Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #13

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I understand your frustration. In a perfect world
Snipped for focus.

Well it looks like possibly someone was okay in targeting Suzanne.
Maybe for 210,000 reasons ?
Did Suzanne have life ins. ?
And why is someone suddenly a 'team member' for the crowd funding page ?
Is that in order to be able to access those funds ?
Because that is what it looks like.

So sad for the callous way this woman is being treated. Not even one presser with LE to beg for her safe return.
Not one sentence of "I love you".
No taking of any questions at a press conference with LE.

Our neighbors put up a multitude of missing posters for their dog.
A recent photo and a description of her collar and the name she'll respond to.
Door to door asking people to please be on the lookout; including our home.
They were sad and frantic.
She was found safe 4 days later.

There has been no description of clothing, identifying tattoos or scars, and only the photo from more than a year ago -- of Suzanne.
This is not how a person treats someone they love.
Just saying.

I understand your frustration. We live in an imperfect world and ideal responses don't always happen. I don't know "who dun it". I don't have access to necessary information. I come here to learn. I make mistakes, probably more than I get it right, but I am learning.
I do know in today's world we have more tools, but also more problems and it is hard to keep up and have resources everywhere, there are limitations. And we live in particularly demanding times.

"Every 40 seconds, a child goes missing in the U.S.[7]"
In 1980, roughly 150,000 people were reported missing per year. Now the number is 900,000.[4]
Minorities, those who suffer from mental disorders, and substance abusers who go missing often receive little attention from authorities and little sympathy from the press or public.[4]
50 Interesting Missing People Facts |

It is a fact we have to face. It's everywhere, it's overwhelming. We do the best we can. We need to do better. But we do the best we can.

It's overwhelming, so it's important to look at the successes and keep working for improvement.
JMO, I believe that everything posted here, indicates that Suzanne is a very remarkable woman. She is strong enough to have fought thru 2 bouts of cancer. Everyone who meets her finds her to be a happy, sweet, open, confident women...not one negative comment! That is remarkable in itself. There are so many similarities in this case to Shari Faye Smith, this is one of them.
Everyone loved Shari Faye, she was 18yo, graduating from HS the next day, she was to sing at ceremony, bubbling. Suspicion on her boyfriend was not issue, because he was still at pool party she had just left...
I don’t remember any suspicion on family members.
TBH I cannot decide which are memories of real time as events occurred or my brain combining w/ the numerous documentaries and movies.
I do know that the killer absolutely communicated w the family via landline phones and the family literally hunkered down by that phone...
That is eerily similar to this case to me...
I really like your post. If someone was (is?) studying us Earthlings from afar over time I think overall we would seem like an very violent species with all of our wars, murders, greed, corruption, discrimination, selfishness and cruel behavior to others. They might be very afraid of us now that we developed nuclear weapons! But we are also kind, generous, fair and loving. Humans are an enigma and our brains are so complicated ...nature vs. nurture is a fascinating subject. IMO many people who hurt others have been abused, neglected, traumatized, failed in some way as children and not always intentionally. That is not an excuse for murder...most people know right from wrong and can control our urges. I hold newborn babies every day at work and they are so beautiful and innocent. It’s hard for me to believe that some people are just born evil. (Especially when I meet some of the parents! - it’s a joke ok? Gotta keep a sense of humor or I would be so depressed!)

Yes, I am using humor to get through these difficult times.Right now I can't work because of Covid stay at home, so here I am trying to understand it all and spending time on Websleuths. You are in a very nurturing work environment that engenders cooperation and love so your brain is under healthy community influence. But if you were in an unsafe home, born into it or suddenly found yourself in an unsafe or threatening environment, the predator brain may be triggered. Impulse control neuronal network and rules and regs of society are suppose to keep humans in check. Some brains at birth are challenged for "evil" or deviant behavior and some brains fail over time, injury, disease, social norms, over competitiveness or the "7 deadly sins" that interfere with healthy brain function. Good thing to remember when it comes to questionable parenting is that we live in a wider community, our brains our plastic and we can chose pursue better choices if we work at it.
Question on SMs case: impulse control issue or choice?
And what could be all the possible motivating factors of all the unknowns. Not just one.
JMO, I believe that everything posted here, indicates that Suzanne is a very remarkable woman. She is strong enough to have fought thru 2 bouts of cancer. Everyone who meets her finds her to be a happy, sweet, open, confident women...not one negative comment! That is remarkable in itself. There are so many similarities in this case to Shari Faye Smith, this is one of them.
Everyone loved Shari Faye, she was 18yo, graduating from HS the next day, she was to sing at ceremony, bubbling. Suspicion on her boyfriend was not issue, because he was still at pool party she had just left...
I don’t remember any suspicion on family members.
TBH I cannot decide which are memories of real time as events occurred or my brain combining w/ the numerous documentaries and movies.
I do know that the killer absolutely communicated w the family via landline phones and the family literally hunkered down by that phone...
That is eerily similar to this case to me...
Why do you think there is nothing? LE isn’t required to share their investigation with the public.
There should not have to be a legal requirement. Also an absence of requirements by no means justifies a lack of transparency and accountability for how taxpayers money and confidence is being maintained. Nor does a lack of legislated requirement invalidate the public frustration when no transparency is offered.
There should not have to be a legal requirement. Also an absence of requirements by no means justifies a lack of transparency and accountability for how taxpayers money and confidence is being maintained. Nor does a lack of legislated requirement invalidate the public frustration when no transparency is offered.
Yeah, I’ve got to disagree with you there. The time for transparency is not before charges are filed, especially this early.

