GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #72

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Facebook doesn't specifically address hate speech against victims and their families but YouTube does:
bolded by me
Hate speech policy - YouTube Help
Hate speech is not allowed on YouTube. We remove content promoting violence or hatred against individuals or groups based on any of the following attributes:

Victims of a major violent event and their kin
If you see content that violates this policy, please report it. Instructions for reporting violations of our Community Guidelines are available here. If you have found multiple videos, comments or a user's entire channel that you wish to report, please visit our reporting tool, where you will be able to submit a more detailed complaint.
incite hatred against individuals or groups based on any of the attributes noted above.
Other types of content that violate this policy:

  • Conspiracy theories ascribing evil, corrupt or malicious intent to individuals or groups based on any of the attributes noted above.
  • Deny that a well-documented, violent event took place
Here are examples of hate speech that is not allowed on YouTube.

  • "I'm glad this [violent event] happened. They got what they deserved [referring to people with the attributes noted above]."
Are the murders Shanann and her babies are considered a "major violent event"?
Does claiming Shanann abused her babies or that she was "the real killer" qualify as hate speech according to the guidelines above?

Yes it does. Report, report, report. We all know who they are, and report the nasty comments they condone by leaving them in the comment section. I have never seen anything like these attacks on murder victim Shanann Watts, including derogatory remarks about the physical appearance of the kids. Who are now dead. Now is the time to fight back while FRzucek's plea is fresh news.
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JUL 23, 2019
Family of Colorado woman, children killed by husband begs for online abuse to stop

"This is wrong. It is cruel, it is heartless and it is flat wrong," he said in the statement.


"It is pretty much literally every day that somebody’s messaging them, they’re finding a new YouTube person has posted a podcast," he said.

Lambert said that they’ve tried to reach Facebook and YouTube about the abuse, but it’s been difficult to find a real person to file their complaints to. They also are appealing to lawmakers and policymakers to explore if there are ways to legislatively combat cyber-bullying and harassment.


"To online social media sites like Facebook, YouTube and Twitter — we have contacted you many times reporting this abuse, but to no avail. We are calling on you again to do the right thing, to take some responsibility for your platforms and to stop this despicable conduct," Rzucek said in the statement.

"To the people who feel they are entitled to profit off of our loss, we urge you, please stop," he said. "And to the people who are interested in this case, who feel compelled to comment and discuss, please, stick to the truth. It is painful enough for us just dealing with reality — reading the insane conspiracy theories, the ugly false rumors, the lies, only makes it more painful."
Wouldn’t it be nice if Chris Watts himself were to issue a statement addressing this issue?
Yes it does. Report, report, report. We all know who they are, and report the nasty comments they condone by leaving them in the comment section. I have never seen anything like these attacks on murder victim Shanann Watts, including derogatory remarks about the physical appearance of the kids. Who are now dead. Now is the time to fight back while FRzucek's plea is fresh news.
IMO those 'critical thinkers' who attempt to rationalize/explain/justify what he did to his family by bashing Shanann are basically saying she had it coming, which also qualifies as hate speech on YouTube.
I have reported a couple videos already, but it is more effective to use the timestamp within the videos where the hate speech occurred.
I don't really have the time or desire to listen to all of the garbage they are spewing to report every one.
Maybe if there was a list of videos with the timestamps included we could all somehow work together and report.
I realize that is something we can't do here on Websleuths.
Wouldn’t it be nice if Chris Watts himself were to issue a statement addressing this issue?
Nooooooooooooo, thank you! I don't want to hear a word from that vile cretin.

I do hope that we hear from Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter though. This has gone on long enough and the Rzucek's aren't the only victims of these scum of the earth people making money at the expense of murder victims' families. It needs to stop. MOO
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Wouldn’t it be nice if Chris Watts himself were to issue a statement addressing this issue?
He will never EVER do anything that doesn’t serve him in some way. You know, maybe if he was bribed with some special privledge or something he might do it. Unless he gets something, like a stoked ego or a visit from a certain mistress, he won’t do it.
IMO those 'critical thinkers' who attempt to rationalize/explain/justify what he did to his family by bashing Shanann are basically saying she had it coming, which also qualifies as hate speech on YouTube.
I have reported a couple videos already, but it is more effective to use the timestamp within the videos where the hate speech occurred.
I don't really have the time or desire to listen to all of the garbage they are spewing to report every one.
Maybe if there was a list of videos with the timestamps included we could all somehow work together and report.
I realize that is something we can't do here on Websleuths.
Sure we can. Websleuths has a private conversation feature. Create a group, start by making a list of YouTube channels, then FB pages, Twitter accounts, etc. I'm sure there are quite a few members here who would help. MOO;)
Chris Watts family needs to give a new conference and ask all the trolls to stop all the online abuse of Shannon's family.
I realize this is unlikely but Bella and Celeste and baby Niko are their grandchildren and Shannon was the mother of
the children.

Hurtful words from people who hide behind their computers. Congress needs to pass laws protecting victims of
online abuse. Social media companies should be made accountable for allowing online abuse of victims families.
Did FR actually show a list of the worst offenders during his video on the denver channel?
The truck videos show vague shadows, at best, and it’s a proven fact that people see what they want to see! If he’s a monster, and I agree he is, and he ignored his children, why keep them alive? I don’t believe he did. You say you “don’t believe CW’s words at all”, but you believe all he’s said about those final hours.
The reason I believe at least one child was still alive when he put them into the car isn’t because that’s what CW said, or even the shadow video itself, but the fact that Rourke indicated it was that video that makes him believe CW’s most recent confession is “mostly true”. I think it was that video (and possibly further investigation into NK’s potential involvement—who knows what was in the portion of the interview not released) that caused them to go to WI and interview him again.
(Still in self imposed timeout in case anyone is wondering. Anything that comes out of my mouth re: these online bullies will not be pretty. All I can say (and this is VERY censored) is that if any of these coward lowlife pansies that HIDE behind their computers what to meet me at Shanann’s house and speak their words to my face, I’m more than happy to meet them there.)

