Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #50

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I imagine many parents would drive themselves crazy wondering where they went wrong, regardless if they had a hand in hand in it. I am 100% confident this woman has not, is not and will not ever ask herself that question. And perhaps she should.
Has anyone read the book Dylan Klebold's mother wrote? He was one of the Columbine shooters. It really takes you through her process of having to reconcile and accept that her son was responsible. It is heartbreaking but very eye opening. Time, therapy, compassion, acceptance and grace. Hard work. She worked with her attorney and other groups to guide her through, when to reach out, and when to say nothing out of respect.
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As usual, I’m many pages behind again, but I would just like to say that there is a difference between having difficulty accepting that your child could murder his family, and actively bashing and disparaging the victim. What Mrs. Watts is doing is manipulative and IMO, pretty disgusting. You can express your disbelief without making all of those comments about SW.

It’s also interesting to me that despite trying to internet diagnose SW with everything under the sun, people now think we shouldn’t internet diagnose Mrs. Watts. As I said many, many times with SW, you can’t diagnose someone from media appearances. However, based on what we’ve seen from Mrs. Watts, she does seem to be exhibiting some traits that might be consistent with a personality disorder. She’s definitely trying to manipulate the situation. JMO.
There will be a lot of talk after sentencing and for awhile after the evidence is released but this case will be over shortly after that. I’m sure his family will continue to advocate for him but the podcast and loud supporters will move on to the next big case. And so on and so on.
As usual, I’m many pages behind again, but I would just like to say that there is a difference between having difficulty accepting that your child could murder his family, and actively bashing and disparaging the victim. What Mrs. Watts is doing is manipulative and IMO, pretty disgusting. You can express your disbelief without making all of those comments about SW.

It’s also interesting to me that despite trying to internet diagnose SW with everything under the sun, people now think we shouldn’t internet diagnose Mrs. Watts. As I said many, many times with SW, you can’t diagnose someone from media appearances. However, based on what we’ve seen from Mrs. Watts, she does seem to be exhibiting some traits that might be consistent with a personality disorder. She’s definitely trying to manipulate the situation. JMO.
Thank you! I wanted to seek your opinion but couldn’t remember your handle.
I don't really read much off this board but I know many of you do, what is the reason some think CW's attorneys coerced him to plead guilty? What is their benefit? I'm just wondering what the reason is for them to talk him into pleading and then not want his family or anyone to be able to talk him out of it. Or if any of our attorneys on the board have ideas, please share.

The reason I see most often is that the PD is incompetent and wants this over as quickly as possible. Not my opinion - just what I've seen tossed around.

There must be protocol for all the news agencies to join the pool and assign one reputable entity to do the filming. But that's interesting where it says basically that if they can't agree on who is doing the pool feed, then no media of that type is allowed!

"If no agreement can be reached on either of these matters, there shall be no expanded media coverage of that type."

I wonder how the ragtag blogs and pods get their elbows into the stew.

There appear to be two blog/vlog/podcast requests. Neither of those two had a plan for pooling like in the established media requests. The established media requests all offer to be at least one of the pooling sources or to cooperate with others if others are the pooling source. I'm not sure how the blog/vlog/podcast media would get access to the feed if they don't have a connection with one of the established media already. It will be interesting and I've been watching on FB to see if they say anything about their plan.

I saw on some of the requests submitted that the major networks have already agreed to work with each other prior to this being granted. I imagine the ‘ragtag blogs and pods’ will be doing a lot of second hand reporting

Yep! This will be very interesting.
I blame Chris for a lot but I really can't blame him for not facing them. Look at the lengths she has gone to, to force him to speak to her. In my opinion, he was absolutely stuck in an abusive relationship, with his mother.
I think that much of her wailing is aimed straight at him, not at the PDs, not at the courts. From every way a layperson like me can see it he has 86d her (old bar term) from his life: he chose to exclude her from the case for 3 months; he chose to let her be shocked to the core at the sudden plea deal, which could have triggered a heart attack in some; and he does not appear to be buying her spiel that he is innocent and needs a new lawyer.

She's just screaming as loud as she can to reach him in jail. He's got his hands over his ears.

It never occurred to me to ask about his family except for the "private meeting before he told the truth" anecdote. I had no idea what they were like. I figured they were like SW's folks, quiet and decent.
CWs actions are silently killing his mother. He is a cold hearted killer.
I agree completely. He is a coward. A coward murders his innocent family because he can’t face his wife to tell her he’s not man enough to work thru their relationship issues.

A coward can’t face his mother to tell the truth. Geezuz. The only person who could excuse his abhorrent behavior is Cindy Watts and he is too much of a coward still.

