Still Missing CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 *arrest* #87

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I thought the same, but she hired this firm when her home was searched in late May.

SD blamed BM that the feds were crawling around her place.
BM confides in E & N, and DN says no problem: Let's keep this in the family -- she can call my husband's firm. Problem solved. BM's happy, everybody is happy.
My, my, friends. You've been so busy composing the most interesting information and speculation. Thank you!

I've enjoyed a few cocktails because it's my birthday and only drink alcohol about twice a year so I hope this post makes sense. All of this is my own opinion with a few facts in the mix.

RE: Barry's failed baseball career
I think Barry was thrilled he was chosen in the draft. The only reason he moved his um to Canada was because there was a $20,000 signing bonus involved. Otherwise, he could care less about the sport. It was his father's dream; not his own. jmo

I don't think his father gave him a dime for mad money spending. I recall stories of Barry selling beaver tails or turkey breasts and in the winter he sold bales of hay and raked pine straw while in high school. Didn't he sell used golf balls he found on the golf course at night?

This is a man who loves the great outdoors and knows more about certain parts of nature than most of us would ever care to know. Didn't he kill his pet squirrel when its tail was bushy enough to sell for profit? He knows how to make a buck.

Let me be clear. I adore a working man. I wish I'd married a man who carried a lunch pail and worked hard nine hours a day and came home to dance with me in the kitchen. Instead, I married a highly intelligent narcissistic sociopath who wore a suit to work. He managed to hide his true nature for several years.

The remainder of the marriage was like walking on broken glass. I stayed for my daughter's sake and hoped to leave when she graduated but waited until she was out of college so she'd have a "home" to come to on the weekends. Huge decision that caused me great C-PTSD. Had a major panic attack the other day that lasted nearly three hours. It came out of the blue for I haven't spoken to him since the day I escaped, over 20yrs ago, which took major secretive planning. Unlike Suzanne, I knew my life was in danger.

X called late one night to tell me he was holding the Glock to his head. I said, "So... whatcha want to do that for?" By that time, I was disconnected from the marriage.

Let me tell everyone reading here that when a narcissistic man threatens suicide with a gun pointed at his own head, then he can become a homicidal maniac without thinking of consequences as long as he wins. He wins all the money, the business, the house, the vehicles, the child.

That's what Barry wanted. He wanted to win. He knew Suzanne was the unique doll whom everyone that met her adored. She was the rose among thorns. He wanted to win when she wanted to leave. His only thoughts were killing her in order to stop her because if she left him, that would mean he lost. He would be a loser. He is a loser.

He murdered that sweet lady in the cruelest fashion imaginable. JMO He used a tranquilizer dart. Whether or not he had to chase her in order to inject her, I don't know. But, I do know Suzanne knew sheer terror in her final moments on earth.

If she was ever rude to him, then he deserved it because being mean was not her nature. She was in love with life, her children and in love with the thought of being free from Barry. She deserved to be free but he stole that from her. He's a thief.

Barry wanted to win the money, the business, the house, the vehicles, the children.

Narcissists think they are perfect yet they are highly critical of others. Barry taught conned their children into believing he was perfect. He taught conned their children into believing that Suzanne was flawed in her thinking. That's where we are today. When those precious children hear the prosecutors lay out the extraordinary evidence of a father who chased his wife with a poisonous dart in order to end her life, they may be crushed by the dastardly scheming. Humans don't survive well, much less thrive, once evil enters their lives.

Yet, I'm prepared for them to still believe in him even when my heart knows they will lose if they don't break those ties that bind. I hope one day they will walk away like I did and never speak to him again. jmvhoo

This is only my opinion. It is only my speculation based on a painful marriage and blessed for the very happy life I have today because I turned away from an evil doer and never looked back. Cheers to a Conviction!
Cheers on leaving/escaping a horrid marriage and birthday blessings to you.
Well still might be.
He should be findable a Purdue U alumni.
The subcontracting job he got in Broomfield was due to a Purdue connection. connection

Found a MSM link: according to Jan 5, 1994, Alexander Times-Tribune Engagements, SM was to graduate May 1994 from Purdue University with a degree in elementary education, and BM was to graduate May 1994 from Purdue University with a degree in horticulture production.


Clipping from The Alexandria Times-Tribune -

ETA: add Purdue Univ link to program
Horticulture (multiple concentrations) - Undergraduate Admissions - Purdue University
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Found a MSM link: according to Jan 5, 1994, Alexander Times-Tribune Engagements, SM was to graduate May 1994 from Purdue University with a degree in elementary education, and BM was to graduate May 1994 from Purdue University with a degree in horticulture production.


Clipping from The Alexandria Times-Tribune -

I wonder at what point Suzanne stopped teaching?

