GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #70

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We should all have to spend a week with our potential in-laws, before marriage, trapped in a really small space under adverse conditions!

I'm not giving Chris the Mommy excuse. Granted it looks like I missed the worst of the Watts, (Thankfully!), but if "in-law hate" created murderers, I'd be dead now. My in-laws thought that I was totally against them because children complicate things. I had a lot of ( I felt, valid), concerns about their care of my children when they were very small, and I didn't let them baby sit, or have the kid's overnight because their lack of common sense was alarming. There is no "nice" way to say, " Don't feed my two month old infant chocolate you moron!" Or "please don't let your drunk neighbor, who we all know is "A Nice Man" pick up my toddler...

The talked a lot of Chit about me, and were a factor in the divorce, but not the cause of it, (but now, my ex, to whom I've always remained close, doesn't want out daughter around them either lol!), but he didn't KILL me.
Chris Watts is what he is and the pressures he felt are impossible to understand from a normal vantage point, but I believe he was born without a human soul.

my mother-in-law never liked me ... and she still likes to demonstrate this very clearly to me. Last time, when I asked for her advice (why did I even do this??) she told me, that I had already done so many mistakes with my son, this could never be compansated (I hope I found the correct "term" for this). In her eyes nothing is good enough - In all the years (ten) she really never had any kind words for me. And I'm still alive. My husband defends me as good as possible. But anyway, Chris found many "excuses" why this did happen - in my opinion, none of them were really reasonable. And even if he want's others to believe, that he wasn't "himself" that night/moring, he had plenty of time to think of what he was doing. The only person to blame is still him and this will never change. Within a few hours he destroyed many lifes out of selfish reasons. That's not excusable.

Do they relly still think he'd innoccent?
CW said as much during his latest interview.

We don’t know how they’ll respond to his latest confession, but if they do take a step back, it will only be to the extent that they admit that he did this, but believe that “Shanann made him do it.”

They will never place full blame on him.

Their hatred of Shanann knows no bounds.


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Please forgive me if this has already been stated and or if it's out of line but he states he didn't end up killing himself because he didn't want to hurt any other people in the area of the oil tanks, but, especially being that he was already in the truck, there is an easier way to do it.. this is fact ..from which they would all just drift into a peaceful sleep. The ONLY reason I say this is that his excuse for not offing himself is that he supposedly did not want to hurt anyone else in the process?? He killed the people that were the most important in his life, albeit he did not realize nor appreciate them as that. His confession has a lot of inaccuracies to facts and reasoning but this has got to be the most obviously clear example that he definitely is narcissistic and selfish Imo.
He said that only after Tammy Lee suggested there might have been another use for the gas in the gas can. Then he glommed onto that self serving idea about foregoing suicide due to altruism, just like he did with her earlier suggestion that SW killed the girls. Do we have any proof there was actually "gas" in that jerry jug? I heard it said months ago that it was either gas or diesel to run various things like small independent pumps or small engines possibly needed at the various sites.
But according to CW, Shanann didn't fight back, so what noise would have been heard in a strangulation? So much of what he claims in his confessions doesn't make sense. It defies logic.

And it will defy logic in a different way when he tells it next.

There are so many lies in each story Chris tells that he will never be able to remember them all even with that genius level I.Q.!
Those shadows on the camera had me convinced weeks ago. I took a lot of heat for stating it. What upsets me so much is that the girls were still trusting and following their dad; and yes, it was because he'd carried their mom outside, but the trust that was exploited and extinguished has me viscerally reacting with such sadness.

That is what is gut-wrenching to me as well.
CW said as much during his latest interview.

We don’t know how they’ll respond to his latest confession, but if they do take a step back, it will only be to the extent that they admit that he did this, but believe that “Shanann made him do it.”

They will never place full blame on him.

Their hatred of Shanann knows no bounds.

... but doesn't change the fact, that their son is a confessed (child) killer.
I'm starting to believe, that they saw something in Shannan, they actually hated in themselves - kind of reflection/transmission (psychological). Deep in their cold hearts they must know that they are horrible persons. I think, that's a hard thing to deal with.
... but doesn't change the fact, that their son is a confessed (child) killer.
I'm starting to believe, that they saw something in Shannan, they actually hated in themselves - kind of reflection/transmission (psychological). Deep in their cold hearts they must know that they are horrible persons. I think, that's a hard thing to deal with.

Honestly, I doubt it. One of my favorite movie quotes (from Bull Durham) applies here:

"The world is made for people who aren't cursed with self-awareness."
... but doesn't change the fact, that their son is a confessed (child) killer.
I'm starting to believe, that they saw something in Shannan, they actually hated in themselves - kind of reflection/transmission (psychological). Deep in their cold hearts they must know that they are horrible persons. I think, that's a hard thing to deal with.