Murder investigations are too important to have them destroyed by law enforcement tipping their hand.

I’m stunned by the sense of entitlement some times. Law enforcement owes the public nothing at this stage.
Snipped for focus.

Well it looks like possibly someone was okay in targeting Suzanne.
Maybe for 210,000 reasons ?
Did Suzanne have life ins. ?
And why is someone suddenly a 'team member' for the crowd funding page ?
Is that in order to be able to access those funds ?
Because that is what it looks like.

So sad for the callous way this woman is being treated. Not even one presser with LE to beg for her safe return.
Not one sentence of "I love you".
No taking of any questions at a press conference with LE.

Our neighbors put up a multitude of missing posters for their dog.
A recent photo and a description of her collar and the name she'll respond to.
Door to door asking people to please be on the lookout; including our home.
They were sad and frantic.
She was found safe 4 days later.

There has been no description of clothing, identifying tattoos or scars, and only the photo from more than a year ago -- of Suzanne.
This is not how a person treats someone they love.
Just saying.
That is an excellent analogy.
There should not have to be a legal requirement. Also an absence of requirements by no means justifies a lack of transparency and accountability for how taxpayers money and confidence is being maintained. Nor does a lack of legislated requirement invalidate the public frustration when no transparency is offered.
;);););)I think I understand what I thought you thought that I thought but it may be that you thought I said what I said when actually I did not say what you thought I said, but actually I do understand what you said and it does make me think that you and I think alike...I think, JMO
Isn’t yellow the traditional ribbon color for missing people? “Tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree. It’s been three long years. Does she still love me?”
Not only missing people, but anyone who is “ away from home”. I still have the yellow ribbon I wore everyday when my nephew was an Army Ranger in the first Gulf War. Luckily, he made it home.

"[The yellow ribbon] was internationally renowned for troops that were away and for people that were away from home, either missing or taken hostage. For us it was a natural choice," said Mrs Evans.

"It boils down to that one element of people coming together and being part of one unit. You see someone wearing a yellow ribbon and you sense a connection."
The history of the yellow ribbon
Yeah, I’ve got to disagree with you there. The time for transparency is not before charges are filed, especially this early.

Murder investigations are too important to have them destroyed by law enforcement tipping their hand.

I’m stunned by the sense of entitlement some times. Law enforcement owes the public nothing at this stage.

Not sure where we are disagreeing. I made no statement nor demand of how transparent law enforcement should be and when. Also, taxpayers will always be entitled to more transparency accountability than the government they fund, not the other way around. That is the very essence of democracy.

One more thing,

When did this turn into a murder investigation? Last I heard she is not even assumed dead, let alone murdered. Not sure how the rules of homicide investigations even addresses my point let alone refute it.
I am unclear what the reporting standards are for Colorado, so I may be missing something otherwise obvious, but I am a bit confused as to why cops were so quick to mobilize because a neighbor said someone seemed to be out late from a bike ride they believed they were on?

In many other jurisdiction there would be a requirement for more than that before mobilizing, as well a deamnd that a family member file a report. Jumping on a phone call from a neighbor just seems odd to me.

Is this a norm in Colorado?

Oh, just one more thing - Why are some some family members such as her Nephew, running a ******** for things like;

-Supporting the wellbeing of Suzanne's family.
-Food for family and volunteers.
-Housing accommodations for family.
-Compensating family and volunteers for their time spent away from work and with the Morphew family.

