GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #70

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What's with the story about NK and he being in his house on the 4th of July, and then SW calls 10 times and it turns out that he's in bed with NK at her own house, and he leaves the house because SW doesn't even know where he is (how could she tell), then ends with NK being peeved because she is "second bill".
He never goes back to explain about he being in his house on 4 july, at least so far. Coder says he's confused, but CW doesn't clear it up.
oh oh oh but but but
NK said she neverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr went near the bedrooms neverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr (vocal fried for your visual aid:confused:)

I am way behind everyone else and have listened to only a short amount of the interview so far.

One thing that jumped out at me was his referring to the nut incident with his mother as "nut gate" and laughing about it. Was this a term used by discussion groups after the murders or did Shanann refer to it as that ?

I thought it was created by on-line discussion, his comment gave me the impression of him sitting there, reading all about it on line and getting some sort of gratification from it all.

Insignificant comment from me in the overall scheme of things, but it is odd the things that hit you or jump out in something like this.
Good point!! There were several things he said that made me think he was trying to explain what he had read about online. Another one was when he was talking about the mascara running down her face; most men would say makeup running down her face, or not even mention it. There had been a lot of talk on line about the mascara on the pillow, so I think he was trying to make a puzzle piece fit.
I am chuckling inside thinking that CW thought he was chummy with the CBI, meanwhile they secretly recorded him and blasted his picture to the world. My guess is this is the last time he will be speaking with them.
You might be right, but I'll bet he gets lots of adoring fan mail from this and he will want to talk again. You know, to satisfy his fans. Ugh.
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I just started listening to the audio interview, and it’s clear to me how much NK pursued CW. The flirting, the asking CW his opinion, letting him be in control. And also where they went for dates. She was the one who suggested the car museum, not him, and from the audio (couldn’t hear too clearly), she was the one who suggested a drag race. I’m not excusing CW but it’s interesting to me to see how she set her sight on him and knew what would attract him.
There are videos on you tube with shadows circled and Grey Hughes did a video too. I still couldn't determine where the shadows were coming from because the light sources were weird IMHO. The only way to completely prove it would be to do a reenactment with the exact same camera angle and same lights on. But I'll go with what Rourke says. He would have had access to the original video. The video released on the internet was probably compressed and copied and then expanded and it probably came out more pixelated by that process. But the FBI or CBI might have been able to clean it up and see more. MOO.

You can tell there is a shadow that moves from left to right toward CW, and he moves toward it, bends down and picks up what seems to be a child into his arm and turns and moves toward the front of the truck. It's easy to see this shadow moving towards him has to be a moving object coming from the left, because in other instances in the video it has CW approaching from the garage going from left to right behind the truck and the movement of his shadow in those instances are similar to the moving object in this one. It would seem to be a child moving toward him and getting lifted up into his arm/shoulder.
What really is bothering me is how he seems to be enjoying prison and has it somewhat better than I imagined. He deserves no freedom and all the perks it seems he does and soon will get. I want him to suffer but it just doesn’t seem like he is.

I want him to be ignored.
This evil creep doesn't deserve any attention.
He is insignificant, and let him feel this.
His poor girls, to drive them in his truck, with their dead mother, and then murder them, is beyond belief.:eek::eek::eek:
I am waiting for breaking news, very soon: 'no more CW'.
Actually, that’s a really good point.

He’s a bit like an alien from some other planet. He can’t really fit in, because he doesn’t feel what most people feel.

He doesn’t understand some of the things that we take as second nature.

This might be skewing our perception of him, because he appears so ignorant of basic human behavior.

He’s acting, and you can’t ever master that which you don’t understand.

When he’s uncomfortable, he struggles to pull off his charade, and he stumbles, mumbles, and bumbles his efforts.

It makes him appear stupid.

He might not actually be as dumb as he first appears.

Every bit as evil though.

Reminds me of the "men in black" from the early UFO days. There was always something "off" about them. Maybe it's hard to emulate a human being.
Yeah - we were talking about that in one of the earlier threads. There is also no talk of the future that they are missing out on. They're gone now, so their anticipated future is just gone, too.

I thought that was just so weird too. It's wrong to say that about NK but not wrong to kill your whole family. Just bizarre.

