Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #55

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I say it mainly because of the mode of murder. it's an intensely personal way to kill, frequently associated with sexual assault. In this case there was no other assault. But I do wonder if he did not experience a rush from it.

It could also be as you say. She was nothing to him and it meant nothing to him.

Yes. That is the nature of these monsters.

He showed only fear for himself.
I noticed "vaginal swabs" on the autopsies, but no other mention, does that mean none were sexually assaulted?
I doubt it.

Unfortunately, all he had to do was grab her by the throat. She never stood a chance, and he likely knew this beforehand.

The possibility of her getting away probably never entered his mind.
Right, and he may have known how to do it in such a way that she lost consciousness within a few seconds. I think I remember some of your posts from long ago talking about a certain method that he could grab her in a sort of choke hold so that she couldn't move. I forgot exactly how you described it.
Some snippets of new info in this video.

Rourke talking about Chris Watts:

"His statement to investigators was, they were very clearly and obviously dead, so I decided to dispose of their bodies.

He didn't call 911. He didn't try CPR. You [Watts] didn't even check on 'em, to see if they were breathing".

Mr Rourke also refers to something that there has been a lot of speculation and debate about here - he says WTTEO that the natural instinctive reaction to someone attempting to strangle you is to try to grab/scratch/bite - do anything to stop it. He says the lack of any evidence that this occurred led investigators to speculate that Shannan had been asleep when the assault started.

Honestly this case makes me feel so ill. He's so unbelievably cold, callous and calculating. Waiting to everyone is at their most vulnerable to attack. That seems very predetermined to me. They didn't stand a chance to fight back. And he wanted them dead, so the best way to ensure that is to wait to there was no chance of failure. He's obviously thought about defensive wounds etc and how he would explain that. What's the bet he put all his thought into killing them and not the cover up afterwards. Although I think he may have got away with a lot more had his plan not been foiled.
So I'm not the only one who didn't sleep well last night after yesterday. This mess is on my mind when I wake up in the morning and throughout the day.

Despite everything we've discussed in here, the literature and resources, facts about family annihilators, other similar cases in history....
I just cannot figure out how a person goes through normal activities of daily living with CHILDREN, without loving them. I didn't watch many of SW's videos but the few I did see, like CW singing Hot Diggity Dog to CeCe (?)... oh my word.

How can one behave human but is actually an empty shell inside?

I don't expect answers to this. I know there aren't any.
I think that 20% difference may be:
- because the study did not ask about the sexual preference of the participants; a predominantly straight man having one gay affair may account for two men,
- also, because women either don't want to tell the truth, or have rationalized to themselves that they were not cheating "that time" and blocked it
- or the situation when a woman has ten affair, and each of the men she had affair with, only one, her. It is quite possible, and skews the statistics.

But in NK's situation, she is the adulterer only if she was married during the affair. If she was single, she is not. CW, being married, definitely was.
Ok. I guess I don't know what the proper name is for someone who has an affair with a married person. If not adultery, maybe an accomplice to an adulterer or......well, never mind.
I get forgiveness, and think it’s an important place to aspire to, but I think it’s a process, and it takes time to go from shock, horror, sorrow, loss, and anger to forgiveness.
I agree. Forgiveness is a very specific concept. Like an apology, there has to be some level of soul-searching and emotional work behind the words for it to mean anything. It was almost like her meaning was: "Don't worry honey, it's ok, we aren't mad at you, please don't shut us out!" rather than true forgiveness. And I sense that might be a very longstanding pattern in their family.

Edited to add that @Mitch11 nailed this one: it looked exactly like love-bombing. They sense they've lost him and they're really piling it on to get him back. Good call.
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JMO but I feel like, without signs of a struggle, he may have killed SW first. As a mom, I know that I would peek in on the girls or kiss their heads when I get home from a trip. If they were already gone, I would think she would have lost it with him and there would have been a fight. I know I would have. I would never come home and go straight to bed without at least checking on my kids that I haven’t seen for a day or 2.

