Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #51

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A few statements from Mrs. Watts in the extended interview that caught my attention for various reasons:

The reporter did ask Mrs W. if CW played sports - so that is what prompted her to talk about CW’s love of sports and what sports he played and from what years, etc.

I can understand why she feels that there was nothing that could have predicted how this could have ever happened. Although she says she “never in a million years could have seen anything like this happening to him.” (As opposed to “by him.”)

“She [SW] always said a lot of things about Chris, in front of me, that I didn’t like." [Such as] "He looks like a skater boy.”

When the reporter asked about SW’s pregnancy and if CW was excited:
“No. I don’t think he was. I think it was a shock.”

When her husband called to say SW and the girls were missing, she said:
“I thought - I don’t believe it. I didn’t believe they were missing. I believe that she was going to punish Chris. She was just going to punish him, take the girls, and just punish him.” and “I was not worried. I just thought Shanann had run off. With the girls.”

When CW called his parents:
Mrs. W. asked, “Do you want us to come down now?”
CW said, “Tell Dad I need him. Tell Dad I need him to come down.”
Mrs W. said, “What about me?”
CW said, “No mom, just stay.”

Mrs W. said CW picked up his father from the airport and they drove to the police station and CW didn’t say anything to him. (That sounded believable imo.)

It does sound like she has tried hard to look back and see if there were any signs she should have picked up on. And that she is still not seeing any, other than he was quiet and somewhat socially awkward. I felt sympathy for her. I (imo) don’t think he showed signs or that it’s her fault. And in recent years, she said she only saw them about twice a year. SW left the girls in his care that weekend. She didn’t feel the girls were in danger.

She sounds really, really stuck on the fact that CW told his father he didn’t do this and then the next thing they knew, he was taking a plea. It seems like that is supporting her magical thinking that maybe he didn’t do this. She so has a need to hear from him that he did what he is pleading to. I think she would believe it if he told her directly. (Justify it by what had triggered it, but believe it.)

His public defender said they could talk to CW after sentencing, but she is afraid that will be too late if he tells them after the fact that he took a plea but “really” didn’t do it.

I feel for her when I see how much she’s struggling to accept this. She truly needs this spelled out to her by CW that this is the truth. Otherwise, she is grasping to the hope that she doesn’t have to believe this. “Because he told his dad he didn’t do it.” She is stuck on that.

She also said that the public defenders told her they don't know what happened - only CW knows what happened. Based on that, she wants to conclude that what he said in the affidavit has to be the true story. But she does concede that they told her they would defend him if he wanted to go forward, but he didn’t want to go forward.

Her comments about SW sound bitter and spiteful, but I do sympathize for how conflicted she feels about her son pleading guilty to these crimes. It's like as long as she only has to think it's a "plea" - a concession he made in order to avoid the death penalty, she's in denial that he is admitting that he is guilty. She also doesn’t grasp that parents of adults don’t get to meddle in a criminal case and participate in his strategy talks.

Everything IMO.
When she spoke about him telling her he just wanted his dad to come, I wondered for the first time if maybe the dad would just believe him. The mother may have asked a lot of questions that Chris didn't want to answer.JMO
Catching up and just watched Cindy's extended interview, I haven't watched the earlier ones - just this one. She keeps saying "they won't let us talk to him or see him", any thoughts that Chris doesn't want to be around her? He didn't want her to fly out, he wanted his dad. She also said that he was nervous when they visited and she thought he had finally seen the light about his marriage. At first I wondered if Chris knew how much his mom disliked Shanann and I have a feeling he did and he's been avoiding conflict for a long, long time. No defense for what he did but I'm picking up on an awkward family dynamic.
I fully believe the APs a victim. They had only been dating a month if that when he eliminated his family. Plenty of women don't think to stalk every guy they talk to on Facebook. It's not like she met him through Tinder.
Not to mention if he was aware of her Facebook account he could have blocked her. If he knew Shanann’s Facebook password he could have logged on and blocked the AP as well.
Source: I briefly dated someone who gave me the same sort of BS story and I started to get suspicious.Did some property record snooping and found out the alleged ex-wife’s name. Decided to Facebook stalk them both and found nothing. I could have sworn I had seen a Facebook app icon on his phone so I had my best friend do the search and she found them both. He had obviously blocked me from viewing his account and his wife’s account. Now I am a naturally suspicious person hence I took it a step further meanwhile when I asked my best friend (naturally trusting person) she joked about me being paranoid and was stunned when I was right. It blew her mind that not only I thought to go the extra step but that I was right to be suspicious.
I am concerned because one can obviously date someone and not know everything about him, but I am more concerned because one can live for 5 years with a man, have two kids with him and be on the way to have the third one, and have no clue what the guy is capable of.

How we as women protect ourselves from situations like this?
You have to learn to recognize the red flags. You can probably search on line and learn a lot about how to identify them.

I think some of these relatives of mass criminals just have to work out their angst in public. Others do it in private. I'd like to think I would be the second type, I can't imagine myself attacking victims to ease my own grief, but who knows. snip

That's what stood out to me watching the full-length of Cindy Watts' extended interview a second time. Her questions and grieving are completely understandable, but it seems like it would be much healthier for her to be talking to a professional rather than a reporter with world-wide coverage.

