Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #79 *ARREST*

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A Chaffee County woman is missing after a neighbor said she went out for a bike ride Sunday and never returned
Chaffee County woman missing since Sunday after neighbor said she went out for bike ride

List of Case Players and Their Relationship to Discussion (Post #440)

Detailed timeline of events in the Morphew case:
CO - CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 , MEDIA, MAPS &TIMELINE *NO DISCUSSION*

Suzanne Morphew Case Archive (developed and maintained by WS member AmandaReckonwith)
Hearing Notes (Compliments of @NoSI)
Day 1

Suzanne Morphew FB page
Suzanne Morphew Twitter page

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angelainwi is a Certified Trauma Counselor
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No offer of proof other than SM's alleged lies by omission.

I believe this issue came up during the defense's objection to the State alleging that Macy advised her mother to leave without telling BM, suggest SM obtain a protection order, and Macy physically intervening between BM/SM at one point -- telling dad to leave mom alone.

The source for Macy's alleged statements was SM's texts messages sent to SO. Seems the defense was relying on SM not telling SO about her alleged affair with JL as proof that SM lied to SO. In other words, SM could also have been lying to SO about what Macy said and/or did.

IMO, the defense clearly did not want anything attributed to Macy entered on the record here.
Fortunately, the spy pen apparently supports the fact that there were marital issues.

Suzanne’s account of BM allegedly pointing a gun to his head and threatening suicide, is supported by those deleted text messages in which BM threatened suicide just days before Suzanne’s murder.

BM’s alleged physical abuse is supported by his own words, admitting to “brushing Suzanne’s nose,” or something to that effect.

For him to even admit that, I’d argue offers credence to more extreme acts.

So don’t believe Suzanne? Fine.

One just has to ignore Barry’s own words, and his numerous lies and insane excuses.
The defense can ALLEGE anything and everything (including discovery violations) but the JUDGE decided and ruled against that. JMHO and what I recall.
Exactly. Judge Murphy was quick to remind the defense that stating the prosecution failed to deliver is not the same as receiving evidence and not being able to access it.
There was a broken door to the MB. IMO, that is clear evidence he forced/kicked his way into the MB that day/night. If he had broken down that door in previous weeks, he would have called one of his contractor friends to replace the door and get rid of the obvious evidence.

Sadly, many women that are in an abusive situations don't report that kind of abuse until it's too late.

I know I didn't.
@oviedo you asked on the previous thread if there was something terrible BM had done that they didn’t want released. What if Suzanne’s medical bills were not being paid either by BM or health insurance? JP previously stated that he found some sort of insurance paperwork found in the HIE.

I’m not able to quote your post from the previous thread. Apologies. If there were outstanding medical debt would doctors continue to treat a cancer patient? This would certainly qualify as something warranting the AA being sealed and certainly something the defense and BM would not want to prejudice a jury pool. If he was refusing to pay her cancer treatment bills or worse had cancelled her coverage because she was divorcing him this would be a BAM as Warwick says.
If insurance and medical debt is a documented issue BM is toast because that speaks louder than what the State has already presented. IMO
@oviedo you asked on the previous thread if there was something terrible BM had done that they didn’t want released. What if Suzanne’s medical bills were not being paid either by BM or health insurance? JP previously stated that he found some sort of insurance paperwork found in the HIE.

I’m not able to quote your post from the previous thread. Apologies. If there were outstanding medical debt would doctors continue to treat a cancer patient? This would certainly qualify as something warranting the AA being sealed and certainly something the defense and BM would not want to prejudice a jury pool. If he was refusing to pay her cancer treatment bills or worse had cancelled her coverage because she was divorcing him this would be a BAM as Warwick says.
If insurance and medical debt is a documented issue BM is toast because that speaks louder than what the State has already presented. IMO
I think that’s a possibility if he controlled the money - but honestly I feel like there’s something really prejudicial in the AA beyond the money that needs to be buried -other crimes, heinous abuse, family secrets- something worth hiding - FWIW I thought the insurance documents found in the HIE had to do with renewal of property insurance (or cancellation for non-payment)
There was a broken door to the MB. IMO, that is clear evidence he forced/kicked his way into the MB that day/night. If he had broken down that door in previous weeks, he would have called one of his contractor friends to replace the door and get rid of the obvious evidence.

