Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #49

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Letter to the judge written by one of the hosts of the MRS podcasts...and denied - undoubtedly fueling their vitriol.


These people (letter writer who is one of the podcast which-we-do-not-name-here people) are doing CW’s parents - and by extension CW himself - a VERY GRAVE disservice, or even egregious harm.

How ON EARTH would ANYONE with an ounce of common sense, basic knowledge or even a layperson’s understanding of law/the judicial process think that attempting to insert themselves into the proceeding helps ANYONE??????

I’m gobsmacked at the ignorance. And at the arrogance.
I think any trial would certainly further damage the reputation of the family, plus anyone associated with them. Again, if he was so badly abused he could have left. He had 5 weeks to do so when Shanann was in NC with the girls. And the mere fact that he could so calmly lie to cameras and friends the next day after such a horrific event took place proves that he is not who his family thinks he is.
I believe in their minds, the trial would only expose SW's depravity. Maybe after the evidence comes out they will realize it was best for them...but only maybe. I firmly believe if there is ANY WAY to ham fistedly write off key evidence, they will.

These people (letter writer who is one of the podcast which-we-do-not-name-here people) are doing CW’s parents - and by extension CW himself - a VERY GRAVE disservice, or even egregious harm.

How ON EARTH would ANYONE with an ounce of common sense, basic knowledge or even a layperson’s understanding of law/the judicial process think that attempting to insert themselves into the proceeding helps ANYONE??????

I’m gobsmacked at the ignorance. And at the arrogance.

This just blows my mind, I know they are exhausting any avenue, throwing everything at it and hoping something sticks, but good grief, hire an attorney. I wonder if they have approached attorneys and been turned down because it is a lost cause. Usually high profile cases will draw out legal help pro bono for the exposure the lawyer will get.
Last nights 9News featured 2 legal experts who both opined that Mrs Watts is one typical "not my son," and that she has no legal role here whatsoever. I'm also quite certain the folks talked to an attorney, they just didn't like what they were told. MOO

ETA: Experts were on Denver Fox31 - not 9News.
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IIRC, it is a she said/she said situation. And one of those "she's" is now dead and cannot defend her viewpoint nor experience. I do not give it any weight neither here nor there nor do I see how it has bearing on this case, personally.
I've never given it weight either. The incident was used to prove Shanann was a liar. Liars lie and are capable of murder. Sorry for the sarcasm, but it was a BIG deal in the discussion at the time. And again, it's grown legs and Shanann's concern about the whole affair is overridden and others get the last word.
I don't imagine Mrs Watts did have the nuts out on purpose BUT Shanann had a right to complain, in what's gone down in the last day or so, she HAD a lot to complain about and rightfully so. We've seen what she was up against, it's the same old story, in-law problems etc. but CW obviously didn't get the memo that when you fall out of love, murder is never an option.
I find it really, really strange that these people and Mrs Watts are the only people that know the full story but Mrs Watts nor the podcast people have never spoken to CW about the crime and Mr Watts only spoke to him before he was charged and one day after he had lied in the porch interviews and kept lying about the affair until he was forced to admit it.
I don't believe that they don't know that their son is a liar.
Thank you, this was a written comment they made “ the degree he pled too is irrelevant because that would have been decided by a jury, it doesn’t matter what the charge is.” Umm no, if his defense could have pled it down to a lesser charge they would have, the degree is very relevant. They go on to say a plea is just an agreement, not an admission of guilt, that is also decided by a jury.
Ha... Somebody needs to actually read the agreement CW signed!
IF CW was so miserable, so verbally abused and wanted a divorce, then why the heck did he not leave during the 4 or 5 weeks that his family members that he murdered were across the country?

I will give Mom Watts a break she has is suffering great grief. Her son is a murderer. Part of her family has been murdered at his hand. That has got to be hard to absorb and live with. It does not excuse her behavior but I will cut her some slack .
I think he didn’t leave because he had a plan. Kill his family and move his girlfriend into his home. Then he had to think fast when NUA got involved and actually discussed selling his home.
And, not to mention...they are quite new at the podcast thing....brand new, in fact. This is their first "case" as far I know.
They could barely be less professional or less reputable. They are self congratulatory, full of false information and often straight up lies. They’ve succeeded in making a hobby, sport and a buck off of this tragedy and victim blaming.

