CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 , MEDIA,MAPS,TIMELINE *NO DISCUSSION*

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Colorado eyes future of virtual court in post-pandemic world

Oct 8, 2021

To go to court in Colorado these days, you might need to drive to the courthouse, park, pass through security — belts and watches off, please — don a mask (or maybe not) and put your seat in a seat. Or you might just curl up on your couch, power up a laptop and log in to a video chat for virtual court.

It all depends on which judge is hearing your case and what exactly you need to get done.

Colorado’s initially ubiquitous use of virtual courts during the pandemic has faded into a patchwork of judge-by-judge decisions about when proceedings go forward in-person or online, even as many in the justice system call for some virtual options to be preserved post-COVID.


The Colorado Supreme Court has yet to put out any detailed statewide guidance for how virtual courts should be used long-term, but Chief Justice Brian Boatright recently formed a working group of eight chief judges to examine how online courts work (and when they don’t) as a precursor to potential long-term strategies, said Weld County Chief Judge James Hartmann, who co-chairs the chief judge’s council.


The committee, which includes chief judges from rural and urban judicial districts, will ask for input from attorneys, court staff and other stakeholders in the justice system before presenting their findings to Boatright, Hartmann said. He estimated that process may take 30 to 60 days.

“We want to be able to use Webex when Webex is an effective way of conducting court proceedings,” Hartmann said. “We certainly don’t want to trade convenience for someone’s due process rights. But that balance will be there — we definitely can strike the balance, we just don’t know where the needle is going to fall yet.”

Earlier this year, Boatright gave chief judges the authority to make policies on virtual appearances for each of Colorado’s 22 judicial districts, continuing the court system’s pandemic-long approach of letting local jurisdictions make their own rules within a broad framework. A Denver Post review of those policies shows many chief judges further delegated decision-making to individual judges.


In the Morphew case, Chief Judge Patrick Murphy cited “enormous public interest” as a reason not to stream the hearing online. He noted that more than 1,100 people tuned in to watch a prior broadcast of a hearing in the case, and that some viewers carried on an “inappropriate” conversation using the streaming service’s chat feature.

“Broadcasting the proceedings via Webex would very likely result in thousands of people viewing the hearing,” he wrote in an August order. “This would seem to thwart the purpose of limiting expanded media coverage in criminal cases. Those purposes include not interfering with the rights of the parties to a fair trial, not detracting from the decorum and dignity of the court and not creating adverse effects that would be greater than those caused by traditional media coverage.”
Filed 9/21/2021 and reported in MSM on Oct 7, 2021: link to PEOPLE'S MOTION TO MODIFY BOND CONDITIONS P-24

Accused Killer Barry Morphew: Request to Change Bond Over...Bad Cell Service?

Despite the damning claims in a 129-page arrest affidavit made public last month, Barry Morphew, who's been formally charged with killing his missing wife, Suzanne, in May 2020, remains a free man, and he's currently living only steps away from the Salida-area home the couple shared — and not far from potentially important witnesses. But after his September 20 release, prosecutors asked that the conditions of his bond be changed for the most Colorado reason imaginable: Cell service in the area is so bad that they're not getting a signal on his ankle monitor.

The September 21 motion, which came to light on October 7, doesn't specifically request that Morphew's bond be revoked, as has been reported. Rather, it's a call for modification intended to prevent Morphew from essentially hiding in plain sight.


Nonetheless, Morphew was allowed to bond out of Chaffee County jail on September 20 after paying bail set at $500,000. He told the court that he planned to move into a former Airbnb at 10987 Puma Path in Maysville; dubbed the "Cushman residence" in the motion, it's near his former home and that of neighbor Jeanne Ritter, the person who first called authorities about Suzanne's disappearance. But on September 21, Intervention Inc., the Salida firm tasked with tracking Morphew's ankle monitor, revealed that its staffers were "unable to pick up a GPS or cell signal" at that address.

The proximity of the former Airbnb to Barry's old house troubled prosecutors, since they'd asked that he stay away from it. Additionally, "the Ritters have made it very clear that they do not want to have ANY contact with the Defendant," the motion states. "Therefore, if the Defendant is allowed to reside in their neighborhood, this will undoubtedly make the Ritters, at the very least, uncomfortable, and possibly not wanting to continue to reside at their home any longer."

