GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #70

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My guess is that they did see it, but they didn't have enough corroborating evidence to necessarily prove it....MOO

Upon further reflection on this I wonder if they noticed those shadows while studying the neighbors video on the same day CW was arrested? I recall that after CW had first confessed that the girls were in the oil tanks there was a point when the detective (or was it Tammy?) came back in and asked CW very seriously if there was any chance he put the girls into the oil tanks while still alive. Now why would the investigators even be thinking that was a possibility unless they saw those shadows and thought it might be the girls walking towards the truck?

On CNN special “Chris Watts: The True Confession”, Robi Ludwig (Psychtherapist) and Pat Lalama (Crime Journalist) both think we can’t believe him. He has an agenda— he’s enjoying the attention it has nothing to do with finding God or wanting to tell tne truth.

I’m reminded of the saying if a snake bites you once, shame on the snake. If it bites you twice shame on you. We know CW has told dozens of lies easily with a straight face. We know he doesn’t have a conscience. We know he’s been obsessed with what people think about him. IMO there’s absolutely nothing we know about him that would indicate he’s interested in telling the truth.

I think delving into what he said and did based on his interview is exactly what he wants. And taking what he says at face value is like believing a snake known to bite comstantly won’t bite this time. I for one believe some of what he said, think he’s lying and omitting other things. As I said we’ll never know if we know the truth. Occurs to me spending time trying to sort it out is giving him the attention he wants and won’t do a thing to bring Shanann, Bella, Cece or Nico back.

Thanks to everyone here for all your kind words and support. It’s helped more than you know. So this may sound strange and may be an unpopular view here at WS. Please know I’m not disparaging anyone here, but when it hit me today we’ll never know the truth and CW wants the attention, In my mind I could hear Shan’ann saying “stop dwelling on this and go do something spectacular with your life”. The cumulative number of hours/days all who’ve cared about SW and the girls have lost (whether they knew them or not) thinking about this idiot is incalculable. I’ll be back occassionally but I’m going to try to move on and Shine like Shan’ann instead.

This is just me. Not suggesting anyone else follow suit. Though I wouldn’t blame you if you did.
Agreed. Shine like Shan’ann. Take care & so sorry (from the bottom of my heart) for your losses.
I hope someone can tell me what sort of crime it takes to be incarcerated at one of the SuperMax type prisons where you stay in a cell for 23 hours with no human contact ever, where your food is served through a slot and not in a communal dining hall.

Maybe those are federal prisons but surely there's something similar for a man who cruelly murders a mother and 3 children in this fashion.

I really don't want to think CW will be working out in a gym with friends and having in-person visits from family.

Will I get answers when I listen to the interviews?
I agree he definitely took something from the car. Funny how he can remember what he packed for his lunch that day but everything else is hazy.

His timeline at the house is way off which Coder alludes to but never pushes it. I wish he had pushed him on that. There is just no way all of that happened in 3 hours.

Imo he was thinking of blowing up that whole work site so that no one would ever find the bodies. He was never going to kill him self.

I think he created the leak in the first place. He took a picture of the leak as though for proof that something really was wrong there.
On CNN special “Chris Watts: The True Confession”, Robi Ludwig (Psychtherapist) and Pat Lalama (Crime Journalist) both think we can’t believe him. He has an agenda— he’s enjoying the attention it has nothing to do with finding God or wanting to tell tne truth.

I’m reminded of the saying if a snake bites you once, shame on the snake. If it bites you twice shame on you. We know CW has told dozens of lies easily with a straight face. We know he doesn’t have a conscience. We know he’s been obsessed with what people think about him. IMO there’s absolutely nothing we know about him that would indicate he’s interested in telling the truth.

I think delving into what he said and did based on his interview is exactly what he wants. And taking what he says at face value is like believing a snake known to bite comstantly won’t bite this time. I for one believe some of what he said, think he’s lying and omitting other things. As I said we’ll never know if we know the truth. Occurs to me spending time trying to sort it out is giving him the attention he wants and won’t do a thing to bring Shanann, Bella, Cece or Nico back.

