Still Missing CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 *arrest* #92

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When I read the reports of him staring out windows and pacing the floor I thought his agitation came from people not buying his theory that a mountain lion got Suzanne.

Even his very short FB video shows his irritation that he had to resort to a second story that she was abducted.

Finally, he had to be infuriated to suggest she left with someone voluntarily. What a hit to his ego.

How dare anyone not believe a lion took her! I also think he must have had a moment of clarity that somewhere along the way LE might put together the pieces that he planned her murder ahead of time. Yes I am sure he was agitated.

He wanted to play the role of poor Barry while selling off her things and finding a new woman to dote on him.

All I have ever seen is his cocky attitude and his arrogance. Justice for Suzanne can’t come fast enough. What a day it will be if someone figures out where her body is.

Yes! Agitation as he was losing control of the narrative...
In Barry's mind, then what?

He was probably used to his family deferring to his preferences or others not pushing back because what's the point. Testimony from others described him as stubborn and never wrong.

This was a pivotal time in his life where the context in which he would go forward and relate to others was on an objective, level playing field...
Not new information -- this was reported during the PH with defense emphasizing this was SM's DNA and not BM. I believe the prosecution clarified that it was actually more that SM could not be ruled out vs a perfect match.

Honestly, I would think DNA transfer that would normally occur in a washer/dryer would make this impossible to draw conclusions from?
After watching repeated video of new releases - especially BM in kitchen - he definitely drops something into that drawer. If he had something in his pocket that he needed to get rid of fast - that may have been his first chance. Only chance. I think it was something incriminating. Something that he did not want found on his little chipmunk murdering person - that night. He may have thought ( in his little chipmunk brain ) that they could be onto him!!!! Grab a few nuts my little animal friend. And get used to commissary treats.
Their high-pitched voices irritate the other jurors, they talk too fast, and they always tear up the "guilty vs innocent" vote tallies before they are fully counted and stuff the pieces into their cheeks until they are so overfilled they explode all over the table in the deliberation room.

Are you talking about Iris and Dru? Sorry just being catty...oops I'd better stop now.
It would have been a gutsy call, but Judge M could have insisted on at least some editing before he would even sign the arrest warrant.

Having missed that chance, Judge M refused to release the AA until it was redacted. He got no help from the prosecutor or the defense, both of whom who sought an advantage by leaving it un-redacted. The fact that the defense did not offer edits now looks like a "rope-a-dope" tactic.

Judge M, the last person with an opportunity to put a spike in the defense's venue argument, completely abandoned his initial concerns and released it virtually unreacted as a public document.

Judge Murphy made his feelings known from day one regarding the unprecedented length and depth of the AA but it was not his place to redact the instrument for the arrest warrant presented for his signature.

In response to the Judge's comments/concerns about the unusual AA, the prosecution made note that the AA is not governed by the rules of evidence. And this AA will never be seen by the jurors.

Although the Court initially redacted the AA for privacy, any redaction prior to public release was the ultimate responsibility of the prosecutor and the defense. Instead of using the venue provided to redact the AA prior to public release, BM's defense proffered their own draft and/or version of the AA for release -- which the court promptly rejected! (IMO, this request by the defense was as brazen as the author of the original AA).

In conclusion, I trust this exercise will be a lesson to the next office that even thinks about writing an AA outside of the standard.

Personally, I'm not sure if the AA presented here was the version intended for the court. I've wondered if the investigators/authors of the AA presented the 129+ page document to the DA's office expecting that the document would be noted and returned for edit consideration. It seems to me that there's at least one more draft of the AA that exists. MOO
This is one of Plunder's transcription videos. I have a difficult time listening to her (love that she does this so not knocking her, just I zone out and have trouble with focusing on people reading things like this).. I figured out I can hit the 3 dots under the video and there is a transcribe button and I can then scroll through the transcription of the video to find key items I want to look at.

In this video @53:36 There is mention that the location of Barry's truck changed from 2:43 to 4:44, BUT the truck didn't register anything in the data like doors open, closed, starting the truck, etc. The gps location just changed from those two times.

Also, earlier in this video it's stated that on the 9th the first activity for Barry's truck is at 10:05am and it's at this work site.

Why would the truck not record the driving to the work site that morning? Why did the truck not register any activity for those 2 hours in the afternoon, but the gps location changed?

IF (big if) the truck didn't record the drive to work that day, then it's possible it didn't record Barry taking her somewhere after 2:43.

The defense is trying to assert that because the truck didn't record anything during that time, but it changed locations then it's possible he went to the spa store and that accounts for the missing miles.

I think it's equally possible he was disposing of her during those hours and the missing miles can be found there, but not going to the spa store and instead taking her somewhere else.
Really hope Suzanne is found soon so her family can have some closure and justice prevails.

