Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #50

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I honestly think Mom doesn’t want CW to plead guilty or be found guilty because she would consider that as SW “winning”. It feels like, for her, there was a very Us vs Them thing going on with the families. JMO. I think Christopher fueled that fire from the get go and made it worse for all of the them.
Im sure most will not agree with me but I feel bad for his Mom too. I have a son same age as Chris. We are very close and I don’t have NPD. Im sure I would be in denial If my son did this as I would want to talk to him as well, get answers and not be shut out left in the dark. Maybe Chris doesn’t want her to visit and hasn’t been told. I’m sure she’s grieving the loss of her Son and what mom wants to believe her son wiped out an entire family? She sounds very desperate and looking for answers from her son. I think many of you who are not walking in her shoes are being quite judgmental. Of course she’s going to blame SW who wants to think the son you love could do this without reason.
I disagree, I don’t think it’s judgemental to call it like it is. She has no respect for anyone including her son. She did not respect his decision to love and marry and have children. She has not accepted his decision to take a plea. I think it goes way beyond a loving mother not wanting to accept he has committed such a heinous crime. I also don’t think it is a given that any mother would put the blame on another. MOO.
As distasteful and toxic as Mrs. Watts is, I don’t hold her responsible or culpable in any way for this tragedy, the sole responsibility lies with Chris. While his environment, his upbringing may have enabled him, the decision still lies with Chris. There are plenty of people raised in that type of environment who don’t choose murder to solve their problem, the ones who do have that extra defect that allows killing to be a choice.
As distasteful and toxic as Mrs. Watts is, I don’t hold her responsible or culpable in any way for this tragedy, the sole responsibility lies with Chris. While his environment, his upbringing may have enabled him, the decision still lies with Chris. There are plenty of people raised in that type of environment who don’t choose murder to solve their problem, the ones who do have that extra defect that allows killing to be a choice.

Millions and millions of people would like a family member to explain their bad/hurtful behavior to them. Some will get their explanation. Many will not, but almost no one is going to throw a 4 day long public temper tantrum insulting a dead woman because they don’t. Mrs W is not getting what she wants and she doesn’t like it. Like a three year old she’s throwing a tantrum. IMO she could benefit greatly from a session in the time out corner.
I have one little bit of sympathy for her at this stage. And that is: here is a couple torn beyond belief (except they didn't actually lose THEIR kid), and along come new chatty anti-SW SM sites, and get this...a "producer". All willing to exploit her pain and rub alcohol and salt in it.
Anyone who is media savvy, like most ppl on this board could have told her she was hooking up with those who don't have her own interests in mind.
I honestly think Mom doesn’t want CW to plead guilty or be found guilty because she would consider that as SW “winning”. It feels like, for her, there was a very Us vs Them thing going on with the families. JMO. I think Christopher fueled that fire from the get go and made it worse for all of the them.
Interesting point. The whole he was leaving HER statement at interview came across to me as smug
I wonder if CW ever really told his family anything about Shanann or if his mother made that up in her mind. In my opinion, she is very capable of that. Look how she has built it up in her mind that the defense attorney's coerced him into a plea deal. That Shanann isolated Chris from them. She is very capable of taking any thought and running with it.
CW acted very differently, depending on who he was with. He tells his family he’s miserable and scared of his wife. When he’s with SW he says he wants to make a baby. He did say in that pregnancy reveal video, “When you want to, it happens.” When he’s with his and SW’s friends, they say, he’s a loving and devoted husband. When he’s with his AP’s he’s a cheater. Who is Chris Watts?
Millions and millions of people would like a family member to explain their bad/hurtful behavior to them. Some will get their explanation. Many will not, but almost no one is going to throw a 4 day long public temper tantrum insulting a dead woman because they don’t. Mrs W is not getting what she wants and she doesn’t like it. Like a three year old she’s throwing a tantrum. IMO she could benefit greatly from a session in the time out corner.
I think also it's a bit of a smokescreen for something else. We may be being diverted by this whole front of their grievance being about CW being railroaded by his attorneys. They've actually not made that the main focus of their interviews.

They are running a trial defence of sorts because their son chose not to do it. They are presenting the case they hoped he and his lawyers would do. People who don't follow the case like we do will be left with those impressions of the marital relationship because they didn't hear the State's full case. I think that could be what they are doing with these interviews. If they wanted new lawyers for him it was very simple to ask him before he signed the plea deal. They had 90 minutes with him altogether.
Very well said, and I almost totally agree.

Except, for the “nothing judgmental part.”

I’m being judgmental as hell, and I make no apologies to these vicious people.

Agreed. I am absolutely judging the Watts family due to their actions. I understand the desperate part and everything they've done or said UNTIL they begin bashing their dead daughter in law.

That's controllable. And many families refrain from conducting themselves in such a low class and despicable manner in the face of such personal tragedy.

