Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #50

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Frederick murder suspect, Chris Watts, reaches plea deal.

Watts was accused of murdering his pregnant wife and young daughters.

@CBSDenver is gathering details on this developing story.

Dillon Thomas on Twitter
Chris Watts Reaches Plea Deal In Murder Case To Avoid Death Penalty
GREELEY, Colo. (CBS4) – Chris Watts and his attorney’s have reached a plea deal in highly-watched murder case out of Frederick. Watts is accused of killing his wife, Shanann, and his two young daughters, Bella and Celeste.

Shanann was pregnant with their third child, a boy.

Details of the plea deal have not been released.

Watts, 33, pleaded guilty to three counts of first-degree murder after deliberation and two counts of first-degree murder of a victim under the age of 12 in a position of trust for in the deaths of his wife Shanann and two daughters Celeste and Bella in August, according to a news release from the Weld County District Attorney's Office.

Watts also pleaded guilty to unlawful termination of a pregnancy, and three counts of tampering with a deceased human body.

The news release stated the plea deal was made with the agreement of the victims' family. In exchange for pleading guilty to all nine charges, prosecutors have agreed not to seek the death penalty.

Christopher Watts pleads guilty to murder of wife and daughters
Wow - that video in the second interview. After the newscasters show the clip of CW parents, they talk more about the case and say there is a "letter" that CW wrote to his sister at some point and said, "If anything happens to me, look at my wife," and that the family says that proves Shanann was unstable. That is the first I have read/seen of this "letter." Have we discussed that at all here? (49 threads I may have missed!!)

ETA more detail: This is also the video where the reporter asks, "What happened to this kid from Pine Forest High School?" showing an innocent picture of CW. And his mother says, "What happened? He met Shanann."

The newscaster also says in the clip, that the Watts family felt that "Shanann was dangerous and that they didn't even go to the couple's wedding."
Are those 2 letters very long? Could someone summarize the main points, I don't know what the heck but I can never open those court PDFs on my PC or 3 tablets. I can open other PDFs but not from the court.
Screenshots of the court docs for your reading pleasure...


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Don't forget everyone our Websleuths Podcasts starts in about an hour aka 10:00 PM Eastern.
In addition to discussing the wild things going on now in the Watts case, we will discuss the arrests in the murder of the Rhodan family in Ohio
We really want you to call in and vent away. The number is 713-955-0606

Chris Watts' Parents Give Shocking Interviews/Arrests in Murder of 8 in Ohio

See you in a bit.
Carrying over @Hazelnutty's post from the previous thread:

From the outside looking in -- the answer is nothing. Shannan did nothing to cause Cindy to behave the way she did. (still does) I don't believe Shannan was aggressive at all. Shannan was a beautiful young lady who turned CW's head. Cindy wasn't equipped to handle a beautiful, normal, intelligent, independent thinking female taking her son's attention away from Mama. And Shannan was not the type to allow anyone to disrespect her , which I believe Cindy did (does). Shannan stood up for herself. I'm thinking no one in Cindys family would have the nerve to do so.

Shannan may have been assertive. She was a go- getter . I believe Cindy was jealous.

Not a VI. Just moo

Well this V.I. couldn't have said it better herself!
Am tuning in to this latest podcast. I have followed this case from the point when Shannan and her girls were still missing (from one of the original SM posts of them going missing that was shared with me by an old high school friend that worked with SW).

I have been vigilant on following up with every lead and opinion (as much as many greatly diverged from my own) since mid August.
I could hold my nose with many groups, based upon hope for future justice for Shanann’ s family.

WEB SLEUTHS has been a Godsend with its straightforward and evidenced based approach. I tend to get carried away by emotions over the deceased victims (especially lovely little girls)! I fell in love with Bella & CeeCee from SW’s videos!

I watched the SW videos on my own (before PLUNDER or “ watch parties”)and sensed in them all that some things were amiss, but mostly in regards to Chris Watts and not Shan’ann.

She may not have been my best friend-but she was likable and never once did I think she could have killed her kids. When CW insisted that she’d prompted him to act as she had it infuriated me.

In the months that have followed, I’ve gone to many sites to hear other POV’s if not only to try to get answers too. I have also sought answers to understand those who do not view it as I have seen it. I’ve studied many family annihilators. Nothing sways me from believing that he is a also a FA. I have never swayed from this position since their remains were uncovered. It’s text book (but with SM piled upon it).

The thing that particularly irks me with this case is the fact that some people continue to try to excuse a self confessed perpetrator in this past week. His last parent’s last public statements have only added fuel to this fire. All I want is for Chris Watts to receive a life sentence. Once that has been handed to him-I’ll STOP.

In the 5 days left-I cannot dismiss the many tentacles that this case has grown and I worry about that. I only hope that the justice system is more sensical than “the people”—though the balance of power is definitely not in his favor, but there’s still a stadium size group in Chris Watts’ corner. Most of them may be nothing more than amateur meddlers but they are not wholly benign. If this is one case I worry about getting de-railed-this is it. Though his confession last week was a relief and very welcome,I’m now terrified that his parents , their supporters and things I don’t know or can at least name succinctly, might catch a an unfair and undeserved break.

I am only hoping it’s as cut and dry as it has always seemed to me. I think justice will prevail in the end. I just hope it is sooner than later!
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So, I'm reading the order on the expanded media coverage. They're only allowing pooled audio and video. I doubt the podcast is going to be able to get access to the media's pooled feed. No other devices are allowed to be used in the court room. Interesting!!