My opinions add nothing new to what has already been said, but do wonder if Barry's habits and personality could somehow lead to finding Suzanne.

In what may be arrogance, insularity, and a bit of desperation on his part help investigators profile his type and find either her or the method of disposal.

His actions and responses since his wife's disappearance seem so illogical if a person is:
1) innocent or
2) guilty but wants to appear innocent
Honestly, I would think DNA transfer that would normally occur in a washer/dryer would make this impossible to draw conclusions from?
I would want to have that explained to me from an expert. On the surface I tend to agree; however, the presence of a tranquilizer dart sheath in the dryer, laundered with the sheets from MM1's bed together with the clothes BM was wearing THAT SATURDAY along with BM's evolving admission that he'd very recently shot tranquilizer darts in the vicinity of his breezeway/back door (first he said he'd never used them in Colorado and he later changed that to the opposite - he had used them in Colorado and fairly recently) AND that he'd disposed of related animal tranquilizer items THAT SUNDAY seem pretty convincing that BM has a guilty mind where the tranquilizer darts are concerned.

ETA: BM has a guilty mind where the tranquilizer darts are concerned AND he is afraid how much LE knows or will discover.

Her wedding ring!!!!!

(He didn't want it on him and I'll bet he never thought they'd look down the house!)

(And I'll bet LE never looked under tinfoil !!!!!)

You and @DeDee reminded me to rewatch his getting the ziploc bag and I think you guys are right - he likely did drop something into the draw. The bags were right on top but he reached for the saran wrap. While walking, his right hand was in his pocket and then took it out and held it in front of him until he got to the draw. I'd noticed him picking up the wrap last time and thought it was weird as the ziplocs were right on top but dayum, you guys are good! I'd thought the perpetual hand in pocket was due to the fresh injuries on his hand (that too) and just thought he was stupid to p/u the wrap. Then you hear two clunks, one what he dropped and the second was the wrap.

On another note, do we know for sure LE had searched the house before BM got home? Did he or the girls give permission to? How long after Sunday did they ask him not to stay in the house? Was it that night? I can't remember...
Plus - continuation from my previous post. How DARE you shoot and ( kill ?? ) our little forest friends. My best bet is that you will go down for that as well !! Really sucks to be you

Judge Murphy made his feelings known from day one regarding the unprecedented length and depth of the AA but it was not his place to redact the instrument for the arrest warrant presented for his signature.

In response to the Judge's comments/concerns about the unusual AA, the prosecution made note that the AA is not governed by the rules of evidence. And this AA will never be seen by the jurors.

Although the Court initially redacted the AA for privacy, any redaction prior to public release was the ultimate responsibility of the prosecutor and the defense. Instead of using the venue provided to redact the AA prior to public release, BM's defense proffered their own draft and/or version of the AA for release -- which the court promptly rejected! (IMO, this request by the defense was as brazen as the author of the original AA).

In conclusion, I trust this exercise will be a lesson to the next office that even thinks about writing an AA outside of the standard.

Personally, I'm not sure if the AA presented here was the version intended for the court. I've wondered if the investigators/authors of the AA presented the 129+ page document to the DA's office expecting that the document would be noted and returned for edit consideration. It seems to me that there's at least one more draft of the AA that exists. MOO


At the recent January 24 hearing Investigator AW did say that multiple investigators requested revisions to the AA.
Commander Walker says multiple investigators submitted requests for revisions to the #BarryMorphew arrest affidavit. Either by word of mouth or email. Continued by saying Agent Cahill sent them by email.
The standout to me from the body cam footage of BM being taken in the house is LE asking HIM to collect a bag for SM’s scent article. Most dog handlers prefer to collect them themselves in the presence of the call out agency/dept. They usually come prepared with their own collection bags. I don’t believe this will matter at all in this case but it’s a training clip “don’t” examples for others. IMO

I also don’t think BM hid evidence or anything in that drawer right in front of LE. IMO
This is one of Plunder's transcription videos. I have a difficult time listening to her (love that she does this so not knocking her, just I zone out and have trouble with focusing on people reading things like this).. I figured out I can hit the 3 dots under the video and there is a transcribe button and I can then scroll through the transcription of the video to find key items I want to look at.

In this video @53:36 There is mention that the location of Barry's truck changed from 2:43 to 4:44, BUT the truck didn't register anything in the data like doors open, closed, starting the truck, etc. The gps location just changed from those two times.

Also, earlier in this video it's stated that on the 9th the first activity for Barry's truck is at 10:05am and it's at this work site.

Why would the truck not record the driving to the work site that morning? Why did the truck not register any activity for those 2 hours in the afternoon, but the gps location changed?

IF (big if) the truck didn't record the drive to work that day, then it's possible it didn't record Barry taking her somewhere after 2:43.

