GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #70

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Don't forget Coder. I've burst out laughing numerous times at his questions. I'm listening now and he said something like, "so Chris, we all know you care about others deeply, I can tell..." and Chris doesn't have a clue he's having smoke blown up his *advertiser censored**. Cracks me up.
Agreed! He is dry as toast, yet smooth as molasses...
After listening to the full 2hr58 minute prison interview, the only thing that rings true to me is that CW is still a self-serving liar who can't stop lying and will continue to do so.

His stupid mumblings "like, like", bible quotes and giggles make me sick. He sounds pretty chipper and upbeat, and clearly enjoyed talking about himself, like a typical narcissist.

It breaks my heart that Shanann's mom still says she cares about him and she can't just switch off her feelings even though he murdered her daughter and grandchildren. How different from his own family and their bitterness and hatred for Shanann.

As usual its all about Chris, all of the time, and its everyone else's fault.
He still blames Shanann for "triggering" him. He has no remorse except for himself, and his crocodile tears and sobs when he described how he murdered the girls sounded fake. He was crying for himself.

It was chilling to hear him talk about Shanann with such cold indifference, yet talk warmly and gushingly about "Nikki".

He can rot in hell.

When I read what this sick SOB had to say this time, I honestly didn’t know which story was worse, the very first one on the porch or this one. He’s sickening. More lies.
More bull. He simply wants attention, much like Jodi Arias. It looks like he’s morphing into Scott Peterson too.

I do not believe anything he said. He knew that Shanann was on to him and understandably she was upset and angry. The last thing she wanted to do when she got home from her long trip at 2AM was to have sex with him.
I believe they had a fight and he strangled her from behind where she couldn’t fight back. Possibly the girls woke up from the noise and may have witnessed the murder. I believe he killed both girls in the house. There is no way he drug his dead wife down the stairs, put her on the floor in the back seat of his truck and told the girls to hop in the back seat because we’re taking mommy to hospital in the wee hours of the morning. They’d be scared, crying and hysterical seeing their mommy laying cold and stiff on the truck floor for 45 minutes and not talking to them. No car seats for them either.

This new revelation about how he couldn’t control what he was doing is BS too. He’s a joke. A lying, manipulative murderer, with no remorse for what he did and he gets a kick out of torturing Shanann’s family by rehashing and embellishing on his despicable crimes.
Ha ha!!

Hmm. That's an interesting take. It could be very true.

Earlier I theorized a lot about possible, simmering rage and resentment that could've come from not having a fully formed identity, just going through the motions and living someone else's life, doing what was expected but not what he truly desired, which he could not know as he kind of didn't fully exist.

I mean you have to have an identity to really know what you want and to pick the life you want to live.

In no way do I think this cat was truly enraged or on some sort of rampage when he did this.

But I do think he dug deep down for some simmering resentment and deep anger and dissastifaction.

It was interesting when the investigators asked him if he was angry at Shanann and why. He said he was motivated by rage but he couldn't articulate why. He couldn't point to anything real that she actually did to him to upset him. I mean he also said that he killed his kids out of anger but could not explain it. Which maybe makes sense.

I think he may have felt some slight anger or really tried hard at least to drum some up. But he probably mostly felt adrenaline and excitement as he killed his wife as well. I believe him that he was shaking afterward. I don't think a pure and classic psychopath would have been.

But he calmed right back down like a snake on a rock after that and quietly and methodically loaded his car.

His anger at his parents - that's an interesting theory. Others have said the same thing. And it makes sense.

I feel he was likely annihilated by a narcissist. His description of his mother always asking him how he feels but he never expressed anything? That flat effect around one's parents is common for children of borderlines and narcissists because they can't make the wrong move and any expression of individual needs or feelings is met with annihilating rage or consumption. (Those I know who've been through this said they cannot let their parents in at all or ever tell them about their lives because the parents will use whatever they tell them).

He describes his mother as loving but she's shown herself to be anything but- ruining Shanann's bridal shower, not going to the wedding, bad mouthing her, risking her geandchildren's lives with nuts, saying savage things about her murdered daughter in law despite the utter agony it would cause Shanann's family. Making her victim statement all about showing how great her son and her family is and how she is a victim. Making it all about appearance and about her.

She's shown her character in so many ways.

So I think he's leaving a lot out. What he's described of his father and what we've heard from that man likewise shows a dysfunctional person of questionable character to me. He became a coke addict because his son got married and moved? Wth? And he continues to throw his murdered daughter in law under the bus refusing to accept reality?

What was it like being raised by them?

I recall this photo I saw of the family when Chris was little. It was in a YouTube movie about the crimes and flashed quickly on the screen. I rewinded and froze it.

