GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #69

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Watching those porch interviews again now knowing his child begged him not to kill her- it is incredible. He just seems like some almost nonchalant, random surfer dude. He can stand there and act like that after he killed his babies and pregnant wife.

It's going to give me nightmares.

And then he quickly pleads guilty and now confessed. Yet he didn't give two ships about the gruesome, terrible thing he did to his own babies.

Just the weirdest thing ever.

I haven't had a nightmare about this case for a while, but I think that's about to change. There are a lot of absolutely bizarre murders, but this one, for me, is at the top of the list.

It's hard to fathom how he could have acted the way he did in those porch interviews and in his interrogation after what he did to his family. It's even more hideous, IMO, if he's now telling the truth about transporting Bella and Cece when they were alive. For me, it's starting to sink in that he might just be telling the truth about that.

This. His ability to detach is unfathomable. A similar scary fact is how not a single coworker that showed up to the cervi site (I believe there were 3 that eventually arrived? Maybe 4?) noticed anything different about him - he wasn’t overly agitated, distraught, he completely held up the facade that he was just normal, good guy Chris.

Terrifying, sad really. How does a human being detach from reality like that?
Even worse...I was just looking at the discovery paperwork again and when he was texting around 7:45 am with Roberts (to figure out if the guy was coming out and when) he is asked how the leak looks and he says “fresh -- lol” —-I know it is a small thing but I can’t imagine thinking to add "lol" to a text within an hour of suffocating your two toddlers, dumping them in oil tanks, and burying your wife and son. Oh yeah, he wants us to believe just an 70 or 80 minutes before this he was trying to decide whether to murder his daughters or not???

Wow, everything...interviews to discovery texts, etc, just all seem like I am watching and reading through a different lens now. And it ain’t pretty. It is horrendous and mind numbing!

He also calls the realtor at 9 am...just a couple hours after murdering his daughters.

Worst I have found is that given how long it took to get from home to the ranch, it appears to me he texted/called Roberts and another coworker as soon as he arrived there - so I assume he was checking where they were at WHILE HIS CHILDREN ARE ALIVE STILL in the car with him during their first 10 or so minutes at Cervi 319. Making sure the coast was clear. Heartbreaking.
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Ok I have watched Dr. phill, surveillance video etc. You know, nothing really changed my mind about CW. I thought he was a self absorbed monster incapable of love before and that really hasn’t changed for me! I believe he made a conscious decision to kill his wife and his beautiful daughters. I don’t really need every detail to know he is pure evil!!!! If there is anything good that comes out of all this, I hope that it will be that SR is vindicated! And that’s right I said SR bc i don’t believe that Shanann should be affiliated with that Watts name after what that family has continued to do to her! Ok rant over and sorry if I violated TOS, but I’m just tired of these sick sick people that have continually tried to tarnish Shanann! MOO

It's really hard to absorb that this case has become even uglier. There are simply no words to describe the horror of what this monster is capable of. He's absolutely depraved.

The Watts never wanted her to be a part of their hateful family. It was so easy for them to shut her out, blame her for wanting to live her own life and exercise her rights as a wife and mother, undermine her at every opportunity and ignore their beautiful grandchildren.

I think it’s so appropriate that Shan’ann’s family have buried their daughter and her cherished babies under the Rzucek name.
Their loss is indescribable and we can only try and imagine what they've had to endure over the past few months. I've never seen a case that has touched so many hearts.

May Shan'ann, Bella, CeCe and Nico rest in peace. While they will always be missed, they will never be forgotten.

I don't think this is over by a long shot. No screams heard anywhere. No bruises or scratches on CW after allegedly killing his wife, who didn't fight back? At least Bella would've clawed at him if she knew what was coming. CeCe would've kicked at him hard. This puzzle still isn't coming together and I don't believe a word CW is saying; I'm wondering what he ISN'T saying.

Considering how many hours that interview lasted (some reports were saying it was 5 hours or 8 hours, I can't remember now), my bet is that they showed up there for reasons external to CW (Like pursuing information on the mistress and possibly investigating her role in the crimes etc) and it began like the interrogation did - With them wanting answers and information, and him bumbling out lie after lie.

