Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34, dec.), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #3

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Agree. But now the defense will argue he was an accomplice in hiding the bodies of the girls, and SW killed herself and he tried to hid that too. Just seeing the defense side that brings bile up into my throat.

In the event that there isn’t an actual confession I can also see him attempting to say SW killed the girls and he then snapped and killed her. That DNA request could be his lawyer covering all bases or it could be an attempt to setting up a manslaughter defense vs him headed to prison and possibly death row as a known child killer.
<modsnip - removed quoted post>

We are taking for granted CW told the truth when he said he left the house at 5:15. Remember, when he gave that interview, I don’t think he knew about the neighbors camera.
Also, the police clearly stated they were all killed in the home. I’m sure the dogs alerted on this fact & combined, it could be what forced a confession.
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Do any of the locals know what time shifts usually run at his former employer? He lived 37 miles from work. And we know he left at 5:15. Did his shift start at 6? or do shifts normally start at 8? I'm just wondering if that was an usually early time for him to leave, to leave time for body disposal. Or if he left on time and the disposal was very rushed.

I think he killed the girls first, Sunday night, and kept them in the house. He would want to show his handiwork to his wife to hurt her and horrify her. So she comes home, she finds her deceased daughters, and then he kills her. Then he disposes of all three at once so he only has to make one trip. ( since we heard about him backing the truck in at 5:15 AM, I'm assuming we would have also heard if he had done it a second time prior to that.)
Without knowing what I know about him I would say he’s a “looker.”
Meaning he’s easy to look at. I’m the type that needs to talk to someone before I can decide if they’re attractive or not.

i think that is a gender thing (gay or hetero) we tend to more physically based there is not a female a male passes that he does not look or a man i pass i dont look

if think females are not as from afar physical


but the studies are lesbians ( generally generally) prefer nesting and connect more on an emotional level first

were more men piggish !!

generally generally
I hope not, too. Surely he loved them that much. SMH.
He seems to fit the profile of a text book sociopath. A normally, empathetic human mind just cannot comprehend how cold and calculating a sociopath or psychopath is. How do you comprehend someone's emotions when they do not have ANY empathy, guilt or remorse in their brain. It absolutely doesn't exist.

CW did not confess because of guilt, remorse or empathy, because he is not capable of those emotions.
Sociopaths can fake them, and often do, but if they do, it's only because it is benefiting them in some way. Sociopaths do things to manipulate and control situations, and to make them feel superior to everyone else.

I was married to a sociopath for 10 years. The two years at the end of the marriage I spent preparing to leave him. I had to convince him that he wouldn't lose control over my son and me and I worked for a long time to get him to decide that it was a benefit if we were not around him all of the time. At that point, I took my son and moved out without telling him while he was gone for the weekend with a girlfriend. It took over another year for him to stop threatening us, and to finalize our divorce. Even years later, I still treat him very carefully when I have deal with him, so he won't act on the decision that his life would be much easier if my son and I weren't around permanently. We also moved to another state so we weren't constantly being controled and manipulated by him being near by.

I have first hand experience living and loving (I thought) a sociopath for years who had no sympathatic emotions, and I STILL can't wrap my head around it. I have to stop myself from trying to find some spec of empathy, etc in him or in our memories, but it just isn't there.

I feel guilt, empathy, etc deeply but I had to accept the truth, even though I cannot imagine it. True sociopaths and psychopaths do not have the ability in their brains to actually feel sympathetic emotions, no matter how much we want to see it.
He seems to fit the profile of a text book sociopath. A normally, empathetic human mind just cannot comprehend how cold and calculating a sociopath or psychopath is. How do you comprehend someone's emotions when they do not have ANY empathy, guilt or remorse in their brain. It absolutely doesn't exist.

CW did not confess because of guilt, remorse or empathy, because he is not capable of those emotions.
Sociopaths can fake them, and often do, but if they do, it's only because it is benefiting them in some way. Sociopaths do things to manipulate and control situations, and to make them feel superior to everyone else.