It's very important that it is public, and that element stays in my mind like the seed of a distressing pearl...
LE was called to the Watts home on Mon. Aug. 13 at 1:40pm. I don’t know what time exactly Chris arrived back at his home. But the fact that he texted NK at 3:45pm to tell her his family was “gone”. Not good at all. Only 2 hours after the police were called?, and he supposedly had no idea what was going on? There should have been so much commotion and concern at the Watts house with the police there, that the last thing on his mind should have been texting his affair partner. But then again, he wasn’t thinking. This entire event is a mess.
I find it a bit odd that they are going to make a victim statement! What are they going to say if they believe their son not guilty? The whole point of the statements is to impress upon the offender the devastation that his crimes have caused.
It disturbs me that Cindy held a memorial service for Bella and CeCe with no mention of Shanann. She said she told CW about it during their 30 minute prison visit, and he asked which pictures of the girls she used at the memorial, and what song was played, thereby encouraging continued condemnation and exclusion of Shanann. Shanann didn’t do anything wrong! He murdered her! No one in that family cares if Shanann is dead! They think she deserved to die.
I agree. Maybe that's why we haven't heard from others, such as other family members and friends taking up for Chris. I mean, who would just leave a victim out that was part of your family? I'm sure people around them had to wonder. I'm thinking their thoughts were along the line that she killed the girls because, they bought his story hook, line and sinker. Watching her I realized this is a family that knows nothing about the criminal justice system. Nothing. The whole family really is incapable of seeing that Shanann didn't deserve this.

I am here because I absolutely detest the way people are discussing things on social media. This is by far the most courteous, smart, fast-paced forum for which the best word is "finesse". Thank you for creating it.

Obviously, since the interviw with NK was published yesterday, it is being discussed. Where is line between "discussing" and "judging" drawn, I don't know. It does not seem that anyone is judging NK here. Because it is not about NK, it is about CW, but the story adds to the general picture of CW.
It is my sincere belief that in no way should we blame NK for the tragedy because if we do, we might as well start blaming all other APs with whom CW cheated on SW. And the choice for cheating was his, and only his. I am only happy that no one else got killed by this monster.

As well as the decision to annihilate the family was Chris's, and Chris's only. He was the father in whose custody the kids remained when SW left for her trip. He was the husband who impregnated his wife and lied to everyone that he was a free man. People are gullible. They believe what they want to believe. I remember how his classmates mentioned that all girls were "secretly in love" with Chris Watts. For some reason, he must have been very attractive to women. NK and others probably saw him as a nice, "softspoken" man. A pleaser. A "yes" man. And as I am looking at the videos of Chris in Denver, walking with CeCe on his shoulders, obviously such a loving dad - how can I imagine that he would be the brute who strangled his wife, inflicting so much pain on her? That the same CeCe he was carrying he coldly planned to murder, and did murder?

I am totally for increased security in prisons, for being more civilized, but where Chris Watts ends up, I don't care anymore.

I only feel very sorry for Shanann. Somehow I imagined he strangled her in her sleep. But if he did it so brutally, beating up the woman pregnant with his child, what a horrible, horrible creature he must have been.

I also hope this story will end up soon. I am somewhat captivated by it, because it is a rare situation, and also, as the mom and the wife, I am trying to understand what is the teaching value of this case, for all of us, women.

Thanks for your Post. Beautiful.
...But is this letter that CW supposedly wrote in his handwriting? I thought it was typed on his mothers computer. To me it is just evidence that he had planned this murder by the time he wrote it. It can't possibly serve any other purpose than that, Imo. But I would still like to see it.

[Respectfully Snipped]

If it was typed on a computer then wouldn't his mother's computer be the thing that needed analysis, to identify when the letter was written, and that info then cross checked against whether Chris Watts was in his mother's house at that time?

I too would love to see it, whatever it turns out to be.
Catching up and just watched Cindy's extended interview, I haven't watched the earlier ones - just this one. She keeps saying "they won't let us talk to him or see him", any thoughts that Chris doesn't want to be around her? He didn't want her to fly out, he wanted his dad. She also said that he was nervous when they visited and she thought he had finally seen the light about his marriage. At first I wondered if Chris knew how much his mom disliked Shanann and I have a feeling he did and he's been avoiding conflict for a long, long time. No defense for what he did but I'm picking up on an awkward family dynamic.
Yes, I would say there was definitely an unhealthy family dynamic. It may be that CW was closer to his father and felt more comfortable talking to him. I can certainly see why.

Ha, ha! Yes! Or the voice of Fran Drescher / The Nanny combined with a nasal Midwestern accent. Uff-dah!
Lol, the first person I thought of was Fran. Also Nancy Grace and Sarah Silverman. Just put all those together, @MsBetsy!

O/T, UltraViolet, my mother's favorite expression was Uff dah. Thanks for the smile. :) MOO
Re; the podcast people and Mrs. Watts, I think Shakespeare said it best (in MacBeth);

"Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player,
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing."

I don't think she was the only motive, but gave him the motivation to go through with it. I could be wrong but I believe he wanted be rid of them anyway. He may have been waiting until he had a replacement. Imo
I agree, I think he was done with them regardless of the AP. You are right I think, he needed a replacement before he could be fully done with them.
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