Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #56 *ARREST*

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Well, here's another way that investigators track what may have happened to a person. They contact Amazon and ask them to search for any recordings Alexa might have made. Maybe investigators can also do that with Google and Apple smart assistant devices.
I wonder if the Morphews had any home smart assistant devices.

This is from another case, where a husband murdered his wife ....

They also noticed two Alexa devices and contacted Amazon for any recordings on the morning Gretchen went missing.
Meanwhile, audio retrieved from Gretchen's Alexa devices revealed her cries for help.
Was COVID-19 the perfect cover for murder?

Great idea, South Aussie! <<thumb up!>>
Where is her wedding band/ring?
I’ve seen a diamond in her photos.
A WS poster brought it up earlier.
Did she leave it (conveniently ) at home?
He would have that to deal with it - if he destroyed all beyond a trace.
The reason I ask is because after seeing the hillbilly truck load the word cheap comes to mind. Some perp husbands have been known to pawn ,sell, even keep such.
Maybe he kept it (for the girls) and it will be a fatal mistake.

TIA if this has been cleared up.


We theorized about this on previous threads, but no one knows yet if those rings were found at home or not.
I don’t know what SM was wearing while out biking, but if she was wearing biking gloves it’s not plausible she would wore her rings. I never do, it’s not comfortable, even with half gloves. So if her rings were both found home, just that on itself wouldn’t be suspicious to me. Mind you, I don’t think SM went on a bike ride that day, but BM could safely have kept the rings home while paddling the bike ride story. I kind of think it’s suspicious if she would have went on a bike ride with such a big ring. It would be interesting to know what SM normally did and I’m sure the girls and/or some of her friends would know.
Just imagine BM didn’t know (if) SM would leave them home and by trying to stage a bike ride made her rings disappear with her when she wouldn’t wear them while riding. Threw away money for nothing...Wouldn’t that be something?

I am watching CM Live video and he showed us a picture of BM & SM trailer when they were moving to CO.

I have, respectfully, a few questions...

1.). Are we certain the pic of the "Beverly Hills" trailer is a true pic of the M's moving from IN to CO?
It reminds me of a pic I used (from online silly packing images) as a joke when a sent a pic of what it looks like when we go camping... (not true, by the way)...

2.) I thought I understood that there never WAS a FF Training as a training like that would not be scheduled on a Mother's Day...

3.). I really cannot see BM trying to dissolve/damage beyond repair any jewelry of SM's...
as he seems to like $$$$ so much...
I feel he would keep such items to sell...
perhaps in some out of state, personal, cash only transition?

All just some thoughts of mine...
I am watching CM Live video and he showed us a picture of BM & SM trailer when they were moving to CO.

I have, respectfully, a few questions...

1.). Are we certain the pic of the "Beverly Hills" trailer is a true pic of the M's moving from IN to CO?
It reminds me of a pic I used many moons ago.(from online silly packing images) as a joke when I sent to a friend a pic of what it looks like when we go camping... (not true, by the way... we actually try to be fairly organized :))...

2.) I thought I understood that there never WAS a FF Training as a training like that would not be scheduled on a Mother's Day...

3.). I really cannot see BM trying to dissolve/damage beyond repair any jewelry of SM's...
as he seems to like $$$$ so much...
I feel he would keep such items to sell...
perhaps in some out of state, personal, cash only transition?

All just some thoughts of mine...
We theorized about this on previous threads, but no one knows yet if those rings were found at home or not.
I don’t know what SM was wearing while out biking, but if she was wearing biking gloves it’s not plausible she would wore her rings. I never do, it’s not comfortable, even with half gloves. So if her rings were both found home, just that on itself wouldn’t be suspicious to me. Mind you, I don’t think SM went on a bike ride that day, but BM could safely have kept the rings home while paddling the bike ride story. I kind of think it’s suspicious if she would have went on a bike ride with such a big ring. It would be interesting to know what SM normally did and I’m sure the girls and/or some of her friends would know.
Just imagine BM didn’t know (if) SM would leave them home and by trying to stage a bike ride made her rings disappear with her when she wouldn’t wear them while riding. Threw away money for nothing...Wouldn’t that be something?


SM habits/routine (if any) with her wedding ring could be interesting here.

Example: if she took her rings off before biking (when I dog train or hike - I wear a Qalo ring) and the ring is missing. That could be a oversight on BM's part. Or, if she took her rings off at night and put them on after showering the next morning and the ring is still sitting where she left it. That could possibly indicate what happened to her went down overnight or before she got ready for the day. Or - she wore them 24/7 and the ring is gone along with her. I however don't think BM sold it for $$ like some have speculated. IMO
I'm curious though - who could the defense call to say this "might have happened"?.