Morphew is said to have another property available to him, at 315 Poncha Boulevard in Salida, not far from a courthouse, where cell service isn't a problem. "It makes sense for the Defendant to reside in this residence instead," the motion contends.

Judge Patrick Murphy has yet to rule on this matter — the latest strange twist in a case full of them.

Ashley Franco@AshleyKKTV

Quiet right now at the Chaffee County courthouse. #BarryMorphew is set to be in court at 3:30 today. It says the hearing is virtual online but I confirmed with the courts that the WebEx is private so in order to listen we have to be here in person.

2:03 PM · Oct 13, 2021 from Salida, CO

#BarryMorphew had arrived at the Chaffee County courthouse. Dru Nielsen is not here today but Iris Eytan is. Follow this thread for updates. #SuzanneMorphew

2:33 PM · Oct 13, 2021 from Salida, CO

Dru Nielsen is called in on the phone. Judge Murphy has called the case.

2:37 PM · Oct 13, 2021

We are starting off with the people’s motion to modify bond conditions. Pros says two connections are needed for GPS. One is a cell connection and the GPS goes blank when #BarryMorphew goes into the Maysville area.

2:43 PM · Oct 13, 2021

Prosecution says #BarryMorphew has been on his former residence twice after he sold it and then a third time with Shoshona Darke. Prosecution says people are afraid of Barry.

2:46 PM · Oct 13, 2021·

Defense says that Gene Ritter tells her that she is not afraid of #BarryMorphew. She says neighbors have said that prosecutors told them they should be afraid of Barry and should kick him out of the neighborhood. Iris says that neighbors tell her they're not afraid of Barry.

2:48 PM · Oct 13, 2021

Iris says that #BarryMorphew was not at the residence and there is no evidence. She says Shoshona Darke was at the residence retrieving a package "misaddressed" to the former Morphew residence, but she believes Darke was not trespassing.

2:49 PM · Oct 13, 2021

Iris says the prosecution wants #BarryMorphew to live in a house owned and occupied by Shoshona Darke, that Barry is allegedly paying rent for. She says the prosecution wants this to look "dirty" to make it look like he's living with a new woman.

2:54 PM · Oct 13, 2021·

Iris says that #BarryMorphew is going to get a cell booster for his current home to help with GPS tracking. She believes this will help. She also says "what's the other option right now? To put him on home restraint?"

2:56 PM · Oct 13, 2021

Iris says #BarryMorphew is complying with the courts order and not going off the grid. She says the company tracking the GPS don't have concerns and can pick him up as soon as he gets in service.

2:58 PM · Oct 13, 2021·

Judge says that he will need #BarryMorphew to travel to Poncha Springs every day so that his GPS is recognized. He says if he does not want to do that then he needs to move.

3:04 PM · Oct 13, 2021·

Lauren Scharf@LaurenScharfTV

#BarryMorphew and his attorney Iris Eytan are inside the Chaffee County Courthouse now.

2:34 PM · Oct 13, 2021

#BarryMorphews defense asked Mrs. Ritter today if they were afraid of him and she said no. The Ritters are on the no-contact list and live near where Morphew was staying where no GPS was being detected on his ankle-monitor in Maysville.

2:52 PM · Oct 13, 2021

The defense is arguing about the GPS monitoring on his ankle monitoring. #BarryMorphew is wanting to stay in Maysville and is getting a cell booster. He says he feels unsafe in Salida because people know him too much now.

3:00 PM · Oct 13, 2021·

The prosecution wants #BarryMorphew to live in #ShoshonaDarke home in Salida where Morphew is allegedly paying rent.

3:03 PM · Oct 13, 2021

Judge Patrick Murphy said #BarryMorphew is allowed to stay in Maysville at the Cushman home which is very close to where Suzanne and the Morphew family used to live. The judge said he legally can't make him move.

