Still Missing CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 *arrest* #92

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No he brought it up first.

May 09, 09:50 – Barry to Suzanne: Want to go on hike? *Text Exchange*
09:50 am BM text to SM: “Want to go on hike?”
09:52 am SM to BM: “Where?” (No response) Later on, asks about summer tires on Range Rover
10:36 am SM to BM : “Wanna meet to hike?”
10:48 am BM: “No, coming home”
10:48 am SM: “Get hot tub stuff”

Barry stated that on Saturday, May 9, 2020, he worked with MG on a job site in Salida. The task was to complete a rock beach on the property. After this job, Barry communicated with Suzanne by text message. They talked about hiking and she later requested him to purchase hot tub chemicals. Barry stated his last message from Suzanne was between 11:00 AM and noon. Barry stated at around 2:26 PM, he texted Suzanne that he was done and was headed home.
One does wonder then when he had lunch with Suzanne.
From the PH. I love me some Grusing:

Q (Nielsen): Did you consider Agent Graham’s interview – you did a whole timeline, an FBI timeline, in this case about what the events and what Barry’s movements were on May 9th, correct?

A (Grusing): Correct.

Q (Nielsen): Did you consider Agent Graham’s interview of Janelle Nebal at Salida Stove and Spa who said that Barry came to Salida stove and spa sometime between 4:00 pm and 5:30 pm on May 9th?

A (Grusing): I did not.

Q (Nielsen): Did you consider the interview that D.A. Investigator ?ren did of Janelle Nebal of Salida stove and spa where she gave the same information?

A (Grusing): I did not because it would conflict with the telematics.

Q (Nielsen): How does it conflict with the telematics?

A (Grusing): At 4:44 his vehicle is at the residence.

-- (removed Nielsen wasting time) --

Q (Nielsen): And we know that the telematics doesn’t capture all the events, correct?

A (Grusing): Right.

Q (Nielsen): And we know the location of the truck changed between 2:43 and 4:44 pm.

A (Grusing): Yes, and Barry was interviewed approximately 30 times.

Q (Nielsen): Did I ask you that question, sir?

A (Grusing): No.

MR. LINDSEY: Judge, objection. That’s argumentative.

MS. NIELSEN: I believe he’s being argumentative.

THE COURT: Well I think she didn’t ask you that particular question and you’re going to get an opportunity to redirect.


Q (Nielsen): Did you consider Ms. Nebal’s statement to Agent Graham that when Barry Morphew came to Salida Stove and Spa on May 9th between 4:00 and 5:30 pm that there was nothing unusual about his demeanor?

A (Grusing): No I did not.

Q (Nielsen): Did you consider Agent Graham’s conversation with Ms. Nebal’s son Colton Nebal?

A (Grusing): No.

Q (Nielsen): And that Colton said he had been told by his mom that Barry had come into the store on Saturday, May 9th?

A (Grusing): I recall that he came in the store but the times I don’t – no, I didn’t consider these times.

Q (Nielsen): Sir, you did a timeline –

A (Grusing): Correct.
Q (Nielsen): – a detailed timeline and you didn’t consider this information or included in your timeline.

A (Grusing): That’s correct.
That's hilarious. I assume by the 30 times thing, he was going to say that even Barry never claimed what the defense is claiming.

It's Grusing vs Barry, and I know where my money is.
No he brought it up first.

May 09, 09:50 – Barry to Suzanne: Want to go on hike? *Text Exchange*
09:50 am BM text to SM: “Want to go on hike?”
09:52 am SM to BM: “Where?” (No response) Later on, asks about summer tires on Range Rover
10:36 am SM to BM : “Wanna meet to hike?”
10:48 am BM: “No, coming home”
10:48 am SM: “Get hot tub stuff”

Barry stated that on Saturday, May 9, 2020, he worked with MG on a job site in Salida. The task was to complete a rock beach on the property. After this job, Barry communicated with Suzanne by text message. They talked about hiking and she later requested him to purchase hot tub chemicals. Barry stated his last message from Suzanne was between 11:00 AM and noon. Barry stated at around 2:26 PM, he texted Suzanne that he was done and was headed home.
You are right. Several of us were discussing it late last night.
I'm convinced this is crucial to his planning, and I get the stuff about the camera's but if they were so far from the house, how do they matter to the crime? Why does he go so far from the house?

