GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #70

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I think he's just full of crap as usual and doesn't want to admit to being miserable inside. I mean, come on! For a guy who wanted hot cheap sex and freedom, look what he has now. Being inside a cell 23 hours a day must be almost like a living death and he deserves the utmost in humiliation and suffering. He should have NO RIGHTS at all.

Do we know he's in a cell 23 hours a day? I know that's true for Death Row but maybe not for CW.
Well, the silver lining in all this heartbreak is that he’s left no doubt as to who killed the children, and he makes it abundantly clear that he was not coerced or “railroaded” in any way, shape or form.

He says his lawyers asked him “100 times” if he really wanted to plead guilty and that they would fight for him and file “creative motions”.

He pleaded guilty because he is guilty, end of story.

His family knows now. Whether their attitude changes remains to be seen, whether they admit it remains to be seen, but they 100% know.
On CNN special “Chris Watts: The True Confession”, Robi Ludwig (Psychtherapist) and Pat Lalama (Crime Journalist) both think we can’t believe him. He has an agenda— he’s enjoying the attention it has nothing to do with finding God or wanting to tell tne truth.

I’m reminded of the saying if a snake bites you once, shame on the snake. If it bites you twice shame on you. We know CW has told dozens of lies easily with a straight face. We know he doesn’t have a conscience. We know he’s been obsessed with what people think about him. IMO there’s absolutely nothing we know about him that would indicate he’s interested in telling the truth.

I think delving into what he said and did based on his interview is exactly what he wants. And taking what he says at face value is like believing a snake known to bite comstantly won’t bite this time. I for one believe some of what he said, think he’s lying and omitting other things. As I said we’ll never know if we know the truth. Occurs to me spending time trying to sort it out is giving him the attention he wants and won’t do a thing to bring Shanann, Bella, Cece or Nico back.

Thanks to everyone here for all your kind words and support. It’s helped more than you know. So this may sound strange and may be an unpopular view here at WS. Please know I’m not disparaging anyone here, but when it hit me today we’ll never know the truth and CW wants the attention, In my mind I could hear Shan’ann saying “stop dwelling on this and go do something spectacular with your life”. The cumulative number of hours/days all who’ve cared about SW and the girls have lost (whether they knew them or not) thinking about this idiot is incalculable. I’ll be back occassionally but I’m going to try to move on and Shine like Shan’ann instead.

This is just me. Not suggesting anyone else follow suit. Though I wouldn’t blame you if you did.
He didn't retract the whole thing. He was interviewed about a month or so ago and said he was exaggerating when he said they fought all the time. He did see them arguing that day, as I remember correctly. He explained that he meant it more like they argued, but not anymore than most couples. His statement about seeing them arguing was not a lie, but he said he embellished the truth about how often and how bad the fights were, as far as I remember. Imo

Ya know, I have to give that neighbor a thumb's up for admitting he embellished the truth about what he witnessed. That's never an easy thing to do, especially when the mea culpa will reach a huge audience. So, IMO, Good for Him!

IMO, it can be tempting to add/embellish details when you're an incidental witness, and suddenly associated with a horrific/traumatic/unbelievable event like this.

Heck, IME, sometimes (whether we know it or not) our brains attempt to fill in the details to make a more coherent/interesting story.

Also, I don't come away with the feeling that he "enhanced" his eye/ear witness account for nefarious reasons.

And, as a general rule, I always make an attempt to support those who can admit "I was wrong."
Not a lot of that going around these days!
Well, the silver lining in all this heartbreak is that he’s left no doubt as to who killed the children, and he makes it abundantly clear that he was not coerced or “railroaded” in any way, shape or form.

He says his lawyers asked him “100 times” if he really wanted to plead guilty and that they would fight for him and file “creative motions”.

He pleaded guilty because he is guilty, end of story.

His family knows now. Whether their attitude changes remains to be seen, whether they admit it remains to be seen, but they 100% know.
Absolutely. The beauty of this latest “confession,” whether we believe all of it or not, is that it shuts the door on all of the arguments that the Watts’ clan had.

I love it when those people are forced to shut the hell up.

They can still spew their hate and lies, but CW’s own words takes the knife out of their hands.

My heart hurts for Shanann, Bella, CeCe, Nico, their family, friends and all of us.

The confession by the demon seed in my opinion was not made due to his statement that he found God.