Sadly, many women that are in an abusive situations don't report that kind of abuse until it's too late.

I know I didn't.
Where did we learn the frame crack occurred that weekend? All I learned was that the former owners said it wasn’t there when they sold the house to the Morphews <modsnip>.
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It fits, as it’s within the window of time Barry had to work with. The drive from Salida to that location is about 2.5 hours, and he had between 5 and 6.

May 9th 10:17 to May 10th 4:30 am #BarryMorphew phone was in airplane mode. Prosecution asks Agent Grusing if that's enough time to dispose of a body-- Grusing says "it is." @KKTV11News #SuzanneMorphew

Also, the FBI is conducting this evidence recovery, and the timing itself is incredibly interesting.

Bodies are discovered all the time (we don’t know if they’ve found a body of course), and we’ve had some false alarms in the past. Most of those were fairly easy to discount, but this one has definitely piqued my curiosity.

Massguy’s getting excited!!!

If MG is excited, I’m excitedx3! Plea deal when he realized he’s not walking away so easily? Someone came forward? FBI thought of something they hadn’t before?

Waiting not so patiently to see if this pans out.
Just got caught up on the last thread. Saw some discussion about the trash dumps and Men’s Wearhouse. @Seattle1 made a great post #972 that seemed to answer all our questions. Just wanted to add this with LS going over her notes from PH Day 3. She has mentioned in other videos that she used to live in that area and is vey familiar with the locations. She said the MWH store is surrounded by stores that have closed and are empty except for a toy shop and a workout place. JMO.. Maybe that’s why no surveillance video ? IMO both would be closed during Covid. The whole video is good and also talks about the swimsuit photo.

The trash dumps start around 39:00

EBM fix typo
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If MG is excited, I’m excitedx3! Plea deal when he realized he’s not walking away so easily? Someone came forward? FBI thought of something they hadn’t before?

Waiting not so patiently to see if this pans out.
It didn’t pan out unfortunately. Turns out it was another case entirely.
It didn’t pan out unfortunately. Turns out it was another case entirely.
I'm sad they did not find her (not sure they
ever will) but unless finding her directly pointed to BM in some way the defense would just use it to muddy things further.

Plus that piece of garbage BM would likely try to be at her know for the girls' sakes.
Like OJ.

In the last thread (sorry, I wasn't fast enough to see it before the thread closed) you cited a bunch of examples of alleged DV. As I noted I am very far behind here so I have only see one factual source re: DV, the PH, which was something like Barry brushed against Suzanne's nose accidentally. Can you give me a few factual sources for the other stuff?

If you care to respond, if your whole list is factually established why do you think the prosecution chose such a lame example of DV to use in the PH? That was my original point, that if they had something more substantial then its curious (to me) that they didn't use it.


In the last thread (sorry, I wasn't fast enough to see it before the thread closed) you cited a bunch of examples of alleged DV. As I noted I am very far behind here so I have only see one factual source re: DV, the PH, which was something like Barry brushed against Suzanne's nose accidentally. Can you give me a few factual sources for the other stuff?

If you care to respond, if your whole list is factually established why do you think the prosecution chose such a lame example of DV to use in the PH? That was my original point, that if they had something more substantial then its curious (to me) that they didn't use it.

I mean, I think murder is a pretty good example.

She told him she wanted a divorce, and he threatened suicide. That is not in dispute.

Suzanne told Sheila that Barry had threatened suicide on another occasion, going as far as to point a gun to his head.

Normal well adjusted men, do not threaten to kill themselves to keep their partner in a relationship. I can’t tell you how many cases I’ve followed where a spousal killer has threatened suicide before ultimately resorting to murder.

It’s about control through manipulation.

I’m curious as to why you are so fixated on this, as how would previous physical examples matter here?

The psychological stuff tells you as much as the physical.
Bringing this over from previous thread, post 669 by @Nikynoo
I have wondered whether it was some sort of fee arrangement - similar to no win, no fee....
@Nikynoo sbm for focus on only part of your post.
Atty Fees? No Win, No Fee?
Per my read of Colorado Rules of Professional Conduct,* Not permitted, not like civil cases.
Rule 1.5. Fees ….
(c) A ‘contingent fee’ is a fee for legal services under which compensation is to be contingent in whole or in part upon the successful accomplishment or disposition of the subject matter of the representation.”