3:06 PM · Oct 13, 2021·

#BarryMorphew does have a protection order on the old house which is next to where he wants to live. Morphew must travel to Poncha Springs for the GPS to recognize his location everyday and the judge said if he doesn't do this then he will have to move.

3:10 PM · Oct 13, 2021·

[URL='']Lauren Scharf@LaurenScharfTV

This will make sure the data on the ankle-monitor will download. Sounds like it still won't monitor while #BarryMorphew is in Maysville due to poor cell reception.

3:13 PM · Oct 13, 2021·

District Attorney Linda Stanley is not present in the courtroom but Deputy District Attorney Jeff Lindsay is plus Attorney Dan Edwards and they did not object to #BarryMorphew staying put at the home in Maysville.

3:21 PM · Oct 13, 2021·

The witness list will have to be provided to the court no later than November 9, 2021 for the upcoming trial of #BarryMorphew scheduled for May of 2022.

3:45 PM · Oct 13, 2021

#BarryMorphew defense will provide their list of witnesses by March 4, 2022.

3:50 PM · Oct 13, 2021

[URL='']Ashley Franco@AshleyKKTV

We're talking about discovery now. The defense says there are over one million files for discovery and there are months and months for them to go to get through everything.

3:14 PM · Oct 13, 2021

Now onto the motion to return #BarryMorphew truck and driver's license.

3:20 PM · Oct 13, 2021

The prosecution has no problem with that. They need identification that #BarryMorphew is the rightful owner of the truck and they will get the license back to him as well.

3:21 PM · Oct 13, 2021·

Judge sets a motions hearing for January 24th and 25th and will leave February 8th open for a hearing if they do not finish on those two allotted days. #BarryMorphew

3:34 PM · Oct 13, 2021

These dates for the motions hearing are about to change. Dru Nielsen, who is not in person today, says she is not available on those dates, so standby for new ones.

3:43 PM · Oct 13, 2021·

Right now there's not a lot happening. They're discussing when both parties will need to have witness lists in and other filings before the trial.

3:49 PM · Oct 13, 2021·
Carol McKinley@CarolAMcKinley

Morphew was in court yesterday for a ruling regarding his bond. Judge Patrick Murphy will let him stay where he is even though it's so remote investigators can't track his ankle monitor. He'll have to check in for a download every day. #SuzanneMorphew

8:58 AM · Oct 14, 2021

Carol McKinley@CarolAMcKinley

NEW: Judge in Morphew case is releasing the entire case file. Court clerk says both sides are going through their motions before the release will happen. #BarryMorphew has been out on bond for three weeks.

8:56 AM · Oct 14, 2021
Attorney Mark Solomon does a good job recapping the AA here. I was reminded that the author of the AA (DA Investigator Walker) also left his employment with the Judicial District 11 recently after his long-term position there since 2007.

Sept 20, 2021
Barry Morphew Arrest Affidavit released (deep dive) and Gabby Petito Update - CRIME News w Solomon

Morphew case begins about 2:30 min mark...
Barry Morphew case: Lead prosecutors resigns for new job |

Oct 15, 2021

CHAFFEE COUNTY, Colo. — One of the prosecutors handling the murder trial of Barry Morphew has resigned from the 11th Judicial District.

Deputy District Attorney Jeff Lindsey's last day with the district is Friday, Nov. 5. District Attorney Linda Stanley told The Gazette that Lindsey is headed to Pueblo to work in the 10th Judicial District under DA Jeff Chostner.

"I have resigned my position at this office," Lindsey said in an email, "and will no longer be a point of contact for this or any other case in the 11th Judicial District."

Stanley said Lindsey will be missed, but that his resignation will not be a detriment to the Morphew case. "We wish we had the opportunity to resolve any issues he may have had," said Stanley. She added Lindsey knew the Morphew case well but there are other prosecutors on the team who are just as determined to put Morphew behind bars.
Top Morphew prosecutor leaving the case


One of the prosecutors handling the murder trial of Barry Morphew has resigned from the 11th Judicial District.

Deputy District Attorney Jeff Lindsey's last day with the district is Friday, Nov. 5. District Attorney Linda Stanley told The Gazette that Lindsey is headed to Pueblo to work in the 10th Judicial District under DA Jeff Chostner.