I'd love to see the other 2 maps he was shown

Google Earth
ScreenHunter 1278.png
From my Google Earth case map. You'll understand why he needed the cameras down.

This is the Turkey "search"
From the AA:

Barry was shown a second map, below, of his movements from 11 :52 AM to 12:31 PM, when he appeared to head east of his property, during the time he was supposedly having ‘”veggie soup” with Suzanne. Barry said he was looking for a turkey that REDACTED had shot previously with a bow, but they had never found.


Barry was shown a third map where it looked like he was on foot, heading back to his truck, before he left at 1:38 PM and called Suzanne at 1:47 PM and 1:49 PM. Barry said it made sense that he did not talk to Suzanne much during that lunch hour as a reason for him calling her twice when he got to Highway 50.

Barry Morphew Redacted Arrest Affidavit – Find Suzanne Morphew
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Is Fitness Center the same gym Barry performs his work outs; sometimes two a day? MG went there, too. Isn't that ShoSho's gym, as well? Oh, one big happy coincidence. Was this 400 tours gym, too?

That's quite an interesting gathering. Who else went to that gym, Fitness Center?

From the AA:

KW met Suzanne at the Exer-flex gym in Salida in the fall of 2018
An Accomplice (?)


**Sorry for the long post! Pure speculation for consideration so please skip the read if you’re not feeling it or if this has been discussed in length here before**

I’ve been wondering…if we were to insert a BM accomplice into the timeline, especially during Fri 5/8 - Sun 5/10, would some of BM’s puzzling actions that MD weekend make more sense?

The obvious focus has been on BM (and he being a True Crime junkie plus a dose of universal common sense, makes it certain he knew it would be the minute LE got involved). What if during this timeframe he had a partner helping him carry out SM’s disappearance in order to minimize BM’s involvement by staging and deflecting direct incriminating actions?

I have a hard time giving BM any credit for accomplishing the disappearance (and planning) of his wife ALL BY HIMSELF just based on the profile his family, friends, acquaintances, former coworkers and LE have painted. IMO, It would be nearly improbable for his personality type to conjur up such an elaborate scheme without having the guidance, assistance or encouragement of someone he felt he could trust and who would validate his methodology along the process. You know, his +1 for checks and balances.

I just can’t see a BM-type suddenly going solo on such a mission, keeping all the details to himself and especially not boasting about it afterwards. I feel he would have to bounce off his ideas, approach and tactics with SOMEONE in order to feel emboldened and justified to see it through. Especially considering he puts a lot of weight on appearances and opinions from others and how they perceive him. He requires social praise.

It seems by all accounts that not only does he not ever seem to spend time alone because he is always in motion, sociable and scurried, but he always has someone by his side or assisting him in his bidding. I have a brother who admittedly is this way and prefers not to be alone. He has to always have someone with him for the companionship at minimum or he feels unleashed and anxious. BM reminds me of him in that way.

So if we hypothetically insert an accomplice that was lurking, running errands and assisting BM, could it better explain some of the following areas in this saga:

*The many events (closing and opening of doors for example) recorded by Telematics on BM’s truck - (an indicator that his accomplice was with him at the house that Sat afternoon into Sun morning)

*Communicating with burner phones - (It seems likely BM had one)

*Transporting SM in another (accomplice’s) vehicle

*Texting back and fourth on behalf of SM to setup a confusing narrative

*Possible staging of home and SM’s RR

*The disposal of evidence not taken or dumped in Broomfield - (an accomplice could have gotten rid of the missing towel, coolers, diary, phone, etc)

*The footprint on the Bobcat

*The DNA in the car

*The sound of machinery late at night at the river

*MG hearing BM’s truck outside her apartment

*The missing $70k according to BM- (possible payment to the accomplice)

Other factors that have me considering an accomplice:

*Immunity - BM asking about immunity not only points to guilt of a nefarious action but it tells me he has a story to tell about SOMEONE ELSE that is involved besides himself. Immunity is typically given in exchange for information on someone else, is it not?