Yeah. Shanann was strong, and I think they felt that she was stealing CW away from them.

I think Cindy is a very controlling person, and that loss of control, that loss of influence, really bothered her.

You don’t skip your son’s wedding, nor do you try and expose your grandchild to allergens, just to prove a point.

Nothing about them is normal.
No, you can't truly be like them unless you are devoid of healthy emotion and consumed with a sickness of heart.

The Watts seem to care only for themselves, and to such a degree that they are able to shut out anyone else's experience.

CW learned his lack of emotion from his parents I believe.
Well, the poster, I was replying to, suggested she would have been at least as, or even worse behaved that the Watts... SO...mimicking insanity is "better". Is that what your getting at?

This is getting ridiculous. These Murders were beyond any I have ever been involved in discussing.
Which is what we do here, on Webslueths. But I believe, and I am far from alone, in the belief that Psychopaths are born that way, nurture contributes, but abuse can't make a killer.
I think CW's family tells themselves, and therefore they're able to tell others, that he could kill SW because of something being 'wrong' with SW - including that she killed the girls. Therefore he was "coerced" into confessing to that part. They can't otherwise reconcile the death of the children.
I'm starting to believe, that they saw something in Shannan, they actually hated in themselves - kind of reflection/transmission (psychological). Deep in their cold hearts they must know that they are horrible persons. I think, that's a hard thing to deal with.

In my opinion only, Shannon had complete control of MOM's son. That mom didn't like that. CW mother was a controlling woman and she didn't care who she hurt. SW was controlling but if you look at everything they are saying that she was controlling with, it was to keep her family, healthy and ALIVE.....Everything she did was planned and organized. EVERYTHING....was done to better her family. CW Mother argued with a DIL that was basically fighting with her about her own grandchild's life. The child was deathly allergic to peanuts....yet she went and bought ice cream with nuts in it purposely, let the children eat it in front of a child who is allergic to peanuts and cant touch it lest she die? WHAT? Does any one realize how important ice cream is to a's like given from the heaven's and yet here the Grandmother was teasing a CHILD with it. SHE KNEW that child could die eating that ice cream...then SW sticking up for her child's LIFE was accused by this woman of being controlling? NO THEY Didn't see something in Shannon they hated in themselves. That grandmother saw a different kind of control and love. Maybe it was something she wished she got from her own parents growing up as this tends to run in families to where her mother didn't stick up for her with things like life threatening issues....but NOT THE SAME thing as Shannon did....Shannon had an organized well planned out plan for her families daily life that included keeping those children away from things that would kill them. Shannon was a keeper of a wife.

GOD KNOWS how she tormented her kids, including CW to keep order and control, if she would tease a grandchild with ice cream (IMHO)
The only thing I'm not sure about is if CW really likes this attention and publicity and notoriety. I think he found it therapeutic to "talk" to Tammy and Coder. He seemed happy to see them. I'm sure they were a welcome sight after enough mundane jail life. His family hasn't visited yet. But they did show up without any warning. It's not like he asked to speak to them. They purposely just showed up to catch him off guard. Tammy, bless her ninja heart, played it off as "We didn't tell you because we didn't want to give you any anxiety!" but in reality they didn't want to give him any time to rehearse or be able to prepare more answers.

I don't think he expected over four hours of tapes to be released to the public. The detectives asked him about certain things, if CW would want them to share certain info with NK, his parents, SW's family. It sounded like they would be "conveying" information. At one point, one of the detectives said he would be talking to Sandy, but first he needed to digest this information and what he wanted to share with her.

So I am not positive that CW talked to be attention-seeking or attempting to stay relevant? This whole case has been very sensationalized (for good reason), and then you also have Dr. Phil in the mix. (Who I thought, despite my usual eye rolling dislike, was very compassionate and human to SW's family, and had some pretty on point sentiments.) And Nancy Grace podcasts. And as much as they do a good job in different ways, they make some clickbait statements that are a little vague on the specifics of the case.

I can't stand CW. I think he's pretty pathetic and inhumane and missing all kind of human chips, and doesn't have a conscience. I am just not positive that he released these details and called for this confession to keep causing pain. I really think he was clearing his conscience to detectives he considers "safe" and were a willing audience. I think they are so professional and do such a good job of gaining trust, that he wanted to talk and also felt like he was being the good, obedient guy "complying" and helping them fill in some gaps. I don't think he has much to lose at this point. I think if he wanted attention, he would have answered news media or "off the record" interview or visit requests.