I suppose the defense could call in a neurosurgeon to show previous example cases of significant concussive head injuries, with little damage to a bicycle.

I don’t think it will matter much. The prosecution will prove that the bike ride never happened at all, and that Suzanne was already dead before the alleged bike ride was staged.

SM habits/routine (if any) with her wedding ring could be interesting here.

Example: if she took her rings off before biking (when I dog train or hike - I wear a Qalo ring) and the ring is missing. That could be a oversight on BM's part. Or, if she took her rings off at night and put them on after showering the next morning and the ring is still sitting where she left it. That could possibly indicate what happened to her went down overnight or before she got ready for the day. Or - she wore them 24/7 and the ring is gone along with her. I however don't think BM sold it for $$ like some have speculated. IMO

If by some miracle her scattered skeletal remains are happened upon...And if the diamond ring is there among the remains ..then it was definitely no abduction but a man throwing away his wife.

I guess where the disconnect for me is, Barry obviously knew that other people knew he was in Broomfield on a landscaping job, since he's the one that set that whole thing up.

So if he knew that other people knew exactly where he was and what he was supposed to have been doing why would he lie and tell anyone he was somewhere else doing something else (Denver for FF training)? I mean, we know Barry's a liar but this would be a completely pointless lie that would be exposed immediately, by MG, JP, CC, the hotel clerk, surveillance cams on site, etc.

It doesn't add up that the FF training info came from Barry. If you're a lying liar who lies and sets up an alibi to be in Broomfield landscaping, why undo your own alibi/lie and tell someone else you're somewhere else, doing something else? Unless, he's such a terrible liar that he can't even remember what/when he lied about things.
It may have been that Barry felt secure in the belief that those other people wouldn't share what they knew. So, he thought he could tell other people anything he wanted to and no one would compare notes.

IIRC, the people that knew he'd be in Broomfield were:
  • some of the folks from the Indiana contractor that contracted that job to Barry. They knew by Thursday, May 7 that he was planning to have a crew work on the Broomfield wall the week after Mother's Day.
  • the members of the crew who traveled to Broomfield - MG, JP, and CC. We know JP knew by Saturday, when Barry went into Salida and made the arrangement with him. We don't know when CC knew. And, we know that Barry neglected to mention the plan to MG until the early morning hours of Sunday, May 10 (Mother's Day) - when he called MG last minute to get a crew together and travel to Broomfield later that afternoon. This even though she had been working with him Saturday morning before he went into town and made arrangements with JP.
An employee from the Indiana contractor shared with Lauren from Fox21 that he knew by Thurs, May 7 that Barry was going to be in Broomfield. The owner of that contracting company (a longtime friend of Barry's and fellow contractor who'd send jobs Barry's way) wouldn't talk to Lauren. We don't know if he talked voluntarily to LE.

CC wouldn't talk to Lauren. I can't remember if he talked voluntarily to LE.

JP and MG were willing to be interviewed by LE and they also talked to Lauren (and I believe JP also talked to Daily Mail). Barry was PO'd that they did and publicly insulted both of them in an attempt to diminish their credibility.

It has always bugged me that Barry didn't mention that they would be doing the Broomfield job the week following Mother's Day to MG until last minute. He reportedly called her at 4:30 Sunday morning, May 10 (Mother's Day, when people tend to have already made plans of their own) to instruct her to get the crew together that day and travel that afternoon to work in Broomfield the next week. He probably woke her up and knew she'd not have her thoughts collected when he called. And knowing she needed to contact others to arrange with them, she'd kick into "get it done" mode without much thinking about why now and why so urgent last-minute?

Why did he do it that way and not instead tell her about it when they were working together Saturday morning? Was he afraid her intuition might kick in and she might start asking some questions? Did he fear she might refuse to go or - thinking it would just be her (as she thought when they were supposedly going to do that job in April), she'd suggest she just travel up Monday morning by herself? How much did MG know about what was going on between Barry and Suzanne at the time - disagreements, dissatisfaction, failed expectations?

Barry was clearly manipulating for some purpose in choosing the timing of when MG knew they'd be going to Broomfield. What was that purpose?
I know there is a high rate of stress and angst around times such as Christmas. I am not sure that Mothers Day qualifies as a big holiday for a bloke. Maybe.

I tend to think that the girls were away, so it was time to act.

I also tend to think that he had the age old reason for murdering Suzanne. Wanted a divorce (either he or she did) and he did not want to share their assets.

I tend to think this due to the premeditation aspect. It sounds as if this crime was not a sudden bad reaction to an argument.

Under Colorado law, first-degree murder is defined as the deliberate and premeditated killing of another human being with malice aforethought. It differs from second-degree murder which requires extreme indifference to human life generally rather than the intent to take the life of a particular person.
First Degree Murder Laws in Colorado - 18-3-102 CRS.

