GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #60

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He was. It wasn’t altruistic though, he was just going through the motions to make it appear that it was just another typical Sunday evening.
Imagine how he treated the kids when no one was around to see the "good guy". Esp those last few days where his mind was made up to kill them.

Poor, poor babies.

Actually, I doubt the veracity of Sandra’s letter, as shown in Discovery pages 1400 - 1409.

For instance, she said the bankruptcy was due to medical bills. Only $4749.09 of the BK was medical. $12,827.75 was retail junk, mostly from buying sprees right after that house was purchased by Chris. $41,650 was various credit cards, some from NC. $11,245.37 was student loans. The neck surgery wasn’t until after the 2015 BK.

One could argue that some of the $41,650 credit card debt was due to medical, but Chris had a health policy at $476.67 employee cost through Anadarko. I know Anadarko employees - their cost is about 1/3 of the actual policy. $467.67 per month in 2015 is a gold plan.

Another instance is how Sandra confuses peanuts with tree nut allergies. Shanann fed the girls peanut butter products. If Sandra is confused about if it was peanuts or tree nuts, then her house must’ve been a potential hazard as well.

Another instance is the assertion that Chris had genital “cancer,” discovered right after they were married in 2012. He’d be age 27. That’s pretty odd.

I truly do not mean to start a fight. And I’ve got things to do today so I’m not going to go back and forth and argue.

But I’m posting this because I find it incredibly disturbing that Cindy Watts is being called “evil” and having a “dark heart” by posters, when clearly are many versions of what transpired.

Nothing will be learned from this tragedy if people choose to believe everything is black and white.

I believe there are a lot of answers about “why could this happen” in the Watts’ financial and medical records, which we are not privy to. Perhaps eventually they will come out, and there might be some shades of grey which will help people understand ways to prevent another tragedy like this from occurring.

Cindy Watts IS evil. We saw it with our own eyes on need to look at anything you posted to know that.

"What happened to Chris? SHANANN happened to Chris."
If CeCe ingested peanuts and died would Cindy be charged for negligence? Is it possible she hoped she'd get sick? or even die? How deep does her hatred go for SW?

I don't know about the US laws but two men in the UK were recently convicted for undeclared nuts/cross contamination in their restaurant's food leading to a nut allergic teen's death: Two men convicted in teen's deadly allergic reaction to takeout
I imagine a grandmother could face charges if she knowingly put nuts in the food and her grand daughter died as a result. JMO.
That's one of the most interesting aspects of her last messages

Her marriage appeared to go off a cliff rather than a decline
Yes. There is no doubt from those text messages, that their marriage suddenly changed during her trip to N.C.

This was backed up by statements from her parents, who noticed a huge change in their relationship when he arrived.

This wasn’t a slow evolution.
NK didn't come on to CW. He went into her office and introduced himself. That was how it began. IIRC He initiated things. To me that's evidence his personality was changing, a new CW was emerging. No more quiet guy in the background.
I suspected she did because of the internet searches, she had noticed him, possibly sending him signals, flirty smiles, getting his attention even though he may have initiated the first conversation.
I have experience this type. My ex would give our granddaughter whole grapes In Spite if the fact his late father was a Firefigter/Emt. He told us many stories of using pliers to get remove grapes from toddlers throats,or on a few occasions he has cut child's throat open to get to grape,or hot dog piece. In order to save child's life.
I told him on several occasions to cut then up before giving them to her.
I told him after the third time I wish his dead father could come down and give him what for.
These people knew exactly what they were doing. In spite of their grandaughter's niece's Alergies.
Having dealt with sort of personality I'm not going to cut them any breaks.

