Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 *Case dismissed w/o prejudice* #107

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I agree it’s so difficult to see her struggle with knowing what she needs to do and her worrying about the effect on her daughters.
She obviously put them first above all ( my impression anyway) and he knew that and used it to control all 3 of them. JMO

So infuriating and especially heartbreaking that it seems she was so close to finally breaking free.

As a parent you’re supposed to put your child’s care and safety first but I question that in this case due to their age and their constant exposure to the toxic environment. Suzanne’s abuse impacted both her mental and physical wellness and as instructed on every airline flight, place the oxygen mask on yourself first and then attend to your children. From her texts she mentioned that she felt free and peace, I believe she had finally relinquished any and all emotional connection with Barry and accepted her faults to overcome the guilt both self imposed and from Barry. But, that “peace” she felt within her may have also freed her to discover and act on the enormous resentment, to no longer hide her true disdain for him after years of controlling behavior exerted over her. It may feel like freedom to finally fight back and declare your independence but that only fuels the evil in a Narcissist. Maybe not all but Narcissists require constant approval and attention so Suzanne’s actions to refuse Barry’s need for the old sweet Suzanne to return, it’s my belief that set into motion his plan to completely destroy her financially, mentally and physically as well as take away her daughters- he was likely consumed by this obsession to punish her at all costs. My theory is although not strategically planned in advance for that day, he had long thought of taking her life (taking back control and power) may explain interest in True Crime episodes. Sadly, the time alone just the two of them with the extreme toxic environment primed him to explode and kill Suzanne, don’t believe there had to be a highly emotional event to trigger the murderous rage, it could have been refusing to share a steak dinner with him. Narcissistic behavior is pure evil but their rage is truly Satan himself, it’s terrifying to think of her last moments. Although she repeatedly stated she didn’t feel safe at times, I don’t believe she actually thought Barry would kill her. His immediate response to liquidate all assets especially items personally connected to Suzanne was just another show of reclaiming control and power over her- sale of her Ranger Rove and emptying the Foundation bank account was very telling. At first Narcissists create this fairytale life and gradually overtime releases their web. A web so fine that you just briefly question the glimpse of a red flag but not possible, life is perfect and no one else seems to be concerned so it’s me creating unfounded suspicion. I suspect in Suzanne’s case as in mine the fairytale ended with diagnosis of serious illness, the burden interfered with his happiness and her as it did in my ability in continuing to financially support him. He envisioned himself as the ultimate provider when paying the bills but ignored it was her inheritance money, he was an imposter. He acted the loyal husband in public while also manipulating friends and family portraying himself as a victim- minor accusations at first but grows over time for success in manipulation- Barry downplayed return of Suzanne’s cancer, shared concern in her use of alcohol and Norco pain medication influencing mental state, and he was hurt she withheld affection- all while he was the devoted husband, father, entrepreneur, firefighter and Good Christian Man. The need to be labeled as a “Good Christian Man”and including a religious or faith based perspective into nearly every conversation has always confused me as to the motivation- possibly means for approval or as effective tool in manipulating everyone. Whatever the reason, gives me even more comfort that maybe not here on earth but they will be held justly accountable for their actions in the afterlife, I truly hope the fires of hell exist.