I feel the same way South Aussie, also still very interested in the item found closer to their residence. I believe it was a personal item, something smaller, possibly her glasses. Also I tend to lean towards that she was trying to get away and that Barry had an accomplice to help him. Just a gut feeling. All IMO
It may have been that Barry felt secure in the belief that those other people wouldn't share what they knew. So, he thought he could tell other people anything he wanted to and no one would compare notes.

IIRC, the people that knew he'd be in Broomfield were:
  • some of the folks from the Indiana contractor that contracted that job to Barry. They knew by Thursday, May 7 that he was planning to have a crew work on the Broomfield wall the week after Mother's Day.
  • the members of the crew who traveled to Broomfield - MG, JP, and CC. We know JP knew by Saturday, when Barry went into Salida and made the arrangement with him. We don't know when CC knew. And, we know that Barry neglected to mention the plan to MG until the early morning hours of Sunday, May 10 (Mother's Day) - when he called MG last minute to get a crew together and travel to Broomfield later that afternoon. This even though she had been working with him Saturday morning before he went into town and made arrangements with JP.
An employee from the Indiana contractor shared with Lauren from Fox21 that he knew by Thurs, May 7 that Barry was going to be in Broomfield. The owner of that contracting company (a longtime friend of Barry's and fellow contractor who'd send jobs Barry's way) wouldn't talk to Lauren. We don't know if he talked voluntarily to LE.

CC wouldn't talk to Lauren. I can't remember if he talked voluntarily to LE.

JP and MG were willing to be interviewed by LE and they also talked to Lauren (and I believe JP also talked to Daily Mail). Barry was PO'd that they did and publicly insulted both of them in an attempt to diminish their credibility.

It has always bugged me that Barry didn't mention that they would be doing the Broomfield job the week following Mother's Day to MG until last minute. He reportedly called her at 4:30 Sunday morning, May 10 (Mother's Day, when people tend to have already made plans of their own) to instruct her to get the crew together that day and travel that afternoon to work in Broomfield the next week. He probably woke her up and knew she'd not have her thoughts collected when he called. And knowing she needed to contact others to arrange with them, she'd kick into "get it done" mode without much thinking about why now and why so urgent last-minute?

Why did he do it that way and not instead tell her about it when they were working together Saturday morning? Was he afraid her intuition might kick in and she might start asking some questions? Did he fear she might refuse to go or - thinking it would just be her (as she thought when they were supposedly going to do that job in April), she'd suggest she just travel up Monday morning by herself? How much did MG know about what was going on between Barry and Suzanne at the time - disagreements, dissatisfaction, failed expectations?

Barry was clearly manipulating for some purpose in choosing the timing of when MG knew they'd be going to Broomfield. What was that purpose?

For all of those folks to know where Barry actually was on Mother's Day Sunday (or, where he said he was anyway, remember, none of his crew actually saw him in Broomfield, just evidence in the motel that he was there before they arrived), and him expecting none of them to tell anyone, that really seems like a huge stretch. Especially in light of his comment about security cams at the hotel. I think he actually wanted people to believe that's where he was (which is why I don't think the FF training came from him).

Why did he change everything at the last minute with MG, and call her at 4-5am on Sunday when the EA Outdoor contractor already knew on Thursday that he was planning on heading to Broomfield on the Monday? Who the heck knows. Maybe... he was actually legit planning the Broomfield job for Monday, then on Saturday night, he killed Suzanne and had to make a quick change of plans to UP the timeline of the Broomfield job, and provide himself with a handy-dandy alibi that was already, sort of "built in" since he was planning on being there the day after, anyway.

Obviously this is all speculation. It'll be rather interesting to learn the truth about all these things. I'd also love to hear from MG, now that Barry's sitting in a cage. I bet she has some interesting things to share.

I feel the same way South Aussie, also still very interested in the item found closer to their residence. I believe it was a personal item, something smaller, possibly her glasses. Also I tend to lean towards that she was trying to get away and that Barry had an accomplice to help him. Just a gut feeling. All IMO

The personal item found closer to the home could also be blood evidence. I was listening to a video, from shortly after that evidence was found, that said that the evidence was being tested. It made me think, too, that Suzanne may have fled - either injured or uninjured - and been murdered a small distance away from home.

Might tie in with him saying that a mountain lion could have attacked Suzanne, if he was concerned that there may be blood evidence that he missed.
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No way in heck that Barry discarded Suzanne’s ring, in my opinion. It was either home where she last left it, or hidden by Barry for the future to sell or whatever. Yes, he could have already sold it too. But he is too money hungry to throw it away as he did with Suzanne.
*Please delete if not allowed but I think we can talk about Chris Youtube videos..

