Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #51

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I think they started dating in 2011, and were married in 2012. If my math is correct, that’s about a year.
Ok. And they were married for 6. I loved in Mrs Watts interview she said “as the years went on....”, like SW and CW had known each other and been together 10, 15, 20+ years. SW and CW knew each other for 7 years. I don’t feel they truly knew each other well. And I think CW has major personality issues. When Mrs Watts was asked how much she new about their marriage, she said “very little”, then proceeds to run off at the mouth. Ugh.
My personal issue with the theory that the girls were killed at the last minute - and not planned - is with his reactions the next day and days following. Going to work like nothing is wrong. If he truly loved those children in his own way and did not plan for their demise, I personally cannot reconcile both the dumping in crude oil tanks AND, even more importantly, his superhuman ability to go on immediately like nothing happened. I just can't believe it was unexpected as a result. I could be wrong - maybe he didn't plan to kill the girls and his lack of empathy/sociopathy (after all, he was planning to kill his wife) made it easy to "get over" their becoming collateral damage, so to speak, but I am unconvinced. Also, did he ever actually put anything down on a 2 or 3 bedroom apartment? That would be interesting to know. Maybe it was just all talk. IMO

I also think the girls were killed way before SW got home. I think she was so tired, took her shoes off, dropped her purse on the kitchen counter and left her suitcase at the bottom of the steps. The only thing she had with her was her phone. I think he was waiting for her in that little room upstairs and that is where he assaulted her and killed her on that couch where her phone was found. Breaks my heart.

The thing I find odd about the AP is saying she "barely knew CW" Yet they had been meeting 4 to 5 times a week. That is a lot of time together. IMO it doesn't go with her statement that she wanted to "take things slowly." I guess its human nature to present yourself in the best light.

And for CW mom to say he was "shocked" that SW was pregnant. I call BS. He didn't act "shocked" in that video. He acted surprised that it happened so quickly but not shocked or unhappy by any means. The ultimate manipulator.
I don't know if Nickole and Nichol will ever meet each other, but I think it's pretty great that they both played a huge part in nailing CW for his horrible crimes. Brought down by 2 smart women who share the same first name.
Is that called karma or the universe setting wrongs right or what? Two smart women indeed!
I must be missing something here. If someone had killed him it would be relevant, but he's alive. So what is their point?
That she is abusive, unstable, and capable of murder - hence - she was capable of killing his girls when he wanted to leave her to punish him - AND he was clearly an abused, beaten down husband who no longer had the agency to think in a moral and logical way - so he covered it all up, showed no remorse, and then was susceptible to a rogue, unethical defense team in cahoots with the DA and LE to keep him isolated and force him to plea to what he didn't do - so the DA and LE could protect SW's reputation and family from a trial that would expose all this. Sound ridiculous? You betcha! But that is what they are trying to sell on MRS podcasts, fan clubs, and the CW family interviews/leaks. IMO
Hell, no! I would never justify what this monster did! Neither to his wife nor to his beautiful children. Do you believe, that in this case, this would be excusable? Because I never wrote that!!!

Oh no! Gosh what I said wasn't directed at you at all! I'm so sorry it came across that way. I probably should have made my post clearer.

Just reread my post now and yes can see why you thought that. But most definitely not
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They have followers that still think that SW killed girls. That the mistress is just more proof that SW was in a rage when she came home and he said he wanted a divorce. It is just mind boggling to me how people can still support a murderer after so many of his lies are proven. Maybe on Monday they finally will
I don’t think they will change their minds unless there is very clear physical evidence he killed the girls.
I still believe he planned to kill all 3 of them. I don't believe he killed the girls as an afterthought. I think he wanted them all gone. I think he thought everyone would just buy the dumb story that she ran off with the children. When they were never found, he would say SW was unstable and probably killed herself and the children. His family would have backed that up as they believed she was "dangerous". If the letter is real, which I doubt, they would have that to show as well, somehow thinking that would be proof. I now have no doubt these murders were premeditated.
Ok. And they were married for 6. I loved in Mrs Watts interview she said “as the years went on....”, like SW and CW had known each other and been together 10, 15, 20+ years. SW and CW knew each other for 7 years. I don’t feel they truly knew each other well. And I think CW has major personality issues. When Mrs Watts was asked how much she new about their mrriage, she said “very little”, then proceeds to run off at the mouth. Ugh.
I edited my post to reflect that they dated for two years before marriage, although that doesn’t change your point.

Exactly. She said that she only saw them a couple times a year, and mentioned that CW didn’t talk much about his personal life.

Even limited contact, and lack of knowledge about their relationship, didn’t stop her from blasting Shanann.