Edit: Wow, send me a therapy invoice, I feel better unloading my personal thoughts on case.
As a parent you’re supposed to put your child’s care and safety first but I question that in this case due to their age and their constant exposure to the toxic environment. Suzanne’s abuse impacted both her mental and physical wellness and as instructed on every airline flight, place the oxygen mask on yourself first and then attend to your children. From her texts she mentioned that she felt free and peace, I believe she had finally relinquished any and all emotional connection with Barry and accepted her faults to overcome the guilt both self imposed and from Barry. But, that “peace” she felt within her may have also freed her to discover and act on the enormous resentment, to no longer hide her true disdain for him after years of controlling behavior exerted over her. It may feel like freedom to finally fight back and declare your independence but that only fuels the evil in a Narcissist. Maybe not all but Narcissists require constant approval and attention so Suzanne’s actions to refuse Barry’s need for the old sweet Suzanne to return, it’s my belief that set into motion his plan to completely destroy her financially, mentally and physically as well as take away her daughters- he was likely consumed by this obsession to punish her at all costs. My theory is although not strategically planned in advance for that day, he had long thought of taking her life (taking back control and power) may explain interest in True Crime episodes. Sadly, the time alone just the two of them with the extreme toxic environment primed him to explode and kill Suzanne, don’t believe there had to be a highly emotional event to trigger the murderous rage, it could have been refusing to share a steak dinner with him. Narcissistic behavior is pure evil but their rage is truly Satan himself, it’s terrifying to think of her last moments. Although she repeatedly stated she didn’t feel safe at times, I don’t believe she actually thought Barry would kill her. His immediate response to liquidate all assets especially items personally connected to Suzanne was just another show of reclaiming control and power over her- sale of her Ranger Rove and emptying the Foundation bank account was very telling. At first Narcissists create this fairytale life and gradually overtime releases their web. A web so fine that you just briefly question the glimpse of a red flag but not possible, life is perfect and no one else seems to be concerned so it’s me creating unfounded suspicion. I suspect in Suzanne’s case as in mine the fairytale ended with diagnosis of serious illness, the burden interfered with his happiness and her as it did in my ability in continuing to financially support him. He envisioned himself as the ultimate provider when paying the bills but ignored it was her inheritance money, he was an imposter. He acted the loyal husband in public while also manipulating friends and family portraying himself as a victim- minor accusations at first but grows over time for success in manipulation- Barry downplayed return of Suzanne’s cancer, shared concern in her use of alcohol and Norco pain medication influencing mental state, and he was hurt she withheld affection- all while he was the devoted husband, father, entrepreneur, firefighter and Good Christian Man. The need to be labeled as a “Good Christian Man”and including a religious or faith based perspective into nearly every conversation has always confused me as to the motivation- possibly means for approval or as effective tool in manipulating everyone. Whatever the reason, gives me even more comfort that maybe not here on earth but they will be held justly accountable for their actions in the afterlife, I truly hope the fires of hell exist.

Edit: Wow, send me a therapy invoice, I feel better unloading my personal thoughts on case.
I like everything you said but I actually do think Suzanne believed Barry would kill her. Why she chose to stay home that fateful weekend is beyond my understanding. She knew he was capable and yet she felt free. Maybe she was too enamored with Jeff L to see what was right in front of her. I’m still aggravated that Jeff didn’t come forward. I hope his wife and family have moved on without him. I don’t mean to sound cruel but he sure was playing a deadly game.
what do you mean?
I don’t think they have a place where Suzanne is. They may have some tips but nothing concrete no pun intended. I want to assume they follow up tips and may get ideas (like we think we know where she may be located). We all hope a tip will actually pan out but time is passing. I also don’t think LS will be doing any media interviews anytime soon.
Just saw Jonny Grusing is going to be on Surviving the Survivor podcast on YT today. Can't link because not MSM, so just search it up on YT if you want to watch @MassGuy
@Gardenista. Thanks for the tip. Watched this podcast featuring FBI Special Agent Jonny Grusing talking about the capture of Scot Kimball. I never tire of listening to Grusing. He is the best of the best. One day BM will be retried. Looking forward to that next go-around between him and Jonny.
I don’t think they have a place where Suzanne is. They may have some tips but nothing concrete no pun intended. I want to assume they follow up tips and may get ideas (like we think we know where she may be located). We all hope a tip will actually pan out but time is passing. I also don’t think LS will be doing any media interviews anytime soon.
Well, when I read your post I went off to Google her death?
She is not dead, is she?

Has it occurred to you that she doesn't need the limelight, unlike Iris who craves it and hangs on every word every journalist from any kind of media states and infests publications with dodgy statements that would get any other lawyer disbarred?

LS does not move at that level, she is no snake, slithering .

There is nothing to suggest a tip has led them to believe she is located in any one place.
These are serious investigators.
This was a very lengthy investigation.
Why she chose to stay home that fateful weekend is beyond my understanding.
I recall there was much speculation early on when rumors were flying (I believe planted by team BM) that the girls left town to attend a Christian camping retreat and were being escorted by BM's sister, we asked why SM wasn't an escort and learned that SM had a doctor's appointment on Monday. It was one of the cancer anniversary wellness checks important to both physician and patient and another reason why we knew that SM would not "run away" or voluntarily disappear on Sunday! MOO
I like everything you said but I actually do think Suzanne believed Barry would kill her. Why she chose to stay home that fateful weekend is beyond my understanding. She knew he was capable and yet she felt free. Maybe she was too enamored with Jeff L to see what was right in front of her. I’m still aggravated that Jeff didn’t come forward. I hope his wife and family have moved on without him. I don’t mean to sound cruel but he sure was playing a deadly game.

