GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #69

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but wouldn't he be hurting both sets of grand parents and other close family members too?
yes that's exactly what he did.
and his delusional parents spat out lie after lie all the while praising their special boy and how tough he has done it putting up with that dreadful woman who loved him unconditionally and was now dead at his hand.

chris behaviour toward his own family is/was disrespectful and heartless.
the fact they chose to support him nobody begrudges them.
the fact they bad mouthed their sons murder victim unforgivable and cruel.
My Letter To Shanann........

I laid awake in bed last night trying to make sense of this horrible tragedy that just cannot and never will make sense. I, like most of us, can not wrap my brain or my heart around the incredible amount of pain this vile person has caused to so many. As I was thinking, I thought of something that hadn't crossed my mind before, that everytime I think of Shanann, Bella, CeCe and Nico and their lives, I think about this horrific time in their lives..... how scared they must have been, the pain that they were in, how they must have felt so betrayed, and I always start to cry. I always feel absolute utter despair. I began to think that if I believe in God and Heaven, which I do, then right now, this very moment, they are in Heaven, at the right hand of Jesus! Perhaps they are dancing and singing and I feel it in my soul that they are filled with incredible joy! I started to think about how I could change this awful loop that keeps playing in my head and replace it with something that affirms and reflects the true lives and personalities of this beautiful momma and her 3 precious babies who have so completely touched the world!

I decided that I wanted to be reminded daily of 1 thing that really exemplifies who Shanann, Bella, CeCe and baby Nico are in this world so that I can become more like them. I believe with my whole heart that the only way we can truly keep their lights shining is to carry on the valuable and life changing lessons they taught us with their lives!

Beautiful Shanann..... you are the true definition of PASSION! Everything you did in this world you did with passion. You loved, cared for, took care of, taught and interacted with your children with passion. You made friendships with passion, you helped everyone you met with passion, you loved your family and friends with passion. You tried new things, took risks and moved across the country to start a new chapter with complete and and unparalleled passion! You, Shanann, are the true definition of PASSION and I can only pray that I can be as passionate about life as the example you left. You have taught me that life is for the living and that it is a precious, precious gift that is to be shared with all those we are lucky enough to share space with in this world! Oh how you shined on this earth beautiful girl! You did exactly what you were called to do and this world is a better place because you were in it! Thanks for a life well lived just doesn't seem near enough for the greatness and passion that you left for us to find!

Sweet, Sweet Bella....... what a GENTLE soul you are! To see you in pictures makes it so easy to see that God made your heart so very special! You loved your momma and your baby sister with a pure and gentle heart. You loved your Grandma Rzucek and Grandpa Rzucek and your Uncle Frankie with that same sweet gentle heart. You loved and lived without expecting anything in return. You were gracious and kind far beyond your years, sweet girl! Those of us who have come to know and love you can feel your pure and gentle love and the eternal mark you have left on the world and I, for one, am better for it. I see your sweet smile when I close my eyes and it warms my heart, I can't help but smile when I think of sharing that same smile with others. Thank you sweet Bella.

Oh precious CeCe, what an adventurous girl you are! When I think about you I smile so big at how everything was a grand and happy and fun adventure for you! You truly enjoyed your big sister and you made her life so much fun! You brought so much adventure and life to your momma and Grandma and Grandpa and Uncle and no mountain was too high for you to climb! When you fell you got right back up and tried it again I will always remember how much fun you brought to this world and how much you enjoyed everything you did! Your little laugh will forever live on in my heart and it reminds me to find the adventure in everything I do and to never, ever forget to laugh! Thank you sweet girl, you are truly one of a kind.

Precious baby Nico, for just a moment I struggled because we didn't get to meet you in this world. It took only seconds before I realized that what i'll always remember about you is JOY! Do you know how much joy you brought to your loving momma when she learned she was carrying you? I can feel it in my heart and I will always remember that you, baby boy, are absolute, unequivocal JOY! Your big sisters were overjoyed when they learned that you were coming! Friends and family were so excited about you and I smile when I think of you chasing your sisters around in Heaven like little boys do! Because of you, I will remember to be joyful for everything God has given me and to let my joy reflect in the way I live every day! Thank you precious boy.

