Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #51

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Chris Watts’ parents expected to make statement at Monday’s sentencing, letter claims son was coerced into plea
Cindy and Ronnie Watts, the parents of Frederick triple homicide suspect Chris Watts, filed an entry of appearance Wednesday in Weld District Court in hopes of making a statement at their son's sentencing hearing on Monday.

On Thursday, the Weld District Attorney's Office announced the sentencing hearing, which takes place at 10 a.m. Monday, has been moved to Division 16 from Division 17. Overflow will be held in Division 17, where a feed will be set up to allow stragglers to listen to the hearing.

The sentencing hearing is scheduled for two hours. It will be followed by a 1 p.m. news conference with the Weld District Attorney's Office.

Also on Monday, the court received an email from a “K Almand,” an assumed representative for Cindy and Ronnie Watts. In the letter to Judge Kopcow, Almand claims the Colorado Public Defenders Office, which is defending Watts, has denied Cindy and Ronnie access to their son.

Cindy, Ronnie and an unnamed sister finally gained access to Watts for 30 minutes each the night before the sentencing hearing, Almand claims. Cindy asked her son if a plea deal is what he wanted.

“Do not ask him that or we will shut this (expletive) down now,” said an unnamed attorney before Watts could respond, according to Almand’s letter.

Almand said that type of “bullying” has been common in the Watts family’s dealings with the public defender’s office.
Cindy Watts said in her extended interview that the public defenders told her they would defend CW if he wanted to go forward.... but HE didn't want to go forward. That sounds like some intense bullying.
In the 9News extended interview with CW mom at 1:25

Extended Interview: Cindy Watts, Chris Watts' mother, questions son's plea deal

Does anyone else think it is odd that she said “I would have never thought in a million years that anything like this could have ever happened to him.” Saying it happend to him seems to deflect any responsibility on his part. Like he was an innocent bystander or victim in all this MOO.

I hope the Watts family having some kind of counsel now (based on the latest filing) is a good thing and that she will be convinced the shut down The Cindy Show.

Edited to correct her quote.
Chris Watts’ parents expected to make statement at Monday’s sentencing, letter claims son was coerced into plea
Cindy and Ronnie Watts, the parents of Frederick triple homicide suspect Chris Watts, filed an entry of appearance Wednesday in Weld District Court in hopes of making a statement at their son's sentencing hearing on Monday.

On Thursday, the Weld District Attorney's Office announced the sentencing hearing, which takes place at 10 a.m. Monday, has been moved to Division 16 from Division 17. Overflow will be held in Division 17, where a feed will be set up to allow stragglers to listen to the hearing.

The sentencing hearing is scheduled for two hours. It will be followed by a 1 p.m. news conference with the Weld District Attorney's Office.

Also on Monday, the court received an email from a “K Almand,” an assumed representative for Cindy and Ronnie Watts. In the letter to Judge Kopcow, Almand claims the Colorado Public Defenders Office, which is defending Watts, has denied Cindy and Ronnie access to their son.

Cindy, Ronnie and an unnamed sister finally gained access to Watts for 30 minutes each the night before the sentencing hearing, Almand claims. Cindy asked her son if a plea deal is what he wanted.

“Do not ask him that or we will shut this (expletive) down now,” said an unnamed attorney before Watts could respond, according to Almand’s letter.