*Broomfield cameras - BM KNEW he was being recorded once he got to the HIE. He had to have known all the other cameras within the city would be capturing his movements too. IMO, he put on a purposeful display of making trash runs, especially at the HIE. He was completely out in the open and even brazingly put some on a curb and took his time to dispose of it; toyed with it. Almost seems like he wanted to be on camera. He certainly wasn’t hiding his attempts of dumping trash. IMO this part of his plan was to inflict confusion and deflection away from what his accomplice may have been doing that morning on his behalf. He wanted the focus to be on him and was prepared (rehearsed) to explain it all when questioned.

*His many interviews with LE and no attorney - (again, if he didn’t do ALL of the dirty work, his arrogance gave him the confidence to answer LE questions without feeling he would be found guilty of any wrongdoing that could be explained away)

As for who could have served the role of accomplice? Well, let’s look at some of the known players that were within proximity of PP on 5/9 & 5/10 and were seemingly loyal or supportive of BM at the time, but are now detached, out of state or have a cloud of suspicion over them:





-SD (assuming they knew each other then)

-SD ex-fiance

I also feel that his accomplice may have been at the house by 2:11pm on 5/9. IIRC, SM didn’t respond to anyone after this time. Her last message to JL at that time was she was on WhatsApp, but I don’t know if it’s known if they communicated there. Some have mentioned she could have been sending nudes to JL on WA after this time or that she got into the shower after sunbathing.

BM doesn’t arrive home until another 30 minutes or so and is not getting a response from SM between 2:11pm and his arrival to PP. I wonder if an accomplice could have been in the house at that time and started to incapacitate/restrain SM somehow before BM got there to finish or continue the plan.

I know this theory doesn’t account for or fit into all actions and instances that MD weekend. The actual facts in this case likely will poke many holes in it, but it’s a consideration I’ve been pondering that I would love to hear the feedback on by all the sluethers here that may find some stock in it.

Well, GMA (national news) just had clips from all the bodycam videos released yesterday, with typed call outs during it…like Barry saying “mountain lion?”.

So this judge who just changed the trial venue due to all the media coverage, now has given the national media more to work with. Glad to see it but don’t understand his reasoning.

Barry must be fuming watching this :rolleyes:

Bet Iris is
Monarch River Estes is where Barry was spotted installing iron gates that lead into the neighborhood. It may have been one of his first jobs after Suzanne's life was taken. moo I believe Barry searched for about 3 weeks, maybe. His buddies were rallied from Indiana who came for a while. Even MRitter searched with BM's team.

Iwondertoo, this data may be critical to the timeline. Barry may be removing field cams. Or putting them into place. From 11:30 until 1:38 or for 2 hours and 8 minutes:

11:30 Barry parks a ways down the drive. Barry "arrives home for the alleged Veggie stew".
Barry walks towards home, thru the woods; taking over two (2) hours. From

11:52 Barry walks til 12:31, or for 39 minutes, (along the river?). He claims to be looking for redacted's turkey carcass.

Barry walks back towards his truck, taking an hour and seven minutes, and left at 1:38.
2 hours, 8 minutes basically spent in the woods on their property.

Barry departs at 1:38. Arrives at DSI around 2:00 for the new blade installed on his treasured cat. I think Suzanne is still alive and alone. Time's ticking. She's about to send JL her last proof of life photo before she's murdered. imoo It's Saturday afternoon on May 9, 2021 of MDW.