Did anyone catch CM Live video from last night? Around the 59:55 mark. CM states that he interviewed someone about 6 months ago. He dated one of Barry’s daughters back in IN and at some point Barry caught them together. Barry approach this man and threatened him. He said if he validated any rules of morality with his daughter he was going to “burry him underneath a tree”…. I heard that and instantly got chills! Didn’t a cadaver dog hit on a tree for Suzanne?

Here is the link
I imagine this type of threat is pretty common in this situation. Dads are that way. It does speak to how he thinks he would do something like that though. MOO.

(When I was younger and dating, I had more than one Dad make "clarifying" statements to me.)
For all of those folks to know where Barry actually was on Mother's Day Sunday (or, where he said he was anyway, remember, none of his crew actually saw him in Broomfield, just evidence in the motel that he was there before they arrived), and him expecting none of them to tell anyone, that really seems like a huge stretch. Especially in light of his comment about security cams at the hotel. I think he actually wanted people to believe that's where he was (which is why I don't think the FF training came from him).

Why did he change everything at the last minute with MG, and call her at 4-5am on Sunday when the EA Outdoor contractor already knew on Thursday that he was planning on heading to Broomfield on the Monday? Who the heck knows. Maybe... he was actually legit planning the Broomfield job for Monday, then on Saturday night, he killed Suzanne and had to make a quick change of plans to UP the timeline of the Broomfield job, and provide himself with a handy-dandy alibi that was already, sort of "built in" since he was planning on being there the day after, anyway.

Obviously this is all speculation. It'll be rather interesting to learn the truth about all these things. I'd also love to hear from MG, now that Barry's sitting in a cage. I bet she has some interesting things to share.


I agree that BM wanted to be seen at that hotel in Broomfield. I believe that's why he left identifiable mail of his in the room (trashcan) as well.

The fire fighting training that weekend - I don't know if that really came from BM. He might get a pass on this one. IMO
*Please delete if not allowed but I think we can talk about Chris Youtube videos..

Did anyone catch CM Live video from last night? Around the 59:55 mark. CM states that he interviewed someone about 6 months ago. He dated one of Barry’s daughters back in IN and at some point Barry caught them together. Barry approach this man and threatened him. He said if he validated any rules of morality with his daughter he was going to “burry him underneath a tree”…. I heard that and instantly got chills! Didn’t a cadaver dog hit on a tree for Suzanne?

Here is the link
ach, I've heard comments similar to this before. Actually I'm glad he said that.
I imagine this type of threat is pretty common in this situation. Dads are that way. It does speak to how he thinks he would do something like that though. MOO.

(When I was younger and dating, I had more than one Dad make "clarifying" statements to me.)

Yes, it’s the ‘under a tree’ part that stands out. Most unusual turn of phrase. “Or I’ll bury you under a tree.”
For all of those folks to know where Barry actually was on Mother's Day Sunday (or, where he said he was anyway, remember, none of his crew actually saw him in Broomfield, just evidence in the motel that he was there before they arrived), and him expecting none of them to tell anyone, that really seems like a huge stretch. Especially in light of his comment about security cams at the hotel. I think he actually wanted people to believe that's where he was (which is why I don't think the FF training came from him).

Why did he change everything at the last minute with MG, and call her at 4-5am on Sunday when the EA Outdoor contractor already knew on Thursday that he was planning on heading to Broomfield on the Monday? Who the heck knows. Maybe... he was actually legit planning the Broomfield job for Monday, then on Saturday night, he killed Suzanne and had to make a quick change of plans to UP the timeline of the Broomfield job, and provide himself with a handy-dandy alibi that was already, sort of "built in" since he was planning on being there the day after, anyway.

Obviously this is all speculation. It'll be rather interesting to learn the truth about all these things. I'd also love to hear from MG, now that Barry's sitting in a cage. I bet she has some interesting things to share.

I'd also love to hear more from MG. Heck, I'd love to get everyone who ever worked for him in a room and open it up to "stories that really must be shared if you want to understand this guy."

Cannot wait to read this AA.
No way in heck that Barry discarded Suzanne’s ring, in my opinion. It was either home where she last left it, or hidden by Barry for the future to sell or whatever. Yes, he could have already sold it too. But he is too money hungry to throw it away as he did with Suzanne.
So did all these investigators check pawn shops?
I wonder why Barry has not hired an attorney. Doesn't have enough money?!
That question was asked last night to CM and his wife live he said because he was “CHEAP” I believe he never would have left Suzanne’s body with that big diamond wedding ring it’s worth too much money as he was all about money. The only thing he’s missing in jail right now is his Bobcat.
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