I don't want to remember the four of you in your last moments anymore. You are all so much more than that in my heart! When I think of you, as I do often, I will remember your unending passion and your sweet gentleness, your never ending love of adventure and the sheer joy you brought into this world! I will choose to live out those very same things in my life so that your lives will never be in vain! I will try my best to Shine Like Shanann and Bella and CeCe and Nico because I truly believe that that's why we're here! Thank you for sharing your lives with us. You never knew you would but you did. You wanted to leave your mark on this world and you did that in spades!

As for the things that, I and everyone just can't understand..... maybe I don't need to understand. Maybe it's not for us to understand because we simply weren't made to. God gave us each life and what we choose to do with it is up to us. Shanann, you and your babies used yours for good in spite of the evil that was brought into your lives. That didn't define you and I won't let it define the way i choose to remember you. It will never make sense how and why some choose to use their lives for evil, especially with gifts as so of you, but even here goodness wins because there was you! You did it beautiful Shanann, you did it! Hundreds of thousands of people are forever changed so profoundly by you and your sweet babies! You will live on in our hearts forever and I want to always honor your memory.

The days that lie ahead will surely be difficult and unbearable. Let us never forget that evil is vigilant, it doesn't give up. But neither do good and love!! The more we share it, the greater its impact. What we set our focus on, grows. I want to focus on the examples that you and your lives left for us!
I’m so happy this got copied over to the new thread. It is absolutely beautiful. Thank you for taking the time to write it, your willingness to feel the emotions you must have experienced while writing it and for sharing it with the rest of us.
I was hoping I would believe his story but I'm still skeptical because as other people have stated, he said Shanann " supposedly" threatened to keep him from the girls yet he killed them anyway after driving to his work site 45 minutes away, and even though he admitted to killing the children he did still make it seem as though he was goaded and enraged into killing Shanann and there's a lot of other thoughts that I have about that! for example in a similar situation someone being cheated on might threaten to go to the mistress with information about intimacy or pregnancy or other factors we may not know about. He killed because he feared he would not see his kids but then he killed his kids thus making it definitive that he would never see them again!!! It makes no sense, but then again he's a liar and a dumbass so I'm not sure what to believe?!?!!?!
I think his actions may be accurate but not his reasons why. He may feel saying that he reacted/acted out of anger and killing his whole family was not a premeditated thought makes him less of a monster. I still feel this was premeditated to dispose of his family, there was not a trigger that night other than maybe one that allowed for him to carry thru with want him had already thought of and hoped for - being free of his whole family.
I didn't think this could get any worse, I had hoped the poor babies had been asleep in their beds when a monster came in and stole their last breaths, how can anyone ever understand how he did this, then calmly went to buy food and carried on with his day, I'm sickened in the pit of my stomach

And after cramming his babies into the oil tank, he took a picture of the wildflowers, to send to his mistress....:eek:
I think he took off the mask as far as his ACTIONS that night but I am not convinced he took off his mask as to his THOUGHTS. I still believe he wanted this all to happen - and only courage stood in his way. Courage not because it was horrendous, but courage because it was so risky and there would be no going back. MOO.

RIGHT, I agree. He took off one mask and there is another underneath.

I don't believe that he killed his wife because she 'said she was taking my kids away.'

First of all, he knew she couldn't take them away just because he had an affair. So that would not be a logical reaction to a false threat like that.

But besides that, he obviously didnt want those sweet babies anyway. So that is not why he killed them. That is just his 'victim' mask, below the other one. JMO

I think he killed them because he is a classic family annihilator and he was done with them. Didnt want to be bothered with them, nor responsible for them etc.
I think I've caught up. I watched the shadow video and unlike most, I'm not sure. I watched the one where it was slowed down and toggled back and forth to show how his head was in a different direction from the shadow and I'm still not sure.

There were lights from different angles that could cast weird shadows. He backed his truck into the garage for a reason - so no one would see what he put in it. Why would he then risk people seeing the kids he was going to kill (and pretend had disappeared) walking out of the house to him and being placed by him into the truck? It doesn't even seem like he turns his head around to see if anyone's watching.

It could be the girls. But I can't be positive. I'm not saying he didn't transport them to the site to kill them but I have a feeling he would've carried them quickly to truck in a way they wouldn't be seen.

I also don't think Bella uttered the words that are being repeated here. "Please don't do to me what you did to Cece." Not sure how many of you have kids or have worked with preschoolers but that is a grammatical sophistication that's beyond most kids that age. I think she probably did say something to him if he's telling the truth, but I'm not sure what. Probably just, "No Daddy! Are you going to hurt me? Don't!" Something simpler.

