GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #72

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I used to work as a contractor for Google. I have no inside contact information for them, but I certainly know their policies because part of my job was to view YouTube videos which potentially violated YouTube’s standards and flag them for removal. I signed a NDA with Google so I will not be able to share specifics about my prior job. However I am willing to help with any group that is created to get the garbage “content creators” aka parasites who constantly crank out garbage about this case to generate subs, views, and “thumbs up" to generate money for themselves.
What do you think the most effective "report" consists of? How to report offensive content in the way which is most likely to get results? Pure quantity, or which category is paid the most attention by youtube employees reviewing the reports?

Is it important to report the exact guideline that is being violated? What about the practice of using photos of sw and the kids for click bait, when the actual video covers a different subject?
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Uh. No I don't. Where do you get that from? I believe some of it because it connects back to evidence but other bits of it I discard wholeheartedly. There's no way in hell the actual murder of Shannan went down the way he says....nope. He contradicts himself a few times and it doesn't align with evidence. None of that BS he described happening in the bed rings true at all. But what he described with the kids does - it actually makes him more evil/impacts his narc mask intensely so he would have been more likely to soften that if he could - dying in their sleep in their beds not knowing what was happening etc would have been a better story for a narc to make up than awake with a dead body driving down the highway at the crack of dawn....etc.

First, you have to realize that he was setting it up, in the "confession" to play the blame game (again), blaming Shanann(taking his children), Bella(walked in on him), and NK(falling in love with her led to the tragedy). Second, as I've said before; his mind and thinking processes are NOT normal and are different from most of us, what he sees as evil is probably different from what we see as evil. I would also think that his comments about "not knowing what he was doing" and an "evil influence controlling him" may be groundwork for a hoped for appeal! In others words; "he didn't intend to kill them and it didn't happen until the last moment"! Since you brought up a "narc", you should know that once something/someone becomes an annoyance or unimportant to a "narc", they discard or eliminate it. IMHO, by Sunday afternoon CW was in full mode moving toward his perfect life with NK, and Shanann, Nico, Cece, and Bella were nothing more than an impediment, to be removed, as quickly as possible. And being murdered as they lay in bed, awake or asleep, is NOT dying in their sleep, it's murder and it's violent! The murder of one probably awakened the other, most likely Bella who then fought for her life. Finally, the autopsy stated that there were NO fibers in the girl's lungs and D.A. Roark stated that CW killed his daughters by holding his hand over their nose and mouth; so that shoots down CW's "smothered with a blanket" claim! He put his daughters to bed and then murdered them, because he was done with them. He then waited for Shanann to come home, not knowing she would be delayed.

IMHO; CW said "you'll never see your children again", not Shanann. He used the real words, but changed the attribution in order to, once again, blame Shanann!

IMHO; CW did see the girls lying together in the back of the truck, but it was their lifeless bodies. In his diseased mind, two little girls huddled in confusion and abject fear is not as bad as two lifeless bodies! So he manipulated the truth.

IMHO; CW has taken some truths, manipulated them and mixed them with lies to create a picture which, in his mind, looks better and gives him hope that he can have his punishment mitigated in some way. It has certainly kept the media interested and fueled his sick, delusional supporters!
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IIRC what Shanann said is that she would go for full custody and that she couldn't afford Colorado on her own. I think it makes perfect sense that she would need full custody of her newborn son and would want custody of her preschool daughters.

Back in March 2018 Shanann asked a CO attorney during a chance encounter at a restaurant some questions about child custody and leaving CO, but he didn't specialize in family law. Perhaps they were having marital problems at the time, and CW talked her into staying with his desire to have another baby.

I think it's a very safe assumption if Shanann actually had any idea that CW definitely wanted a divorce, she would have immediately found herself a qualified family law attorney and done a ton of research on child custody. I also imagine if he had really asked for a divorce that she would have immediately told her friends and family, since she wasn't exactly shy about sharing details of her life with them.

Thank you.
IIRC what Shanann said is that she would go for full custody and that she couldn't afford Colorado on her own. I think it makes perfect sense that she would need full custody of her newborn son and would want custody of her preschool daughters.

Back in March 2018 Shanann asked a CO attorney during a chance encounter at a restaurant some questions about child custody and leaving CO, but he didn't specialize in family law. Perhaps they were having marital problems at the time, and CW talked her into staying with his desire to have another baby.

