Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #50

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I'm behind on media, so I don't know if this specific quote has been posted. This sure isn't "I don't know what happened, but I'd like to know."

Despite Plea, Chris Watts' Mom Doesn't Believe He Killed His Kids: 'He Couldn't Have Done That'

“He went into a rage, and he killed her when he saw her strangling Celeste,” Cindy Watts insisted in the interview, adding that she’s unable to talk to her son to convince him to rescind his guilty plea.

Wow. Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.
Note, these parents have not said a public work about why, exactly, he didn't call 911 to try to save a few lives.
Yes. Had he avoided her years sooner he might possibly not even be in jail right now. The wedge she put in his marital relationship all those years probably figured significantly into his loathing and resentment.
And yet his parents came and looked after the girls when her and Chris were on a getaway.
Yes, hopefully in time their delusions and victim-blaming will be replaced by understanding and repentance towards Shannan's family. Maybe. And their son needs to face them personally and tell them what he did without excuses.

I agree. I hope they come to terms with reality and they apologize to SW’s family.
Personally I doubt that CW was controlled or abused by his parents (or anyone else) at any point. At present there is no evidence of that and in fact his parents have gone to regrettable lengths to defend him. He is not a victim in any way IMO.

I still think that the most effective way and perhaps the only way they might accept that he and he alone is responsible for the murders is for them to see him say it face to face. It might be the only way to shut them down and reflect on their own actions.
If CW can murder his pregnant wife and his two little girls he isn't so frail that he can't speak to his own mother.
On the other hand, this creature chose to kill his wife and children instead of completing an “emotional conversation” with his wife. An emotional conversation with Mommy appears to be something he’s avoidimg with all his might.
First everything was SW fault. Now it’s his defense attorneys fault. Everyone is always doing poor CW wrong. When is it ever going to be his fault? I don’t think I’ve ever seen people assign less responsibility on a multiple murderer in my life.
I imagine many parents would drive themselves crazy wondering where they went wrong, regardless if they had a hand in hand in it. I am 100% confident this woman has not, is not and will not ever ask herself that question. And perhaps she should.
I imagine many parents would drive themselves crazy wondering where they went wrong, regardless if they had a hand in hand in it. I am 100% confident this woman has not, is not and will not ever ask herself that question. And perhaps she should.

I agree. She’s not going to. At this point it’s all about her. The interview was full of I’s and I want’s. It appears her biggest frustration is not with whether her son did it but solely with not getting her own way and being in control.
I imagine many parents would drive themselves crazy wondering where they went wrong, regardless if they had a hand in hand in it. I am 100% confident this woman has not, is not and will not ever ask herself that question. And perhaps she should.

Yes, if it were my son, even if it wasn’t my fault in any way, I know I would feel so guilty and so apologetic to the victims family. To the world. I wouldn’t be able to apologize enough. It would humble me like nothing ever could. We are not seeing that. We are seeing blame and anger. It’s not a good look.
How? I want to understand.
There have been several excellent posts about FAs typically coming from homes w/NPD parents. And several articles/ descriptions detailing what NPD is, what people w/NPD do. Her public behavior in the last few days, plus some videos of family interaction noted earlier IMO and many others matches that description exactly.
I agree. She’s not going to. At this point it’s all about her. The interview was full of I’s and I want’s. It appears her biggest frustration is not with whether her son did it but solely with not getting her own way and being in control.