I could be wrong, but I think some of this "bombshell confession" hype is a little out of context in terms of CW's motivation or initiation. I feel like in this case it was orchestrated by law enforcement and then released. IMO.
I think CW's family tells themselves, and therefore they're able to tell others, that he could kill SW because of something being 'wrong' with SW - including that she killed the girls. Therefore he was "coerced" into confessing to that part. They can't otherwise reconcile the death of the children.
I was so glad SW's mom addressed that on Dr. Phil - how CW's family thought well if he killed Shanann, that part was understandable and okay. She was like HOW COULD THEY THINK EVEN THAT IS THAT OKAY??!!
Could of put SW in the garage/truck and still kill babies inside the house. So perplexed why he kept them alive until arriving Cervi.....:eek:
It crossed my mind that by waiting until he got to Cervi, then he'd really HAVE to do it right then (if he was feeling avoidant or hesitant...). People would be arriving, and it would FORCE him to do it right THEN. Not that this isn't also a plan; it's akin to putting your alarm clock across the room to force you to get out of bed in the morning. The Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, sort of approach... :(
The only thing I'm not sure about is if CW really likes this attention and publicity and notoriety. I think he found it therapeutic to "talk" to Tammy and Coder. He seemed happy to see them. I'm sure they were a welcome sight after enough mundane jail life. His family hasn't visited yet. But they did show up without any warning. It's not like he asked to speak to them. They purposely just showed up to catch him off guard. Tammy, bless her ninja heart, played it off as "We didn't tell you because we didn't want to give you any anxiety!" but in reality they didn't want to give him any time to rehearse or be able to prepare more answers.

I don't think he expected over four hours of tapes to be released to the public. The detectives asked him about certain things, if CW would want them to share certain info with NK, his parents, SW's family. It sounded like they would be "conveying" information. At one point, one of the detectives said he would be talking to Sandy, but first he needed to digest this information and what he wanted to share with her.

So I am not positive that CW talked to be attention-seeking or attempting to stay relevant? This whole case has been very sensationalized (for good reason), and then you also have Dr. Phil in the mix. (Who I thought, despite my usual eye rolling dislike, was very compassionate and human to SW's family, and had some pretty on point sentiments.) And Nancy Grace podcasts. And as much as they do a good job in different ways, they make some clickbait statements that are a little vague on the specifics of the case.

I can't stand CW. I think he's pretty pathetic and inhumane and missing all kind of human chips, and doesn't have a conscience. I am just not positive that he released these details and called for this confession to keep causing pain. I really think he was clearing his conscience to detectives he considers "safe" and were a willing audience. I think they are so professional and do such a good job of gaining trust, that he wanted to talk and also felt like he was being the good, obedient guy "complying" and helping them fill in some gaps. I don't think he has much to lose at this point. I think if he wanted attention, he would have answered news media or "off the record" interview or visit requests.

I could be wrong, but I think some of this "bombshell confession" hype is a little out of context in terms of CW's motivation or initiation. I feel like in this case it was orchestrated by law enforcement and then released. IMO.
I agree with every syllable!
As I again watch the video of Chris confessing to his dad, it appears he doubts Chris' story even while also appearing to emphasize what Chris should say to the detectives.

How must it feel to know that his son sat there and pretended to be pouring out a heartbreaking story while lying through his teeth?

Surely the dad has watched this again and understands what an accomplished liar his son was/is....

But maybe not.

Right after he slammed Shanann in the one interview he did with Ma Watts, the interviewer asked him why CW put his daughters into those tanks, and his dad turned his head and muttered something to the effect of "I don't understand that".

When things don't make any sense, there's a very good reason.
Well, the poster, I was replying to, suggested she would have been at least as, or even worse behaved that the Watts... SO...mimicking insanity is "better". Is that what your getting at?

This is getting ridiculous. These Murders were beyond any I have ever been involved in discussing.
Which is what we do here, on Webslueths. But I believe, and I am far from alone, in the belief that Psychopaths are born that way, nurture contributes, but abuse can't make a killer.

You replied to my post, where I stated that I loved the R's (Shannan's parents) statement (to the Watt's) because it was done with grace, compassion and honesty. And because I would most likely not have been able to do that if it were my daughter that were murdered. Honesty, yes, I could have been honest about my anger at them (the Watts) for trashing the memory of my child. But being graceful and showing compassion would be tough for me under the circumstances they were under.

Not sure what the discussion of psychopaths being born or nurtured has to do with my post, but I believe it is a bit of both.
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