Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #50

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I've been thinking about that. Also, I can't forget the "I couldn't bear to put the girls with Shanann after what she did" excuse that CW gave his dad. I remember that from here too. I was wondering where and when that started on here but didn't know how to search for it.

I said at one point very very early on that them being separated felt deliberate to me. (I don't remember my exact words). I honestly don't remember if anyone else concurred. I remember MassGuy disagreeing (very thoughtfully) that it was likely logistical not intentional. Is it wrong, I hope someone else said it first, because I'll vomit, if that came from me. Often when people asked how the defense might explain certain things away, I purposely didn't answer, even though I had some ideas, because I did NOT in any way want to have anything I said twisted in a courtroom on behalf of CW.

Bleh this is why I don't post much.
I’m still catching up on the last thread :

Re Cindy Watts saying yes she’s thought that maybe he could have done it but she’d “fight anyway” - I too think she knows he did it BUT she thinks it was justified. How horrifying.

Secondly, I believe they’ve had no contact with their son for one reason and one reason only: Chris Watts doesn’t want any contact with them. End of story.
Can ANYONE help me understand why media seems to paint CW in such a sweet light? WHY oh why are people so keen to think he is a victim? Please help me understand!

I think it’s an incredibly small percentage that think of him as some kind of victim. Like someone else said, they’re just loud. Every high profile criminal has a fan club. Jodi Arias’ fans were off the charts, constantly harassing Travis’ family and sending them gruesome autopsy photos on a daily basis.

Some people are just crazy.
I think it’s an incredibly small percentage that think of him as some kind of victim. Like someone else said, they’re just loud. Every high profile criminal has a fan club. Jodi Arias’ fans were off the charts, constantly harassing Travis’ family and sending them gruesome autopsy photos on a daily basis.

Some people are just crazy.
Yes, I think that it is a small number of people who have started different FB groups but they are nearly all the same members.
And the people doing that podcast know nothing about the case and show it.
Am tuning in to this latest podcast. I have followed this case from the point when Shannan and her girls were still missing (from one of the original SM posts of them going missing that was shared with me by an old high school friend that worked with SW).

I have been vigilant on following up with every lead and opinion (as much as many greatly diverged from my own) since mid August.
I could hold my nose with many groups, based upon hope for future justice for Shanann’ s family.

WEB SLEUTHS has been a Godsend with its straightforward and evidenced based approach. I tend to get carried away by emotions over the deceased victims (especially lovely little girls)! I fell in love with Bella & CeeCee from SW’s videos!

I watched the SW videos on my own (before PLUNDER or “ watch parties”)and sensed in them all that some things were amiss, but mostly in regards to Chris Watts and not Shan’ann.

She may not have been my best friend-but she was likable and never once did I think she could have killed her kids. When CW insisted that she’d prompted him to act as she had it infuriated me.

In the months that have followed, I’ve gone to many sites to hear other POV’s if not only to try to get answers too. I have also sought answers to understand those who do not view it as I have seen it. I’ve studied many family annihilators. Nothing sways me from believing that he is a also a FA. I have never swayed from this position since their remains were uncovered. It’s text book (but with SM piled upon it).

The thing that particularly irks me with this case is the fact that some people continue to try to excuse a self confessed perpetrator in this past week. His last parent’s last public statements have only added fuel to this fire. All I want is for Chris Watts to receive a life sentence. Once that has been handed to him-I’ll STOP.

In the 5 days left-I cannot dismiss the many tentacles that this case has grown and I worry about that. I only hope that the justice system is more sensical than “the people”—though the balance of power is definitely not in his favor, but there’s still a stadium size group in Chris Watts’ corner. Most of them may be nothing more than amateur meddlers but they are not wholly benign. If this is one case I worry about getting de-railed-this is it. Though his confession last week was a relief and very welcome,I’m now terrified that his parents , their supporters and things I don’t know or can at least name succinctly, might catch a an unfair and undeserved break.

I am only hoping it’s as cut and dry as it has always seemed to me. I think justice will prevail in the end. I just hope it is sooner than later!
Once the evidence is released, I am hoping that the stadium size group dwindles drastically. His family will never believe the evidence, IMO. I believe that D.A. has enough evidence that let the defense attorney's and Chris Watts know that the death penalty was a real possibility. If for some reason, all their whining works and the plea is dismissed, I hope the D.A. goes for the death penalty. (I do not think this can happen unless, Chris files and proves his point.) I believe he knows what evidence there is and knows there is a real chance he will get the death penalty. I don't see him filing. No one knows what is in the future for Colorado and what any future Governors will do. JMO
I’m the podcast caller with the NPD/Borderline mother and enmeshed family. I truly wasn’t expecting to speak but since I have, please know I’m available to anyone who needs an ear or support.
Well done for staying no contact for all these years, it's sad your mother will never take responsibility for tearing the family apart, what I know about NPD, particularly, it worsens with age! I've known 2 people with this condition and drama and chaos is their drug! Their flying monkeys do their dirty work, sometimes unwittingly, I'm sure you're still monitored without your knowledge. Thanks again for sharing Katie.
I'm behind on media, so I don't know if this specific quote has been posted. This sure isn't "I don't know what happened, but I'd like to know."

Despite Plea, Chris Watts' Mom Doesn't Believe He Killed His Kids: 'He Couldn't Have Done That'

“He went into a rage, and he killed her when he saw her strangling Celeste,” Cindy Watts insisted in the interview, adding that she’s unable to talk to her son to convince him to rescind his guilty plea.