Did they secretly hope to inflict trauma on the child?
What causes this?
There was a case about 13 years ago, the mother out coconut oil in her 3 year old granddaughters hair. She knew the girl was allergic but putting the oil in hair was something she grew up doing and did with her daughter. The 3 year old died during the night from a reaction, the grandmother was not charged.

damn, if it was an accident I understand if intentional she should have been charged.
Judging by what we were told by some of the CW supporters, about SW being a 'faker' about medical issues and faking her children's illnesses, I think that is why Grama Watts ignored the nut allergy warnings. I think she wanted to 'prove' that Shanann was making it all up and the baby had no serious allergies at all. JMO
I agree it likely started earlier and was far more intense than NK has let on, however I don't think she needed to give him an ultimatum. I think Monster Watts was utterly intoxicated. He was going to have her and be with her no matter what. He wanted a "clean" slate, a do-over, a "fresh start" as the DA said. His wife and children needed to be discarded so that he could still be perceived as "a good guy." Obviously he had no problem hurting his wife in private, causing her tremendous mental anguish with his coldness -- he had been tormenting her for over a month and not even giving her a desperately needed hug, which is something any human would do for an acquaintance not to mention your mate of many years and pregnant mom of your kids! A neighbor also reported that he frequently heard him shouting at Shan'ann. But the selfish prick cold monster CW would not step out of his own needs to give his pregnant wife a but of comfort. No, I do not believe he needed an ultimatum from his mistress; I believe he did away with his family with cold, calculated premeditation to, ironically, come off as the good guy while still getting to be with his new girlfriend. Leaving a pregnant wife and two small children was never going to work with his "good guy" mask, a mask that was desperately important to him. I think NK did not give an ultimatum, but did enjoy the intensity of the relationship, did ramp it up fast -- Amber Frey was completely innocent and unwitting unlike NK, but similarly dove head first into a relationship with a man she in reality barely knew. Both women were ready to marry these men, it seems, and equated a highly sexual relationship with lifelong intimacy. MOO
My thoughts are he was in over his head with his lie to NK about the separation . He was trying to appease SW to keep her and the pregnancy away from NK and his lies . He deleted his Facebook - not in my belief as premeditation but to keep this facade up and further keep the two women knowing the truth. He refused to take pictures with the kids and SW , again trying to keep anything from being posted and interfering. I think her getting that alert of the dinner transaction finally forced SW to KNOW there was someone else and that led to a confrontation. I believe she slept on the couch in digust and anger and he knew SW would ruin - in his warped mind- his perfect relationship and life he wanted obsessively with NK. I just don’t know about the the babies :( but I really believe SW directly confronting him caused him to go through with something he had considered doing at some point, he had to do it then . I want to say the timing would fit if there are yet unseen by the public messages to CW from SW about that meal price . All totally speculative , MOO .. I think it was considered by him and he did it when he felt NK finding the truth out would damage their relationship. He didn’t want to lose NK, making, in his obsessed mind of what he deserved- precious lives expendable and their awful murders done in haste and without being able to complete whatever he had started to put together as a plan. NUA further screwed up an already haphazard awful act.
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The thing is, there didn’t seem to be a gradual decline in the relationship according to Shanann or anyone who knew them. (Couldn’t keep his hands off her before she left, etc.) It was like the flip of a light switch. Seemingly normal one day and deadly soon after. I think that’s the reason everyone (including me) is still digging through minutiae in these documents. Trying to make sense out of something completely nonsensical.
So cruel, she must have been going through hell, mentally and emotionally.
Oh, the irony.

Pg 1913 (Discovery pg 2108)
Image taken by Watt's phone:

View attachment 157678

Pg 537 (Discovery pg 604) - "I asked CHRIS what happened after SHANANN was in her bed and he said he pulled the sheets back over SHANANN and covered her up..."

"RONNIE said he was around BELLA and BELLA would only cover her baby dolls up to their stomach. RONNIE said he never saw BELLA cover a doll’s head like it was a body."

I think this photograph was an unconscious message from CW to Shannon of what CW was actually contemplating.
Talk about toxicity.
And Shan’ann knew that, how much they hated her and she was still willing to take her children to them and spend time in their house. She was willing to be the bigger person for the sake of the girls and Chris. That thought would never enter Cindy’s mind.
I think this photograph was an unconscious message from CW to Shannon of what CW was actually contemplating.
So many people were dismissive of this. I get kids do weird stuff .. but it never sat right with me. It’s hard to accept it as a tragic coincidence, it even it wasn’t sent in a nepharious threatening way, but rather as you said some sort of unconscious thing of what he was obsessing about
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