Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #14

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Lauren Scharf

Today two dozen investigators plan to conduct a community canvas to ask residents of Chaffee County about #SuzanneMorphew Tipline is (719)312-7530 #FindSuzanne

10:14 AM · Jun 10, 2020

Recall this practice used after little Sway Swetlick went missing and trained investigators went door to do asking questions. Trained investigators also know the type of questions to ask. See something, say something. Moving the convo out of rumor and/or social media mode. This is good news!
I wonder if on their canvass they will be asking for the home surveillance footage they've asked residents to save.

Community canvass makes it sound, to me, like they are canvassing all people living in a certain area, not necessarily just people who know her. My only question is: do you think people will remember seeing someone they don't personally know four weeks later? I hope they are able to get something to go on or get whatever info they are after, but I worry about that.

The may be asking about who has seen SM, but also who has seen a publicly unnamed POI. The POI might be more well-known in the community than SM.

MOO. Snip of press release below, BBM.

On June 10, investigators plan to conduct a community canvas in the county to contact residents and others to not only share information about Ms. Morphew’s disappearance, but also focus on obtaining any new information in her case. Nearly two dozen members of law enforcement will take part in this comprehensive effort on Wednesday.
I think this whole press release is a strategy...especially the canvassing today.... will be interesting if they release any information at all - my guess is no - this isn't their first investigation of a missing person either..
IMO, it is pitiful that they have only conducted 10 large scale searches in 30 days. We know that 2 or 3 of the searches were digging concrete. If they are not going to search for Suzanne in the area she went missing, it would be appropriate to let volunteers search. Maybe some bounty hunters will start searching for her if the reward is available to them.
The level of arrogance and entitlement is surprising to me.

I see the same things online with people saying they’re going to call the cops and ask if they’ve searched this or done that or reviewed x, y or z. It’s baffling and somewhat embarrassing. Because in pretty much every case we find out how incredibly thorough LE was in their investigation and how much they did and knew.

When you start hearing loved ones (friends or relatives who aren’t persons of interest) complaining a lot that nothing at all is being done or disagreeing with investigative directions or saying that a direction is being ignored, that’s when it’s time to become concerned. Yes, that’s happened. But it’s rare and those who are in the best position to know about it and do something about it are NOT from among the general public. They’re either people close to the investigation with specific information or experts of some sort who are asked or decide to get involved, like private investigators.

But again, it’s rare.

To throw open an investigation because the public is frustrated would be lunacy.

IMO the best thing the general public can do is get interested and yes, have discussions on sites like this as that keeps the pressure on and keeps the case in the public eye, and that could lead to more information coming out, real tips, etc.

It is sometimes true that the squeaky wheel gets the grease in these cases. But I’ve seen zero to indicate LE isn’t interested in this case and/or is not actively investigating in a thorough manner.

Have their been any indications of that at all in this case? What am I missing?

We are so grateful for your expertise here!

I think everyone that is “trying to help” has good intentions. I can see however that the aggressive “did you do this” would get bothersome and counterproductive. Instead of spending time solving the case, you are simply justifying your efforts to the general public.

I had an aha moment when I was reading the CD LV case yesterday. They are complete idiots and the things he posted on his FB are HUGE red flags. The secret BM interview is about his only public slip up. This simply means, this case may take longer but LE is working diligently behind the scenes. That case took 9 months and there are still only peripheral charges in place. We want this handled properly and justice served.

Thanks again!
"On June 10, investigators plan to conduct a community canvas in the county to contact residents and others to not only share information about Ms. Morphew’s disappearance, but also focus on obtaining any new information in her case. Nearly two dozen members of law enforcement will take part in this comprehensive effort on Wednesday." Suzanne Morphew update June 10 - Chaffee County Sheriff

I wonder if this is the request for saved surveillance video they said they'd be asking about.

I believe the previous request for residents to secure surveillance info is the perfect opening but I also appreciate that there was no huge public announcement for the community questioning by investigators. Nobody had time to abruptly leave town to avoid LE effort.

So appreciate this investigative team. MOO
IMO, it is pitiful that they have only conducted 10 large scale searches in 30 days. We know that 2 or 3 of the searches were digging concrete. If they are not going to search for Suzanne in the area she went missing, it would be appropriate to let volunteers search. Maybe some bounty hunters will start searching for her if the reward is available to them.

I know there is a $210k reward for “safe return”.