So glad for your comment on Suzanne’s fear for her safety, maybe selfishly I just want to believe she didn’t fear for her life but feared for her peace and wellbeing to achieve happiness in the future- Barry’s refusal to consider separation or divorce. I do struggle with my opinion not knowing the level of abuse and if there was actually physical abuse, her texts makes mention but difficult to interpret the true extent- not that physical abuse is required indicator for violent death- there’s plenty of rage involved with financial, mental and verbal abuse. Her comments on the relationship do appear to escalate over time, almost desperate to escape, there’s a lot going on emotionally. There’s no doubt her mental health was not at its best from the marriage/family stress and the stress of health concerns and required treatments, may have influenced poor decision making or inability to even just make a decision like packing up and leaving out of safety concerns or simply just leaving having the support of friend Sheila. There’s likely 3 people who know the exact circumstances that lead up to her disappearance, not her actual disappearance and I’m not one of those people. Just sad for her life.

I’m still processing my thoughts of her relationship with Jeff, <modsnip>, I don’t believe they were soul mates but maybe instead offered emotional needs missing from their current lives. The use of soul mates was likely a way to justify their relationship, reduce their feelings of guilt. My opinion on Jeff’s actions after Suzanne’s disappearance are flawed by having no details or never knowing him, another man in need of approval and attention whose wife was probably devoted to raising 6 kids and not him. He acted selfishly and cowardly with no thought for Suzanne at all after her disappearance, proved to me there was no soul mate connection and he was the last man that Suzanne needed permanently in her life, he served his purpose.

The belief that we’re individually responsible for our own poor choices in life, to be accountable with opportunity to learn from our mistakes so not to repeat- it’s still a little grey for me but still working towards.
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I recall there was much speculation early on when rumors were flying (I believe planted by team BM) that the girls left town to attend a Christian camping retreat and were being escorted by BM's sister, we asked why SM wasn't an escort and learned that SM had a doctor's appointment on Monday. It was one of the cancer anniversary wellness checks important to both physician and patient and another reason why we knew that SM would not "run away" or voluntarily disappear on Sunday! MOO
Thank you for recalling that. It makes sense now. But I feel so bad because i think she was terribly afraid when BM came home Saturday afternoon. The girls were gone. I think she knew this was the time he would finish her off. it scares me just thinking of the horror she went through.
So glad for your comment on Suzanne’s fear for her safety, maybe selfishly I just want to believe she didn’t fear for her life but feared for her peace and wellbeing to achieve happiness in the future- Barry’s refusal to consider separation or divorce. I do struggle with my opinion not knowing the level of abuse and if there was actually physical abuse, her texts makes mention but difficult to interpret the true extent- not that physical abuse is required indicator for violent death- there’s plenty of rage involved with financial, mental and verbal abuse. Her comments on the relationship do appear to escalate over time, almost desperate to escape, there’s a lot going on emotionally. There’s no doubt her mental health was not at its best from the marriage/family stress and the stress of health concerns and required treatments, may have influenced poor decision making or inability to even just make a decision like packing up and leaving out of safety concerns or simply just leaving having the support of friend Sheila. There’s likely 3 people who know the exact circumstances that lead up to her disappearance, not her actual disappearance and I’m not one of those people. Just sad for her life.

I’m still processing my thoughts of her relationship with Jeff, <modsnip>, I don’t believe they were soul mates but maybe instead offered emotional needs missing from their current lives. The use of soul mates was likely a way to justify their relationship, reduce their feelings of guilt. My opinion on Jeff’s actions after Suzanne’s disappearance are flawed by having no details or never knowing him, another man in need of approval and attention whose wife was probably devoted to raising 6 kids and not him. He acted selfishly and cowardly with no thought for Suzanne at all after her disappearance, proved to me there was no soul mate connection and he was the last man that Suzanne needed permanently in her life, he served his purpose.

The belief that we’re individually responsible for our own poor choices in life, to be accountable with opportunity to learn from our mistakes so not to repeat- it’s still a little grey for me but still working towards.
Your comments have made me remember how Barry continually says cancer and treatment affected Suzannes ability to make good decisions. Well, what affected his ability to make good decisions? He certainly isn’t able to take any responsibility for his actions.

The more I’ve looked at this case, i believe every family picture was fake. I’m sure there were days when Suzanne, or the girls or even Barry didn’t want to smile but BM insisted they smile. They were HIS trophies.