RIGHT??? I guess seeing the shadows now is not just confirmation bias. I wanna know WHEN Rourke saw the second shadow, though...
I watched the video and I thought that different shadows coming from different light sources was just a thing. It’s very blurry. I could see him walking backwards as if dragging something, and that to me was him putting her in the truck. But with this new information I can clearly see both girls walking up to the truck separately and him bending down to pick them up. Some people say it’s a loop but the lights from the other houses are different. In the first shadow pick up there’s a light that stays constant. In the second shadow pick up the light in the background flickers like the wind made a tree block the light for a split second. I’ve been obsessed with this from the very beginning, the porch video. There were a lot of tells. I agree with MassGuy, he’s being truthful about killing them at Cervi. Him killing them in their beds is unfortunately a way better scenario than that stuff that made me want to vomit. I watched the video of Bella comforting CeCe and it was the first time I cried. They were so close and she wanted to protect her little sister. I can’t imagine what they went through in the 45 minutes with their feet on top of their Mom, Bella knowing she was dead. He says he doesn’t remember the reaction of the girls because he wasn’t there and time meant nothing? Bull crap. He also said they fell asleep hugging each other. Which is it Chris? They’re notorious light sleepers. I think Bella was being a pain in the *advertiser censored* to him (totally justified, little lady) and pissing him off for making CeCe cry. I think at some point during the drive he blasted Battery to drown out their cries. And that stuff about NK asking what the lyrics to Battery meant “was, is, and will always be, .” -James Spader Pretty in Pink

Sorry for the long post, just letting off steam.
Sadly, yes. MOO
I think Bella saw. “What are you doing with mommy?” He doesn’t have the balls to say that he killed Shanann in front of Bella. “She’s sick and needs to go to the hospital.” And she asked again at the top of the stairs and began to cry. He admitted that she knew what happened because she was a smart girl.
So much to read here, overwhelming, but so hard to understand how he could drive that distance with his dead wife and girls and not think this. I’ve killed their mother in a fit of rage ?, but how can I take the lives of my precious babies. This is a step too far. It must stop now. If they were still alive, that is. So unbelievably sad that such humans exist in our world, capable of such atrocities.
Ha ha!!

Hmm. That's an interesting take. It could be very true.

Earlier I theorized a lot about possible, simmering rage and resentment that could've come from not having a fully formed identity, just going through the motions and living someone else's life, doing what was expected but not what he truly desired, which he could not know as he kind of didn't fully exist.

I mean you have to have an identity to really know what you want and to pick the life you want to live.

In no way do I think this cat was truly enraged or on some sort of rampage when he did this.

But I do think he dug deep down for some simmering resentment and deep anger and dissastifaction.

It was interesting when the investigators asked him if he was angry at Shanann and why. He said he was motivated by rage but he couldn't articulate why. He couldn't point to anything real that she actually did to him to upset him. I mean he also said that he killed his kids out of anger but could not explain it. Which maybe makes sense.

I think he may have felt some slight anger or really tried hard at least to drum some up. But he probably mostly felt adrenaline and excitement as he killed his wife as well. I believe him that he was shaking afterward. I don't think a pure and classic psychopath would have been.

But he calmed right back down like a snake on a rock after that and quietly and methodically loaded his car.

His anger at his parents - that's an interesting theory. Others have said the same thing. And it makes sense.

I feel he was likely annihilated by a narcissist. His description of his mother always asking him how he feels but he never expressed anything? That flat effect around one's parents is common for children of borderlines and narcissists because they can't make the wrong move and any expression of individual needs or feelings is met with annihilating rage or consumption. (Those I know who've been through this said they cannot let their parents in at all or ever tell them about their lives because the parents will use whatever they tell them).

He describes his mother as loving but she's shown herself to be anything but- ruining Shanann's bridal shower, not going to the wedding, bad mouthing her, risking her geandchildren's lives with nuts, saying savage things about her murdered daughter in law despite the utter agony it would cause Shanann's family. Making her victim statement all about showing how great her son and her family is and how she is a victim. Making it all about appearance and about her.

She's shown her character in so many ways.

So I think he's leaving a lot out. What he's described of his father and what we've heard from that man likewise shows a dysfunctional person of questionable character to me. He became a coke addict because his son got married and moved? Wth? And he continues to throw his murdered daughter in law under the bus refusing to accept reality?

What was it like being raised by them?

I recall this photo I saw of the family when Chris was little. It was in a YouTube movie about the crimes and flashed quickly on the screen. I rewinded and froze it.

Chris' sister appears much older than he. Chris was quite young. About 8-10. His father wasn't smiling much. Sort of stone faced. His mother and sister had almost identical expressions. Kind of smug, half smiles.

Then there was Chris. The little boy had a super wide and sweet smile. He was the nicest thing in the photo. The very picture of affability, innocence and niceness.

A very good boy.

I think like Scott Peterson he had to play a role in that family. He couldn't express emotion. He couldn't develop a personality.

And maybe indeed he had a simmering anger toward them as well.