The thought that he picked up those little angels, held their bodies and put them in his truck and then quietly drove for 45 minutes to the site and methodically smothered them, is terrifying. It's beyond understanding.

Those who are saying they saw him on video and in photos prior to the murders and no way would they have been able to guess at his level of depravity? I'm totally with you. It's bizarre how normal he seemed before this.

The dreaded podcast everyone is talking about? Just to let everyone know, giving them thumbs down does nothing. Every time someone clicks on her videos she's gaining attention and popularity.

I am confused as to the fact that such ignorant sociopaths have any following at all? It's like people enjoy being bullied and watching others be bullied. It's gross.

I can't fathom how the Rzuceks are surviving this. They must have an incredible faith. They lost almost their whole family. They lost their precious children. And after that they have been kicked repeatedly when they were down by evil, gossipy monsters questioning CW's guilt and turning on poor SW, who wasn't perfect but who was special and kind and a wonderful mother.

I don't know how they survive it. I really don't.
Great post! Like you I’m not sure I’m convinced by the shadow video. Not sure what to think.

And Bella’s words “don’t do to me what you did to CeCe” reminded me immediately of the words CW used in his original confession “so I did the same thing to her”. I always thought it was an odd choice of words, and even odder for a 4 year old.

I’m waiting to hear the confession tape. What we’ve heard she said came from a lawyer who heard it from SR who heard it from someone else. I think everyone has the best intentions, but exact words and perhaps some facts may have inadvertently been changed a bit like in the old telephone game.
I watched a show about a little girl who was murdered in her home by a male acquaintance or neighbor. She was beaten to death. Every inch of her precious body.

Her mom insisted on seeing her. The coroner warned her against it. But she was determined. Once there she walked slowly around her daughter. She examined and touched every inch of her battered body. She catalogued every single bruise and wound, which were from head to toe. Even the soles of her feet.

I can never get that image out of my head of that mother, carefully bearing witness to what her baby girl had endured. Absorbing it. Trying to understand. :(

My son went into lividity before our coroner could come down off the mountain. I took pictures of his body. Even though it looked as horrific as you might imagine, I was afraid that, in the future, my mind would play tricks on me and look back on that memory and see something much worse. And it does sometimes. When it does, I have to bring out that picture to look at to remind myself that though it was bad, it's not as bad as my imagination is trying to make it be. I can understand why parents want to know every detail about what happened and why they want to see the bodies for themselves. When that's all you have left of your child, you'll hang on to just about anything. I know some parents whose children have been murdered and only one of the parents identified the body. The other parent sometimes has trouble with closure and will even try to convince themselves that the child isn't really dead. I see that a lot in my child loss grief group, actually.
Oh dear god. Another horrible thought. Listening to Battery by Metallica was a way to amp him up to kill those girls once he decided to proceed with that plan.

A rally cry.

Similar to how I listen to the Rocky soundtrack before beginning a run or grueling workout.

Smashing through the boundaries
Lunacy has found me
Cannot stop the battery
[he just can’t stop himself from killing them all. It’s the only available option in his mind.]

Pounding out aggression
Turns into obsession
Cannot kill the battery
Cannot kill the family

[he didn’t want to kill the kids in his original planning. Like the way we repeat not to do certain things in our head... try and convince ourselves to be moral, upstanding people.]

Battery is found in me
Battery, battery

[hes found the power source inside of him to see it all through to the end. No turning back now]

I’m going to hold my kid a little tighter tonight.

I hate to think that because I really love this song. And I'm more of a bluegrass person.
reading page 8 and 9...........He made and manipulated work plans to go to the field Monday alone, someone mentioned a coercive approach by CW when Shanann came home, giving him a reason, so to speak. BUT even though I can see that playing out, I wonder if maybe He is trying to protect NK, not sure how but just know we cant trust everything he says......

I heard (as we all did) there was someone else being investigated as told on Dr Phil, they couldnt say who BUT who do we suspect THAT would be? lol......

So maybe he's protecting her and so trying to make it look like crime of passion instead of premeditated, which wold very much incriminate NK's involvement since cell towers placer her in the area of his home that morning and since she monitored the tanks or something and worked with him........