If we go back further to their dating days, remember when Suzanne saw Jeff at a party? I think even then she had second thoughts about marrying Barry. And Jeff said Barry was enraged and threatened him. Tells me two things. First, Barry was a bully. He should have addressed his concerns directly with Suzanne. Second, Jeff wasnt really “into” Suzanne. He didn’t follow up. I think he was the one she dreamed about who got away. The one she thought about when Barry was gone doing whatever he was doing. The one she wished she might have ended up with. That is why, later in life, when she had enough of being married to a narcissistic bully, she reached out to Jeff. Jeff didn’t reach out to her. She reached out to him. In his boredom or delusion, he responded. I do not blame his wife and six children. Jeff’s wife was very pretty at that time from the pictures I have seen. Suzanne just made herself available and flattered him and he returned the feelings. Like you, I don’t see them being soulmates. That is why I hoped his wife was able to go forward and be happy. How degrading all this had to be for her. She has kind of been forgotten here.

Back to the one who was murdered. All the blame lies with Barry. Yes Suzanne did wrong as do many millions every day. But where was her kind and loving and supportive husband when she needed him all those years? He did NOT exist. Everything was about HIS needs. He planned her murder. He messed up. A lot of mistakes were made. FBI Agent Grusing had Barry figured out from the beginning. And to this day does he take any responsibility for his actions? Oh no, not Barry! It was Suzanne’s poor decisions. he makes me sick.

I will be so thankful if and when he is charged once again and found guilty. He better be enjoying himself now. His daughters will pay dearly for supporting him.
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This text in the AA makes me sad every time I read it.

JL stated, "Here's what she told me about her relationship with Barry: not good, lot of fights, very
argumentative. Um, felt like it was horrible for her health, mentally." JL asked Suzanne if she felt
afraid Barry would hurt her and she answered, "He would never cross that line. He's learned." JL
took that to mean something happened physically one time to Suzanne, whether Barry shoved her or hit


The above statements are from the bottom of Page 14 and the top of Page 15 in the AA.

So glad for your comment on Suzanne’s fear for her safety, maybe selfishly I just want to believe she didn’t fear for her life but feared for her peace and wellbeing to achieve happiness in the future- Barry’s refusal to consider separation or divorce. I do struggle with my opinion not knowing the level of abuse and if there was actually physical abuse, her texts makes mention but difficult to interpret the true extent- not that physical abuse is required indicator for violent death- there’s plenty of rage involved with financial, mental and verbal abuse. Her comments on the relationship do appear to escalate over time, almost desperate to escape, there’s a lot going on emotionally. There’s no doubt her mental health was not at its best from the marriage/family stress and the stress of health concerns and required treatments, may have influenced poor decision making or inability to even just make a decision like packing up and leaving out of safety concerns or simply just leaving having the support of friend Sheila. There’s likely 3 people who know the exact circumstances that lead up to her disappearance, not her actual disappearance and I’m not one of those people. Just sad for her life.

I’m still processing my thoughts of her relationship with Jeff, <modsnip>, I don’t believe they were soul mates but maybe instead offered emotional needs missing from their current lives. The use of soul mates was likely a way to justify their relationship, reduce their feelings of guilt. My opinion on Jeff’s actions after Suzanne’s disappearance are flawed by having no details or never knowing him, another man in need of approval and attention whose wife was probably devoted to raising 6 kids and not him. He acted selfishly and cowardly with no thought for Suzanne at all after her disappearance, proved to me there was no soul mate connection and he was the last man that Suzanne needed permanently in her life, he served his purpose.