Are these not things that her husband would be coordinating (especially the first item of that list) and apparently more than able to fund given the area they live, the multiple real and business assets (Suzanne Morphew Missing: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | as well as he fact that he initially was able to offer $100k for info leading to her location then later able simply double that to $200k?

Are not Suzanne's family and her husband working together to locate her?
Great post !!! ^^^
Good questions and tbh they are cringe-inducing for someone who supposedly cared about their spouse.
<modsnip: Snarky comments or insinuations are not allowed>

I wanted to add that the swift response of LE would make it appear that they sensed something horribly wrong from the start.
Not sure what that is, but I'm thinking someone could have called about life insurance for a missing and presumed deceased Suzanne ?
As in-- 'hey, she's gone and could be dead. Where's my money ?'
Or something to that effect.
Sounds totally crazy but there could be many reasons for the unusual response.

The mother of BM is also on the crowd funding page; and there's no mention of anyone on Suzanne's side of the family.
My .02 --- I doubt that Suzanne's family will receive any of it.
It's one thing to say that funds will go to the 'wellbeing of Suzanne's family' ; and quite another to actually hand over the money.
Fwiw, I do not see that happening.
If any of that is to go to Suzanne's relatives, why aren't any of them named on the crowd funding page ?
Maybe the two families are working together but it doesn't appear that way; imo.
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Yeah. I don’t think a month is that long.
You got it. We really don't know what LE knows or why they, nor the family, has not done some of the things we normally see in a missing persons case. It will, I am sure, be obvious in retrospect. This is a the real-deal, it's not for our entertainment.
They always need the public's assistance, that's why they have tiplines and canvases, which are the cornerstones of most investigations. They would be powerless without the public's assistance. If people just "shut up and let them do their jobs" (as some naive cop fanboys and egotistical cops have been known to say), law enforcement's cold case backlogs would be exponentially more depressing that they already are.

Law enforcement, though to be admired and respected, ought not be assumed infallible or a sole source of case resolution anymore than they ought be assumed society's top experts or it's sole source or protection. Though they should be afforded a good measure of trust and benefit of doubt when something seems wrong or overlooked, they ought not be instantly assumed on top of it and having a good reason for appearing to miss something crucial.

Asking questions, keeps them sharp and honest and keeps us informed and willing to continue to trust. Both are necessary for our system of justice to work, otherwise what we would have is anarchy or a complete police state.
JMO 400 plus tips leading away from BM are just as time consuming as investigating him, I believe when I accidentally called in a tip on Gannons thread, I was soundly chastised for wasting LE time, as each and every tip has to be checked out... I await that trial to see whether my info was just the 99th time that tip was called in. Lesson learned...I will never call a tip in, or at least I will not ask for advice here. If my tip does turn up at Stauch trial( or my .01% tip) that def changes things, for me.
Not only missing people, but anyone who is “ away from home”. I still have the yellow ribbon I wore everyday when my nephew was an Army Ranger in the first Gulf War. Luckily, he made it home.

"[The yellow ribbon] was internationally renowned for troops that were away and for people that were away from home, either missing or taken hostage. For us it was a natural choice," said Mrs Evans.

"It boils down to that one element of people coming together and being part of one unit. You see someone wearing a yellow ribbon and you sense a connection."
The history of the yellow ribbon
I realize we actually have so little to go on and the ribbon discussion is actually teaching me some things, so not to derail, my input, I color coded my kids possessions etc when they were younger and though both daughters are ours together, each have different complexions, neither are pinks, one is teal, the other purple...
I realize we actually have so little to go on and the ribbon discussion is actually teaching me some things, so not to derail, my input, I color coded my kids possessions etc when they were younger and though both daughters are ours together, each have different complexions, neither are pinks, one is teal, the other purple...
I don’t understand your comment at all. Would you explain?
continued -I believe there may have been a televised plea for information by the family, but this may have come after Sharis body had been found. I do not remember Shari’s father making a public plea, his were interviews much later. If this had been a child, I wonder if SM would have made the plea?
I suspect LE would have to rule out mistaken identity in this case and I can certainly see protecting and keeping daughters out of the public eye.
My biggest problem w/ believing BM is guilty, is that it requires me throwing away all that I have been told about SM.
It requires me to lump her together w/all the other women who have been forced thru
different circumstances to remain in an abusive marriage. the biggest and most difficult to overcome are financial and support system. SM has financial, family, community support, and her daughters are old enough to be support as well.
“The husband is most likely suspect” doesn’t quite hold up for me.
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