And obviously too much of a coward to sit thru trial to have his double life exposed to all to see.
It never occurred to me to ask about his family except for the "private meeting before he told the truth" anecdote. I had no idea what they were like. I figured they were like SW's folks, quiet and decent.


I assumed the same. I thought we hadn’t heard from them because they were deeply ashamed of CW.

These past couple days have been enlightening.
And yet his parents came and looked after the girls when her and Chris were on a getaway.
They did, and I think that shows some graciousness from both sides, Shanann letting them be part of the girls life and Mrs. Watts agreeing to do it. There is no denying the dislike they had for Shanann, they have literally said she is the reason everything went wrong.
No, they haven't. They are victims too, they want to know why and they want their son to tell them why.
Millions and millions of people would like a family member to explain their bad/hurtful behavior to them. Some will get their explanation. Many will not, but almost no one is going to throw a 4 day long public temper tantrum insulting a dead woman because they don’t. Mrs W is not getting what she wants and she doesn’t like it. Like a three year old she’s throwing a tantrum. IMO she could benefit greatly from a session in the time out corner.
They did, and I think that shows some graciousness from both sides, Shanann letting them be part of the girls life and Mrs. Watts agreeing to do it. There is no denying the dislike they had for Shanann, they have literally said she is the reason everything went wrong.
But it wasn’t JUST for Shanann it was for mommy’s boy too. I imagine that’s how Cindy looked at it.

I assumed the same. I thought we hadn’t heard from them because they were deeply ashamed of CW.

These past couple days have been enlightening.
Yet we did wonder about them breaking down and crying during the plea being due to the fact that they were in denial and were hearing it for the first time. I think they were shocked and have just begun the process of coming to terms with it. Imo
I agree completely. He is a coward. A coward murders his innocent family because he can’t face his wife to tell her he’s not man enough to work thru their relationship issues.

A coward can’t face his mother to tell the truth. Geezuz. The only person who could excuse his abhorrent behavior is Cindy Watts and he is too much of a coward still.

And obviously too much of a coward to sit thru trial to have his double life exposed to all to see.

Exactly. He is killing his mom just as he killed his wife, only he’s killing his mom emotionally and mentally. I think there’s a strong possibility he put a wedge between his mom and SW from the start.
This is all on him.
Yes, they were sealed but maybe, they can be unsealed in the future? Idk.


On September 24, 2018 this Court issued an Order (C-15) requiring the Weld County Sheriff’s Office to provide this Court with a sealed copy of jail visitor logs involving the defendant by the 10th day of each month. On October 10, 2018 the Court received and reviewed the contents of a sealed envelope containing jail visitor logs involving the defendant for the dates of August 16, 2018 through and including October 8, 2018. C19 REGARDING CONFIDENTIAL JAIL VISITORS LOG.pdf
Thank you!
I agree and IMO the most sensible post I've seen in the last day or so. The Watts' need closure too.

And the first step needed for closure:
1.) Take full responsibility for yourself.
It's ultimately up to you to take the necessary actions to help move you forward. Have conversations with yourself, both asking and answering your own questions in a form of a "self-dialogue".
  • What or whom are you holding onto? Why?
  • Does holding on truly make you happy, or are you hanging on to a situation the way it once was, or the way you wished it had been, instead of how it actually turned out?
  • Are you using this "holding on" as an excuse to stay stuck and unresolved? In other words, is dwelling in the past taking you away from moving toward your future?
  • Are you trying to avoid dealing with loss and the void that loss creates?
  • If you're willing to let go, what does that really mean? What will you have to do?
  • Are you afraid of not knowing what the outcome will be?
  • Ultimately, what do you believe will happen to you if you let go?
Being as honest as you can be will pay off in the long run. The pain, hurt, anger, and disappointment will diminish once you've cleared the way to a better, more realistic understanding of the situation.

They are not responsible for his actions, they are responsible for theirs.
@gitana1 Hi Gitana1, I’ve got another question, if you’ll be so kind. Is there a way around having your conversation recorded while visiting an accused prisoner in jail? Like bringing in a tablet and a pencil when you visit, and don’t talk, but write out your conversation, then take the pages with you when you leave and immediately destroy them? Or would the guards confiscate them as you exit the room? Or would they even let you bring a tablet and pencil in the room?

You can't bring stuff like that usually. So there is no way for anyone except attorneys and experts to have unrecorded conversations.

That being said, why does the Watts family think the inexplicably corrupt and colluding public defender has control over the jail?

The Watts family can send as many letters to CW as they want. Including demands that he rethink his plea, that he speak to private counsel, statements about how there are all sorts of fans of his out there who find Shanann to be a monster and he to be a poor, henpecked abuse victim.

He can also use the phone to contact them collect. And can likely send letters using stubby pencils or crayons if he is on suicide watch still. Which he should be.
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