"I have resigned my position at this office," Lindsey said in an email, "and will no longer be a point of contact for this or any other case in the 11th Judicial District."

Stanley said Lindsey will be missed, but that his resignation will not be a detriment to the Morphew case. "We wish we had the opportunity to resolve any issues he may have had," said Stanley. She added Lindsey knew the Morphew case well but there are other prosecutors on the team who are just as determined to put Morphew behind bars.

"We are fine. We have four prosecutors and we are looking into hiring at least one more who works on the case full time."

Barry Morphew, 53, is accused of murdering his wife, Suzanne, over Mother's Day weekend 2020. Her body has never been found.

The 11th Judicial District includes Chaffee, Custer, Fremont and Park Counties.

Lindsey joined the 11th Judicial in January 2021, brought in by Stanley in part because of his experience with homicide cases. He has handled much of the litigation during the Morphew court hearings, sparring with defense attorneys over evidence including cellphone records and surveillance video.

During his career, Lindsey has been a veteran of various judicial districts around the state, starting with the 11th and Chaffee County, the 10th out of Pueblo and most recently with El Paso County.
EXCLUSIVE: Barry Morphew attorneys to sue case investigators for false arrest, defamation

Oct 19, 2021


Morphew was arrested May 5 on suspicion of murder almost a year after his wife’s disappearance. He was released on bail Sept. 20.

The documents filed by Morphew allege new information regarding male DNA found in the Range Rover, saying it was a possible match to serial sex offender in Arizona.

Morphew’s civil attorneys say investigators knew the man’s identity as early as Aug. 2, a week before the evidence hearing in the murder case. The 10-page document says prosecutors waited until Morphew was ordered to trial before they released it to his defense team. In doing this, Morphew's attorneys contend prosecutors “conspired to commit a fraud upon the court by withholding exculpatory evidence.”

The DNA issue did come up during Morphew's August evidence hearing. Colorado Bureau of Investigations agent Joe Cahill told Morphew attorney Iris Eytan that the DNA on the glove box is a partial profile.

Investigators collected several DNA samples amid a frantic search for Suzanne Morphew. Other unknown male DNA was also found on the grips of Suzanne Morphew’s bicycle, on her bike helmet and on sheets found in the Morphew’s dryer. None of these DNA profiles matched the DNA on on the glovebox.

“It’s Ramsey all over again,” said Grant, who was one of several prosecutors who gave advice in the unsolved 1996 killing of the JonBenet Ramsey. “The prosecution will have to contend with the DNA. It makes this case really tough because this DNA found on the glovebox represents a somewhat credible suspect.”

One issue in the Ramsey case centers on unidentified DNA found on her clothing.

Denver criminal defense attorney Ryan Brackley, who was a prosecutor in Denver and Boulder, said in the Morphew case, prosecutors will need legwork to overcome the DNA from the glovebox. To keep the focus on Morphew, they'll need an alibi for the man tied to the glovebox.

“If such a DNA profile was found in a missing woman’s car, and that DNA profile belongs to a sex offender, the lack of an explanation for how that profile got into the car of the missing woman would certainly provide a basis for a reasonable doubt that someone else committed the crime," Brackley said.

Morphew also has DNA issues to face.

“We’ve talked about where Barry’s DNA was not,” prosecutor Mark Hurlbert argued on the final day of the pevidence.

He countered that the defandant's genetic fingerprints were found in sveral places cruic to prosecution theories including his wife’s bicycle seat and on the driver's seat and door of the Range Rover.

During the August hearing, defense attorneys argued that prosecutors can't prove Suzanne Morphew is dead, much less that her husband killed her. Her body hasn't been found.
Lawyers for Barry Morphew plan to sue prosecutors and investigators tied to the case of Suzanne Morphew

Published: Oct. 22, 2021 at 4:29 PM PDT|Updated: 8 hours ago

SALIDA, Colo. (KKTV) - 11 News has obtained a letter of intent to sue attorneys and investigators in the Barry Morphew case.

