine, Justice will be served, and Karma will continue for decades, for all involved.
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