Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #50

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But why can't she speak to him?

She can't speak to him because he is not calling home. And that is probably because the calls would be recorded and it could hurt his case if he or his Mom said the wrong thing.

No one is preventing him from calling her. It is up to him.
I hadn't thought of that reason and you're probably right.
I agree, but I would want to know why and I believe that Cindy Watts wants to know why too. When she knows the why, she may be able to accept it.
Sometimes you get no answer or why. And that is your answer. In this case, like many other cases, CW is never going to give anyone the full, detailed why. If he wants to maintain any control he has left, he’ll keep all of that to himself, and he’s already put the brakes on a trial. So that will keep a lot of info from being released and witnesses from testifying. If he wanted to talk to his mom and dad, he would. If they can’t get the hint, or understand that they can’t control his defense, attorneys, and the taping of convos in jail (which would hurt his case), then that’s their issue.
IMO I think the point she is making is she CANT take this up with him. The letter filed by Non Party.pdf makes reference to being referred to a social worker, does anyone know if this is usual?

My take on it is that CW hasn’t given permission for his defense team to discuss anything with his family, so when they ring the office what else can they do?
IMO I think the point she is making is she CANT take this up with him. The letter filed by Non Party.pdf makes reference to being referred to a social worker, does anyone know if this is usual?
She has no more legal access to her son than anyone else. I understand the torture of not knowing how/why the plea happened but Chris is not being denied access to communicate with his family, he is choosing to not communicate with them and there is nothing they can do about it.
Yes I have that option but that is besides the point.

I don't think you should give the impression that your opinion is backed up by professional training or qualification if you are not going to go through the verification process.

I will report my own post and ask a mod for clarification on that.
I have much sympathy for you in the personal situation that puts you in the same space as a mother in a panic and kept in the dark. I admit I cannot imagine what that must be like, and I realize I am very blessed to be able to say that.

Respectfully, you have every reason and right to have a different view of how the parents of CW are publically behaving. At the same time, you must know this forum. We have strict rules about how we discuss each and every topic here. This crime has been very closely moderated by amazing volunteers who keep the participants in line with the values of WS. I can understand if some of what you are reading is hitting too close to home. I can understand that you have compassion for the parents of CW. And respectfully, I wonder if this forum is a healthy place for you to come to. We can’t possibly know your situation, nor should we unless you wanted to share it, so our discussion here is solely focused on this crime, and what is publically known about it. Please know I am not suggesting you leave this discussion. I have sympathy for what you have shared, that as a parent you are in a situation that leaves you panicked and in the dark. Please take good care of yourself, and my prayers to you for your struggle.

Thank you for your kind words. I do NOT agree with the way that the Watts family has handled this at all, but I do understand that panic they must be feeling.
From the interviews I can see why Chris thought he could murder his wife and children and get away with it. By his own admission his dad believed his first story so he likely thought everyone else would. His mother appears to be an enabler, who doesn’t appear to care if he actually committed the crimes and just thinks that he shouldn’t admit to it either way and fight all charges regardless. Oh and somehow let her lead all proceedings so she gets what she wants. Jmo
She has no more legal access to her son than anyone else. I understand the torture of not knowing how/why the plea happened but Chris is not being denied access to communicate with his family, he is choosing to not communicate with them and there is nothing they can do about it.
Do we know that for certain?
Thank you! This was the point I was trying to make. By all appearances she doesn’t care what her son did as there are plenty of reasons, stated by her for it. She just wants him free and not to die in prison. Imo
That’s clear but not going to happen. She’ll spend the rest of her life not getting it and “fighting” a lost cause. That is not romantic or constructive. Focus the energy somewhere positive.
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What I cannot get my head around is how much entitlement Cindy thinks she should have. CW is a grown man. As an adult he isn’t entitled to have his mom present. The letter to the judge is even more shocking to me then her comments at interview. Who requests a judge to call them re a high profile murder case? It’s not like you’ve missed a parent teacher conference and need to reschedule. It’s mindboggling. IMO

This is flipping insane. If she wants to contact her son, she can contact his lawyers who can let him know to call her. She can hire her own lawyer to contact his lawyers to ask him to call her. She cannot ask a friend to write to the judge, privately, to ask him to intervene, this is unbelievable.
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Do we know that for certain?
Yes, he is not a minor, ask the lawyers on this thread. Edited to add this is a very high profile case with very experienced death penalty lawyers, it is being supervised and watched closely. He may not be communicating on the advice of his lawyers but the final decision is Chris’s.
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She has no more legal access to her son than anyone else. I understand the torture of not knowing how/why the plea happened but Chris is not being denied access to communicate with his family, he is choosing to not communicate with them and there is nothing they can do about it.

Then perhaps someone should have the good grace to tell them that and to keep quiet? Where is the support system for this family? What about the social worker referred to in the letter to the court?

The 30 minute meeting he has with each member of his family would have been an ideal opportunity for him to tell them then, would it not? Why was he not allowed (according to the Watts family) to discuss this with them?

I do not agree with the way they have gone about this, but I can honestly see why they are frustrated.
What do you mean? Prisoners are allowed phone calls and visits. Why would you think CW might be denied the rights every other prisoner has?
This case has garnered so much attention that I imagine that everything has been done by the book. Even without the attention I doubt his rights would be denied. Jmo
Shouldn't she take it up with her son? Mrs Watts can publicly demand it, we can demand it here but it's not going to happen if CW doesn't want it to. Where is the misunderstanding? Are you calling foul play? Has CW's rights been violated? I can't see where this is heading because there's too many contradictions.
No, I am certainly not calling foul play! IMO you;re taking my post out of context.
IMO I think the point she is making is she CANT take this up with him. The letter filed by Non Party.pdf makes reference to being referred to a social worker, does anyone know if this is usual?
Social workers complete intake screenings and assessments and also crisis intervention (rumour is that he was suicidal), as well as general case management. They have knowledge of the DSM-V, and I would think would do some form of evaluation and therapy.
Then perhaps someone should have the good grace to tell them that and to keep quiet? Where is the support system for this family? What about the social worker referred to in the letter to the court?

The 30 minute meeting he has with each member of his family would have been an ideal opportunity for him to tell them then, would it not? Why was he not allowed (according to the Watts family) to discuss this with them?

I do not agree with the way they have gone about this, but I can honestly see why they are frustrated.

I’d bet money they’ve been told, multiple times.
I also happen to believe that they have probably been told all of this by legal professionals wishing to step in and help them, and they've ignored it because their ears have been bent in the other direction by those supporting their claims of foul. I think they are intent on taking over where CW left off. Doing their own trial as they would have imagined it playing out, in the public domain.

It is not a formal diagnosis, obviously. It is just a speculative description.

It's based upon more than just a couple of interviews. It is based upon a past pattern of behavior, on her part. [skipping her son's wedding because she and his fiance 'just couldn't get along.' Skipping her granddaughter's birthday parties, even one's in her town, because she didn't approve of their mother. On top of that, she fits perfectly within the description of the mothers of family annihilators.]

Let's not forget the ice cream incident where she pitted the two sisters against each other. That was the first clue for me, as far as what SW had to deal with.
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