GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #67

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It’s all opened, by a machine. It’s not read, necessarily. Prisons don’t have that kind of manpower. Outbound mail isn’t read. The inmate seals and stamps the outbound envelope.

Iirc Scott P was getting bags of mail & extra mail room help was needed. I’m sure his popularity has declined by now.

I remember in the Millard case recently, DM was able to have letters passed onto his girlfriend, whom he was not to have contact with.
(Funny you asked this because I’ve been thinking about Joran Van Der Sloot from day 1. Remember all the love letters he got in prison??

Joran van der Sloot 'to be a father after getting his girlfriend pregnant...while behind bars' | Daily Mail Online

PS—this always erked me to the core, that he’s allowed to be having rendezvous and sexual relations. Natalee and Stephanie are dead, meanwhile he’s getting laid.


Wait a minute, check this out:

“It is believed that his girlfriend - who has not been identified - has been visiting the 23-year-old frequently for conjugal visits at the jail, going to his cell to do 'chores' and bringing him candy.

“According to the Atlanta Journal Constitution, van der Sloot uses the candy to run a 'lucrative' snack bar from his cell.“

The above poster (sorry forgot who) may have been right on about the reason for CW ordering all that junk food, if true—for the other inmates to bribe (or sell to) so doesn’t get his arse kicked every day.


ETA: CW had an “emotional conversation”, and Van Der Sloot:

“He has admitted to the murder but has pleaded 'violent emotion' - which is typically used in Peru for crimes of passion.“



Article from Psychology Today:
Who's writing love letters to Joran van der Sloot?
He says a stranger wants to have his baby

“I wrote an article about the curious attraction that confessed killers hold for many women -- strangers outside the prison walls, who of their own volition make contact with these men and initiate passionate relationships with them, even if only through letters and phone calls.

I pondered intriguing websites such as,,, and, where prisoners - granted, not all are killers - post pictures and pleas for female pen pals.“
How bad off must a woman be to seek out a caged man for companionship? Very sad.
Chris Watts makes my skin crawl. His family as well. In my opinion, I hope he is scared in prison and I hope he does not have any comforts. I hope he and his toxic family are reading and seeing all of the hatred towards him. I hope they all watched the Dr Phil show where everyone agreed he is a monster and thought he was the "smartest person in the room" while being interrogated by LE. I hope he suffers for the rest of his wasteful life. This case really messed with me. I am glad he was so stupid that he was caught soon. I am sure that those who thought he was a good guy are also feeling like their lives are stained for having thought he was a human being.
My brain will not let go of that Sunday night.

Scenario 1: CW kills the girls, talks to NK until SW gets home and kills her, then hangs out/pretends to sleep/really sleeps, half *advertiser censored* staging until he can load and go to work.

Scenario 2: girls are sleeping in bed, CW talks on phone to NK, SW gets home, CW kills SW - then girls. Then what-sleeps, pretends to sleep, half *advertiser censored* staging until he can load and leave for work.

He couldn't have gotten any sleep with his dead family in the house, right. The sleep issue was brought up previously. He never looked tired to me. He always looked "on". Coffee, adrenalin, thrive, . . .

I guess the image I can't reconcile is CW in the house for x hours, with three dead bodies. Doing what?

Any other Scenario's?
In one of the initial police body cams when they were at the house, CW never quite answered the question as to where he was sleeping that night.
It just has never set well with me, given their marital situation, that SW and CW slept in the same bed that night. CW already admitted he had been sleeping in the basement. I just keep trying to figure the sequence of events on that night.
Not really sure why it matters, but I am seriously "haunted" by this.
My brain will not let go of that Sunday night.

Scenario 1: CW kills the girls, talks to NK until SW gets home and kills her, then hangs out/pretends to sleep/really sleeps, half *advertiser censored* staging until he can load and go to work.

Scenario 2: girls are sleeping in bed, CW talks on phone to NK, SW gets home, CW kills SW - then girls. Then what-sleeps, pretends to sleep, half *advertiser censored* staging until he can load and leave for work.

He couldn't have gotten any sleep with his dead family in the house, right. The sleep issue was brought up previously. He never looked tired to me. He always looked "on". Coffee, adrenalin, thrive, . . .

I guess the image I can't reconcile is CW in the house for x hours, with three dead bodies. Doing what?

Any other Scenario's?

It is strange, I have ran different scenarios through my mind over and over. None of it will ever make any sort of sense, but I just "have" to piece this together for some reason.
This should be a magical time of year for 2 little girls, their mummy with a growing tummy and all their extended family and friends.
1 selfish, cowardly person has created the worst scenario possible for those who are left senseless and beyond comprehension.
I hope Shananns family and all her loyal friends find some degree of peace and comfort over this Xmas period.
I can't remember if we saw evidence of what their inside cameras showed or not. Did we see anything in the releases or just what chris said about having cameras inside and no movement on the main level? Because if the camera wasn't turned off, and if it didn't pick up movement, then either Chris was a ghost, or he was upstairs in the bedroom area. He may have slept in the bed, and Shanann slept in the loft area where her phone was found.
My brain will not let go of that Sunday night.

Scenario 1: CW kills the girls, talks to NK until SW gets home and kills her, then hangs out/pretends to sleep/really sleeps, half *advertiser censored* staging until he can load and go to work.

Scenario 2: girls are sleeping in bed, CW talks on phone to NK, SW gets home, CW kills SW - then girls. Then what-sleeps, pretends to sleep, half *advertiser censored* staging until he can load and leave for work.