What kind of bottom of the barrel low life SCUM of the earth “person” would harass such a wonderful family who has had their daughter and 3 grandkids murdered??! It’s unfathomable to me, how someone could do this. I just can’t understand it. They are trolls, and the family needs to ignore them.

But I’m more than happy to give them a piece of my mind if these coward LOSERS want to come out from hiding behind their computers. Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve put a bully in their place.
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(Still in self imposed timeout in case anyone is wondering. Anything that comes out of my mouth re: these online bullies will not be pretty. All I can say is if any of these coward lowlife pansies that HIDE behind their computers what to meet me at Shanann’s house and speak their words to my face, I’m more than happy to meet them there.)

I’ll join you. I have a selection of responses for them - none of them printable here.

I am not on FB or Twitter, and don’t subscribe to anything on YT, however I have noticed two of the YT channels that were making money from the murders of Shannan and her children, these have *zap* gone. It’s a start, at least.
I’ll join you. I have a selection of responses for them - none of them printable here.

I am not on FB or Twitter, and don’t subscribe to anything on YT, however I have noticed two of the YT channels that were making money from the murders of Shannan and her children, these have *zap* gone. It’s a start, at least.

Yes indeed, good start! Glad these have been taken down! Who the heck would subscribe to that crap!?!

Please include me in this reporting group. Good work, folks. I’m not on any SM platform either but I can be!

Making money off their murders?? I have been so irate just hearing the basics that they are being harassed that I haven’t even been able to even click on any of the headlines/links because I’m already seeing RED. This bullying was the top story on our local news last night. I had to turn it off bc my blood was boiling.


Bottom of the barrel I’ll tell ya!!!!!! Whoever engages in such bullying must be so miserable within themselves and lack any kind of heart or humanity.


One of these days they’re going to pop their mouths off to the wrong person. That is if they can come out from hiding behind their computers! <modsnip>
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I used to work as a contractor for Google. I have no inside contact information for them, but I certainly know their policies because part of my job was to view YouTube videos which potentially violated YouTube’s standards and flag them for removal. I signed a NDA with Google so I will not be able to share specifics about my prior job. However I am willing to help with any group that is created to get the garbage “content creators” aka parasites who constantly crank out garbage about this case to generate subs, views, and “thumbs up" to generate money for themselves.
I used to work as a contractor for Google. I have no inside contact information for them, but I certainly know their policies because part of my job was to view YouTube videos which potentially violated YouTube’s standards and flag them for removal. I signed a NDA with Google so I will not be able to share specifics about my prior job. However I am willing to help with any group that is created to get the garbage “content creators” aka parasites who constantly crank out garbage about this case to generate subs, views, and “thumbs up" to generate money for themselves.

Parasites is right!!!!

ETA: Thank you for offering to help.

And thanks to all for whoever is being proactive.


(Taking blood pressure medicine and going back to catch up now.)


This has shades of Scott Peterson.

Yeah. Van Der Sloot much, anyone?


These women who go visit him in prison must have such low self esteem, moo. That’s all I can say about that right now.

I wonder if any of them are the same ones who wrote him the letters that we saw in the documents.
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Uh. No I don't. Where do you get that from? I believe some of it because it connects back to evidence but other bits of it I discard wholeheartedly. There's no way in hell the actual murder of Shannan went down the way he says....nope. He contradicts himself a few times and it doesn't align with evidence. None of that BS he described happening in the bed rings true at all. But what he described with the kids does - it actually makes him more evil/impacts his narc mask intensely so he would have been more likely to soften that if he could - dying in their sleep in their beds not knowing what was happening etc would have been a better story for a narc to make up than awake with a dead body driving down the highway at the crack of dawn....etc.

The truck videos show vague shadows, at best, and it’s a proven fact that people see what they want to see! If he’s a monster, and I agree he is, and he ignored his children, why keep them alive? I don’t believe he did. You say you “don’t believe CW’s words at all”, but you believe all he’s said about those final hours.
I think she would have crawled in to bed with him because she loved him and wanted to save their marriage. She was desperate to fix things based on what she said in her text messages during that time. She didn't know he was plotting her death. She thought they had something left to save. She was also a realist and would have moved on with her life successfully if divorce was the direction they were headed. It's also possible he was still sleeping in that basement bed and she came home, checked on the girls, crawled in to an empty bed, fell asleep crying and then he attacked.

Just like everyone else that knew them, I doubt that even for one second Shannan thought CW was going to murder her or the babies. If she had any inkling (like CW likes to say) she wouldn't have come back from NC, or gone on the work trip...she'd have filed for an RO....anything and everything to keep baby girls and the little dude she was carrying safe.

Shanann was sick, tired, and of course, pregnant. She suspected CW was having an affair (or knew). The wait to go home had to be bad and feelings were probably intensified by the delay. So, under those circumstances, would she really climb into bed with CW? If they did have that “emotional discussion” and she was so angry she told him that he’d never see his children again, how is it possible she’d then climb into bed with him? It doesn’t make any sense!
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He might be compelled to do it because it'd make his admirers think he's such a great guy who still loves his wife/family. >eyeroll<

He will never EVER do anything that doesn’t serve him in some way. You know, maybe if he was bribed with some special privledge or something he might do it. Unless he gets something, like a stoked ego or a visit from a certain mistress, he won’t do it.
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