I think it's a very safe assumption if Shanann actually had any idea that CW definitely wanted a divorce, she would have immediately found herself a qualified family law attorney and done a ton of research on child custody. I also imagine if he had really asked for a divorce that she would have immediately told her friends and family, since she wasn't exactly shy about sharing details of her life with them.
My specific recollection of SW moving/unable to avoid Colorado came directly from CW interviews after his arrest. CW is who stated SW would move because of cost to live in Colorado. MOO
My specific recollection of SW moving/unable to avoid Colorado came directly from CW interviews after his arrest. CW is who stated SW would move because of cost to live in Colorado. MOO
Thank you. I’ve personally talked to NAU many times about their conversations that last weekend and Shan’ann said nothing of the sort to her. Quite the opposite. She was beginning to suspect CW was cheating and if true she was determined to try to work through it with him.
My specific recollection of SW moving/unable to avoid Colorado came directly from CW interviews after his arrest. CW is who stated SW would move because of cost to live in Colorado. MOO
Yes, he did say that, but I'm fairly certain Shanann texted one of her friends about being unable to afford CO on her own.
In his evil, warped mind that was yet another reason to murder his family because he would have been expected to follow them, and we all know he wanted to stay in CO with his new obsession. JMO

Thank you. I’ve personally talked to NAU many times about their conversations that last weekend and Shan’ann said nothing of the sort to her. Quite the opposite. She was beginning to suspect CW was cheating and if true she was determined to try to work through it with him.
Bodycam video proves that's exactly what NAU told law enforcement when they arrived for the wellness check that morning. NAU heard about an actual separation for the first time from CW himself that morning. She also told LE that Shanann knew they were having marital problems, but was unaware of a pending separation or divorce.

Discovery page 571:
NICHOL (NK) asked him about
what custody of the children they would have. CHRIS said he and SHANANN agreed to have 50/50 custody.
-NICHOL told him he should take time to read articles about what separation does to children. He said the children will be fine.
-CHRIS is saying he is the person trying to save the marriage and SHANANN does not want it.
Discovery page 2106
2219 hours: Shanann told Utoft and Cassie, "l will fight for full custody." Shanann said Watts told her he does not want to divorce right away
142- IL: r5t25O, 757271
2240 hours: Shanann told the women, "l can't afford three kids alone in Colorado." Shanann said their current home loan is "on Chris' name." Her friends rallied around Shanann
[42 - TL: ].51319, 1513371
2308 hours: Shanann searched Google on topics like "emotion focused therapy, couples therapy''

Well, it looks like his mistress did more research into child custody that he did because she mentioned articles about what separation does to children, which he brushed off. Not that he really cared about what sort of custody arrangement they might possibly have because he knew he was going to murder them anyway. JMO

OMG, THANK YOU for this heads up.

I may start a thread for this. This could also be one of two people who have cases here!!!!

Rita Gutierrez
Deceased/Not Found - CO - Rita Gutierrez-Garcia, 34, Longmont, 18 March 2018


Nicole Silvers
CO - CO - Nicole Silvers, 16, Longmont, 8 April 2014


Gosh I hope this is Rita so her family can bring her home!!

How far is this from where the girls were found!?!?!
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I’ll join you. I have a selection of responses for them - none of them printable here.

I am not on FB or Twitter, and don’t subscribe to anything on YT, however I have noticed two of the YT channels that were making money from the murders of Shannan and her children, these have *zap* gone. It’s a start, at least.
I just got a visual of a bunch of websleuthers meeting the ignorant ones at the house and just chanting, “shine like Shanann” over and over and over again until they slink back to wherever they came from.

OMG, THANK YOU for this heads up.

I may start a thread for this. This could also be one of two people who have cases here!!!!

Rita Gutierrez
Deceased/Not Found - CO - Rita Gutierrez-Garcia, 34, Longmont, 18 March 2018


Nicole Silvers
CO - CO - Nicole Silvers, 16, Longmont, 8 April 2014


Gosh I hope this is Rita so her family can bring her home!!

How far is this from where the girls were found!?!?!

I’ve created a thread there to discuss these remains found:

CO - CO - Remains Found at Oil and Gas Site, Weld County, 24 July, 2019. )
Maybe the Rzuceks are banding together with the Sandy Hook parents? He did mention victims who went thru similar situations during his PC.

He pointed out that re-victimization of families who have lived through tragedies is nothing new. He said families of those killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut in 2012 have for years been targeted by harassers and conspiracy theorists.

Family of mother, children murdered by Chris Watts say they're being threatened, bullied online
I do think the harassment of the Rzuceks is similar to the Sandy Hook parents. The death threats are the worst and most obvious similarity. And for those who are claiming that CW didn't kill the kids, they are disputing the known facts of a well-documented violent event.
People who encourage those wacko conspiracy theorists who claim that Shanann was the "real killer" are having the same effect on people who have already suffered the loss of family members.

Wouldn’t that be something...

I always thought this was CW’s first kills, but who really knows, right??

Right now LE isn’t saying which Oil Co. owns this land. I would think Anadarko. Still working on that in the other thread. We have several persons missing from the area. I doubt this has anything to do with CW but boy makes you wonder...that would be something. Talk about “twist”...
This is probably diving way too deep in to their personal life so forgive me, but I have wondered if he couldn't perform and that was his final straw. I believe he was planning but I don't know that he had really developed his complete plan yet and that would kind of align with his autopilot comments - that he couldn't perform and went crazy
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