Thanks to everyone here for all your kind words and support. It’s helped more than you know. So this may sound strange and may be an unpopular view here at WS. Please know I’m not disparaging anyone here, but when it hit me today we’ll never know the truth and CW wants the attention, In my mind I could hear Shan’ann saying “stop dwelling on this and go do something spectacular with your life”. The cumulative number of hours/days all who’ve cared about SW and the girls have lost (whether they knew them or not) thinking about this idiot is incalculable. I’ll be back occassionally but I’m going to try to move on and Shine like Shan’ann instead.

This is just me. Not suggesting anyone else follow suit. Though I wouldn’t blame you if you did.

I think you may be on to something ! The snake bite analogy resonates with me.
I hope someone can tell me what sort of crime it takes to be incarcerated at one of the SuperMax type prisons where you stay in a cell for 23 hours with no human contact ever, where your food is served through a slot and not in a communal dining hall.

Maybe those are federal prisons but surely there's something similar for a man who cruelly murders a mother and 3 children in this fashion.

I really don't want to think CW will be working out in a gym with friends and having in-person visits from family.

Will I get answers when I listen to the interviews?
ADX Florence in Colorado, is exactly the type of prison you are referring to.

It makes Alcatraz look like a country club.

Unfortunately, that’s a federal prison, and is reserved for terrorists, mobsters, cartel leaders, and inmates who are huge escape risks.

As CW is not a federal inmate, he’s not going to be facing those types of restrictions.

It sure as hell sounded like he has quite a bit of freedom.

That doesn’t make any of us happy.
I think prison suits him. As "bossy" as SW has been accused of being, CW seems to like being dominated and having structure and a routine like that. Having people telling him what to do and how to do it. He will never have to worry about those pesky bills again. Won't have to do those FB videos.It doesn't feel right. He should be miserable, but he probably won't be. I hate it.
I agree with you. I think he is an empty vessel and he mimics those around him like a chameleon changes to match his environment. He mimics SW. On videos, he is the chorus.
It’s really hard to hear how chummy the detectives are with him. Almost like they admire him.
That was the point.

They probably had to take a shower the second they left that prison.

That must have been incredibly hard, but it was the strategy they developed beforehand.

They executed it well.
And I think that's the case with most sociopaths. They adapt easily. Scott Peterson is a great example. Casey Anthony in jail, she woke with a smile every day.

I wouldn't last a few hours before becoming a psychotic mess.
Agree! He is a reflection of who he is around. He is the best supporting actor in the movie of his life. He just gets his clues now from someone else on how to pretend to be human.
No, we won't and that's a big part of Watts' mind games. I think his latest interview is designed to cause more pain to those who loved SW and the girls. The massive media coverage gives him the satisfaction of knowing his mission is accomplished.

I think embellishing and still blaming SW is a form of sadistic manipulation and he'll keep doing it as long as he is enabled. I'm surprised LE wasted the resources to give him the attention he clearly craves.


Could not agree more! I don't feel like there is anything else to be gained by LE or anyone talking to him. He wants attention no matter what form it comes in and he deserves none.
Can you explain why the investigators needed to go there.... I am glad the ruzceks have closure that Shannan didn't kill Bella and CeCe through this. ..... But I just can't see why they would try and ask if he liked being in shannan's videos, if they thought it it was his thrive patch that was making him not sleep. .. .. .I get all the techniques but I am feeling awful about the chuminess they were to him. It just makes no sense to me why they went back.. .. isn't that for crime psychologists and researchers are to study murderers. .. .not the investigators.... It just seems so off for them to visit him. Can anyone explain this to me .

I've explained in previous posts why they went back as have others.

GUILTY - CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #69

But they don't learn from books written by psychologists. They learn from personal experience.

And they have questions. I think they sincerely wanted to know if the chemicals in the patch affected him or if he is claiming as much. They want to know if he hated his wife and their marriage.

He's just not your standard psychopath. He's confounding. And they're adding to their profiling database.