It sure is coming across that way which is very ironic since she seemed to consider SW controlling.
K Almand self identified herself on HLN's "On the Story" as Executive Producer of the podcast. She gave a call-in interview to HLN, and described the court room atmosphere during CW last hearing. She's not believed to have any legal experience, and no confirmed family, or friend. MOO
I think it would be in the courts best interest to deny KA access to the courtroom on Monday. Not only has she breached confidentiality and court orders by tweeting from the courtroom during the reading of the plea deal, she also penned the letter to the judge on behalf of Ms Watts, accusing the system of actions that are, in her words, "inhumane". At this point, she is preying on Ms Watts and her weakened state, for her own gain and notoriety. Unfortunately she is using what appears to be a very emotionally, unstable human being /Ms Watts who MAY ( not saying she is) be on the brink of an emotional &/or nervous breakdown. Not something anyone one of us would want to see happen. I hope the court/ judge sees the potential disaster this could cause, and deny KA any and all access inside the courtroom for the best interest for everyone.
I don't really read much off this board but I know many of you do, what is the reason some think CW's attorneys coerced him to plead guilty? What is their benefit? I'm just wondering what the reason is for them to talk him into pleading and then not want his family or anyone to be able to talk him out of it. Or if any of our attorneys on the board have ideas, please share.
Mrs. Watts said that his attorneys were just concerned about saving his life. She doesn't think they are trying to get him off. She wants to go to trial so he won't spend life in prison. That's the outcome she wants, regardless if he did it or not. She came right out and said that when asked if she considered if he had actually done this. And she said, "Yes, but I want him to fight it!"

Reporter: "Have you reconciled the idea that he could have done all of this?"
Mrs. Watts: "Yes. And it scares me to death. But I don't see why he is pleading guilty. I wouldn't. I'd fight. I'd fight to the end!"

Like another poster here said, I think she really does want an OJ/Casey Anthony outcome.

In this Watts media interview: Chris Watts' parents break their silence after son's guilty plea in murder of wife, daughters

The reporter specifically asked, "Do you guys think he was coerced at all?" and Mrs. Watts answered, "I don't know. I don't know. He..uh.. I have no idea what the public... - to me, all they wanted to do was save his life. Save his life. Well to me, save his life and life in prison, to me there's no difference."

She really just doesn't like the outcome. She wants a better sentence than life in prison, regardless of what he did, and because that is not on the table as an offer, she thinks this qualifies as inhumane treatment by the public defenders office.

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I'm not giving simple yes or no because if you take the time to read back on my posts you will see I never once said or even implied this.
Perhaps you didn’t. For some posters SW’s mere existence and the fact she was murdered by a trim guy in a special shirt was reason enough to bash her. They didn’t need denial— maybe Mrs W doesn’t need it either.
CW's father said in one of the interviews that something must be wrong because everything has happened so fast. I have seen many other postings on other social media platforms where people are demanding a trial "for SW". The only way this would go to trial is if CW pleaded not guilty. There is no reason to go to trial if he pleaded guilty. I am relieved it is not going to trial. It would cost taxpayers millions and would be a circus. Obviously, there is too much evidence pointing to CW and no alternative scenario. So many people out there want sensationalism and are downright hysterical about it. This will be over soon. We will have the information that has been kept under wraps and people who have not been able to talk will be able to do so. I am sure there will be books and interviews. The legal system is working in this case.
I think it would be in the courts best interest to deny KA access to the courtroom on Monday. Not only has she breached confidentiality and court orders by tweeting from the courtroom during the reading of the plea deal, she also penned the letter to the judge on behalf of Ms Watts, accusing the system of actions that are, in her words, "inhumane". At this point, she is preying on Ms Watts and her weakened state, for her own gain and notoriety. Unfortunately she is using what appears to be a very emotionally, unstable human being /Ms Watts who MAY ( not saying she is) be on the brink of an emotional &/or nervous breakdown. Not something anyone one of us would want to see happen. I hope the court/ judge sees the potential disaster this could cause, and deny KA any and all access inside the courtroom for the best interest for everyone.
Maybe someone should write a letter to the judge amd suggest it.
A man murders his pregnant wife and 2 babies. If that doesn’t deserve life in prison, nothing does. Whether he’s your son or not. She’s his mother. She can think of him whatever she wants but she cannot expect the legal system or the people of the world to agree with her. Every murderer is someone’s son.

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