I have learned that how we react to our own personal tragedies in life or major life stressors says EVERYTHING about who we are as a person.

I wish some of the voices calling loudly for the Watts family not to be judged for their horrible, unbearably hurtful (to SW's loved ones) behavior, had also stood up when a poor dead woman was condemned on here and given no quarter for every last move she made and thing she said in her home and MLM videos.
That would explain this major avoidance lol
He has probably never stood up to her in his entire life. We saw how he followed his wife's directions without a complaint. I think he needed someone to run his life for him and when Shanann took his mother's place his mother simply could not stand it. She was bound to resent her no matter what. Now it's the lawyers he is listening to him instead of her. I think she is enraged to have all the control taken from her. Maybe the lawyers recognized this and that's why they discouraged him from talking to them. They knew she would just complicate things. Even though it's over, she just has to have her say. And in a HUGE way! She has made sure she cannot be ignored anymore. Not that it will change anything. Could she really believe that it could? Imo
I have one little bit of sympathy for her at this stage. And that is: here is a couple torn beyond belief (except they didn't actually lose THEIR kid), and along come new chatty anti-SW SM sites, and get this...a "producer". All willing to exploit her pain and rub alcohol and salt in it.
Anyone who is media savvy, like most ppl on this board could have told her she was hooking up with those who don't have her own interests in mind.

When people are going through a traumatic life event such as this they are vulnerable and can be easily persuaded. There’s a reason laws are in place to protect people who are vulnerable. The people looking to gain something by taking advantage of the situation should be held accountable for their actions - it’s disgusting!!!
I agree and IMO the most sensible post I've seen in the last day or so. The Watts' need closure too.
Nikynoo, I am sorry for what you are going through, whatever that may be. The Watts do need closure and I am not one to blame the parents when their child does something horrific. However, she made a statement that even though he is guilty, he should fight. She said she would. That’s where I would draw the line. So his mom finds out he committed four horrific murders, he admits it, and yet his mom wants him to fight against being punished?
I am sorry! As much as it would destroy me and break my heart, I would want him to accept his punishment, as he certainly would deserve it. It is about taking responsibility.
When people are going through a traumatic life event such as this they are vulnerable and can be easily persuaded. There’s a reason laws are in place to protect people who are vulnerable. The people looking to gain something by taking advantage of the situation should be held accountable for their actions - it’s disgusting!!!
IMO the same thing happened to poor Mrs. Holloway Twitty. She was encouraged by TV ppl to say anything at all, and so she did, without filter, and ratings zoomed up. For THEM, attracting all sorts of kooks to feed on her pain. - courtroom change.pdf
"Based on the limited seating capacity in Division 17, the sentencing hearing will be held in Division 16, a courtroom that has greater seating capacity. However, Division 17 will be utilized for overflow seating and will offer live video streaming of the sentencing hearing."
The only fear I have is what if the camera equipment fails in some way. Will they be allowed to have back up equipment just in case. It says they aren't allowed to even change a lens during proceedings.

eta not the file linked in your post but the order that was linked earlier.
CW acted very differently, depending on who he was with. He tells his family he’s miserable and scared of his wife. When he’s with SW he says he wants to make a baby. He did say in that pregnancy reveal video, “When you want to, it happens.” When he’s with his and SW’s friends, they say, he’s a loving and devoted husband. When he’s with his AP’s he’s a cheater. Who is Chris Watts?
Which is why I repeat my opinion that he will do just fine in prison, unless of course he is murdered.
No worries about paying bills, 3 squares a day, healthcare, access to libraries in some places, TV, maybe computers?, no leaky roof, showers without ever having to fix the water heater, etc. He won't have to vacillate amongst his various personas in order to please females. I could foresee that he might even convince other inmates that he took one for the wife, to save her reputation. He will probably also have an anvil taken off his chest in that he really doesn't have to see Mom ever again.
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Mrs. Watts seems in total denial what the charges against her son actually entail and the legal criminal penalties for them. The DA was not willing to take anything off the table but the death penalty. And the only reason they conceded on that was because SW's family did not want it, the realistic likelihood of it ever being implemented, and putting everyone through a lengthy, emotional, and expensive trial weighed with the strength of the case against CW. I believe they thought they had enough to get a death penalty conviction if needed.

She also seems to think it's unconstitutional if the public defender's office doesn't put on a Johnny Cochran type case. I guess if you want that - then pay up. Pull in every resource and fight. Don't take amateur "counsel" from a podcaster who emails judges to call the defendant's mommy. And there is no guarantee that even an experienced, top criminal defense attorney can do a thing to get CW acquitted. But if you don't want a public defender for a death penalty case, then go find a Colorado criminal defense attorney!

Ironically as others mentioned here, by NOT letting CW discuss the case with her and inadvertently say something on record, his terrible, inhumane public defenders are demonstrating how they are protecting his constitutional rights and best interests.
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