"like... I would never... like.. hurt those girls..." And so Tammy and Coder had to get cracking and gradually broke him down over several hours getting admissions from him like they're pulling teeth (just like last time) getting him to spew out a few half-truths as time goes on. And we'll be left once again with some partial truth but not the full truth.
What possible reason would CW have to lie about such a monstrous thing as murdering Bella when she begged him not to?

For one, even if he's telling the truth about that, it doesn't mean he's telling the truth about where it happened. Maybe they were in the house.

Secondly, even if he's telling the truth about that one detail, it doesn't mean his entire story being told here is honest. Remember, in his first "confession" he admitted to murdering Shanann after they very skillfully psychologically broke him down, but he still lied about not murdering the kids. There were plenty of other things he lied about even then when he admitted some guilt on certain things.

As for why he would lie about this detail or any other particular details while NOT lying about certain other things that make him look bad, my answer is the same as above. When Tammy and Graham get this guy in a room for several hours they disarm him mentally and he admits certain things to them. But he's not a truthteller, and not someone who takes personal responsibility, so it's against his nature to do so, and that's why only half-truths and snippets of the truth trickle out here and there... They are battling against a great wall.
Someone did an experiment here and fitting a child that was Bella's size into that size opening worked easily.

Other people had different results. It depends on the width of the shoulders. The diameter of the hatch was 8", but I read yesterday that Bella was 9 1/2" across the shoulders. In any event, DA Rourke said she had scratches on her buttocks from being squeezed into the hatch and a tuft of her hair had been ripped off, he said. Bella and CeCe were disposed of like pieces of garbage.
It doesn’t matter if it was plausible, many people believed it.

They made the Rzucek’s lives absolute hell, as if losing their daughter and grandkids was not enough.

This from Dr. Phil today: “Shanann’s parents had to sit there with the entire world, hearing this son-of-***** say that their daughter murdered their two children.”

This will go a long way to ending that vile nonsense.

He’s not contesting the civil suit, shut up her critics, and finally used his words to accept responsibility.

The Rzucek’s lawyers believe him, even if they have some unanswered questions.

I certainly do.

WADR, I think you're jumping to conclusions before you've heard the audio. The lawyers all made very noncommittal statements, lots of lawyer-speak. NONE of them have heard the audio themselves. Some details were conveyed by Shanann's mother to her lawyer. He relayed those details. That's it. The lawyer also strongly hinted that the reason they went there was NOT at CW's request but because their investigation required it. So I think you are giving way too much credit for "taking responsibility" before we've even heard the interview.
WADR, I think you're jumping to conclusions before you've heard the audio. The lawyers all made very noncommittal statements, lots of lawyer-speak. NONE of them have heard the audio themselves. Some details were conveyed by Shanann's mother to her lawyer. He relayed those details. That's it. The lawyer also strongly hinted that the reason they went there was NOT at CW's request but because their investigation required it. So I think you are giving way too much credit for "taking responsibility" before we've even heard the interview.
Him saying “I killed the kids,” is taking responsibility.

He is saying “I did this, not Shanann.”

His last confession blamed her for the murders, and although he pleaded guilty (the most important declaration of responsibility), he had never before accepted responsibility verbally.

I did not say he was noble, just that he had changed his tune.

I’ve already said that this was akin to playing a game of “telephone,” and we only know the gist of what was said.

I’m not getting ahead of anything.
My. God. This is far worse, far more depraved of an act than I ever considered possible. He is pure evil. A complete monster.

I’ve followed many horrible cases over the course of the years; none have caused me to bawl like I did today.

I have a 4 year old daughter. She is the light of my world and I am the light of hers. She looks to me as her protector, her biggest fan, the fixer of all things she encounters in life. How anyone could disregard such a sacred bond is beyond my level of comprehension.

MOO, IMO, this is how I think things went down:

- I think he fantasized for a long time about killing Shannan. He clearly, to me anyway, looked at her with complete contempt. I DONT think he was sure he could go through with it, though. The Cervi disposal was contrived as part of his fantasy to kill her / provide him with a plan if he felt he could do the deed during the next argument. Maybe he felt close to the point of killing her before and chickened out that time. Maybe he was waiting to feel that type of rage again to see it through once and for all. The photo of the doll was part of the prep work.