The letter sites a false arrest and defamation among other things. Investigators believe Barry killed his wife Suzanne Morphew, who went missing Mother’s Day of last year in Chaffee County while she was reportedly out for a bike ride. To date, the remains of Suzanne Morphew have not been located but her bicycle was.

A family friend of Morphew sent 11 News Reporter Ashley Franco the documents. The intent to sue letter states that the District Attorney’s Office along with investigators in the case are withholding evidence and falsely accusing Barry Morphew. It was filed by lawyers on behalf of Barry. 11 News reached out to the District Attorney’s Office, but they would not comment on the letter.

Attorneys for Morphew say that investigators failed to mention that they knew the name of the man’s DNA that was allegedly found on Suzanne’s bike, helmet, sheets in the dryer, one of the bedrooms and in Suzanne’s car. This was mentioned during the preliminary hearing, but investigators didn’t go into detail about it. Morphew’s attorney’s claim that DNA allegedly matched sexual assault cases in Arizona. They say investigators never followed up on the matches.

The letter also says that after the preliminary hearing, the district attorney “conveniently produced more discovery that includes more information on the DNA matches.”
Barry Morphew leaves jail as arrest affidavit is released, investigators point to abuse and threats



Not revealed before in the voluminous document was the revelation one of the Morphews' daughters admitted to police the day after Mother’s Day 2020, when her mom disappeared, her parents were “not doing well” and that they were “both in an unsafe place emotionally.” It was the first time those words had come from the daughter herself, instead of being relayed through testimony thirdhand. Investigators read from Suzanne's texts while they were on the stand, as during such hearings, hearsay is admitted.

According to court documents, on May 10 at 3:50 p.m., one of the daughters texted the neighbor who reported Suzanne missing, "I'm just so sad. ... I texted mom for Mother's Day and she still hasn't answered and I'm scared her and dad probably got in a big fight. ... I might have to be home a lot more and it will probably be the worst summer of my life."


The affidavit revealed some observations from Chaffee County sheriff's deputies who were first on the scene, including one note that Barry's Bobcat had barefoot marks inside the bucket and that the cutting blade had been recently replaced.

On May 23, while searches were being conducted on the Morphew family home, three bloodhounds trained to detect human decomposition alerted to the bed of a flatbed trailer parked in the west driveway. Then all three dogs alerted to Barry's Bobcat, according to court documents, which added that one of the animals "jumped into the Bobcat and even tried to lay down on the driver's seat."

Later prosecutors discounted the bobcat as being involved in Suzanne's disappearance.


Barry's attorneys have maintained his innocence, bringing up several pieces of evidence, including touch DNA found on the glovebox of Suzanne’s Range Rover that matches at least one unknown sex offender, a couple of unexplained pings to her phone just after midnight on May 9 and the fact that Barry visited a hot tub dealer on that afternoon. They also say his truck never left their home that night and that he didn’t have enough time to dispose of a body in the dark while the ground was frozen.

Attorney Dru Nielsen argued against unsealing the arrest affidavit Friday, saying she’d never seen anything like it.

“The DA’s office did this with a target audience that is not the judge. They wrote this to sway court of public opinion and taint a jury pool,” Nielsen said. “It is imperative to preserve his right to a fair trial. Release of this will damage his ability to get a fair trial.”

The judge set the trial date for May 3 through June 4.
Documents released in Barry Morphew murder case reveal behind-the-scenes details


A judge on Monday released hundreds of pages of documents in the case against Barry Morphew, a Chaffee County man accused of murdering his wife, Suzanne, on or around Mother’s Day 2020.


Documents obtained by the Denver Gazette show 454 pages of motions and orders that until Monday had not been made public, including the prosecution’s over 500-person witness list. On that list are the Morphews' two daughters and people who were close to the couple including siblings, neighbors, family friends and numerous investigators from the FBI, Homeland Security, the Colorado Bureau of Investigation and Chaffee County sheriff's deputies.

Bloodhound trackers are also scheduled to testify. Also on the witness list is Suzanne Morphew's lover of two years, Jeff Libler, whom she knew from high school and started contacting by text message when the couple moved to Colorado from Indiana in 2018.