At 1:47 & 1:49, Barry calls Suzanne since they didn't see one another much at lunch. Suzanne didn't want to speak to Barry. She didn't answer.

View attachment 332406
credit: screen capture came from op
Excellent write up! Let's look at his lunchtime on 5/9 even more closely.

After his jaunt east of his property, he arrives back at the house at 12:31 PM. He does not leave until 1:38 PM. So he had over an hour to do some stuff. Maybe took a few minutes to stow his game cameras in the safe, but what else?

He actually does something with his bobcat from 1:29:14 PM to 1:34:52 PM (close to 6 minutes), right before he leaves to go to DSI and change his blade. I've marked where on the property he was working. The 1:29 post it on the map would indicate where the bobcat on the trailer would have been. Looking at the two points and where he was working, it seems to me that he must've backed into the driveway. What do you make of this activity?

From the last page of the skid steer data:
And if it was a mountain lion-humor me-wouldn’t Barry, the hunter, ask questions regarding prints, scat, drag marks, tree scratches, blood? This is Barry’s area of expertise! The love of his life is missing, and he has the necessary knowledge to assist if she were attacked a lion. That’s the one question he asked. And then offers up nothing.
I listened to this and at 16:14 Retired FBI special agent states that Suzanne’s DNA was found on the dart sheath found in the dryer. Is this new??? Is this true??
Not new information -- this was reported during the PH with defense emphasizing this was SM's DNA and not BM. I believe the prosecution clarified that it was actually more that SM could not be ruled out vs a perfect match.
An Accomplice (?)


**Sorry for the long post! Pure speculation for consideration so please skip the read if you’re not feeling it or if this has been discussed in length here before**

I’ve been wondering…if we were to insert a BM accomplice into the timeline, especially during Fri 5/8 - Sun 5/10, would some of BM’s puzzling actions that MD weekend make more sense?

The obvious focus has been on BM (and he being a True Crime junkie plus a dose of universal common sense, makes it certain he knew it would be the minute LE got involved). What if during this timeframe he had a partner helping him carry out SM’s disappearance in order to minimize BM’s involvement by staging and deflecting direct incriminating actions?

I have a hard time giving BM any credit for accomplishing the disappearance (and planning) of his wife ALL BY HIMSELF just based on the profile his family, friends, acquaintances, former coworkers and LE have painted. IMO, It would be nearly improbable for his personality type to conjur up such an elaborate scheme without having the guidance, assistance or encouragement of someone he felt he could trust and who would validate his methodology along the process. You know, his +1 for checks and balances.

I just can’t see a BM-type suddenly going solo on such a mission, keeping all the details to himself and especially not boasting about it afterwards. I feel he would have to bounce off his ideas, approach and tactics with SOMEONE in order to feel emboldened and justified to see it through. Especially considering he puts a lot of weight on appearances and opinions from others and how they perceive him. He requires social praise.

It seems by all accounts that not only does he not ever seem to spend time alone because he is always in motion, sociable and scurried, but he always has someone by his side or assisting him in his bidding. I have a brother who admittedly is this way and prefers not to be alone. He has to always have someone with him for the companionship at minimum or he feels unleashed and anxious. BM reminds me of him in that way.

So if we hypothetically insert an accomplice that was lurking, running errands and assisting BM, could it better explain some of the following areas in this saga:

*The many events (closing and opening of doors for example) recorded by Telematics on BM’s truck - (an indicator that his accomplice was with him at the house that Sat afternoon into Sun morning)

*Communicating with burner phones - (It seems likely BM had one)

*Transporting SM in another (accomplice’s) vehicle

*Texting back and fourth on behalf of SM to setup a confusing narrative

*Possible staging of home and SM’s RR

*The disposal of evidence not taken or dumped in Broomfield - (an accomplice could have gotten rid of the missing towel, coolers, diary, phone, etc)

*The footprint on the Bobcat

*The DNA in the car

*The sound of machinery late at night at the river

*MG hearing BM’s truck outside her apartment

*The missing $70k according to BM- (possible payment to the accomplice)

Other factors that have me considering an accomplice:

*Immunity - BM asking about immunity not only points to guilt of a nefarious action but it tells me he has a story to tell about SOMEONE ELSE that is involved besides himself. Immunity is typically given in exchange for information on someone else, is it not?