“(4) No contingent fee agreement may be made (i) for representing a defendant in a criminal case,…"

Why not permissible?**

my2ct. As always, welcoming comment, correction, esp'ly from our legal professionals.

Click on “contingent fee arrangements” link to pdf. Rule1.5, eff. Jan 1, 2021
This ^ CO Rule tracks American Bar Association Model Rules of Professional Conduct** eff. 2020.
** An explanation about why state prohibits contingency fees in criminal cases. Private NC law firm website.
Why Don't Criminal Defense Lawyers Work On Contingency? | Speaks
I mean, I think murder is a pretty good example.

She told him she wanted a divorce, and he threatened suicide. That is not in dispute.

Suzanne told Sheila that Barry had threatened suicide on another occasion, going as far as to point a gun to his head.

Normal well adjusted men, do not threaten to kill themselves to keep their partner in a relationship. I can’t tell you how many cases I’ve followed where a spousal killer has threatened suicide before ultimately resorting to murder.

It’s about control through manipulation.

I’m curious as to why you are so fixated on this, as how would previous physical examples matter here?

The psychological stuff tells you as much as the physical.
And don't for get the isolation of moving out to CO with no family around. When she wanted to be with friends he would just show up. She would have a nice time with MM2 and he would ruin it on purpose. Supposedly if she needed money she had to go through him...his words anyway. Plus something happened in the closet or on the bed that was brought up...sorry can't remember the specifics. Isolation and coercion ...the whole feed for control.

In the last thread (sorry, I wasn't fast enough to see it before the thread closed) you cited a bunch of examples of alleged DV. As I noted I am very far behind here so I have only see one factual source re: DV, the PH, which was something like Barry brushed against Suzanne's nose accidentally. Can you give me a few factual sources for the other stuff?

If you care to respond, if your whole list is factually established why do you think the prosecution chose such a lame example of DV to use in the PH? That was my original point, that if they had something more substantial then its curious (to me) that they didn't use it.

From reporters at the PH:

When investigators asked #BarryMorphew if he had ever been physical with #SuzanneMorphew, in arguments, he may have pushed up against her but never used his arms to restrain her. In a list of grievances written by Suzanne, one was, "just wrestled free". @CBSDenver

Agent Grusing was asked if #BarryMorphew ever struck #SuzanneMorphew and Barry allegedly told CBI agents "that it was an accident, he clipped the side of her nose with his hands."

Sheila told investigators that #BarryMorphew would say things like "I'm going to tell the girls you don't love me." SA Harris says that is a control mechanism to try to put the girls against #SuzanneMorphew.@KKTV11News

Sheila and #SuzanneMorphew talked about how Suzanne's youngest, Macy, encouraged her to get a divorce and said that Suzanne should get a restraining order against #BarryMorphew if she needed. @KKTV11News

On May 8, At 9:28 am #SuzanneMorphew sent a text to her sister Melinda. Saying that #Barrymorphew was abrasive and abusive.

SuzanneMorphew texted her sister about #BarryMorphew being allegedly physically abusive and that Suzanne wanted out of the marriage. Sister told investigators she didn't really know how to respond.

SA Harris says Sheila told them #SuzanneMorphew said she was possibly being physically abused by #BarryMorphew. She allegedly told Sheila he pushed her into a closet door and held a gun to her head, on a different occasion he allegedly would pin her on a bed.@KKTV11News

EBM : I’m not going to edit the last tweet but it should say that BM held a gun to HIS head not HER head.
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Just got caught up on the last thread. Saw some discussion about the trash dumps and Men’s Wearhouse. @Seattle1 made a great post #972 that seemed to answer all our questions. Just wanted to add this with LS going over her notes from PH Day 3. She has mentioned in other videos that she used to live in that area and is vey familiar with the locations. She said the MWH store is surrounded by stores that have closed and are empty except for a toy shop and a workout place. JMO.. Maybe that’s why no surveillance video ? IMO both would be closed during Covid. The whole video is good and also talks about the swimsuit photo.

The trash dumps start around 39:00

EBM fix typo
Thanks very much for sharing this & the time marker!
On the subject of domestic violence: If I had accidentally brushed up against someone and later that person was killed, and then LE asked if I had ever committed an act of physical violence against that person; it would never occur to me to say that I had once accidentally bumped into them.
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