Almand said that type of “bullying” has been common in the Watts family’s dealings with the public defender’s office.
Hopefully that *advertiser censored* will be shut down even faster in the courtroom.
Now, as I know he was very open towards Nichol regarding his daughters, I'm starting to overthink my prior thoughts, that he really wanted to get rid of his entire family. a I always believed, that he killed the girls first - I still believe it somehow. But I can also see him ambushing Shannan (because he didn't know how to get out of his marriage, since he wasn't probably very honest to her!) and one or both of the little girls stepping right into the scene (perhaps Bella, since she was already a little bit older and could have been a witness to the crime?)
My personal issue with the theory that the girls were killed at the last minute - and not planned - is with his reactions the next day and days following. Going to work like nothing is wrong. If he truly loved those children in his own way and did not plan for their demise, I personally cannot reconcile both the dumping in crude oil tanks AND, even more importantly, his superhuman ability to go on immediately like nothing happened. I just can't believe it was unexpected as a result. I could be wrong - maybe he didn't plan to kill the girls and his lack of empathy/sociopathy (after all, he was planning to kill his wife) made it easy to "get over" their becoming collateral damage, so to speak, but I am unconvinced. Also, did he ever actually put anything down on a 2 or 3 bedroom apartment? That would be interesting to know. Maybe it was just all talk. IMO
A few statements from Mrs. Watts in the extended interview that caught my attention for various reasons:

The reporter did ask Mrs W. if CW played sports - so that is what prompted her to talk about CW’s love of sports and what sports he played and from what years, etc.

I can understand why she feels that there was nothing that could have predicted how this could have ever happened. Although she says she “never in a million years could have seen anything like this happening to him.” (As opposed to “by him.”)

“She [SW] always said a lot of things about Chris, in front of me, that I didn’t like." [Such as] "He looks like a skater boy.”

When the reporter asked about SW’s pregnancy and if CW was excited:
“No. I don’t think he was. I think it was a shock.”

When her husband called to say SW and the girls were missing, she said:
“I thought - I don’t believe it. I didn’t believe they were missing. I believe that she was going to punish Chris. She was just going to punish him, take the girls, and just punish him.” and “I was not worried. I just thought Shanann had run off. With the girls.”

When CW called his parents:
Mrs. W. asked, “Do you want us to come down now?”
CW said, “Tell Dad I need him. Tell Dad I need him to come down.”
Mrs W. said, “What about me?”
CW said, “No mom, just stay.”

Mrs W. said CW picked up his father from the airport and they drove to the police station and CW didn’t say anything to him. (That sounded believable imo.)

It does sound like she has tried hard to look back and see if there were any signs she should have picked up on. And that she is still not seeing any, other than he was quiet and somewhat socially awkward. I felt sympathy for her. I (imo) don’t think he showed signs or that it’s her fault. And in recent years, she said she only saw them about twice a year. (And to me, SW left the girls in his care that weekend and didn’t feel the girls were in danger.)

Mrs. W. sounds really, really stuck on the fact that CW told his father he didn’t do this and then the next thing they knew, he was taking a plea. It seems like that is supporting her magical thinking that maybe he didn’t do this. She so has a need to hear from him that he did what he is pleading to. I think she would believe it if he told her directly. (Justify it by what had triggered it, but believe it.)

His public defender said they could talk to CW after sentencing, but she is afraid that will be too late if he tells them after the fact that he took a plea but “really” didn’t do it.

I feel for her when I see how much she’s struggling to accept this. She truly needs this spelled out to her by CW that this is the truth. Otherwise, she is grasping to the hope that she doesn’t have to believe this. “Because he told his dad he didn’t do it.” She is stuck on that.

She also said that the public defenders told her they don't know what happened - only CW knows what happened. Based on that, she wants to conclude that what he said in the affidavit has to be the true story. But she does concede that they told her they would defend him if he wanted to go forward, but he didn’t want to go forward.

Her comments about SW sound bitter and spiteful, but I do sympathize for how conflicted she feels about her son pleading guilty to these crimes. It's like as long as she only has to think it's a "plea" - a concession he made in order to avoid the death penalty, she's in denial that he is admitting that he is guilty. She also doesn’t grasp that parents of adults don’t get to meddle in a criminal case and participate in his strategy talks.

Everything IMO.
Thank you so much for this post. I was at the point of delirium when I listened to it in the wee hours this morning and missed a LOT! :oops:
NK said CW needed her to help find an apartment for him and his daughters.

I would think he would look for an apartment for himself that has an extra bedroom to accommodate his share of visits.

It just makes it sound like the Mother is out of the picture and the girls will be living with him.