*Broomfield cameras - BM KNEW he was being recorded once he got to the HIE. He had to have known all the other cameras within the city would be capturing his movements too. IMO, he put on a purposeful display of making trash runs, especially at the HIE. He was completely out in the open and even brazingly put some on a curb and took his time to dispose of it; toyed with it. Almost seems like he wanted to be on camera. He certainly wasn’t hiding his attempts of dumping trash. IMO this part of his plan was to inflict confusion and deflection away from what his accomplice may have been doing that morning on his behalf. He wanted the focus to be on him and was prepared (rehearsed) to explain it all when questioned.

*His many interviews with LE and no attorney - (again, if he didn’t do ALL of the dirty work, his arrogance gave him the confidence to answer LE questions without feeling he would be found guilty of any wrongdoing that could be explained away)

As for who could have served the role of accomplice? Well, let’s look at some of the known players that were within proximity of PP on 5/9 & 5/10 and were seemingly loyal or supportive of BM at the time, but are now detached, out of state or have a cloud of suspicion over them:





-SD (assuming they knew each other then)

-SD ex-fiance

I also feel that his accomplice may have been at the house by 2:11pm on 5/9. IIRC, SM didn’t respond to anyone after this time. Her last message to JL at that time was she was on WhatsApp, but I don’t know if it’s known if they communicated there. Some have mentioned she could have been sending nudes to JL on WA after this time or that she got into the shower after sunbathing.

BM doesn’t arrive home until another 30 minutes or so and is not getting a response from SM between 2:11pm and his arrival to PP. I wonder if an accomplice could have been in the house at that time and started to incapacitate/restrain SM somehow before BM got there to finish or continue the plan.

I know this theory doesn’t account for or fit into all actions and instances that MD weekend. The actual facts in this case likely will poke many holes in it, but it’s a consideration I’ve been pondering that I would love to hear the feedback on by all the sluethers here that may find some stock in it.


Thank you for posting!
Will watch for responses...

Barry seems to do most things contrary to what makes sense. Even to the point of making himself look guilty... and yes, I do see the irony in that statement!

Does he really lack that much self-awareness or is his strategy to do what reasonable people would not think is a possibility to pursue?

We know he gave interviews to LE approximately 23 times because, to paraphrase BM, no guilty person would do that!
Thinking about Barry's state of mind as a result of Suzanne gone missing...

He was reported to be very agitated, pacing the floor, staring out windows while residing elsewhere while LE secured the Puma Path home and property.

Not that this would be unusual in itself but when compared to his lack of concern shown on the bodycam tapes I find it notable.

He also seemed to be irritated during AMs search effort, to the degree he was adversarial, protecting his property while armed.

Other than these two reports, he has gone about life, quietly confident. The few times he did make statements it was all poor Barry.

Question is, what got him so worked-up the two times mentioned?
Was it LE and AMs search team on or near Puma Path? The seizing of vehicles, equipment, and phones?
Or both? Are there any tells in this?

It seems Barry's decisions and actions throughout this time are contrary to what a reasonable person would do, guilty or not.

As of now, I don't believe LE has revealed any solid leads as to where she can be.
However, IMO evidence points to BM taking Suzanne's life in the afternoon of May 9th.

Barry seems to be a restless person by nature, perhaps even mistake prone and bombastic. It's so frustrating that as of this time Suzanne has not been found...


Edit to add:

"Barry's decisions and actions throughout this time..."

I mean the entire time from May10th to the present time!