The belief that we’re individually responsible for our own poor choices in life, to be accountable with opportunity to learn from our mistakes so not to repeat- it’s still a little grey for me but still working towards.
BBM above
ITA agree with this. Succinctly, He Served HIs Purpose. He was the bridge to the other side -he gave her a glimpse of what life could be like without Barry. Taking her from her dark and stormy existence into a much pleasanter sunny happy place. JL made her feel capable, valued and cherished. With the cancer back, living in a new isolated area without all her old familiar friends etc, he became her touchstone. To read of her struggles thoughout her marriage, but in particular during this period of time, is heart breaking for me. I have no doubt that the cancer's return was in part a result of her constant subjugation of her own needs.
So I don't begrudge her one bit for reaching out and holding onto a person that brought JOY into her life. Her husband was a HUGE drain on her emotional and physical energy, and the girls were frankly not much better during her last year on earth. So Jeff served his purpose. Suffice it to say, I am glad Suzanne was not around to see JL's behavior after her husband killed her. I am also glad she is not here to witness the performance of the girls, although I do offer them a little bit more grace. ALL JMO
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BBM above
ITA agree with this. Succinctly, He Served HIs Purpose. He was the bridge to the other side -he gave her a glimpse of what life could be like without Barry. Taking her from her dark and stormy existence into a much pleasanter sunny happy place. JL made her feel capable, valued and cherished. With the cancer back, living in a new isolated area without all her old familiar friends etc, he became her touchstone. To read of her struggles thoughout her marriage, but in particular during this period of time, is heart breaking for me. I have no doubt that the cancer's return was in part a result of her constant subjugation of her own needs.
So I don't begrudge her one bit for reaching out and holding onto a person that brought JOY into her life. Her husband was a HUGE drain on her emotional and physical energy, and the girls were frankly not much better during her last year on earth. So Jeff served his purpose. Suffice it to say, I am glad Suzanne was not around to see JL's behavior after her husband killed her. I am also glad she is not here to witness the performance of the girls, although I do offer them a little bit more grace. ALL JMO
No Suzanne wasn’t here to see JL’s behavior after Barry killed her. BUT, JL’s wife and six kids had to endure his behavior. I’m very sad she reached out to someone who was married.
Thank you for recalling that. It makes sense now. But I feel so bad because i think she was terribly afraid when BM came home Saturday afternoon. The girls were gone. I think she knew this was the time he would finish her off. it scares me just thinking of the horror she went through.
I'm thinking it was the opposite. I believe BM tricked SM and she let her guard down. Something happened around Thursday-Friday following the "let's be civil" (in the dissolution) text that SM was actively searching homes for sale in town or Salida (for herself and the minor daughter) with BM's blessing. SM texted the listing to BM.

IMO, Friday evening and pizza with BM pleasantly surprised SM per her Saturday exchanges with JL. Unfortunately, this is typical narc behavior to crank up their level of "nice" to regain lost ground where I don't think SM saw this coming. She was relaxed, sunbathing on her patio, and dreaming of her future.
BBM above
ITA agree with this. Succinctly, He Served HIs Purpose. He was the bridge to the other side -he gave her a glimpse of what life could be like without Barry. Taking her from her dark and stormy existence into a much pleasanter sunny happy place. JL made her feel capable, valued and cherished. With the cancer back, living in a new isolated area without all her old familiar friends etc, he became her touchstone. To read of her struggles thoughout her marriage, but in particular during this period of time, is heart breaking for me. I have no doubt that the cancer's return was in part a result of her constant subjugation of her own needs.
So I don't begrudge her one bit for reaching out and holding onto a person that brought JOY into her life. Her husband was a HUGE drain on her emotional and physical energy, and the girls were frankly not much better during her last year on earth. So Jeff served his purpose. Suffice it to say, I am glad Suzanne was not around to see JL's behavior after her husband killed her. I am also glad she is not here to witness the performance of the girls, although I do offer them a little bit more grace. ALL JMO

Perfectly stated!
Thank you for posting.
Barry dabbled in silver...interesting.
He had pronounced scratches on his upper arms.
Barry dabbled in silver with someone else's money, as I recall. And by someone else's, I mean Suzanne's.

I wonder how many firefighter conventions and trainings Barry went on wink-wink over those last years, that curiously no other ffs were called to.
I'm thinking it was the opposite. I believe BM tricked SM and she let her guard down. Something happened around Thursday-Friday following the "let's be civil" (in the dissolution) text that SM was actively searching homes for sale in town or Salida (for herself and the minor daughter) with BM's blessing. SM texted the listing to BM.

IMO, Friday evening and pizza with BM pleasantly surprised SM per her Saturday exchanges with JL. Unfortunately, this is typical narc behavior to crank up their level of "nice" to regain lost ground where I don't think SM saw this coming. She was relaxed, sunbathing on her patio, and dreaming of her future.

Thanks for reminding me of those details, I agree with your scenario of events, he likely manipulated her into letting her guard down, maybe not completely but enough to be vulnerable.
Barry dabbled in silver with someone else's money, as I recall. And by someone else's, I mean Suzanne's.

I wonder how many firefighter conventions and trainings Barry went on wink-wink over those last years, that curiously no other ffs were called to.

