Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #50

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Plenty of people do it. If he took his kids to his sisters on a vacation, there is nothing his wife can do until she filed for a custody hearing. If he was truly worried she was violent, he could get an attorney and file for an emergency hearing, to show evidence of that claim.
Would he not be charged with kidnapping?
Thing is I have no clue if this letter is real or not or if there was any sort of abuse but this case aside is it that easy to just leave and take your kids with you?

Yes. Like I've personally said before. If he could figure out how to murder 3 people and shove them in his truck in garbage bags, he probably could have figured out how to pack a suitcase or 2. Lord knows his mommy would have rushed to help him in a heartbeat. If he wanted to leave with those girls it would have been the best day of her entire life and by now we all know it. She's made sure of that.

Would he not be charged with kidnapping?

Not with his own children. They were married, not separated, and there was no custody agreement therefore they both had equal rights to the children. He could have gone to court and instantly filed for a protective order and for full custody.
Oh, there are lots of losers here.

Losers who continue to push a narrative of lies, hate, and deceit.

A narrative that turns the victim into a villain, and the villain into some sort of misunderstood victim.

Losers who seek to profit, and those who take pleasure in tearing down the innocent.

Losers who were blind to facts, and those who still are.

Losers who are quick to spot the imperfections in others, while neglecting to see their own.

This case has brought out the worst in some people, and I can think of no better word in which to describe them.


I'd like to think I could say this better, but I couldn't. Well done.
I wonder if the reason he requested to have his approved visitor list sealed was he didn’t want people to know Mommy wasn’t on his list.
I'd have to find the motion, but I don't believe it's the approved visitor list but the Visitors log that CW defense requested sealed. The list of who you approve to visit you can change from week to week. Essentially, we don't know who visited CW in jail.
Not sure it is this complicated. Maybe Chris Watts was rageful towards his mother. Or maybe, he simply exchanged one woman who as feeding him and ironing his clothes for another one who was doing exactly the same. (Because give or take, Shanann took a good care of Chris).

I think he killed because for some reason he thought it would be a convenient way out, and also, well, all these life insurances could have come in handy.
im with you charlot.
good ol 'I like these t-shirts ALOT" imo didn't have a whole lot going on upstairs.

imo he was simply a dumb ...numb.....cold hearted disconnected self indulgent pig who didn't want to spend his life paying child support upon his exit. :oops:

the truly devastating component here is had he walked away …..still participated in his childrens lives ...the joy to come from them watching them grow......become amazing adults is... Im sure I speak for most of us here....the most satisfying part of life.
it would have surprised him. they wouldn't have been a financial burden to him forever.
the new baby was, in his mind another 20years of commitment to shanann he just didn't want.
and I reckon the straw that broke the camels back.
all speculation on my part.

also knowing what we know likely in his ear chronically winding him up possibly feed the monster brewing.o_O
I'd have to find the motion, but I don't believe it's the approved visitor list but the Visitors log that CW defense requested sealed. The list of who you approve to visit you can change from week to week. Essentially, we don't know who visited CW in jail.
Good to know, thanks! Did they approve his request to seal it? I’m not sure if I ever heard.
Yes. Like I've personally said before. If he could figure out how to murder 3 people and shove them in his truck in garbage bags, he probably could have figured out how to pack a suitcase or 2. Lord knows his mommy would have rushed to help him in a heartbeat. If he wanted to leave with those girls it would have been the best day of her entire life and by now we all know it. She's made sure of that.

Not with his own children. They were married, not separated, and there was no custody agreement therefore they both had equal rights to the children. He could have gone to court and instantly filed for a protective order and for full custody.
To be honest I wasn't talking about Chris, but in general regarding these situations.
I'd have to find the motion, but I don't believe it's the approved visitor list but the Visitors log that CW defense requested sealed. The list of who you approve to visit you can change from week to week. Essentially, we don't know who visited CW in jail.

Is there any possibility this could be unsealed and released after sentencing? Or do sealed items stay sealed forever?

