GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #58

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But she said it came out of left field.

His coldness and his turnaround on the pregnancy did come out of left field. But that doesn't mean they didn't have some type of conflict that she was angry about when this conversation was alleged to occur. It feels different when you are frustrated with your spouse as opposed to your spouse being cold and cruel to you. moo
No, I think he was genuinely attracted to SW. I believe that he is attracted to her facial and body type. As well as her strong personality, but she and CW were like oil and water, and while different temperaments can be tolerated in view of similar interests and goals, I don't see it in their family. If anything, CW was just tagging along, for years.

I wonder if SW married him, partially, because she wanted to have kids, and in CW she saw mostly a loyal man who would be a good father. For this, she was willing to sacrifice issues like an glaring mismatch in tempers, interests and personalities.

Clearly, SW's idea to go to a family therapist, what she offered him at the end of their marriage, was way overdue. They should have seen one, at least after Bella was born.

Contrary to expectations, family therapy does not always keep partners together. Sometimes they see the obvious sooner, and divorce. Not all divorces are bad outcomes.

In the Watts' family, the divorce before CeCe was born, debts accumulated, and the third kid on the way, might have preserved the lives of SW and Bella.

A divorce after CeCe was born, debts accumulated and a third child on the way would have also preserved the lives of SW, Bella and Cece.

You are discounting all of their friends who said they were a very happy couple, always had their hands on each other, hugging , kissing holding hands - that is not the body language of an unhappy couple putting on a front for the public. The troubles they had seemed to develope in the few months prior to their murders.
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Ha I've seen the "letter". I can't provide you with an acceptable link to it though! It was very short and written in quite awkward-looking handwriting. Don't know if he really wrote it but the signature at the end did appear similar to CW's signature on his court docs. Anyway I think it's a meaningless distraction.
If it was written by him, it was part of his plan to take the heat off of him. IMO
Everyone needs to keep in mind that there is Discovery that you have never seen and maybe never will. The prosecutor only files and releases discovery that they actually plan on using against the defendant at trial. You wanna see more good stuff, wait until his conviction is final and file a request with the District Attorney's Office under the Fredom of Information Act. It will blow your mind what they haven't released!
Do you mean in 100 years from now, or after his death? When is his conviction final?
So wrong that CW's family was stuck on this narrative of SW being "unstable" "bipolar" and "narcissistic." Reading through her text messages shows the exact opposite. She was loving, thoughtful, caring, and trying to do everything right. She was so upset and hurt about how he was acting toward her, but she made it so clear how much she loved him. She didn't trash him, she didn't try to manipulate. She was so sincere. It is so heartbreaking.

If they self-diagnosed her as bipolar, it makes no sense. If SW had been diagnosed by a doctor (and CW relayed it to his parents), but did not take the medication, it is a totally different stories. Truth is, we don't know, and never shall know. In general, 25% of women will have at least one episode of depression in their lifetme, so the diagnosis of affective disorder is neither rare nor stigmatizing.

I see a couple of things in SW that raise certain flags, but I see the same in CW. Clearly, the family could not balance the budget, at the end, their budget was abysmal. Also, falling for the promise of making big money on some lifestyle product might be the symptom of something, but not necessarily illness. Maybe, "gullible" should be the word?

And then, Shanann creates online "magic story" of their family, and Chris creates his own "magic story", that of all-encompassing love. Both stories are incredibly far from the truth. Hers, ends up in death of herself and the kids, his, ends up in murder and prison.

From this, I can only conclude that Shanann might have had emotional problems, but hers were nothing compared to Chris's ones.
I have been to several demonstrations. My husband is an avid sporting clays enthisast, his shooting partner opens a gun club and hosts a fundraiser for
K-9’s every year. They do several demonstrations, none are cadaver dogs, a little to morbid for a fundraiser, the ones they bring are drug detection dogs and ones trained to protect them. They are impressive to say the least.

Yes that is what I am thinking they will be, drug detection and protection or maybe one tracker but not cadaver and I am pretty sure they are only bringing two dogs.
But if I feel I can ask about the cadaver I will depending on what way the questions go. I am excited.
Yes that is what I am thinking they will be, drug detection and protection or maybe one tracker but not cadaver and I am pretty sure they are only bringing two dogs.
But if I feel I can ask about the cadaver I will depending on what way the questions go. I am excited.
Our k9 shoot was lad month, I wish I had thought to ask. You will love the demonstrations, I sm eager to hear their answers.
Stress eater? You think initially he would lose weight not gain it.

He was probably eating lots of snacks he bought from the commisary. All the Hostess Garbage, Chip, Candy Bars, Sugar Soda. All for sale to the inmates. Saw lots of people pork out in custody pre sentence!
I know nothing but what about muscle, does it not turn to fat if not maintained? Not sure this would make a difference to weight but like I say I don't know enough.

When you stop working out, you actually lose weight at first because you lose muscle (and muscle is heavier than fat). 40 pounds in 3 months is a lot but not impossible, especially if he had a drastic change in diet, which I assume he did.
If they self-diagnosed her as bipolar, it makes no sense. If SW had been diagnosed by a doctor (and CW relayed it to his parents), but did not take the medication, it is a totally different stories. Truth is, we don't know, and never shall know. In general, 25% of women will have at least one episode of depression in their lifetme, so the diagnosis of affective disorder is neither rare nor stigmatizing.

I see a couple of things in SW that raise certain flags, but I see the same in CW. Clearly, the family could not balance the budget, at the end, their budget was abysmal. Also, falling for the promise of making big money on some lifestyle product might be the symptom of something, but not necessarily illness. Maybe, "gullible" should be the word?

And then, Shanann creates online "magic story" of their family, and Chris creates his own "magic story", that of all-encompassing love. Both stories are incredibly far from the truth. Hers, ends up in death of herself and the kids, his, ends up in murder and prison.

From this, I can only conclude that Shanann might have had emotional problems, but hers were nothing compared to Chris's ones.
I think she was a very driven person who put her all into work, children and her marriage. I also think she wore her heart on her sleeve and was a communicator. They did appear to overspend but many couples do.
When you stop working out, you actually lose weight at first because you lose muscle (and muscle is heavier than fat). 40 pounds in 3 months is a lot but not impossible, especially if he had a drastic change in diet, which I assume he did.
Thank you!
Chris Watts only has to die 5 times before having any chance of walking out of there. Thought of that last night, Mass Guy, when Chris Cooper’s character in The Town (it was on last night) said the same thing when meeting in prison with Ben A.

Well, he has it better that cats, who would have 9 lives to leave.
He must be thankful, as his pewny mind would think this.:D:D
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