The documents also show a fight between Barry Morphew's attorneys over DNA, which was found on the glovebox of Suzanne Morphew's Range Rover. The defense said the DNA belongs to a sex offender who lives in Prescott, Arizona. Barry Morphew's attorneys contend that the prosecution knew about the possible suspect and didn't let them know about it until after the four-day evidentiary hearings this past August.

Also revealed in the documents are protection orders from neighbors, Suzanne Morphew’s family and friends asking to keep Barry Morphew, 54, from contacting them. The documents show that in October, prosecutors asked Barry Morphew to leave his residence while his neighbors built a security fence. According to the prosecution, Jeanne and Martin Ritter said they were afraid of Barry Morphew.

There's also a request by the defense to expand the length of the trial from four weeks to five considering they believe the jury will need more time to review 30 hours of interrogation video and tapes.
How do we get access to the new court documents?
Judge in Morphew murder case to release case file

Oct 19, 2021

The judge in Barry Morphew's murder case will release the entire case file likely by the end of this week. District Judge Patrick Murphy told attorneys on both sides Wednesday to go through their motions before he gives the word to the court clerk staff to make the files public on the 11th Judicial District's website.

Court clerk Dana Petri says there are many motions that have been suppressed throughout the case and that as soon as Murphy gives the word, she will make them public.

Ashley Franco@AshleyKKTV

The judge says on the matter of suppressing documents he believes nothing, in this case, needs to be hidden from the public.

4:09 PM · Oct 13, 2021·

The judge advises both sides to re-look at documents and if they need them to be suppressed to make note of that and they will need to file a motion for those. But, judge says he doesn't think that will be an issue because we haven't had an issue thus far. #BarryMorphew

4:12 PM · Oct 13, 2021

OP Note:
MSM Reporter citing suppressed motions per Court Clerk DP is contrary to live tweets from court hearing 10/13/21.
Last edited:
Ashley Franco

We’re in Salida today for a #BarryMorphew hearing at 1:30. I’ll update this thread.

12:08 PM · Nov 9, 2021·

#BarryMorphew is in the courtroom. Both of his daughters are here with him as well. Iris Eytan is here, Dru Nielsen is not that I see of. She called in during the last hearing. Prosecutors are in the room as well. Sounds like witnesses will be called today.

12:31 PM · Nov 9, 2021·

Judge Murphy is in the courtroom and has called the case. Iris Eytan says Dru Nielsen is not here because she is on a federal case.
#BarryMorphew #SuzanneMorphew

12:40 PM · Nov 9, 2021

Judge starts off with the issue of the subpoena for Jeff Lindsey. He was the former lead prosecutor on the case who resigned last month. Lindsey is here virtually today it sounds like.
#BarryMorphew #SuzanneMorphew

12:44 PM · Nov 9, 2021

Judge says he's not sure why Jeff Lindsey was called here today. He says he's in the dark about a lot of things regarding the motion the defense filed. Eytan says they have not been getting exculpatory evidence from the DA's side, which is why she asked them to be there.

12:48 PM · Nov 9, 2021·

Eytan says she is worried that discovery, in this case, might have been destroyed. She says she called them here to hopefully tell them what discovery they have that the defense team needs to know about. #BarryMorphew #SuzanneMorphew

12:49 PM · Nov 9, 202

She goes on to say she believes the commander and CBI agent they called today along with Jeff Lindsey lied to witnesses in the case and pursued them to think a certain way about #BarryMorphew.

12:51 PM · Nov 9, 2021

Eytan says it appears that Jeff Lindsey was in court and got a court order regarding the preservation of email and texts that might pertain to this case. She says she believes that the emails were destroyed and Lindsey did not follow the order. #BarryMorphew #SuzanneMorphew

12:54 PM · Nov 9, 2021

Prosecutors say they found out yesterday that these emails in question were going to be a problem. Many changes on the prosecutor's side here. One member has been on the case for about 2 weeks, the other about 2 months. No sign of DA Linda Stanley here.