Do you have any theories about why family wouldn’t offer that money to bounty hunters?

As I mentioned in an earlier post, an ex of mine owns an irrigation and landscaping business. There is quite a lot of prep work with regards to the irrigation part; location, positioning and heights of each spray head, digging and numerous other things. If BM were installing plants/shrubs, borders etc, then the homeowner is 99% of the time going to be there to go over where they want the plants and such. If he was just throwing down some soil or mulch then there wouldn’t be much prep work at all and the owners may not be there. I don’t think many landscapers would load up a truck/trailer with supplies and leave it there overnight. MOO
We don’t know if it was a business or residence. If it was a small business or personal residence then I believe the owners would definitely know if he was there doing prep work on either Saturday or Sunday. I’m sure LE interviewed them very early on. MOO

Good post. I wonder what all is involved with "getting everything lined up" for a job that starts on Monday? I thought he implied he left Sunday ( that's how I interpreted his comments), possibly in the am. With Denver only 2 hours away, it seems odd to me that he would leave on Saturday as "getting things lined up" doesnt sound like a two day ordeal, JMO.

When I think of BM "getting a job lined up" I imagine he may have brought tools, equipment, digging machinery, etc. It makes me think he was preparing an explanation of why he may have been visually spotted with equipment (shovels, gravel, soil, etc,). Maybe he hauled a trailer to Denver and left it there. Possibly setting up a reasonable explanation if tools were notably missing from his home or one of his trailers was missing. But we all know the "workers" he mentions that were supposed to show up on Monday morning will be located and interviewed. I am so interested to hear the details of his alibi as we get deeper into this case.
I wonder if on their canvass they will be asking for the home surveillance footage they've asked residents to save.

Community canvass makes it sound, to me, like they are canvassing all people living in a certain area, not necessarily just people who know her. My only question is: do you think people will remember seeing someone they don't personally know four weeks later? I hope they are able to get something to go on or get whatever info they are after, but I worry about that.
It certainly sounds challenging IMO
I wonder if on their canvass they will be asking for the home surveillance footage they've asked residents to save.

Community canvass makes it sound, to me, like they are canvassing all people living in a certain area, not necessarily just people who know her. My only question is: do you think people will remember seeing someone they don't personally know four weeks later? I hope they are able to get something to go on or get whatever info they are after, but I worry about that.
I suspect that a key reason to include mention of canvassing "residents and others" in the community is to give a head up and normalize (for lack of a better word) that LE will be very visible in the area today. Per GordianKnot's earlier post, I too think this will be a very targeted process based on what they've learned over the past month since SM disappeared.
This sounds like a tactic LE might use to get information from one or two specific people, when they do not have the ability to call those people in to the station for questioning. The people they are wanting to talk to have information (and LE knows it) but are not forthcoming. The hope may be that someone close to those people also know something.

It's not fun to have police come to your door as part of a neighborhood canvasing effort. Most people, even if they've decided not to speak to the police, are in fact going to say something and most will realize the seriousness of not speaking the truth.

I sure do wonder what the questions might be. They have to have very specific questions in mind. I would guess that the questions all have to do with a particular person (who is clearly a POI even though that language is almost never used any more) and perhaps some associates - maybe also Suzanne herself and her daily life.

I wonder if they have a particular area in mind to start this fishing trip. Clearly, they think this is a local crime.
"On June 10, investigators plan to conduct a community canvas in the county to contact residents and others to not only share information about Ms. Morphew’s disappearance, but also focus on obtaining any new information in her case. Nearly two dozen members of law enforcement will take part in this comprehensive effort on Wednesday." Suzanne Morphew update June 10 - Chaffee County Sheriff

I wonder if this is the request for saved surveillance video they said they'd be asking about.

I'm guessing that's part of what they will ask. But I think they have some specific questions they want to ask of specific people.

I do think that LE has already talked to some residents at length. The video question is interesting because LE could have a theory (perhaps tips) about the behavior of someone in the community and they may be able to find video regarding his/her whereabouts not only from May 8-12, but also since then. It's not too late for most video systems.
I suspect that a key reason to include mention of canvassing "residents and others" in the community is to give a head up and normalize (for lack of a better word) that LE will be very visible in the area today. Per GordianKnot's earlier post, I too think this will be a very targeted process based on what they've learned over the past month since SM disappeared.