Bolding mine:
This Court’s Conditions for Coverage. Expanded media coverage shall be conducted only under the following conditions. The judge maintains final approval of all arrangements:

Equipment Limitations.

  1. Video. The media shall be given access to the courtroom, in a location as designated by the judge, and the petitioners shall be responsible for pooling pursuant to the arrangements outlined below. There shall be only one such camera in the Courtroom from which the proceedings may be viewed. Only one person shall be permitted to operate the one videotape, television, or motion picture camera. The camera operator may use a tripod but shall not change location while Court is in session. Video may be utilized for live streaming and taping.

  2. Audio. The court’s audio system shall be used if technically suitable and, in that event, theremust be no interference with the court’s use of its system. If the court’s system is nottechnically suitable, then the person conducting expanded media coverage may install an audio recording system at his or her own expense upon first obtaining approval of the judge. All microphones and related wiring shall be unobtrusive and shall not interfere with the movement of those in the courtroom.
  1. Still Cameras. Only one person at a time shall be permitted to operate still cameras, which shall make as little noise as possible. The still photographer may use a tripod, but shall not change location while court is in session.

  2. Lighting. No movie lights, flash attachments, or sudden lighting changes shall be permitted during a proceeding. No modification or addition of lighting equipment shall be permitted without the permission of the judge.

  3. Operating Signals. No visible or audible light or signal (tally light) shall be used on any equipment.
Pooling Arrangements. The media shall be solely responsible for designating one media representative to conduct each of the categories of expanded media coverage listed above, and for arranging an open and impartial distribution scheme with a distribution point located outside of the Courthouse. If no agreement can be reached on either of these matters, there shall be no expanded media coverage of that type. Neither judges nor other Court personnel shall be called upon to resolve any disputes concerning pooling arrangements.

Conduct of Media Representatives.
Persons conducting expanded media coverage shall conduct themselves in a manner

consistent with the decorum and dignity of the courtroom. The following practices shall apply:

  1. Equipment employed to provide expanded media coverage shall be positioned and operated so as to minimize any distraction;

  2. Identifying marks, call letters, logos, symbols, and legends shall be concealed on all equipment. Persons operating such equipment shall not wear clothing bearing any such identifying information; and

  3. Equipment used to provide expanded media coverage shall not be placed in, or removed from, the courtroom while court is in session. No film, videotape, or lens shall be changed within a courtroom while court is in session.
The Standing Decorum Order filed on August 20, 2018 shall remain in effect. As a reminder, among other things, no electronic devices regardless of there use shall be permitted to be used in the courtroom. An overflow courtroom will be available in Division 16. The Standing Decorum Order and this Order shall also be in effect and enforced in Division 16.
Is anyone else having flashbacks to the "maybe there's a mysterious letter that hasn't been found yet" line of thinking a few threads ago?

I've been thinking about that. Also, I can't forget the "I couldn't bear to put the girls with Shanann after what she did" excuse that CW gave his dad. I remember that from here too. I was wondering where and when that started on here but didn't know how to search for it.
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Am tuning in to this latest podcast. I have followed this case from the point when Shannan and her girls were still missing (from one of the original SM posts of them going missing that was shared with me by an old high school friend that worked with SW).

I have been vigilant on following up with every lead and opinion (as much as many greatly diverged from my own) since mid August.
I could hold my nose with many groups, based upon hope for future justice for Shanann’ s family.

WEB SLEUTHS has been a Godsend with its straightforward and evidenced based approach. I tend to get carried away by emotions over the deceased victims (especially lovely little girls)! I fell in love with Bella & CeeCee from SW’s videos!

I watched the SW videos on my own (before PLUNDER or “ watch parties”)and sensed in them all that some things were amiss, but mostly in regards to Chris Watts and not Shan’ann.

She may not have been my best friend-but she was likable and never once did I think she could have killed her kids. When CW insisted that she’d prompted him to act as he had it infuriated me.

In the months that have followed, I’ve gone to many sites to hear other POV’s if not only to try to get answers too. I have also sought answers to understand those who do not view it as I have seen it. I’ve studied many family annihilators. Nothing sways me from believing that he is a also a FA. I have never swayed from this position since their remains were uncovered. It’s text book (but with SM piled upon it).

The thing that particularly irks me with this case is the fact that some people continue to try to excuse a self confessed perpetrator in this past week. His last parent’s last public statements have only added fuel to this fire. All I want is for Chris Watts to receive a life sentence. Once that has been handed to him-I’ll STOP.

In the 5 days left-I cannot dismiss the many tentacles that this case has grown and I worry about that. I only hope that the justice system is more sensical than “the people”—though the balance of power is definitely not in his favor, but there’s still a stadium size group in Chris Watts’ corner. Most of them may be nothing more than amateur meddlers but they are not wholly benign. If this is one case I worry about getting de-railed-this is it. Though his confession last week was a relief and very welcome,I’m now terrified that his parents , their supporters and things I don’t know or can name succinctly, might awfully catch a break.

I am only hoping it’s as cut and dry as it has always seemed to me. I think justice will prevail in the end. I just hope it is sooner than later!
I don't think we're going to be disappointed, Serena. The parents cannot withdraw the plea. The meddlers cannot withdraw the plea. He will be sentenced to LWOP on Monday. MOO
So, I'm reading the order on the expanded media coverage. They're only allowing pooled audio and video. I doubt the podcast is going to be able to get access to the media's pooled feed. No other devices are allowed to be used in the court room. Interesting!!

Bolding mine:

If anyone knows of a channel or SM that will be live streaming the hearing please post. I think it’s going to be at around 4am here and I am totally getting up for it!!
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