I’m also very suspicious of him but why hasn’t anyone come forward claiming a relationship or an encounter?
As a parent you’re supposed to put your child’s care and safety first but I question that in this case due to their age and their constant exposure to the toxic environment. Suzanne’s abuse impacted both her mental and physical wellness and as instructed on every airline flight, place the oxygen mask on yourself first and then attend to your children. From her texts she mentioned that she felt free and peace, I believe she had finally relinquished any and all emotional connection with Barry and accepted her faults to overcome the guilt both self imposed and from Barry. But, that “peace” she felt within her may have also freed her to discover and act on the enormous resentment, to no longer hide her true disdain for him after years of controlling behavior exerted over her. It may feel like freedom to finally fight back and declare your independence but that only fuels the evil in a Narcissist. Maybe not all but Narcissists require constant approval and attention so Suzanne’s actions to refuse Barry’s need for the old sweet Suzanne to return, it’s my belief that set into motion his plan to completely destroy her financially, mentally and physically as well as take away her daughters- he was likely consumed by this obsession to punish her at all costs. My theory is although not strategically planned in advance for that day, he had long thought of taking her life (taking back control and power) may explain interest in True Crime episodes. Sadly, the time alone just the two of them with the extreme toxic environment primed him to explode and kill Suzanne, don’t believe there had to be a highly emotional event to trigger the murderous rage, it could have been refusing to share a steak dinner with him. Narcissistic behavior is pure evil but their rage is truly Satan himself, it’s terrifying to think of her last moments. Although she repeatedly stated she didn’t feel safe at times, I don’t believe she actually thought Barry would kill her. His immediate response to liquidate all assets especially items personally connected to Suzanne was just another show of reclaiming control and power over her- sale of her Ranger Rove and emptying the Foundation bank account was very telling. At first Narcissists create this fairytale life and gradually overtime releases their web. A web so fine that you just briefly question the glimpse of a red flag but not possible, life is perfect and no one else seems to be concerned so it’s me creating unfounded suspicion. I suspect in Suzanne’s case as in mine the fairytale ended with diagnosis of serious illness, the burden interfered with his happiness and her as it did in my ability in continuing to financially support him. He envisioned himself as the ultimate provider when paying the bills but ignored it was her inheritance money, he was an imposter. He acted the loyal husband in public while also manipulating friends and family portraying himself as a victim- minor accusations at first but grows over time for success in manipulation- Barry downplayed return of Suzanne’s cancer, shared concern in her use of alcohol and Norco pain medication influencing mental state, and he was hurt she withheld affection- all while he was the devoted husband, father, entrepreneur, firefighter and Good Christian Man. The need to be labeled as a “Good Christian Man”and including a religious or faith based perspective into nearly every conversation has always confused me as to the motivation- possibly means for approval or as effective tool in manipulating everyone. Whatever the reason, gives me even more comfort that maybe not here on earth but they will be held justly accountable for their actions in the afterlife, I truly hope the fires of hell exist.

Edit: Wow, send me a therapy invoice, I feel better unloading my personal thoughts on case.
I suspect that, even though Suzanne was likely well aware of Barry's ability to rage and/or be unreasonable and knew how unpleasant he could make a day -- or night -- I think she was afraid he'd hurt himself. He pulled the narc card -- threatening suicide. Making a move toward jumping out of a moving car??? That leg injury, what was THAT????? I think he went from bully to victim, guilting her into giving in. That, if she left him, he couldn't live without her and the daughters would just have to carry on without a dad.... big ol' bobcat-size tiny violins...

And I'm guessing that at some point, and possibly that week, Suzanne said her piece and he threatened suicide and Suzanne told him to dowhatyouregonnado, Icantberespondibleforyourchoices. And that's when he knew he lost her. Because, I think, that always worked and this time it didn't.

I don't think he EVER seriously contemplated suicide, only used it to guilt, gaslight, manipulation, extort Suzanne.

But justify killing her? Her thinking was broken, he told himself. Girls needed him, you know, breadwinner. All ego. He said it, he worked, he made the money. Suzanne "did nothing". (I assume he meant she didn't work outside the home but way to devalue her contribution to their lives -- raising children, running the household, doing his invoices, all the while having to clean up after him, make him look good, etc).

When he knew he lost her, IMO he also knew there was another man. So he set up a mini camera. Trail cams were already aimed at the hot tub (and sunning chairs). Never know when there'll be a hot tub full of hot Salida girls, he wouldn't want to miss that.

Suzanne was no longer his pet. Hardest thing he ever had to do, he put her down.

That simple, that evil.

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