12:56 PM · Nov 9, 2021

The judge says this motion in question is three months old and that it's a bit confusing as to why it's being brought up now. Eytan says they believed the prosecution was giving them everything they needed.
#BarryMorphew #SuzanneMorphew

1:00 PM · Nov 9, 2021

Eytan argues that during the prelim agent Cahill brought up DNA in #SuzanneMorphew car. She says that he never revealed that the DA office had been working to match the DNA. She said her office investigated and learned that there were numerous conversations btwn DA and CBI

1:03 PM · Nov 9, 2021·

She says they were sitting on a wealth of information that they never let the defense know about. She calls this a case of innocence because the DA was looking into the DNA found in #SuzanneMorphew car but wasn't revealing the work they were doing. #BarryMorphew

1:06 PM · Nov 9, 2021·

Ashley Franco@AshleyKKTV

Eytan says now the prosecution is saying she is breaking a law by talking to witnesses and investigating. She says the bottom line is there is a black hole and that's any evidence pointing away from #BarryMorphew killing #SuzanneMorphew.

1:09 PM · Nov 9, 2021·T

Eytan says the goal today is to call witnesses to see what discovery defense did not receive, why they didn't receive it if someone told them to hide it, and what is still out there that defense has not seen. #BarryMorphew #SuzanneMorphew

1:15 PM · Nov 9, 2021·

Prosecutors say that they are not sure why the defense is bringing this on in the last few days because he says that some of the discovery was just returned in the last few days. They say they are re-doing the discovery and should have a new copy in the coming days.

1:17 PM · Nov 9, 2021·

Prosecutors say the
is providing them resources to help re-do the discovery since there have been so many changes. The 4th Judicial represents El Paso and Teller Counties.
#BarryMorphew #SuzanneMorphew

1:19 PM · Nov 9, 2021·

Eytan says they still do not have emails, texts, DA reports and interviews on DNA matches, follow-up lab reports, and several other things pertaining to the discovery in the case. #BarryMorphew #SuzanneMorphew

1:22 PM · Nov 9, 2021

Jeff Lindsey is now present via WebEx. They're having a few technical difficulties so we're working things out now. #BarryMorphew #SuzanneMorphew

1:30 PM · Nov 9, 2021

No luck with tech issues. We're moving on to Agent Megan Duge with CBI. She works in the forensic biology section. She has reviewed work in this case as well. #BarryMorphew #SuzanneMorphew

1:37 PM · Nov 9, 2021·

Eytan hands Agent Duge a report for the #BarryMorphew case. She's asking her more about her role in the case. She's discussing the calls and conversations she had with people from the DA's office.

1:46 PM · Nov 9, 2021

Agent Duge talks about searching for profiles in CODIS and how DNA casework works and what the difference is between it all. She says it was an extensive conversation about CODIS because they were working to prepare her for an expert to testify in the prelim.

1:49 PM · Nov 9, 2021

Agent Duge talking about conversations she had with several people from the Chaffee County Sheriff's Office, DA Office, and FBI about what had been tested and what had not been tested in the case.
#SuzanneMorphew #BarryMorphew

1:56 PM · Nov 9, 2021

She's going through things they have tested including #SuzanneMorphew car, the Morphew home, a mug left on the counter. She talks about how they get prior owners from home and car to submit DNA to be ruled out in case.

1:58 PM · Nov 9, 2021·

Agent Duge continues to read conversations about the DNA found in #SuzanneMorphew car. They asked about where DNA was searched- one being the match in Arizona. Duge says there were convicted offender profiles that were tested against this DNA but did not come back with a match.

2:05 PM · Nov 9, 2021·

Agent Duge talking about the identification of the DNA match from #SuzanneMorphew car. She says there were not matches for cases and were listed as "unsolved" in CODIS.

2:08 PM · Nov 9, 2021

Nov 1st. Agent Duge had a conversation with Iris Eytan and she explained which items are being searched in CODIS and went through the timeline of the search request and when things were released.
#BarryMorphew #SuzanneMorphew.

2:10 PM · Nov 9, 2021·

Agent Duge says when they were compiling information for defense attorney's it was revealed that a letter for a match notification that usually comes from CBI was not handed out. Prosecutors argue that this was a software glitch.
#BarryMorphew #SuzanneMorphew.

2:13 PM · Nov 9, 2021·

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