ETA: NVM, found it.

"Hamilton Heights Middle School between 1995 and 1999."
Former Heights teacher missing in Colorado – Hamilton County Reporter
IMO, the sneaky motion seems to be clouding the truth here, and it did not have to be PP.

Are we really to believe that UPS or FedEx would deliver a parcel addressed to Joe Public, Jane Public, or Barry Morphew, anyplace other than the address affixed to the parcel? Nope, don't think so -- courier did not misdeliver.

Methinks that SD knowingly and intentionally trespassed to collect a parcel initiated by BM where he failed to correct his shipping address with the merchant.

This Motion is based upon a recent conversation Defense Counsel Iris Eytan had with Martin Stuart, Ms. Darke’s attorney.

He advised Ms. Eytan that, on October 13, 2021, this Court found that it has a bias or prejudice with respect to the law firm of McDermott, Stuart, & Ward, LLP (“MSW”), which represents Shoshona Darke, and that said bias or prejudice is so strong as to require this Court to recuse itself from the legal case involving Shoshona Darke, People v. Shoshona Darke, Chaffee County No. 2021 M 351.

In that case, Ms. Darke is accused of trespassing when she allegedly went to the front porch of Mr. Morphew’s previous home, and one of Mr. Morphew’s neighbors to retrieve a package that UPS or FedEx had misdelivered to the wrong address. of interest/21CR78/21CR78 Motion to Disqulaify.pdf

No, I wouldn't believe it, and I think you're right. There is quite a bit of clouding the truth with this incident. Have they revealed the contents of the package? IMO I thought that it was a test of security or SD was there to check on any particular area of the property. Seems to be keeping a close eye on the property and possibly noticed they had installed a new security system or figured out how to get the older system working and wanted to test it....
I have not followed that many trials. This just seems weird to me. I have never heard of witnesses bringing their lawyers with them when they testify at a trial, and those lawyers having standing to intervene on their behalf during testimony. Shoshona is not on trial in this case, she is just a witness. Has this happened in other trials?

Yeah this seems a stretch to me.

The Judge's recusal from the SD trial is standard procedure. It's not suggested that he would be biased (after all he has no connection to the lawyers acting), but there could be a perception of bias in favour of the firm. IIRC I've seen this kind of thing where a judge's old law firm is acting, even when he doesn't even know the attorney in question.

However in the trial of BM, SD is merely a witness, and her lawyers are not acting - so that makes the connection even more remote.

Are we supposed to believe that the Judge would somehow favour SD under examination because ... what exactly?

I just don't see how there is any perception of bias here.
Reading through the defence application for dismissal of the judge, I think it intentionally avoids discussing or citing authority for what is the central issue, but rather assumes the answer.

It is true that a judge must recuse where there is perceived impartiality/bias issue. And it is true that the Judge may have to rule on matters of admissibility relating to SD. But the key point remains that SD is not a party in the proceedings, nor are her counsel acting.

The application for removal simply assumes that the perceived bias or impartiality issue is already accepted by the Court based on the case in which SD is defendant but I think it is far from clear as a factual matter that it is established here. Further the application does not cite any authorities involving similar cases where the alleged bias is regards a witness rather than a party.

Not surprised the Judge is going away to do some research
As an example, the argument as regards pleading the 5th seems irrelevant to me.

SD is a prosecution witness - ie the State will lead Evidence in Chief, and the defence will X

If SD's own lawyers advise her to plead the 5th in relation to some or all questions - that is advice that they give to her. It's not as if her lawyers are examining the witness, or asking the Judge to rule on anything. They aren't acting.

As for the idea that her lawyers might make arguments to the Judge on admissibility, this again seems odd to me. Don't the defence make these arguments? (I am not sure if it is common for the witnesses own lawyers to seek rulings or be heard on evidential questions).

I did get the feeling reading the motion that it's kind of a back door way of arguing the Judge has history with this witness, more than the lawfirm issue.
Quoting myself to remind y'all to give this a scan and double check me for glaring omissions or mistakes before we roll into another thread.

I noticed this

May 10, 04:10 – 04:32 – Last Activity from Suzanne’s iPhone
Sergeant Mullenax asked dispatch to ping the number given for Suzanne’s cell phone. Dispatch informed Mullenax that the cell phone appeared to be off and last known activity was at 4:23AM on the present date, with a general location about 11.5 miles west of a cell tower in Poncha Springs, CO.

Is this a transposition? 4:23 vs 4:32?

I think 4:32 is when Barry went into ariplane
I don't think he's bothered by his legal fees. IMO he'll pay ANY amount for HIS freedom. And I think he thinks he'll just make more. I can almost hear him, "I make money. My whole life. 100%."