I think people need to try to separate emotion from logic a little bit. I'm thankful that these experts can be professionals and not fueled by passion and emotion.
Upon further reflection on this I wonder if they noticed those shadows while studying the neighbors video on the same day CW was arrested? I recall that after CW had first confessed that the girls were in the oil tanks there was a point when the detective (or was it Tammy?) came back in and asked CW very seriously if there was any chance he put the girls into the oil tanks while still alive. Now why would the investigators even be thinking that was a possibility unless they saw those shadows and thought it might be the girls walking towards the truck?


BBM - oooooh good catch. I recall CWs response to that, something to the effect of "no, no, oh God no!" (paraphrasing).
Could not agree more! I don't feel like there is anything else to be gained by LE or anyone talking to him. He wants attention no matter what form it comes in and he deserves none.

The Rzucek's, the CBI, the FBI, and the DA, strongly disagree.

So do I.

The truth matters, even if it comes from the mouth of a pathological liar.

The benefits outweighed any negatives here.
I agree with you. Another thing that convinces me that the girls were alive when he drove to Cervi 319 and that's the blankets and the stuffed animals.

Those items were never found, but they were taken from the house. CW didn't bring those items along. The girls did, JMO.
Initially I didn't believe he took them from home alive until the statement about he would have told him the truth if they said they saw the girls in the truck. That just sounded like a risky and stupid thing to do. But, as is often the case, I just can't think like CW. He just doesn't have human thoughts and does odd things. Why did he take the girls out there to kill them?
No, we won't and that's a big part of Watts' mind games. I think his latest interview is designed to cause more pain to those who loved SW and the girls. The massive media coverage gives him the satisfaction of knowing his mission is accomplished.

I think embellishing and still blaming SW is a form of sadistic manipulation and he'll keep doing it as long as he is enabled. I'm surprised LE wasted the resources to give him the attention he clearly craves.


He had no idea they were coming. He had no idea he was being recorded. He had no idea that what he said, would be released to the media.

What he did say, finally gave law enforcement, and most importantly the Rzucek’s, some answers.

There were people at the beginning of this case, who were literally accusing Shanann of killing her kids.

There were people who still believed that.

Ignorant, hateful, and vile trolls whose lack of intelligence and common sense, was weaponized against the Rzucek family.

Chris Watts finally used his words, to say “I killed them all.”

No, he didn’t tell the whole truth, but what he did do, was provide a measure of closure.

Law enforcement wanted this, and the Rzucek’s needed it.

Hopefully its provided them with some peace.
At the end of the day, the Rzucek family wants to know the truth about what happened.

In addition, this interview will silence most of those who still believed that Shanann did this.

They’ve had to deal with tremendous abuse, and hopefully this puts an end to that.

Law enforcement’s interest in this, involves understanding what happened, learning about guys like him, and closing the book on this evil moron.

Thank you for replying I fully understand everything you are saying and why Shan’ann’s family want the information released. I didn’t look at the situation from their perspective I’m just concerned about him becoming even more infamous than he already is because these gruesome and despicable details have been revealed.

My heart goes out to Shan’ann’s family they have suffered so much. It was absolutely heartbreaking seeing the photo of the graves.
Yeah, Chris Watts has that effect on people.

He certainly doesn’t come across as a guy with an IQ of 140.

Unless his goes up, because yours goes down.

I think that’s how it works.

It's weird. Is it possible that he just appears that dumb because he just doesn't understand how normal people feel and because he doesn't realize the effect his words will have on others?

I mean someone cited him talking about The Rzuceks crying when the girls were leaving and how that surprised him. He couldn't understand it.
Upon further reflection on this I wonder if they noticed those shadows while studying the neighbors video on the same day CW was arrested? I recall that after CW had first confessed that the girls were in the oil tanks there was a point when the detective (or was it Tammy?) came back in and asked CW very seriously if there was any chance he put the girls into the oil tanks while still alive. Now why would the investigators even be thinking that was a possibility unless they saw those shadows and thought it might be the girls walking towards the truck?


I like the way you think!

Any idea if the doorbell cam picked up CW's movements that morning; would that have been the video the family saw? If the doorbell cam got video of the girls running around in the driveway, then being put in the truck after Shanann got loaded, and then CW driving off with the girls, that would have been game, set, match right there.
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