Far from it. He has to have control. He has to ensure that the world (this is a case known world wide) knows his blow by blow rendition that inflicts everlasting terror. He has to ensure that everlasting terror is etched in the minds of all related to and who follow this case. He has no remorse. He is only seeking tools to manipulate.

As a mother, as any parent, I am sure that when Shanann was being murdered, she fought for her life and the lives of her 3 children. I cannot even fathom how Shanann attempted to fight off her killer knowing that her children were next. My heart hurts so very much for Shanann, I cannot fathom, but rest assured she fought.

There is a very special place in hell for him, he earned his badge in the Demon Society.
On CNN special “Chris Watts: The True Confession”, Robi Ludwig (Psychtherapist) and Pat Lalama (Crime Journalist) both think we can’t believe him. He has an agenda— he’s enjoying the attention it has nothing to do with finding God or wanting to tell tne truth.

I’m reminded of the saying if a snake bites you once, shame on the snake. If it bites you twice shame on you. We know CW has told dozens of lies easily with a straight face. We know he doesn’t have a conscience. We know he’s been obsessed with what people think about him. IMO there’s absolutely nothing we know about him that would indicate he’s interested in telling the truth.

I think delving into what he said and did based on his interview is exactly what he wants. And taking what he says at face value is like believing a snake known to bite comstantly won’t bite this time. I for one believe some of what he said, think he’s lying and omitting other things. As I said we’ll never know if we know the truth. Occurs to me spending time trying to sort it out is giving him the attention he wants and won’t do a thing to bring Shanann, Bella, Cece or Nico back.

Thanks to everyone here for all your kind words and support. It’s helped more than you know. So this may sound strange and may be an unpopular view here at WS. Please know I’m not disparaging anyone here, but when it hit me today we’ll never know the truth and CW wants the attention, In my mind I could hear Shan’ann saying “stop dwelling on this and go do something spectacular with your life”. The cumulative number of hours/days all who’ve cared about SW and the girls have lost (whether they knew them or not) thinking about this idiot is incalculable. I’ll be back occassionally but I’m going to try to move on and Shine like Shan’ann instead.

This is just me. Not suggesting anyone else follow suit. Though I wouldn’t blame you if you did.

Thank you.

I had a thought today as well. I am choosing to believe most of what he said today. I think the gist was truth, though it was probably peppered with some falsehood. I think this is the closest we'll ever get to the "real" story and I, for one, no longer feel the need to hear anything else from him. I am satisfied that he admitted that she didn't kill the girls and that's all I wanted. Anything else involving the murders and events is probably going to be conjecture. Some things we'll all agree on, some we won't. Moving forward, however, I am more interested in SW's legacy than in his. He has spoken and it's enough for me.
Absolutely. The beauty of this latest “confession,” whether we believe all of it or not, is that it shuts the door on all of the arguments that the Watts’ clan had.

I love it when those people are forced to shut the hell up.

They can still spew their hate and lies, but CW’s own words takes the knife out of their hands.

I have to admit, at first I was angry about these interviews coming out. It just seemed an unnecessary cruelty...but it needed to happen, I see that now

I would like to believe that this will shut up the detractors...but I think there are still folks who are going to defend him.
On CNN special “Chris Watts: The True Confession”, Robi Ludwig (Psychtherapist) and Pat Lalama (Crime Journalist) both think we can’t believe him. He has an agenda— he’s enjoying the attention it has nothing to do with finding God or wanting to tell tne truth.

I’m reminded of the saying if a snake bites you once, shame on the snake. If it bites you twice shame on you. We know CW has told dozens of lies easily with a straight face. We know he doesn’t have a conscience. We know he’s been obsessed with what people think about him. IMO there’s absolutely nothing we know about him that would indicate he’s interested in telling the truth.

I think delving into what he said and did based on his interview is exactly what he wants. And taking what he says at face value is like believing a snake known to bite comstantly won’t bite this time. I for one believe some of what he said, think he’s lying and omitting other things. As I said we’ll never know if we know the truth. Occurs to me spending time trying to sort it out is giving him the attention he wants and won’t do a thing to bring Shanann, Bella, Cece or Nico back.