- Narcissists aren’t that clever. They weave bits and pieces of truth into their lies. I do believe they had a fight when she got home. I believe she was too exhausted to continue arguing and eventually acquiesced. She was also still madly in love with him. We all eat lies when our hearts are hungry. I believe they were intimate immediately after that but she couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. I would bet the fighting immediately started up again after that. I’ve had plenty of fights with my own husband in this manner. There’s a cool down period before things begin escalating again. Shannan was found in a nightgown and underwear. She was ready to go to bed. It sounds like he either admitted to the affair while they were laying in bed after they finished having sex or she was sitting on, or standing close, to the bed. In her immense emotional agony, she said something she KNEW would hurt him... that she’d take the kids away. It’s only natural to want to inflict the same level of pain on those who hurt us. He then sat on her chest, on top of the blankets, and strangled her. This would account for the lack of defensive wounds. Or perhaps he waited until the second cool down and strangled her while she was asleep.

- I don’t think he ever considered killing the girls prior to that day. I think one of two things happened during that 45 min drive: he either had a moment of “remorse” because the girls were freaking out over seeing their mom wrapped in a sheet or he simply convinced himself that killing them was the decent thing to do. Let them be with their mom in heaven. Save them the pain of being raised in a motherless home. This is how a sick mind works: in his narcissism and selfish thinking, there was no other logical way to proceed but to allow them to be together in the afterlife. Sick stuff.

- He has no reason to lie at this point. Again, as a narcissist, he feels absolved of his sins and forgiven by the only true being who can “judge” him: God. He now has a clear conscious, in his mind, and his soul is free to seek redemption by his jail religion.

The entire situation, from start to finish, is so self serving. He doesn’t see it that way, sadly.
Oh dear god. Another horrible thought. Listening to Battery by Metallica was a way to amp him up to kill those girls once he decided to proceed with that plan.

A rally cry.

Similar to how I listen to the Rocky soundtrack before beginning a run or grueling workout.

Smashing through the boundaries
Lunacy has found me
Cannot stop the battery
[he just can’t stop himself from killing them all. It’s the only available option in his mind.]

Pounding out aggression
Turns into obsession
Cannot kill the battery
Cannot kill the family

[he didn’t want to kill the kids in his original planning. Like the way we repeat not to do certain things in our head... try and convince ourselves to be moral, upstanding people.]

Battery is found in me
Battery, battery

[hes found the power source inside of him to see it all through to the end. No turning back now]

I’m going to hold my kid a little tighter tonight.
To further hurt the Rzuchek family. The only reason I can think of. I don't think we'll ever know the full truth.
but wouldn't he be hurting both sets of grand parents and other close family members too?
Typically, you would consider both sets of grandparents victims here.

That went out the door when they went on tv, and inflicted tremendous pain upon the Rzucek family.

They trashed their daughter, pointed the finger at her, and all but accused her of murder.

The discovery documents made it clear that this was not an isolated incident, and they were not loving grandparents.

The Rzucek’s have been forced to go on the offense, and fight back against these vile human beings.

It should never have been that way, but is necessary none-the-less.

Good for them.
I respectfully disagree. They are grandparents no matter what people think of them and they did love those girls.
My. God. This is far worse, far more depraved of an act than I ever considered possible. He is pure evil. A complete monster.

I’ve followed many horrible cases over the course of the years; none have caused me to bawl like I did today.

I have a 4 year old daughter. She is the light of my world and I am the light of hers. She looks to me as her protector, her biggest fan, the fixer of all things she encounters in life. How anyone could disregard such a sacred bond is beyond my level of comprehension.

MOO, IMO, this is how I think things went down:

- I think he fantasized for a long time about killing Shannan. He clearly, to me anyway, looked at her with complete contempt. I DONT think he was sure he could go through with it, though. The Cervi disposal was contrived as part of his fantasy to kill her / provide him with a plan if he felt he could do the deed during the next argument. Maybe he felt close to the point of killing her before and chickened out that time. Maybe he was waiting to feel that type of rage again to see it through once and for all. The photo of the doll was part of the prep work.