I was married to a sociopath for 10 years. The two years at the end of the marriage I spent preparing to leave him. I had to convince him that he wouldn't lose control over my son and me and I worked for a long time to get him to decide that it was a benefit if we were not around him all of the time. At that point, I took my son and moved out without telling him while he was gone for the weekend with a girlfriend. It took over another year for him to stop threatening us, and to finalize our divorce. Even years later, I still treat him very carefully when I have deal with him so he won't act on the decision that his life would be much easier if my son and I weren't around We also moved to another state so we weren't constantly being controled and manipulated by him being near by.

I have first hand experience living and loving (I thought) a sociopath for years who had no sympathatic emotions, and I STILL can't wrap my head around it. I have to stop myself from trying to find some spec of empathy, etc in him or in our memories, but it just isn't there.

I feel guilt, empathy, etc deeply but I had to accept the truth, even though I cannot imagine it. True sociopaths and psychopaths do not have the ability in their brains to actually feel sympathetic emotions, no matter how much we want to see it.

THIS! ^^^^^
I feel icky even speculating that Shanann was anything but a victim. There is currently no proof that anyone other than CW committed these crimes. I mean, once it goes to trial (if it does) and if they try to use that as a defense, that's one thing. But right now I am getting uncomfortable with the theories on her mental health, her attitude, whether she may have killed the kids, etc.

Agreed. He confessed. I'm not sure why on earth we would try to come up with any other scenarios at this point. It's disrespectful.
We are taking for granted CW told the truth when he said he left the house at 5:15. Remember, when he gave that interview, I don’t think he knew about the neighbors camera.
Also, the police clearly stated they were all killed in the home. I’m sure the dogs alerted on this fact & combined, it could be what forced a confession.

He did know about the cameras. In the raw footage, he says they have a camera pointed at his house, and he points across the street.
Thank you so much for posting this! But this psychologist seems incredibly gullible, almost naive.

His main point that Chris Watts was articulate and had thought through his answers which made him believable. That's laughable. I sincerely hope this psychologist doesn't work for the FBI because he would be exceedingly easy to manipulate. Just think out your answers and you are good to go!

There are so many tells that scream out in Chris Watts non-verbals.

For one thing, just watch any video of an innocent person and show it side by side with Chris Watts and you will know, instinctively, there is something wrong with this man. No, we don't convict on our gut instinct but we do learn how to separate fact from fiction.

Innocent people cry, they take a long time to come up with answers, they are dazed, they stumble over their words, they beg for their loved ones back, they tremble. They are distraught beyond belief and you don't need to be a psychologist to know that is the normal, human response. It's gut wrenching to watch.

Susan Smith (drowned her two sons) is the only guilty person I personally have watched who did a pretty good acting job for someone who was a murderer. Chris Watts was terrible to the point he was creepy. Hint - Show a little bit of emotion if you are going to try to fool someone you are sad.

Bottomline - Chris Watts was way too smooth which is exactly WHY he was so suspicious! He also shrugged his shoulders (micro shrugs) repeatedly which, if you believe in body language, is one sign of deception.

I'm just dumbfounded by this psychologist. Fascinating interview but the psychologist needs to brush up on his detection skills, moo.
I think he killed the girls to hurt show her. It’s all about him and he wanted her to feel the pain he feels. He blames SW for how he feels. It doesn’t matter if she actually did anything to hurt him, but he thinks his pain is caused by her so he hurt her in the worst way possible. He let her feel the pain of her daughters dying at his hands and probably told her it was her fault and then he killed her too.
That really sucks. Who would do that? Ohhhhhh.
This is getting worse with every single bit of information. He better make a plea deal. A trial won't help him here.

Do they currently have the death penalty in Colorado? If they do, are executions currently suspended, or are they being carried out? I tried to Google it, but got conflicting info.
Welcome to WS Aurora1.

Your post above ^^^^ on a sociopath is so true. It is unbelievable to realize they have no sympathy, empathy, guilt, or concern as to how their actions affect others. It is like there are no consequences for what they do. They are habitual liars also.

Unfortunately, I was married to one too. I am glad you and your son moved away. Hope you both are doing well and life with “him” did not make a big impact on your son’s development.
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