SO, if she's under investigation, there would be reason CW is suddenly doing interviews suddenly
Yes. This!
and took a dump before or after....cant remember.

double ugh!!:eek:

some poor LEO had to go dig it up to check what he had been up to.

triple ugh!!!:confused:

Yeah, they had to dig through his crap-both literal and figurative- to determine what was truth and what he'd been up to. I just can't with this guy.
yes that's exactly what he did.
and his delusional parents spat out lie after lie all the while praising their special boy and how tough he has done it putting up with that dreadful woman who loved him unconditionally and was now dead at his hand.

chris behaviour toward his own family is/was disrespectful and heartless.
the fact they chose to support him nobody begrudges them.
the fact they bad mouthed their sons murder victim unforgivable and cruel.
CW exposed his own family to the world as the monsters they are, maybe intentionally? Wow...
No matter what, CW will always control the narrative of what happened that terrible night. There are no other accounts. He has proven himself a liar and manipulator. I don’t think we can ever 100% believe anything he says. There is so much evidence to lend credence to the theory that this was premeditated. This recent account still maintains that it was a rage killing, that he had to kill the kids because BW witnessed’s still a story to deflect the full accountability that he planned this.

How could the girls, knowing what just happened, ride in that truck with their dead mother’s body for close to an hour and LE not find a single hair of theirs in the truck? Fingerprints?

Once he killed SW he couldn’t leave them home alone to dispose of SW’s body. Maybe he thought he could dispose of the body and the kids wouldn’t realize what was going on, and after checking on the site he could be “called home” to take care of something. That way he could avoid killing the kids. But they knew what was going on so that didn’t work. I think this story is a step closer to the truth but I still have a lot of doubts.
No matter what, CW will always control the narrative of what happened that terrible night. There are no other accounts. He has proven himself a liar and manipulator. I don’t think we can ever 100% believe anything he says. There is so much evidence to lend credence to the theory that this was premeditated. This recent account still maintains that it was a rage killing, that he had to kill the kids because BW witnessed’s still a story to deflect the full accountability that he planned this.

How could the girls, knowing what just happened, ride in that truck with their dead mother’s body for close to an hour and LE not find a single hair of theirs in the truck? Fingerprints?

Once he killed SW he couldn’t leave them home alone to dispose of SW’s body. Maybe he thought he could dispose of the body and the kids wouldn’t realize what was going on, and after checking on the site he could be “called home” to take care of something. That way he could avoid killing the kids. But they knew what was going on so that didn’t work. I think this story is a step closer to the truth but I still have a lot of doubts.

Do we know for certain that none of the girls' hair or fingerprints were found in the truck? I find that odd anyway. Even as a work vehicle, I'm sure the girls were inside at some point.
I wonder if CW is telling this horrible death scenario to get even with his wife's parents humiliating him at the sentencing..."you carried them out of the house like garbage". And CW might be trying to call his wife's parents liars ("I didn't carry them all out like garbage, the kids were alive"). Chris likes to do interviews and seems to get some sort of "high" by severely distorting the truth and probably relishes the fact that he knows what happened and no one else knows. This is some sort of sick "power" he holds on to.

And he might have been intentionally trying to "push his wife's buttons" by using a credit card for the dinner with his mistress, and admitting he was having an affair. The angrier he got his wife, the easier it is to kill her.
I didn't say this to bash Shannon!! I wanted to know what someone mentioned Chris saying that Shannon put him in a rage when she said something. So I wanted to know what that "something" was. Got the answer from a poster, "you will never see your kids again". After finding out his affair and wanting a divorce, Shannon is the one who should have been in a rage.
People put themselves into their own personal rages.

I'll never accept blame for putting someone else into a rage, it's their brain, not mine.

Do you really think, that because a woman is smaller, pregnant, whatever, that she should stop talking in case some guy might go into a rage and kill her? Please.
I respectfully disagree. They are grandparents no matter what people think of them and they did love those girls.

that's a farce.

someone 'who loves those girls' wouldn't expose one of them to a life threatening allergy to prove what a hypocondriac her mother is.


yes lets not :)
sympathising the watts family is stirring the pot and creates hostilities…..but you already know this.

How very kind of you to highlight something that is not true. I have no intention of creating hostility, i simply dont see the point in referring to something that is not relevant. Respectfully my friend, it is not I that is stirring said pot.

yes indeed you are.
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