Chris' sister appears much older than he. Chris was quite young. About 8-10. His father wasn't smiling much. Sort of stone faced. His mother and sister had almost identical expressions. Kind of smug, half smiles.

Then there was Chris. The little boy had a super wide and sweet smile. He was the nicest thing in the photo. The very picture of affability, innocence and niceness.

A very good boy.

I think like Scott Peterson he had to play a role in that family. He couldn't express emotion. He couldn't develop a personality.

And maybe indeed he had a simmering anger toward them as well.

It's all so horrible yet interesting to ponder.

I've not listened to the audio, yet. Got about 10 minutes in and looked for the "transcript" (really more of a re-cap or outline) and, whew, what you said. And more. This guy is going to be analyzed after he's long dead.
Who is the worst family annihilator?

I vote for him. I could never fathom an entity like him.

The most stunning is that he was as old as he is and he had never dropped rhe mask, that we know of.

He is a totally made up thing. Cannot say person

There are dozens just like him. I don't think one is "worse" over another. They have all killed their families, many in gruesome and horrible ways (ie. made them suffer). I couldn't pick one over another. Christian Longo's children were still alive when he weighted them down and tossed them into the freezing water to drown.
Don't forget Coder. I've burst out laughing numerous times at his questions. I'm listening now and he said something like, "so Chris, we all know you care about others deeply, I can tell..." and Chris doesn't have a clue he's having smoke blown up his *advertiser censored**. Cracks me up.
Too bad it's not real smoke coming from a blowtorch...
I have been following on/off today. There are no words to describe how I am feeling. I don't think I can stomach to hear the 's voice. I love that the threw his raunchy disgusting girlfriend under the bus.

There are no words to really say how I am feeling.

RIP Shanann, Bella, Celeste and Nico.
When I read what this sick SOB had to say this time, I honestly didn’t know which story was worse, the very first one on the porch or this one. He’s sickening. More lies.
More bull. He simply wants attention, much like Jodi Arias. It looks like he’s morphing into Scott Peterson too.

I do not believe anything he said. He knew that Shanann was on to him and understandably she was upset and angry. The last thing she wanted to do when she got home from her long trip at 2AM was to have sex with him.
I believe they had a fight and he strangled her from behind where she couldn’t fight back. Possibly the girls woke up from the noise and may have witnessed the murder. I believe he killed both girls in the house. There is no way he drug his dead wife down the stairs, put her on the floor in the back seat of his truck and told the girls to hop in the back seat because we’re taking mommy to hospital in the wee hours of the morning. They’d be scared, crying and hysterical seeing their mommy laying cold and stiff on the truck floor for 45 minutes and not talking to them. No car seats for them either.

This new revelation about how he couldn’t control what he was doing is BS too. He’s a joke. A lying, manipulative murderer, with no remorse for what he did and he gets a kick out of torturing Shanann’s family by rehashing and embellishing on his despicable crimes.

The investigators seem to believe it, and the DA has already said that he does as well.

He still told lies, but killing the girls at Cervi was almost certainly not one of them.
(Omg....:( :(

ETA: Are you saying what I think you’re saying? That heeee could have said that to heeeeeeer, that sheeeeee’s never going to see her kids again...? This is plausible, imo.
Yes, only because most everything they say about other people is a projection, and they always blame the real victim. We'll never know, but at the least I think his story of a conversation that escalated and his rage killing is a load.
Ha ha!!

Hmm. That's an interesting take. It could be very true.

Earlier I theorized a lot about possible, simmering rage and resentment that could've come from not having a fully formed identity, just going through the motions and living someone else's life, doing what was expected but not what he truly desired, which he could not know as he kind of didn't fully exist.

I mean you have to have an identity to really know what you want and to pick the life you want to live.

In no way do I think this cat was truly enraged or on some sort of rampage when he did this.

But I do think he dug deep down for some simmering resentment and deep anger and dissastifaction.

It was interesting when the investigators asked him if he was angry at Shanann and why. He said he was motivated by rage but he couldn't articulate why. He couldn't point to anything real that she actually did to him to upset him. I mean he also said that he killed his kids out of anger but could not explain it. Which maybe makes sense.

I think he may have felt some slight anger or really tried hard at least to drum some up. But he probably mostly felt adrenaline and excitement as he killed his wife as well. I believe him that he was shaking afterward. I don't think a pure and classic psychopath would have been.

But he calmed right back down like a snake on a rock after that and quietly and methodically loaded his car.

His anger at his parents - that's an interesting theory. Others have said the same thing. And it makes sense.

I feel he was likely annihilated by a narcissist. His description of his mother always asking him how he feels but he never expressed anything? That flat effect around one's parents is common for children of borderlines and narcissists because they can't make the wrong move and any expression of individual needs or feelings is met with annihilating rage or consumption. (Those I know who've been through this said they cannot let their parents in at all or ever tell them about their lives because the parents will use whatever they tell them).