Hostile to search parties
Liquidating properties
Selling Suzanne's personal items
23 interviews with LE without attorney
And on and on and on...
When I read the reports of him staring out windows and pacing the floor I thought his agitation came from people not buying his theory that a mountain lion got Suzanne.

Even his very short FB video shows his irritation that he had to resort to a second story that she was abducted.

Finally, he had to be infuriated to suggest she left with someone voluntarily. What a hit to his ego.

How dare anyone not believe a lion took her! I also think he must have had a moment of clarity that somewhere along the way LE might put together the pieces that he planned her murder ahead of time. Yes I am sure he was agitated.

He wanted to play the role of poor Barry while selling off her things and finding a new woman to dote on him.

All I have ever seen is his cocky attitude and his arrogance. Justice for Suzanne can’t come fast enough. What a day it will be if someone figures out where her body is.
Chipmunks make for terrible jurors.
Their high-pitched voices irritate the other jurors, they talk too fast, and they always tear up the "guilty vs innocent" vote tallies before they are fully counted and stuff the pieces into their cheeks until they are so overfilled they explode all over the table in the deliberation room.
What do you think happened Friday, May 8, to make BM become hyper vigilant on Saturday? I'd like to spend some time examining Friday's events.
I’d like to know more about Friday too.
From his interviews in the AA, I keep seeing that HIS version of what happened Friday does not match the evidence as they keep reminding him.


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Thinking about Barry's state of mind as a result of Suzanne gone missing...

He was reported to be very agitated, pacing the floor, staring out windows while residing elsewhere while LE secured the Puma Path home and property.

Not that this would be unusual in itself but when compared to his lack of concern shown on the bodycam tapes I find it notable.

He also seemed to be irritated during AMs search effort, to the degree he was adversarial, protecting his property while armed.

Other than these two reports, he has gone about life, quietly confident. The few times he did make statements it was all poor Barry.

Question is, what got him so worked-up the two times mentioned?
Was it LE and AMs search team on or near Puma Path? The seizing of vehicles, equipment, and phones?
Or both? Are there any tells in this?

It seems Barry's decisions and actions throughout this time are contrary to what a reasonable person would do, guilty or not.

As of now, I don't believe LE has revealed any solid leads as to where she can be.
However, IMO evidence points to BM taking Suzanne's life in the afternoon of May 9th.

Barry seems to be a restless person by nature, perhaps even mistake prone and bombastic. It's so frustrating that as of this time Suzanne has not been found...


Edit to add:

"Barry's decisions and actions throughout this time..."

I mean the entire time from May10th to the present time!

Hostile to search parties
Liquidating properties
Selling Suzanne's personal items
23 interviews with LE without attorney
And on and on and on...
I, like you, also find it interesting how agitated BM was initially, pacing around when he realized nobody was buying his malarkey. And again, when AM showed up with an army of searchers getting a bit too close to his and the surrounding properties. I think after the initial searches close to PP he felt confident that he had dodged the bullet. His spread eagle performance may have been the emotional release of that belief.

I have always felt that Suzanne is somewhere close to home, I just don’t know HOW close. BM had convinced himself that he could fool everyone with his bike, lion, in the river, abduction scenarios. When that didn’t take, and they locked down the house and vehicles, I think he began to perspire some. Reality began to sink in. Suzanne is “gone” and people are staring right at him and searching close to home. I do believe his hubris allowed him to “plant” SM close to home as he was absolutely certain everyone would believe his stories (at least one of them) and shower sympathy on “poor” Barry. I tend to believe they were cash poor and asset rich, assets he was not willing to share with Suzanne. Well, Barry’s not cash poor anymore after selling all their assets. Oh, but wait, his plan didn’t work! IE and DN are going to make him poor again and there are no more assets to sell, except perhaps his beloved CAT, Bob. No sympathy here. He deserves to be poor, and locked up.

Oh Barry……
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