Thanks to everyone here for all your kind words and support. It’s helped more than you know. So this may sound strange and may be an unpopular view here at WS. Please know I’m not disparaging anyone here, but when it hit me today we’ll never know the truth and CW wants the attention, In my mind I could hear Shan’ann saying “stop dwelling on this and go do something spectacular with your life”. The cumulative number of hours/days all who’ve cared about SW and the girls have lost (whether they knew them or not) thinking about this idiot is incalculable. I’ll be back occassionally but I’m going to try to move on and Shine like Shan’ann instead.

This is just me. Not suggesting anyone else follow suit. Though I wouldn’t blame you if you did.
And a quick p.s.— I’m glad he’s said out loud he and he alone killed the girls. Hopefully this will make all but the truly whacked out CW supporters quit falsely accusing SW and let her rest in peace. Huge props to the Rzuceks for all their grace through this horrible year. They are amazing people and I hope his admission gives them the closure they need to begin healing. I wish no one else will ever have to go through the death of a loved one like this but of course they will. When it happens it’s my strongest hope people refuse to support sensationalist web moles who get off on bashing the victims. They are monsters too.
I am surprised to read that Rourke sees the two shadows! Why weren’t these seen before now by the professionals?

Did LE and the DA get one notion in their mind as to how the girls were killed and they couldn’t imagine CW being so heartless as driving live children with their dead mother to the oil fields?

Thanks for the YouTube video. I at last was able to see the shadows. It is still unbelievable that CW did what he has admitted to by killing the girls at the site. This means they watched him bury their mom.

OR will CW come out later with a change in his story? This will not surprise me!

He killed the girls and put them in the oil tanks before he buried Shanann.
CHRIS WATTS CASE: The chilling new confession Chris Watts told police about how he killed pregnant wife, daughters
IMO the number 1 reason he agreed to do the interview was that he wanted to be 'seen' by NK and for her to contact him.
I just don't believe the majority of what he says about the murders . His agenda has nothing to do with clearing his conscience or helping the R's, in fact IMO he was sticking it to them deliberately - sort of OK! They want details, I will give them details....
I've taken a break from this case for a few but had to put my two cents in:

His new persona is that of a born again CHRIS-tian. He has found the Lord and all is forgiven, right? New man, new morals.

I'm not surprised he's never had a serious relationship before Shanann. I assume due to Mother Watts. No woman can compete with Mother Watts which is why none of the women he dated stuck around. My feeling is Mother Watts resented Shanann because she was the only woman with enough nerve to stick around which must have threatened Mother's delicate ego.

He can lie all he wants about his "rage" but we all know it was pre-meditated. He had a plan, he killed them in cold blood (and enjoyed it too). He feels no remorse. No amount of Bible-reading and praying for his victims will cure his lack of emotion. He's an empty vessel. I don't believe he and Shanann had a discussion when she came home. If they did, it was brief. He doesn't like confrontation. He would not have admitted anything to Shanann. My guess is their "emotional conversation" they had for 20 minutes was him killing her and putting her corpse in his truck. The emotion that Chris is referring to was probably the release of his emotions after killing her. He probably felt in control and some form of satisfaction from his crimes.

I watched an interview with Sharon Rocha (Laci Peterson's mother) and she said that sociopaths only kill when they feel backed into a corner and are about to be exposed. This is why she felt Scott murdered Laci. I feel that this also happened with Chris. He felt backed into the corner: Shanann was onto his affair, there's a baby on the way and his mistress is putting pressure on him.

As for those precious babies who didn't deserve any of this, I am heartbroken for the Rzucek family.

Fascinating points. It’s quite obvious there are some dysfunctional dynamics at play in that family and always have been. I think Cindy is a narcissist and the CW we see today is in part the product of being raised by her. A narcissist parent uses their children to meet their own selfish needs rather than focusing on the emotional needs of the child. It evident based on what we know about Cindy that she definitely fit this description based on the lack of respect she had toward Shannan, their marriage and their parenting. It was all about HER needs and how his marriage wasn’t working for HER and how SHE didn’t like Shannan. She never viewed her kids as individuals with their own desires and lives of their own but merely as extensions of herself. JMO
Like all of you I am absolutely horrified by the details of what happened. I don’t know why this information has been released and what it achieves. Was it released because CW is relishing in the notoriety of what he has done? I think it would be better to remember Shan’ann and the girls when they were happy and alive and not by how they were murdered. Knowing he killed Shan’ann, the girls and Nico was bad enough I personally didn’t need or want to know the gruesome details of how he did it.
IMO the number 1 reason he agreed to do the interview was that he wanted to be 'seen' by NK and for her to contact him.
I just don't believe the majority of what he says about the murders . His agenda has nothing to do with clearing his conscience or helping the R's, in fact IMO he was sticking it to them deliberately - sort of OK! They want details, I will give them details....
He had no idea he was being recorded, nor did he know that this would be disseminated to the public.