Cindy clearly hated her from the beginning, as evidenced by the fact that she didn’t even attend their wedding.
Is it me, or does 6-8 weeks not seem long enough for CW to get deeply involved enough with NK to, what?, then kill Shanann and the girls? I understand that the marriage might have been on the rocks for a longer amount of time, but why would CW kill his family over someone he had been seeing for not even two months? Especially when she said she wanted to take things slowly. Would CW have killed his family if there were no affair partner? So is the affair partner (only) the partial motive? Or does the DA have something else entirely? If a 6-week affair is the motive, I’m sorry, but that is like high-school-type LAME.
If he told NK his divorce was about to be finalized and SW came back from extended trip, he had lied himself into a corner.
From what I’m reading the Victim Impact Statement is a written letter submitted to the judge and it can be read orally if the victim chooses to do so.

Under C.R.S.24-4.1-302.5 (g), a victim has the right to make a written and oral impact statement about the harm that the victim has sustained as a result of the crime. Victims may choose to submit both a written Victim Impact Statement and speak at the sentencing, only speak or only submit a Victim Impact Statement or do neither. The choice is up to a victim. The Victim Impact Statement can be a powerful tool in the recovery process for a victim from the trauma of a crime.

A Victim Impact Statement form accompanies the first letter sent from the District Attorney’s Office to a victim after charges have been filed for prosecution. The District Attorney’s Office will make every effort to insure that a completed Victim Impact Statement is available to the judge prior to the date of sentencing.

Victim Impact Statement Form | 17th Judicial District Attorney's Office
From the statute you cite, it sounds like CW's family does not have to submit their statement in advance to the judge in order to speak at the sentencing. That is a pity, if you ask this could go off the rails. IMO
We know a little more about CW's morning routine from this article. I still want to know what time he arrived at work that morning. Did he make it to the break room as usual or was the fact that he didn't another red flag?

"Every morning, Watts and the other operators would gather in the office break room while they waited to be dispatched to a field site. Kessinger would walk through the group to place her lunch in the fridge, but she never spoke to Watts."
Christopher Watts girlfriend Nichol Kessinger speaks about Frederick murders
I still believe he planned to kill all 3 of them. I don't believe he killed the girls as an afterthought. I think he wanted them all gone. I think he thought everyone would just buy the dumb story that she ran off with the children. When they were never found, he would say SW was unstable and probably killed herself and the children. His family would have backed that up as they believed she was "dangerous". If the letter is real, which I doubt, they would have that to show as well, somehow thinking that would be proof. I now have no doubt these murders were premeditated.
I agree with you. At the very least, I think he “gamed it out” in his head. Whether it was planned for this particular night or not, we may have a clear indication of that on Monday.

Although sloppy, his dumping of the bodies in that particular location and manner, makes sense. He was able to do it quickly, and still make it to work on time.

I don’t think he came up with this on the fly, as all indications are that he is a complete moron.
And is this the same person who wrote the letter to the judge?
Actually, no. But I have every reason to believe it was done at the behest of the Fran character....she is the ringleader of the group. Ironically, she comes across proudly as every bit as bossy if not more so than they claim SW to be. A very strong personality. The writer of the letter to the judge was her "media person" and "producer" - who came to be such because she was a fan who happened to be local to Denver and wanted to become involved. IMO.
Here’s the thing. If that letter existed, it would have been taken as evidence. It wasn’t.

That means that it wasn’t considered important (unlikely), or doesn’t exist (far more likely).

God bless these women, because their time in the spotlight it quickly coming to an end.

They are grasping at straws, wildly speculating, and likely completely fabricating “evidence.”

When this case ends, so does their (minor) relevance.

Good riddance.
And if there was such a letter, wouldn't there need to be more evidence that Shanann was potentially "dangerous" or that she had anger issues or was aggressive in the past? Is this just an extension of the attempts to use her videos of evidence that she was controlling and abusive, even towards her children? Many people who believed Chris also insisted that Shanann was lying and putting on a big act when she praised her husband publicly. Are we meant to think that she was just putting on a front so no-one would suspect she was capable of hurting her husband or children? Maybe next they will say she actually attacked him after killing the children and tried to kill him too. Maybe they believe that's what the " ultimately he strangled her" is supposed to mean, in their minds. Jmo
I have no doubt that, IF CW was in a rage, it was deliberately self-induced. Like an athlete, a football player or boxer for instance, "pumping" themselves up! "Getting in the zone"! Sick? Definitely, but it fits. One more way he prepared for what had (in his mind) to be done. Of course, the late flight would have been fuel for the fire and that too would have been SW's fault! The interviews, the eye contact, the cool behavior at the Thayer's, shows the control he has.
From the statute you cite, it sounds like CW's family does not have to submit their statement in advance to the judge in order to speak at the sentencing. That is a pity, if you ask this could go off the rails. IMO

To me this sounds as though it is submitted in advance.

A Victim Impact Statement form accompanies the first letter sent from the District Attorney’s Office to a victim after charges have been filed for prosecution. The District Attorney’s Office will make every effort to insure that a completed Victim Impact Statement is available to the judge prior to the date of sentencing.

The form below was designed to help crime victims provide relevant information, including sentencing recommendations. Please complete all parts of the form which apply to you. If you are requesting restitution for losses sustained as a result of this crime, attach copies of all bills, receipts, invoices and estimates with your completed form.


ETA : Here’s a link to the form
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