- Narcissists aren’t that clever. They weave bits and pieces of truth into their lies. I do believe they had a fight when she got home. I believe she was too exhausted to continue arguing and eventually acquiesced. She was also still madly in love with him. We all eat lies when our hearts are hungry. I believe they were intimate immediately after that but she couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. I would bet the fighting immediately started up again after that. I’ve had plenty of fights with my own husband in this manner. There’s a cool down period before things begin escalating again. Shannan was found in a nightgown and underwear. She was ready to go to bed. It sounds like he either admitted to the affair while they were laying in bed after they finished having sex or she was sitting on, or standing close, to the bed. In her immense emotional agony, she said something she KNEW would hurt him... that she’d take the kids away. It’s only natural to want to inflict the same level of pain on those who hurt us. He then sat on her chest, on top of the blankets, and strangled her. This would account for the lack of defensive wounds. Or perhaps he waited until the second cool down and strangled her while she was asleep.

- I don’t think he ever considered killing the girls prior to that day. I think one of two things happened during that 45 min drive: he either had a moment of “remorse” because the girls were freaking out over seeing their mom wrapped in a sheet or he simply convinced himself that killing them was the decent thing to do. Let them be with their mom in heaven. Save them the pain of being raised in a motherless home. This is how a sick mind works: in his narcissism and selfish thinking, there was no other logical way to proceed but to allow them to be together in the afterlife. Sick stuff.

- He has no reason to lie at this point. Again, as a narcissist, he feels absolved of his sins and forgiven by the only true being who can “judge” him: God. He now has a clear conscious, in his mind, and his soul is free to seek redemption by his jail religion.

The entire situation, from start to finish, is so self serving. He doesn’t see it that way, sadly.
I think he killed the girls because they were witnesses. He was out to save his own behind.
That’s what I don’t understand. Sure they love their son. But don’t they love their own grandchildren? Why aren’t they standing up for them? And now they know their daughter in law, no matter what issues they had, was an innocent victim of murder. Could there be a little compassion now? I hope they apologize, and that it’s genuine. They slandered SW to the media, worked groups and podcasts, and maybe even here too, causing an untold amount of pain to the Rzucek’s.
IMO, their focus is/was, rightly or wrongly, on the living, namely their son.
He had to have known he was going to kill the girls. It wasn't a spur of the moment decision. He brought them to work with him and to bury their mother! Otherwise, what was he going to do with them all day while at work and with other coworkers? Let them talk about mommy in a sheet in the car and now under the dirt? He knew he was going to kill them out at the oil fields.
I’m starting to feel like he wasn’t confessing to ‘cleanse his soul’- he doesn’t even have a soul he is filthy and dark inside.
It’s looking like he’s done this to inflict further pain on Shanann’s family.

Why would he only now, 7 months down the line confess that Bella saw everything and that he took them to cervi ALIVE. It makes absolutely zero sense. It would be far quicker and simpler to kill the girls at home, by revealing all this he’s just hurting the Rzucek’s. A way of saying ‘Hey, I’m still here’. The Rzucek’s are grieving and he has shown no respect to them.

This will for them be like learning they’ve died all over again, but even worse now that they can’t imagine their daughter and grandchildren at least died at home in their beds with little time to register what was going on. Now he’s let this out the bag it can NEVER go back in. Now the Rzucek’s have heard this they will never unhear it. That poor family.
And still the Watts’ can only think ‘poor chris’.
I’m starting to feel like he wasn’t confessing to ‘cleanse his soul’- he doesn’t even have a soul he is filthy and dark inside.
It’s looking like he’s done this to inflict further pain on Shanann’s family.

Why would he only now, 7 months down the line confess that Bella saw everything and that he took them to cervi ALIVE. It makes absolutely zero sense. It would be far quicker and simpler to kill the girls at home, by revealing all this he’s just hurting the Rzucek’s. A way of saying ‘Hey, I’m still here’. The Rzucek’s are grieving and he has shown no respect to them.

This will for them be like learning they’ve died all over again, but even worse now that they can’t imagine their daughter and grandchildren at least died at home in their beds with little time to register what was going on. Now he’s let this out the bag it can NEVER go back in. Now the Rzucek’s have heard this they will never unhear it. That poor family.
And still the Watts’ can only think ‘poor chris’.
I wondered this from the start. Evil is as evil does.
I respectfully disagree. They are grandparents no matter what people think of them and they did love those girls.

>modsnip - bickering<

someone 'who loves those girls' wouldn't expose one of them to a life threatening allergy to prove what a hypocondriac her mother is.

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