The defense is trying to assert that because the truck didn't record anything during that time, but it changed locations then it's possible he went to the spa store and that accounts for the missing miles.

I think it's equally possible he was disposing of her during those hours and the missing miles can be found there, but not going to the spa store and instead taking her somewhere else.

One thing about supposed missing journeys is they can check against the mileage - this is how they know about the elk run ...

So if the truck "moves" but there are no missing km - then most likely its just some kind of GPS error

Something I've noted from my own Garmin GPS is that it is accurate enough in general, but in specific moments it is incorrect. Particularly in bad weather it can struggle to acquire the signal (GPS is passive)

What i was wondering about with the truck is whether it logged any locations on the elk run?

Most late model cars I use have built in navigation, so the car is tracked pretty accurately at all times - though i am not sure how much of that is saved anywhere.

I lean towards this being a glitch.

Now I'm really thinking..

Friday night she went to meet him at the 105 site, but they didn't actually meet there they met at the tailwinds site. They took her range rover to the store and moonlight pizza.

Did he take his truck home that night? Did they drive home in her range rover? Could be why his truck didn't register any activity until 10:05 the following day. Maybe?? Did he have access to a different car that he drove to work or did someone take him to work Saturday? I don't think he would leave his precious bobcat alone, but maybe. Just trying to think of different reasons why the truck data would be missing. This video here says they met at Tailwinds, went to the store and then to pizza. What store? Could that be when he went into the spa store? The chemicals were found in her car so maybe they bought them then?

At the recent January 24 hearing Investigator AW did say that multiple investigators requested revisions to the AA.
Commander Walker says multiple investigators submitted requests for revisions to the #BarryMorphew arrest affidavit. Either by word of mouth or email. Continued by saying Agent Cahill sent them by email.
Thanks, @Cindizzi. So I guess the question now is whether or not those revisions were in fact made to the AA??
I have been thinking about BM and SD, and I know some of us wonder if they may have been together longer than originally thought - and if this may have contributed to motive. I will be so interested to hear if any witnesses may know more about this. I would think that a man planning to murder his wife would be even more secretive than a normal philanderer, but maybe not at first? JMO
I believe they've been together for way longer than than either of them said. I woke up this morning thinking about how MG said "she's not the other woman". She said it over and over and I find her choice of words curious.
Why not just say that "no, I'm not having an affair with Barry and never have been involved with him".
Was she trying to tell everyone something? Like "I'm not the other woman" but she knew who was?
She or one of his friends/frequent workers would know.
I think his other affairs (yes, I believe there were more than a few) were side-pieces but when he learned of her affair, that meant war. No wife of Barry's was going to get away with that.
I do think he'd planned on getting rid of her before they left IN but her cheating on the stud muffin made it all the more necessary. I also believe things were coming to a close because she knew he had a girlfriend when she wrote her text msg saying she didn't care what he was doing and whenever she brought it up he'd freak out and then leave. He got SO MAD that he had to go see his girlfriend.
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I think I replied to your post too fast lol. Without reading all the questions thoroughly. I found this in the AA but there is another interview I’m trying to find where Grusing asks BM why the FBI didn’t see him chasing chipmunks on the game cams and BM says they were in the safe.
Then Grusing said “ well how did you know the chipmunks were out there?”
And BM says “ oh they’re always there”.

I have to ask.. Who keeps their out-of-service cameras in their safe? Why?? It must be a pretty big safe. Were the cameras so expensive that he was afraid they might get stolen in a possible break-in?

A quick google on the Costco website shows that you can get a pretty nice home security set up for less than 1k. Cabelas has trail cams for even less. (Me? I have one small $35 Blink camera set up to see where the vermin come in.)

Or was Barry afraid that someone just might try to view whatever was captured on the cameras? And who keeps a users manual for a home security system in a bathroom drawer? Apologies for the rhetorical and random questions.
Google Earth
View attachment 332458
From my Google Earth case map. You'll understand why he needed the cameras down.

This is the Turkey "search"
From the AA:

Barry was shown a second map, below, of his movements from 11 :52 AM to 12:31 PM, when he appeared to head east of his property, during the time he was supposedly having ‘”veggie soup” with Suzanne. Barry said he was looking for a turkey that REDACTED had shot previously with a bow, but they had never found.


Barry was shown a third map where it looked like he was on foot, heading back to his truck, before he left at 1:38 PM and called Suzanne at 1:47 PM and 1:49 PM. Barry said it made sense that he did not talk to Suzanne much during that lunch hour as a reason for him calling her twice when he got to Highway 50.

Barry Morphew Redacted Arrest Affidavit – Find Suzanne Morphew

Yeah but that is what I don't get

What is out that way?

It seems he went all the way to where there is a site for a house to be built in the future.

If he had cameras set up all the way out there, was he worried about what was on them? or what they might see?
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