He couldn't have gotten any sleep with his dead family in the house, right. The sleep issue was brought up previously. He never looked tired to me. He always looked "on". Coffee, adrenalin, thrive, . . .

I guess the image I can't reconcile is CW in the house for x hours, with three dead bodies. Doing what?

Any other Scenario's?

Leastwise this poor guy could get some sleep (next to a photograph of one or both of his precious daughters) after he got already interviewed for a while. And to be honest I don't think that any clear thinking human being will ever understand what went on in his mind. I don't believe he really slept this night, not because of the killings (they were no big deal for him, obviously) but because of this entire situation - Adrenaline must have kicked in (not just for his poor victims) and he didn't know what would lie adhead of him. Although I don't believe he was expecting to much trouble - I mean, hey, he had such a plausible story prepared :cool:.

But maybe he had a short nap on the couch... shortly after looking at his clock. (Oh, after all the work is done... and I have some hours left, I'll need to rest a little bit to kill time after I killed anybody else in this house) and than he felt asleep. After that he "loaded" the dead bodies of his previous family calmly into his work truck and drove away. For a happy future and a new life with the most amazing, unique and electric woman ever! *heart heart heart*
I remember in the Millard case recently, DM was able to have letters passed onto his girlfriend, whom he was not to have contact with.

They can always send a letter to another person that’s able to direct it to an off limit recipient. Same with taboo phone numbers. After getting established, meeting a few guys, they can edit their phone contact list. If I’m not allowed to call John Doe, you could put him on your list & I could put Jane Doe on my list for you. Then, I call John to relay your messages. They have 24/7 to connive & come up with ways to beat the system.
Life in prison is certainly not a deterrent to men like CW.
Often, I find myself wondering if some actually “like” immediately having none of the struggles & challenges we all face, day to day, in this crazy thing known as life.
No house payment, no wife, no kids. Really no decisions to make except the most minute, like filling out a commissary slip. That is almost the only decision they must make.
Leastwise this poor guy could get some sleep (next to a photograph of one or both of his precious daughters) after he got already interviewed for a while. And to be honest I don't think that any clear thinking human being will ever understand what went on in his mind. I don't believe he really slept this night, not because of the killings (they were no big deal for him, obviously) but because of this entire situation - Adrenaline must have kicked in (not just for his poor victims) and he didn't know what would lie adhead of him. Although I don't believe he was expecting to much trouble - I mean, hey, he had such a plausible story prepared :cool:.

But maybe he had a short nap on the couch... shortly after looking at his clock. (Oh, after all the work is done... and I have some hours left, I'll need to rest a little bit to kill time after I killed anybody else in this house) and than he felt asleep. After that he "loaded" the dead bodies of his previous family calmly into his work truck and drove away. For a happy future and a new life with the most amazing, unique and electric woman ever! *heart heart heart*

I don't think he ever went to sleep that night. There wasn't much time. SW didn't get home until almost 2. Even exhausted most people need at least an hour to wind down. I still think he sweet talked her and they were snuggling in bed when he strangled her from behind. Mostly because she still had her make up on (smeared all over her pillow) She made a video that she ALWAYS took her make up off before bed. She even showed step by step how she did it.

So lets say he killed her at 3 am. Then he has to get trash bags, get all the bodies to the downstairs, ripping off sheets, hiding phones, cleaning, make his protein shake etc etc. 2 hours or even 2.5 hours to do all that is not much time. And this depends on if he killed the girls before she got home or after. (IMO it was before) but if it was after; then there is even less time. I think he definitely planned on more staging/cleaning after work but thank God her friend foiled that.

I am so heartbroken for SW's family. This holiday is going to be so hard for them.
CW sleep pattern was also brought up by NK in her interrogation interviews. She believed he was generally getting only 5 hours of sleep, that she had to sleep and go to work and he was up and at 'em.

I value my sleep. When I am the slightest sleep deprived, I feel it, act it and look it. Yet CW, appeared well rested. His co-worker mentioned his jittery, rocking back and forth mannerisms were "normal" for him. Maybe I'm projecting my sleep snobbiness on CW. Possibly he is one that doesn't need a lot of sleep, and gets rested with catnaps. He certainly didn't get much from Sunday thru his arrest.

Stunning how well rested he looked and "normal" he appeared.
Gosh, after watching the body cam video of CW's arrival and after I truly feel for NUA along w her son. My lord, no sense of urgency, concern etc from CW at all. To be in that position as family friend, coming to terms as quickly as she did w/ the horror, reality of situation. Heartbreaking. Heartbreaking to watch her hold it together after SW phone was found. It didn't take long for the neighbor to catch on either. I wonder how long into CW's arrival the RO knew it too?
Not that it matters, but it is confusing.

Her emails or texts is it, with a friend indicate she is through with him.

But her parents said they knew nothing was wrong.

NUA apparently does not know that SW wants out.

Is it on her FB when she is in Arizona, she writes that she can hardly wait to see him and the kids.

It sounds like she wanted out, was going to move and she was going to take the kids, He would not have to take care of them. Except for money, he would be a bachelor.

Was it all about money?
Speaking of money, how about the burden of their house.

It appears to me SW, didn't want to sell the house and CW did. Then SW mentioned CW had inside info that an oil facility was going to be built in the area around their house, which would reduce the value. I couldn't find confirmation that this is a fact, or a CW lie from in an attempt to get her to sell.
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