That was the beauty of the whole thing. He thought he was just talking to old friends, and his incentive to lie was likely decreased.

He still told lies, but I think the key details were mostly true.
Like all of you I am absolutely horrified by the details of what happened. I don’t know why this information has been released and what it achieves. Was it released because CW is relishing in the notoriety of what he has done? I think it would be better to remember Shan’ann and the girls when they were happy and alive and not by how they were murdered. Knowing he killed Shan’ann, the girls and Nico was bad enough I personally didn’t need or want to know the gruesome details of how he did it.
At the end of the day, the Rzucek family wants to know the truth about what happened.

In addition, this interview will silence most of those who still believed that Shanann did this.

They’ve had to deal with tremendous abuse, and hopefully this puts an end to that.

Law enforcement’s interest in this, involves understanding what happened, learning about guys like him, and closing the book on this evil moron.
"I don’t even want to say it felt like I had to, it just felt like there was already something in my mind that was implanted that I was gonna do it and when I woke up that morning it was gonna happen and I had no control over it." -- can he actually be referring to the morning before? That would explain the call to the work site, the lying in wait for his wife whom he expected earlier -- that night, not the next morning -- I think he woke up the day before knowing he was going to do this, he was on a path and a mission to destroy Shanann and most likely the girls as well, all planned,

@MassGuy, agreed. His interview sounded to me like some truth, even more truthiness, and a lot of fantasy-land wishful thinking, but it should make the victim-blamers look even more ridiculous and cruel even if it doesn't completely shut them up.

@Tigerlily75, agreed, at least he clearly stated he wasn't coerced and he took the plea with full understanding. I think that should help silence some of the idiots that think his lawyers were incompetent and/or the DA was over-aggressive.

I think all of the murders were a decision, I don't think he snapped or panicked nor was this a spontaneous crime of passion.

“ felt like there was already something in my mind that was implanted that I was gonna do it and when I woke up that morning it was gonna happen..."


"...something didn't feel right with me... I just felt like maybe the kids weren't going to be there when I got home that day... I really felt like they weren't going to be there when I got home that day."

That's probably as close as we're going to get to an honest confession that this was a planned event. I don't buy that the wrapped doll and the Sunday text to his co-worker about Cervi were just creepy coincidences.

He kept stating how he knew that he was probably not going to walk out a free man while he was speaking to LE and taking his lie detector test. Yeah, no, he looked and sounded surprised as hell to get busted.

I don't think his motives to take a guilty plea and later confess were altruistic or to save anyone any grief or his defense team any embarrassment. I think the whole "I just snapped, it felt like something else was controlling me, I didn't know what to do, I found god, I'm so sorry, I didn't want to put others through more trauma, I think about them every night" schtick is him desperately wanting others to think he's not a bad guy but that he's really a good guy that had a bad thing happen to him. It's all about him and his image, I think that's the only important thing to him.

As for NK, I don't think she had anything to do with the killings. I think she's a chump and world-class jerk for having an affair with a married man and lying to LE, but she didn't ask to get entangled with a murderer.
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I just finished reading the transcript and the description of CeCe and Bella's deaths had me sobbing. Somehow it was more comforting to think he did it at home in their sleep, that they never knew what was happening or who was hurting them. I feel sick to my stomach.

Me, too. Unfortunatly ...he's more cold blooded that we wanted to believe. But I believe it now.
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He had no idea he was being recorded, nor did he know that this would be disseminated to the public.

That was the beauty of the whole thing. He thought he was just talking to old friends, and his incentive to lie was likely decreased.

He still told lies, but I think the key details were mostly true.

Agree and these are important points to consider as people ponder his motive for this interview.

He had no idea they were coming, so there was zero pre-planning of what he was going to say in this interview.

He had no idea he was being recorded.

He had no idea that what he did say was going to be made public, or that anyone outside of law enforcement, except maybe a little info to the Rzucek’s for closure, were going to know anything of what he said.
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