Could he have come back from the visit back home with an idea formulated to get rid of S that expanded after he spent one on one time and got a taste of life with the girls and no S?

That statement about the apartment makes me think premeditated.

I've gone back and forth on premeditation so many times, but the apartment deal (for him and the girls) makes me think he killed SW and the girls were witnesses. :(
BBM is this setting the stage for ineffective counsel?
IANAL, but it doesn't say that to me.

In the 9News extended interview with CW mom at 1:25

Extended Interview: Cindy Watts, Chris Watts' mother, questions son's plea deal

Does anyone else think it is odd that she said “I would have never thought in a million years that anything like this could have ever happened to him.” Saying it happend to him seems to deflect any responsibility on his part. Like he was an innocent bystander or victim in all this MOO.

I hope the Watts family having some kind of counsel now (based on the latest filing) is a good thing and that she will be convinced the shut down The Cindy Show.

Edited to correct her quote.
I am very concerned she will attempt, at least somewhat underhandedly, to take her Cindy Show to the courtroom on Monday during her victim impact statement. I do hope the Judge will shut her down if so. But I just cannot imagine her getting up there and, despite any well placed attorney advice beforehand, not taking an opportunity to at least subtly bash SW and question CW's guilt re the children. I hope I am wrong.
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The podcast people are idiots. At the end of the thing (so not worth listening to), they start going on about how it would be difficult to put the girls in two separate oil tanks, so there may have been a "third" person who helped him with the crime, and "someone" agreed with them and said yes, they thought so. And why is CW confessing to this if "someone else" did it. They are just so "open minded" that they are "throwing it out there." That an "unidentified assailant" could have also been there. And DNA could show that but they don't have a lot of faith in the "skill set" of the Weld County coroner's officer and were they "even looking" for other DNA and "how deep did they go" - I wish I was exaggerating on this drivel. I'm sorry, I had to turn it off. I cannot take her voice. I can't believe they just spew this insanity without repercussions.


On November 14, 2018 private counsel on behalf of Cindy and Ronnie Watts requested the filing of an Entry of Appearance in the above-referenced matter. Cindy and Ronnie Watts are the paternal grandparents of Bella Watts and Celeste Watts. The paternal grandparents are“victims” pursuant to C.R.S. 24-4.1-302(5). While not parties to the case, the paternal grandparents are afforded all the rights encompassed under C.R.S. 24-4.1-302.5 as crime victims of the child victims. These rights include making a written and/or oral victim impact statement. At the sentencing hearing scheduled for November 19, 2018 this Court will afford the paternal grandparents OR their designee and opportunity to deliver a victim impact statement. The Court does not authorize the acceptance of the Entry of Appearance.


Marcelo A. Kopcow District Court Judge
WHAT? OH NO! They are going to claim to be victims and blame Shanann. I hope someone has to approve their statement before it is read. Does someone approve statements before they are allowed?
Lol, the first person I thought of was Fran. Also Nancy Grace and Sarah Silverman. Just put all those together, @MsBetsy!

O/T, UltraViolet, my mother's favorite expression was Uff dah. Thanks for the smile. :) MOO
Exactly like FRAN -- but made infinitely more annoying because she is flippantly discussing heinous murder and casually tossing out ludicrous conspiracy theories, bashing the victim something fierce, and praising herself for her hard work "cultivating" her varied "sources." It is almost too much to bear to listen at this point. IMO
My personal issue with the theory that the girls were killed at the last minute - and not planned - is with his reactions the next day and days following. Going to work like nothing is wrong. If he truly loved those children in his own way and did not plan for their demise, I personally cannot reconcile both the dumping in crude oil tanks AND, even more importantly, his superhuman ability to go on immediately like nothing happened. I just can't believe it was unexpected as a result. I could be wrong - maybe he didn't plan to kill the girls and his lack of empathy/sociopathy (after all, he was planning to kill his wife) made it easy to "get over" their becoming collateral damage, so to speak, but I am unconvinced. Also, did he ever actually put anything down on a 2 or 3 bedroom apartment? That would be interesting to know. Maybe it was just all talk. IMO