Good point. With a woman disappearing 4 weeks earlier, local people might be alarmed by sudden, unexplained heavy police visibility. I might jump to the conclusion that they think someone dangerous is on the loose in the neighborhood.

And yes, I believe they are seeking information to build on what they’ve learned. Specifically, I believe they are seeking information that will lead to finding SM...narrowing down when she was last seen, and the movements of a POI after that.

A couple interesting notes:

-10 large scale searches within the county. That is about 7-9 more searches than we knew about. I wonder how many small scale searches have occurred?
-10 large scale searches “within the county” along with the CBI and FBI involvement leads me to believe their are more searches that have occurred outside of the county given that they made that distinction in the PR.
-24 officers going around the community to share info is really, really interesting. I need to research what this strategy is intended to do, as I’m sure it’s not as straight forward as it sounds.
-Chances of information about the investigation leaking to reporting outlets will go up significantly now if members of the community have more info.

For better or worse, this is definitely going to be the case.

I'll betcha' BM is refreshing his Twitter feed continuously looking for a hint as to where and whose doors LE is knocking on, and what specific information they're asking about.

LE's press release today was a shot across the bow.


For better or worse, this is definitely true.

I'll betcha' BM is refreshing his Twitter feed continuously looking for a hint as to where and whose doors LE is knocking on, and what specific information they're asking about.

LE's press release today was a shot across the bow.

I agree. A cranking up of the old pressure...
IMO, it is pitiful that they have only conducted 10 large scale searches in 30 days. We know that 2 or 3 of the searches were digging concrete. If they are not going to search for Suzanne in the area she went missing, it would be appropriate to let volunteers search. Maybe some bounty hunters will start searching for her if the reward is available to them.
Bounty Hunter? Since they typically search for specific individuals, wouldnt that be assuming that a) Suzanne is alive and is a fugitive or b) a known fugitive has info regarding Suzanne. Sorry, if I missed it, but whats your working theory on this case. Im curious.
This sounds like a tactic LE might use to get information from one or two specific people, when they do not have the ability to call those people in to the station for questioning. The people they are wanting to talk to have information (and LE knows it) but are not forthcoming. The hope may be that someone close to those people also know something.

It's not fun to have police come to your door as part of a neighborhood canvasing effort. Most people, even if they've decided not to speak to the police, are in fact going to say something and most will realize the seriousness of not speaking the truth.

I sure do wonder what the questions might be. They have to have very specific questions in mind. I would guess that the questions all have to do with a particular person (who is clearly a POI even though that language is almost never used any more) and perhaps some associates - maybe also Suzanne herself and her daily life.

I wonder if they have a particular area in mind to start this fishing trip. Clearly, they think this is a local crime.
I had not thought of this is a strategy - well done! I think it is a strategy (canvassing at this point in time) but wasn't sure why - your post makes perfect sense to me. I think by now they have video, cell phone data, lab results, etc. and they are continuing to collect all the evidence necessary - as @riolove77 and @gitana1 have reminded us - it's one bite of the apple only. That bite needs to be pure poison for whoever hurt her.

That isn't what BM said to TD in that video, though.

Here's what he said:

So we went to ... they called my neighbors. And said listen, it's Mother's Day, I'm a little worried and will you go check the house? And the neighbor went and checked the house. Saw that her car was there but the bike was gone. She called me in Denver and said, "Hey, we're just a little worried." And I go, "Well, I am too. Why don't we just call the police, just to be safe?"

In BM's version, the sequence of events goes as follows:

We went to ___>>
His daughters calls the neighbor(s) >>
The neighbor goes over to the house>>
The neighbor calls BM>>
BM suggests that the royal "we" should call the police.

* Speculation only: Trying to fill in the blank after "we went to ___," I think it's all about BM talking to his daughters on the phone to find out what their ETA was for arriving home, finding out they were running late, and BM going to Plan B.

"We went to ___."

"We" went to Plan B.

Could this have been his original plan?

The daughters come home early (on time) > They find Mom not at home > They call Mom, no answer > They call Dad > Frantic dad returns home in a hurry > We went to ____

We as in BM and the girls.
____ = to look for Mom, We searched bike trail, found her abandoned bike.
No mention of bike ride.

Reported missing on May 10. Not missing since May 10.

IMO, the Mother’s Day story is bogus, and LE knows it. They are canvassing to selectively share findings and nail down a true missing date. That may help them locate SM, looking at someone’s digital footprint from than day.


I hope she is located soon.
Excellent observation.
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