It's all so horrible yet interesting to ponder.

This is another brilliant post from you, Gitana. Thank you.
I listened to the videos last night while doing stuff around my house. Had to constantly stop and rewind. Thinking what did I just hear..... he sounds pleased to have visitors and I believed a lot of what he said. Since this wasn’t preplanned, he didn’t have the luxury to prepare. And we’ve all seen how he reacts off the cuff.

I do believe he wishes he’d never met NK and he could go back to his life with his family like he said. However I was waiting for the breakdown and grief for what he did. The real loss. Never seeing his kids grow up. Acknowledging the fear poor little Bella felt. How he betrayed them all. Nothing. Bizarre.

I am sadder than he is.
On CNN special “Chris Watts: The True Confession”, Robi Ludwig (Psychtherapist) and Pat Lalama (Crime Journalist) both think we can’t believe him. He has an agenda— he’s enjoying the attention it has nothing to do with finding God or wanting to tell tne truth.

I’m reminded of the saying if a snake bites you once, shame on the snake. If it bites you twice shame on you. We know CW has told dozens of lies easily with a straight face. We know he doesn’t have a conscience. We know he’s been obsessed with what people think about him. IMO there’s absolutely nothing we know about him that would indicate he’s interested in telling the truth.

I think delving into what he said and did based on his interview is exactly what he wants. And taking what he says at face value is like believing a snake known to bite comstantly won’t bite this time. I for one believe some of what he said, think he’s lying and omitting other things. As I said we’ll never know if we know the truth. Occurs to me spending time trying to sort it out is giving him the attention he wants and won’t do a thing to bring Shanann, Bella, Cece or Nico back.

Thanks to everyone here for all your kind words and support. It’s helped more than you know. So this may sound strange and may be an unpopular view here at WS. Please know I’m not disparaging anyone here, but when it hit me today we’ll never know the truth and CW wants the attention, In my mind I could hear Shan’ann saying “stop dwelling on this and go do something spectacular with your life”. The cumulative number of hours/days all who’ve cared about SW and the girls have lost (whether they knew them or not) thinking about this idiot is incalculable. I’ll be back occassionally but I’m going to try to move on and Shine like Shan’ann instead.

This is just me. Not suggesting anyone else follow suit. Though I wouldn’t blame you if you did.

I get it. There comes a point when someone like this has affected your life that you have to decide not to be interested anymore. Part of what they want is to suck you into a whirlpool of “what’s true,” “why,” “how could they.”

I feel bad that this interview gets CW a round of attention, and I hope that there won’t be years and years ahead of him getting publicity, because it will keep reopening wounds imo.

I wish you all the best.
It doesn't make sense. I've heard the tape and read the transcript and it just doesn't make sense. Maybe my brain is not accepting it, I don't know.
Something about this has not rung true from the start. Not that the truth would satisfy... I see little Bella in my dreams... this is just horrifying.

He's lying. I don't know why or about how much of it but it's just not right. I think there is something with the girl and I think the girl is a sociopath. I'm not qualified to say that but my sister is a sociopath and this girl mirrors her exactly.
Do we know he's in a cell 23 hours a day? I know that's true for Death Row but maybe not for CW.
I don't recall CW talking about his lock up during the confession video but the family's civil attorney Steven Lambert reported that CW is in a cell 23 hours a day in news article around 2/13/19 reporting CW was not fighting the wrongful death claim. I posted news report in earlier threads.
Now we know why CW was about to soil himself when he was watching that surveillance footage!

Did Tammy wear her black and white stripes ? She must have been so disgusted, talking to this again.
CW had to get one last shag in with Shannan before he killed her. That detail particularly disgusts me.

On the previous thread, someone speculated that CW could have Borderline Personality Disorder.
CW is pretty much 180 opposite of someone with BPD. BPD is, in a nutshell, an inability to control emotions ( emotion regulation disorder is a more appropriate term IMO). CW is an emotionally vacant robot and Dr. Phil is spot on with his diagnosis (malignant narcissist).
BPD is more common in men than most think. But it's commonly (mis) diagnosed as "Anger Management" for men.
Want to see someone with BPD? Watch the R Kelly interview with Gayle. IMO.
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Chris Watts Says He Found God After Choking the Life Out of His Wife and Daughters

well, Chris Watts says he found God---- hmmmm
you will need a barf bucket handy to get through
this article- and some Kleenex as well
“Being in anbabusive relationship”. That kind of contradicts all his other statements that his marriage was pretty good and if you had met him NK he would not have thought his marriage was bad. It just angers me to no end that people want to paint Shanann as abusive
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