Yes, it wouldn't explain what he did to their bodies and how he behaved after they were dead. I never saw or considered him as a loving father after the knowledge and the interview. But Nichol didn't seem to have a problem with him having kids. And my major thought was, that this was his entire problem. His family (including the babies) stood in his way. That was my reason just to overthink it a bit. So maybe he didn't thought of killing them first place but later had no problems doing it, because he "had" to?
Is it me, or does 6-8 weeks not seem long enough for CW to get deeply involved enough with NK to, what?, then kill Shanann and the girls? I understand that the marriage might have been on the rocks for a longer amount of time, but why would CW kill his family over someone he had been seeing for not even two months? Especially when she said she wanted to take things slowly. Would CW have killed his family if there were no affair partner? So is the affair partner (only) the partial motive? Or does the DA have something else entirely? If a 6-week affair is the motive, I’m sorry, but that is like high-school-type LAME.
WHAT? OH NO! They are going to claim to be victims and blame Shanann. I hope someone has to approve their statement before it is read. Does someone approve statements before they are allowed?

From what I’m reading the Victim Impact Statement is a written letter submitted to the judge and it can be read orally if the victim chooses to do so.

Under C.R.S.24-4.1-302.5 (g), a victim has the right to make a written and oral impact statement about the harm that the victim has sustained as a result of the crime. Victims may choose to submit both a written Victim Impact Statement and speak at the sentencing, only speak or only submit a Victim Impact Statement or do neither. The choice is up to a victim. The Victim Impact Statement can be a powerful tool in the recovery process for a victim from the trauma of a crime.

A Victim Impact Statement form accompanies the first letter sent from the District Attorney’s Office to a victim after charges have been filed for prosecution. The District Attorney’s Office will make every effort to insure that a completed Victim Impact Statement is available to the judge prior to the date of sentencing.

Victim Impact Statement Form | 17th Judicial District Attorney's Office
My personal issue with the theory that the girls were killed at the last minute - and not planned - is with his reactions the next day and days following. Going to work like nothing is wrong. If he truly loved those children in his own way and did not plan for their demise, I personally cannot reconcile both the dumping in crude oil tanks AND, even more importantly, his superhuman ability to go on immediately like nothing happened. I just can't believe it was unexpected as a result. I could be wrong - maybe he didn't plan to kill the girls and his lack of empathy/sociopathy (after all, he was planning to kill his wife) made it easy to "get over" their becoming collateral damage, so to speak, but I am unconvinced. Also, did he ever actually put anything down on a 2 or 3 bedroom apartment? That would be interesting to know. Maybe it was just all talk. IMO

Totally agree. I think we need to keep that perspective too. He cold bloodedly killed his daughter's and unborn son. I think going down the path of whether he did it on the spur of the moment as they were witnesses starts to justify what he did in some way. Eg he's not as bad as if he set out to kill them. I get that we are all struggling to understand and that's because what he did is unfathomable.

If he truly loved and wanted his kids he would not have killed them. He would have not desecrated their precious wee bodies by dumping them in oil tanks, standing in front of media without one ounce of emotion and lying to the AP and from what is reported by the Thayer's was not acting like a man whose beloved children died.

That is not the response of a man whose children died in a domestic crossfire gone wrong IMO
Is it me, or does 6-8 weeks not seem long enough for CW to get deeply involved enough with NK to, what?, then kill Shanann and the girls? I understand that the marriage might have been on the rocks for a longer amount of time, but why would CW kill his family over someone he had been seeing for not even two months? Especially when she said she wanted to take things slowly. Would CW have killed his family if there were no affair partner? So is the affair partner (only) the partial motive? Or does the DA have something else entirely? If a 6-week affair is the motive, I’m sorry, but that is like high-school-type LAME.

For some people it doesn't take long to get obsessed with somebody. Even if she wanted to take it slow he could have already fallen deeply in love with her. But I wouldn't be suprised if there had been also many other reasons/affairs/whatever.
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