Wow. Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.
@PrimeSuspect and @gitana1
Found Deceased - CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #49
Found Deceased - CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #49

In my younger years, I was married to a socio/psycho (both, pick one?), who had some narcissistic tendencies. I was trying to repair the relationship that I had with my own mother through him, I didn't figure this out until years later & while in my current (healthier) marriage. My EX's mom was very self-destructive and self-centered, our moms clashed in many ways, but both were narcissistic. The thing about narcissists that many people don't know, is that they don't necessarily think they are the most physically beautiful people out there, but they will put so much emphasis on their looks that it becomes detrimental to their family (especially their children). This can be applied to any aspect of themselves. They may not be the best at anything, but they want you to believe that they are...and they will put themselves ahead of anyone else in order to try to maintain that image. The gaslighting that I had to deal with from mom, MIL, ex, and even my dad (who would defend my mom to the death, even when she was wrong, if he knew that she was listening), was head-spinning.

Because we had children to raise, I left that relationship. When he was no longer the center of my world (yes, my children were the priority, as they should be) he began to self-destruct. I didn't have loads of time to devote to stroking his fragile ego, neither of the moms were of any help. My mom was so busy being offended by him that she couldn't be much of a mom (emotionally) to me, and his mom blamed me for everything that was festering inside of him.

I'm just trying to open the windows so that people who aren't familiar with the generational poison that is narcissistic parenting, can see in.

I went as far away from the ex as I could, started a new life and family...with my current husband adopting my older children. There have been stretches of time where I had to discontinue communication with my parents, it's never a black & white thing...there is no true healing, just trying to avoid picking at the scabs, we have a more "surface" relationship now...and it works for me and for my kids. The ex is in our lives on a limited basis, and only in the ways in which my kids want him to be.

My mom always wanted a son, she told me this many times when I was growing up. She got me instead. I don't know why FA's tend to be men who come from Narcissistic mothers. What I do know is that because my mom didn't seem to value me, I value my family all the more. I have a 1/2 brother that she took no interest in, probably because he wasn't a reflection of her. Actually, typing this out, I remember asking her why she wanted a son rather than a daughter, and she said it was because she wondered what a male "her" would be like.

Once you have been around this type of personality enough you become very adept at spotting it in a crowd!
I will be there. I just had the blessing of being able to speak with Tricia on her radio show and she has completely solidified my ethical view of being completely unbiased. I selfishlessly asked for more attention to the Rita Guiterezz case in Longmont, Colorado so perhaps we will all take a closer look.

I appreciate Websleuths so much because I’ve lurked around since the CA trial and everyone has been so kind since I started posting this fall.

Thanks again everyone, I know we all want answers and closure as well as justice.
Once the evidence is released, I am hoping that the stadium size group dwindles drastically. His family will never believe the evidence, IMO. I believe that D.A. has enough evidence that let the defense attorney's and Chris Watts know that the death penalty was a real possibility. If for some reason, all their whining works and the plea is dismissed, I hope the D.A. goes for the death penalty. (I do not think this can happen unless, Chris files and proves his point.) I believe he knows what evidence there is and knows there is a real chance he will get the death penalty. I don't see him filing. No one knows what is in the future for Colorado and what any future Governors will do. JMO

I have said this before but I have a gleeful anticipation of seeing CW groupies proven wrong. But, I admit I've always enjoyed a bit of, "I told you so's" throughout my life. Yes...I'm one of those people.
Can ANYONE help me understand why media seems to paint CW in such a sweet light? WHY oh why are people so keen to think he is a victim? Please help me understand!
Sorry, I can’t help you understand, I don’t understand either, just as I don’t understand how a father could murder his own children, or how anyone could commit murder of anyone. I think we have to stop trying to understand, some are just stupid and some are just evil! MOO
I’m still catching up on the last thread :

Re Cindy Watts saying yes she’s thought that maybe he could have done it but she’d “fight anyway” - I too think she knows he did it BUT she thinks it was justified. How horrifying.

Secondly, I believe they’ve had no contact with their son for one reason and one reason only: Chris Watts doesn’t want any contact with them. End of story.
I think it's interesting that his family was given 30 minutes w/CW each, individually. I suspect he's telling his father one thing and his mother another. If he asked to speak to his Dad separately and his mother & sister together Mama would have had yet another conniption fit.
I have said this before but I have a gleeful anticipation of seeing CW groupies proven wrong. But, I admit I've always enjoyed a bit of, "I told you so's" throughout my life. Yes...I'm one of those people.
Haaaa! I’m right there with you. I hope we get some more ammunition from the DA come sentencing day.
CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #49

What did Shanann do that turned off his mother to her??? Whatever it was it came before they even got married!? Was it Shanann's aggressiveness? I don't know either people so I can't judge, but wish I could hear from a verified member for Shanann on here.

I'm behind so I am just now getting caught up. I want to address this from the previous thread...

With people like this, SW didn't have to do one darn thing to turn them off of her. More than likely, CW's mother wouldn't have liked anyone her baby boy brought home. I had a vindictive, narcissistic mother-in-law who hated me and her grandchildren by extension and many other WS members have shared stories of similar experiences. It's easy enough to put the blame on SW, but the fact is that the fault lies with Mrs. Watts, not with SW. We have WS members who attended her memorial service and her funeral and they've spoken of the number of people who loved SW and turned out for both. We've had VIs come on here and talk about what a kind, loving, supportive person SW was. So far, the ONLY negativity that's come out about SW has been from the Watts' family (and people on the internet who never met her). That says volumes.
I really wish someone would explain the legal system to his family. Does anyone know who K Almand is? An attorney? Family friend?
She’s a nobody who started a podcast. She seems to be connected to some players in the case.

She doesn’t appear to have any legal qualifications of any kind, and any experience with the law is likely gleaned from courtroom scenes in daytime soap operas.

She also may not be playing with a full deck.

Other than that, I think she’s fantastic.
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