It would be interesting to know if he had any personal visitors and just chose to exclude his family, and if he had any psych professionals or evals.
Thank you, @PrimeSuspect, for your kindness & thoughtful response. It feels really good to be acknowledged! As you know, people with NPD can come across as charming to those unfamiliar with their mask. Even to their own victims, they can wear one mask at home and another in public, which is confusing for the victim, and the casual observer may never know what is lurking there under the surface. All of my friends thought my mom was wonderful because of how she treated them (sometimes in such a caring manner as to get a reaction out of me. Picture the daughter who never gets to sit on mom's lap, watching mom invite another child to cuddle.), and treated me in front of them. Narcissists can be very passive aggressive.

It is so completely a form of brain washing. You question them, you question yourself, you forgive them, you hate them, you love them, you pull away, they pull you back just to push you away. Such a mess! I had a few lightbulb moments, but the big one came when I had to choose between the welfare of myself and my child, and the welfare of my mom. She was forcing me to choose, with her irrational moods & tantrums. I didn't choose my mom. I think that she still blames me for her reactions and I have to tell you, I couldn't care less if she does. She blew that facade wide open in a huge way, and I feel sad for her, but not sad enough to be a victim again. During that time, I had to really dig deep and rely upon my own strengths and those of my husband, even though part of me just wanted "my mom"; the mom who existed only in my imagination.

I have so much empathy for SW, she must have stumbled into that family and had a big WTH moment. I am sure that CW played one face to her and another to his mom. His mom played one face to the rest of their family and friends, another to SW & yet one more to CW. How frustrating the whole thing must have been.
I wonder if CW ever really told his family anything about Shanann or if his mother made that up in her mind. In my opinion, she is very capable of that. Look how she has built it up in her mind that the defense attorney's coerced him into a plea deal. That Shanann isolated Chris from them. She is very capable of taking any thought and running with it.
To be honest I wasn't talking about Chris, but in general regarding these situations.

In general it would be quite possible and legal as the last part of my post. And he would have had a lot more help than most genuinely abused people who need to get out of a dangerous marriage. Many have no resources and no option but a shelter.

Here though, we are and were talking about Chris, and his inability to leave a marriage he just didn’t want, rather than to kill his wife and children, so it does directly relate and is hard to disconnect from, IMO.
In general it would be quite possible and legal as the last part of my post. And he would have had a lot more help than most genuinely abused people who need to get out of a dangerous marriage. Many have no resources and no option but a shelter.

Here though, we are and were talking about Chris, and his inability to leave a marriage he just didn’t want, rather than to kill his wife and children, so it does directly relate and is hard to disconnect from, IMO.
Yes of course I appreciate your explanation in the last part. I just didn't want to be misquoted that I was implying that killing his wife and children were a better option. As per my OP which in no way implied I thought anything of the sort.
Yes, hopefully in time their delusions and victim-blaming will be replaced by understanding and repentance towards Shannan's family. Maybe. And their son needs to face them personally and tell them what he did without excuses.
I blame Chris for a lot but I really can't blame him for not facing them. Look at the lengths she has gone to, to force him to speak to her. In my opinion, he was absolutely stuck in an abusive relationship, with his mother.
BTW, poor Rzuceks! Not only did they lose their daughter and grandchildren in such a horrible way, not only did they have to be privy to all hatred the Internet spilled over their innocent daughter, not only did they have to hear from their once trusted son-in-law the admission of guilt, now they have to deal with absolutely inappropriate reaction of CW’s parents.
They have been dealt blow after blow. My heart hurts for them.
keeping the dream alive for the true believers.

hopefully the dream for the rest of us is all this nonsense will be put to bed on Monday!

I disagree, I found this video to be informative.
I wonder if CW ever really told his family anything about Shanann or if his mother made that up in her mind. In my opinion, she is very capable of that. Look how she has built it up in her mind that the defense attorney's coerced him into a plea deal. That Shanann isolated Chris from them. She is very capable of taking any thought and running with it.

IMO People with NPD do have an alternative reality that they will swear by.
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