They see it as a boon that they are in touch with the Watts family but that they are trying to influence them re: the case is not only unfortunate but blasphemous.
I believe in their minds, the trial would only expose SW's depravity. Maybe after the evidence comes out they will realize it was best for them...but only maybe. I firmly believe if there is ANY WAY to ham fistedly write off key evidence, they will.
No one deserves to have done to them what CW did. There is no justification for it.
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I think he didn’t leave because he had a plan. Kill his family and move his girlfriend into his home. Then he had to think fast when NUA got involved and actually discussed selling his home.
CW certainly had a plan, freedom and money were his motivation, imo. He probably envisioned himself in a bachelor pad with all the mod cons, the new, improved CW ready for Tinder/Grindr match ups. :mad:
The reality is that CW could have contacted his family if he really wanted to contact them. His attorneys work for him and his best interest. But they could not have stopped him from calling his parents if he insisted on doing so.

Someone objective and who has actual knowledge of the law needs to explain this reality to CW’s parents. They believe CW did not make his own decision to take a plea, when that is exactly what he did. He chose not to consult with or talk to his parents about his decision. He was not railroaded.

Exactly. Im not sure if this is how the law works, but I would think his lawyers may have wanted minimal interference from the family too. When it comes down to it CW and only CW needs to make the decision to plead guilty. Eg his decision, not his parents.
I believe they think he could have been found guilty for something less than Murder One by a jury for killing SW ASSUMING a jury believed his story. Moreover, I am sure they hoped to introduce evidence of "abuse" that would mitigate that charge and his tampering with bodies charges, termination of pregnancy, etc, down further at least in terms of sentencing. This is my best guess for what they are trying to do, besides salvage the reputation of their family, which I imagine they also care about.

I agree. JMO, I think there was a big hope that with enough gas-lighting, his "confession" could be sold. That confession requires that Shanann was so wicked, she was capable of murdering her own little girls.

That would then make him an avenging angel, who loved his little girls so much that he reacted by strangling Shanann for what she did to them. That might make the murder 1 after deliberation for Shanann's murder go bye-bye.

JMO, CW realized his confession was never going to fly in court. He knew the evidence that was against him because he was shown this by his own defense.

If he wants mom to stop, and for dad to stop helping her, then he will need to directly tell them that he did it all, and the evidence that proves he did it is overwhelming. I don't see that he's ever going to do that.

All JMO.
Denver Fox 31 Legal Experts weigh in on Momma Watts:

Legal experts, not involved in the case weighed in on the new developments. Defense attorney Chris Decker said, “Basically a desperate act by a loving mother who probably has no idea of the particulars of the evidence or her sons criminal acts or decisions in the aftermath of them. Not particularly uncommon for a mother to have the perspective of “not my son”. The court probably won’t take any action unless something is filed or raised by the defense.”

Defense attorney Harvey Steinberg said there is a way to withdraw a plea before sentencing, but does not believe it will happen in this case. Steinberg said, “Remember the mother is not in a position to withdraw the plea. The mother can scream and yell and do everything she wants. Maybe it’s appropriate, maybe it’s not but ultimately it’s his decision after sitting and talking to his lawyers. There is a rule, rule 32 allows the withdraw of plea prior to sentencing if there is a fair and just reason. I don’t know what the fair and just reason is here. So do I think there is a likelihood that any judge would allow him to withdraw the plea? The answer is no.” [BBM]

Video at link
Families of Shanann Watts, her 2 daughters and defendant in Watts murder case trade words
I am not sure that it matters what kind of nuts were in reach of the children. Cece had an allergy to tree nuts.

IIRC, it is a she said/she said situation. And one of those "she's" is now dead and cannot defend her viewpoint nor experience. I do not give it any weight neither here nor there nor do I see how it has bearing on this case, personally.

It doesn't really matter and I agree it doesn't have any bearing on this case. I asked because I thought perhaps I missed discussion of another incident.

This case is bad enough without the added hyperbole. IMO
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