He describes his mother as loving but she's shown herself to be anything but- ruining Shanann's bridal shower, not going to the wedding, bad mouthing her, risking her geandchildren's lives with nuts, saying savage things about her murdered daughter in law despite the utter agony it would cause Shanann's family. Making her victim statement all about showing how great her son and her family is and how she is a victim. Making it all about appearance and about her.

She's shown her character in so many ways.

So I think he's leaving a lot out. What he's described of his father and what we've heard from that man likewise shows a dysfunctional person of questionable character to me. He became a coke addict because his son got married and moved? Wth? And he continues to throw his murdered daughter in law under the bus refusing to accept reality?

What was it like being raised by them?

I recall this photo I saw of the family when Chris was little. It was in a YouTube movie about the crimes and flashed quickly on the screen. I rewinded and froze it.

Chris' sister appears much older than he. Chris was quite young. About 8-10. His father wasn't smiling much. Sort of stone faced. His mother and sister had almost identical expressions. Kind of smug, half smiles.

Then there was Chris. The little boy had a super wide and sweet smile. He was the nicest thing in the photo. The very picture of affability, innocence and niceness.

A very good boy.

I think like Scott Peterson he had to play a role in that family. He couldn't express emotion. He couldn't develop a personality.

And maybe indeed he had a simmering anger toward them as well.

It's all so horrible yet interesting to ponder.
gitana, you hit it on the head. These are exactly my thoughts.
You would've made a good psychiatrist!
I agree. He says he likes the new place because he gets to see and talk to his fellow inmates. WTH? Why hasn’t anyone killed him yet! He sounds like it was a nice favor that they moved him to a nicer place where he can make friends.:mad:
I think he's just full of crap as usual and doesn't want to admit to being miserable inside. I mean, come on! For a guy who wanted hot cheap sex and freedom, look what he has now. Being inside a cell 23 hours a day must be almost like a living death and he deserves the utmost in humiliation and suffering. He should have NO RIGHTS at all.
District attorney: Chris Watts' recent murder confession mostly 'truthful, credible'
Prosecutors and investigators believe Christopher Watts' recent confession as to how and why he killed his wife and daughters in August is largely truthful.

Weld County District Attorney Michael Rourke previously invited Watts to one day come forward with a full, truthful confession after he was sentenced Nov. 19.

Rourke told the Coloradoan on Thursday he was surprised to hear how forthcoming Watts was when investigators from the FBI, Colorado Bureau of Investigation and Frederick Police Department unexpectedly came to the Wisconsin prison and asked to speak with him Feb. 18.


After Watts was sentenced to three consecutive life terms in prison, Rourke said he doubted Watts would ever give an honest account of the killings. But on Thursday, Rourke said he believes Watts' recent confession to investigators is a "truthful, credible account" of the killings.


“I’m assuming what he is telling is truthful,” Rourke said, adding that the skilled investigators who interviewed Watts also believe he was honest in his most recent confession. “I don’t think that everything that came out of his mouth during those interviews was the truth because I honestly don’t believe that this monster has the ability to have remorse at all.”

Rourke said some pieces of evidence match Watts' most recent confession, including footage from a neighbor's security camera that shows another shadow aside from Watts' by his truck when he was loading Shanann's body into the back seat.

In the video released by the Weld County District Attorney's Office, Watts is seen standing by his work truck when another shadow appears to be moving toward him, and Watts leans down to pick something up, likely one of the girls.
How could this story get even more horrifying? I do believe the baby girls were alive from that video as well. :(
The fear that Bella and CeCe must have felt is too much to comprehend. Such happy toddlers that loved their father and their father chose his raunchy low life girlfriend of a few weeks over them. Sickening - no words to describe. He should have just left them at the house and road off to roads unknown.
Chris watts:

I never have seen emotions like when the girls left North Carolina, the Rzucek family was crying and I just couldn't understand that. Like me and my family like never showed emotions like that.

Me: I'm shocked.......well not that shocked
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Chris watts:

I never have seen emotions like when the girls left North Carolina the Rzucek family was crying and I just couldn't understand that. Like me and my family like never showed emotions like that.

I'm shocked.......well not that shocked

He probably stood there with his phone in his hand, Googling “why do people cry when they say goodbye?”
I am surprised to read that Rourke sees the two shadows! Why weren’t these seen before now by the professionals?

Did LE and the DA get one notion in their mind as to how the girls were killed and they couldn’t imagine CW being so heartless as driving live children with their dead mother to the oil fields?

Thanks for the YouTube video. I at last was able to see the shadows. It is still unbelievable that CW did what he has admitted to by killing the girls at the site. This means they watched him bury their mom.

OR will CW come out later with a change in his story? This will not surprise me!
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