ETA-i have no idea where this falls In the conversation, This is only my second post, so sorry if this is off topic! I need to catch up!
Not off topic, need to chime in when you can like many of us.
I'm on the fence about her checking the girls physically. Lupus, pregnancy, LONG weekend after just getting back from NC, she may have barely made it to bed and checked her baby monitor instead of kissing them @ftdlaks . Idk, like @MassGuy said, whatever order of who was first or last to be killed doesn't matter as he took all their lives. Yet I would still like to know.
Makes me wonder if he was every taught limits, what is appropriate and not. Or whether he grew up with permissive parenting, where everything was excused away or downplayed.

[Heavily but Respectfully Snipped and Bolded by Me]

My Wild Assed Guess is that Chris's father kept a very careful eye on him as a child, and perhaps is the one who taught his 'quiet', 'withdrawn' and apparently emotionless son to move through the world without attracting any negative attention. It's entirely possible that if Chris did display any of the more obvious signs of psychopathy or sociopathy while growing up, that his mother simply ignored, or 'excused or downplayed' such signs, while his dad, with the best of intentions, taught Chris how to control and/or conceal them.

I say this partly because it was to his dad, and as far as we know, ONLY his dad, that Chris turned to when he needed someone to cast an eye over his false 'confession'. When his dad accepted what Chris was telling him, it was only then that Chris went forward with his 'confession'.

At the Court, it was my very strong impression once again that the only person Chris showed any real emotional response to was his father. His was the only eye Chris tried to catch, [and failed] and it was during/after Chris's dad's remarks were read aloud that a noticeable tear was seen coursing down Chris's face.

Maybe at some point some extended family members or childhood friends will come forward so we can get a more rounded description of young Chris Watts, because 'quiet, withdrawn, played sports' can't possibly be the whole story.

Just to add... in all my WAGing I realised that there is a fictional character who represents an extreme version of the 'fatherly' guidance to guide/hide a personality disordered mind' notion I am proposing and it is 'Dexters' adoptive father, Harry Morgan.

Harry Morgan (Dexter) - Wikipedia
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Things keep bubbling up on me since yesterday, and right now I’m really pissed that he took them all out of the house in their underwear! Couldn’t he at least have put pants or a skirt on each of them?
Why bother? Probably what he was thinking. Clothing may have clogged up the tanks. Who knows. Maybe he was just too lazy.
Interesting interview with one of the reporters who interviewed CW

Great media story!

Headed to add that she said the reason she went to the house was because the friends were calling her and asking her about the story. So she went to meet one of the friends at the house. And guess who it is! Nicole!

Not only did Nicole get the police there, she got the media there! Both of those were very very instrumental in getting him nailed early.
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It would've been years and years. Years and years more of people speculating about their poor daughter, ignoring all logic and latching onto malicious gossip instead. Years and years before trial even began. And before that, arriagnment. Preliminary hearing. Then trial itself.

All the while, continued speculation by those who somehow found that none of the mountains of circumstantial evidence, the incredible, illogical, improbable, self-serving story he gave, the amazing similarities with family annihilators who survive, and CW, was persuasive evidence of his guilt, while the nonsense spewed about her being abusive, based on no evidence at all, was worth consideration.

And after all that, decades of appeal.

This was the best outcome. Justice as it were, has been served.
I think justice would have been served is if as part of the plea deal he was required to stand up and make a statement to the judge, families and friends, the public every detail of what happened leading up to the murdered and why he did it even if it’s fabricated instead of having his attorney make that short statement because he was such a chicken coward to face the family and public. The DA could have made him do that as part of the plea. I’ve seen that before in other murderers plea deals taking death off the table. I don’t care if he would make crap up I wanted to hear words come out of his pathetic stupid monstrous mouth instead of seeing his cowardly stupid leg shake.
Perhaps it means no healing scars, so in other words all operation scars were totally healed and not possible to define any scarring as relating to past operations.
I don't know. It was Shanann's c6 where they noticed the hardware, right? I had my c6 and c7 fused with hardware in 2004 and I still have a very prominent scar on the back of my neck. And there's no other way to get the metal in there but an operation.
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