I also think he thinks this will all go away.

Maybe he and I have that in common. I too think some things should just go away.

Like murderers. Away. All the LWOP plus 156 away.

Nicely written! :p
The motion alleges that Judge Patrick Murphy is too close of friends with the attorneys for a woman named Shoshona Darke, who has been romantically linked to Morphew following his wife's disappearance.
Hopefully it will come out, that this "romantically linked" wasn't f-o-l-l-o-w-i-n-g, but before May 10th, 2020, and her call to LE re suspicious car/s at PP was possibly planned by BM as a helpful diversion. IF it is like that.
Maybe some more dinners out, and some shopping trips ?
Although the funds will not last forever.
Then what ?
A public defender for both of them ?
If SD and BM part ways, we may find out if SD knows more than she's let on so far.
Much more.
Problem is: he keeps his wives until the bitter end ........ ;)
Quoting myself to remind y'all to give this a scan and double check me for glaring omissions or mistakes before we roll into another thread.

This really is an excellent compilation!

(Check the date that Suzanne drove to drop off a daughter -- listed now as 5/3 but I believe it was 5/6.)

From your link - It appears as though a page is missing between the end of page 3 and the beginning of page 4. Page 4 begins mid-sentence:

"respect to this case and decisions that may arise with respect to Shoshona Darke. This relationship extends to other members of the families of both Sean McDermott and this Court."

Weird. Even weirder from page 4:

"The prosecution has made Ms. Darke a central figure in Mr. Morphew’s case, including but not limited to:
• In February 2021, this Court also signed a pen register trap and trace on Ms. Darke’s phone, and issued search warrants for Ms. Darke’s WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, Apple ID, ATT records and Microsoft accounts in. See 21SW11-17 filed with this Court"

Sure sounds to me like the prosecution thinks she may be more involved than has been previously let on.

But SD has not been charged as an accessory in the crime involving Suzanne’s disappearance. If they found any info at all, why wait till trial? Charge her. She won’t turn on BM.

It seems to me when investigators found out about Suzanne’s affair, they decided that was the cause of her death and they stopped looking into possible affairs by BM. It’s as though that didn’t matter. I’m sure there were rumors about SD. And many in Indiana. I feel they dropped the ball and BM knows this.
Additionally, the prosecution should have had the AA sealed tight so BM couldn’t get bail. But here we are.

Suzanne didn’t die because of the affair. She died because she was done. No more lies for BM. No more covering for his behaviors. She didn’t love him anymore and he wasn’t going to let her leave.
Yeah this seems a stretch to me.

The Judge's recusal from the SD trial is standard procedure. It's not suggested that he would be biased (after all he has no connection to the lawyers acting), but there could be a perception of bias in favour of the firm. IIRC I've seen this kind of thing where a judge's old law firm is acting, even when he doesn't even know the attorney in question.

However in the trial of BM, SD is merely a witness, and her lawyers are not acting - so that makes the connection even more remote.

Are we supposed to believe that the Judge would somehow favour SD under examination because ... what exactly?

I just don't see how there is any perception of bias here.
This is why I am hoping the judge doesn't recuse himself. He "may" advise the prosecution to drop the trespassing charge....that absolutely clears the way for him to remain on the case and what prosecutor's office takes a low level trespasser to a jury trial anyway that was always a red flag for me. I think they did it just to try and get more intel for the Morphew case so who has the conflict of interest? At this point they got what they got so no harm no foul dropping the tresspass charge in my opinion.
No, I wouldn't believe it, and I think you're right. There is quite a bit of clouding the truth with this incident. Have they revealed the contents of the package? IMO I thought that it was a test of security or SD was there to check on any particular area of the property. Seems to be keeping a close eye on the property and possibly noticed they had installed a new security system or figured out how to get the older system working and wanted to test it....
Why? The property was sold, what is so interesting there?
Why? The property was sold, what is so interesting there?
Agree. but my opinion is when the prosecutor's office found out who retrieved the misaddressed Morphew package it gave them another opportunity to dig into SD's life. I think that is why her lawyer wanted all the notes, transcripts etc. related to the charge in discovery...what DID the officers say to the homeowner...was it really the homeowner's "idea" to file charges over this really innocuous event or were they "encouraged" by the officer(s). What was in the motion - 356 lines of data collected on SD for a trespass charge or something crazy like that? Was the prosecutor's office trying to redeem themselves after the lackluster performance in the Morphew case preliminary? Lots of questions so now we deal with the legal fall out and mess by co-mingling these cases. All it did for me was totally confirm in my mind that Chaffee County filed the arrest warrant and charges way too soon and were no where near a buttoned up case.
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