Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #16

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IMO he did, and none of us know how he grieves when he is alone, respectfully, he has not been named even a POI, much less a suspect. We have no basis to compare him w/ PF or CW, I prefer to compare him w/ AS. Al’s love for Gannon is my comparison. W/ o Landen, how would he have handled a video. Do we even know what AS sounds like?
My point isn’t to bash AS, simply this; we have no prior knowledge, video wise to base our speculations, do we? Those who know him best may see him as an extremely distressed man.
I am not going to defend my perceptions today, I am looking for the real Bad Guy. So forgive me if I am grumpy, I have reviewed Charley Project pages and pages of the saddest stories. I have only found one current person that matches Suzanne. She is too close to be ignored, but there ARE more similar old cold cases never solved. True the majority of today’s cases are younger, and risk factors much different.
The one I found, Holly Alcott White, I have set aside.
Truthfully, though, I expect this is a slight acquaintance of the Ms, just not her husband.
I’ll concede when they charge him, not before...respectfully, JMVHO
Respectfully, I just cannot compare BM’s “love” for SM with AS’s undying love for his son. Maybe that’s just me. I lost a beloved adult son to cancer (can’t imagine what AS and LH are going through) and as much as this may sound cold to some, while losing my husband would be very hard, I just don’t think it would compare. My mother has lots of German sayings, one of which is, “A husband falls from your side, a child from your heart.” There is NO love greater than the love of a parent for their child. JMHO
I was actually responding to the other members post, sorry you misunderstood.
I know you were but you've said it before too, before your reply.
What I'm saying is that all opinions are very much appreciated and how it doesn't matter if, in the end, anyone's right or wrong.
I know we are all here because we care about SM's case and want the same thing. :)
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I am so happy your daughter is safe. I had to skip to the end of your story to see if you found her or not. So many are not found and at least you had a happy ending.

We were very lucky. And the fact of the matter is that I completely forgot about her going on this outing and created the situation. Even so, the terror you feel when you think your child is missing is not something I would wish on anyone.
Well, as of 12/31/2018, the net assets of the SUZANNE R MORPHEW HOPE FOUNDATION INC were $6,680, per the charity's Form 990EZ. That's the latest filed 990 that I could find for her charity: 462059221_201812_990EZ_2019110816833722 (3).pdf

I saw that too, with assistance :cool:. Wouldn't those assets be after expenditures, though? Also, we don't know if there has been more activity since the filing and I've no idea how quickly they update.
Well, as of 12/31/2018, the net assets of the SUZANNE R MORPHEW HOPE FOUNDATION INC were $6,680, per the charity's Form 990EZ. That's the latest filed 990 that I could find for her charity: 462059221_201812_990EZ_2019110816833722 (3).pdf

"Assets" are everything of value that belongs to the charity. Office furniture, petty cash in a safe box in the desk, pens, paper, computer, printer, prepaid postage, etc are all assets. A charity generally accepts donations on the back side, and makes donations on the front side. "Assets" of a charity have nothing to do with that cash flow. IMO
It might be a fruitful discussion to pretend for the moment BM is innocent, and ask these 2 questions about possible scenarios:

1. What would the behavior of LE be?
2. What would the behavior of BM be?

Scenario: Accident or animal attack.

Scenario: Random abduction.

Scenario: Planned. Jealousy, revenge, someone close to BM, SM or both.

I like these questions and thinking about them.

I am always attracted to animal predation theories, because somehow I got into studying animal-human interactions in the wild. But, in this case, I do not think that happened. There would in fact be signs of that.

I'd add one scenario (suicide). However, it has some of the same difficulties as the animal attack theory. She would have been found by now.

SO, it's either a murder or an abduction (followed by who knows what).

Now, to question 1. It's possible LE is following a couple of theories as this unfolds. We won't hear anything about any of them. But if they suspected an abduction by a person outside the immediate area, they would surely alert the public. So far, they must not evidence of that, but instead many other leads that are local that they are still following. Since we don't know exactly what LE has done (but I believe they've made an effort to talk to nearly every adult citizen of the Salida/Maysville area), it's hard to know what they would change. As far as we know, they haven't searched any residence except the Morphew residence. Could they have found evidence that shows Suzanne had relationships outside Salida that could have something to do with the case? We wouldn't know. The FBI actually knew that Letecia Stauch had gone along a certain route leaving Colorado and field offices all along that route were alerted or otherwise involved in that case. They knew she was going to return a rental car on a certain date and were there to intercept/arrest her so as not to do it at the residence she shared with her daughter and so as to have an element of surprise and avoid any suicide or homicide attempts.

So, if there is a viable "other suspect," LE has done nothing to indicate that, they've only focused on BM, as we all know. But there could be other suspects.

2. This is just basically asking our opinion on what we think we would do if our spouse went missing and the differences that we see generally between people who end up being found guilty and those who are not. If I truly had no idea what had happened, I would certainly consider "animal attack" and would put all my resources into trackers and animal behavior experts to rule that out. If I thought it was abduction, I'd rent a billboard (as has happened in other cases of this type where the family/community has resources to do so). If local laws forbid that kind of signage, I'd have detailed posters (like the ones we often see here for missing people) with every bit of information I could get out. I'd be at his last known location searching, daily, and would organize searches myself. I would have USGS maps of the region, I would use parts of those maps to engage people in more searches.

I'd cooperate as fully as possible with LE (through an attorney, for various reasons) and I'd expect LE to give me details such as exactly where they searched, so that I could continue searching once SAR teams were done with their thing. I'd be at the actual police station daily and I would expect the head of that organization to meet with me regularly or I'd be going as wide as possible with my criticism of local police (for their failure to see me regularly, I would not expect to know everything, but I would expect regular contact). If my husband disappeared on a local bike trail, I'd personally talk to as many bicyclists as possible, hoping they'd see a clue. I would have a website devoted to what I found. I'd be here on WS asking for help. I'd be everywhere I could be, asking for help. I'd raise money for one of those smart drone searches (I probably would need to, not sure we could afford it on our own).

If he was missing for a month, I'd need to memorialize the last spot I thought he was by leaving some flowers, getting together with family at that spot, probably inviting the community to that spot after a couple of months. I think by then, if LE had turned up no evidence of foul play, I'd consider his disappearance to be a wilderness misadventure, and I would continue to ask help from locals who frequent the backcountry. But my posters would use every bit of digital data at my disposal to give possible searchers an idea of where my husband went missing and what his typical habits were. LE would not be able to stop me from doing that. Naturally, I'd give LE all the information I possibly could.
Actually I haven't missed any of it. I have a second home not far from there, have engaged with the daughters in the past, and have followed this case from the beginning.

I'm not feeling guilt or exoneration and neither is the community. They don't seem to know what to feel.

So...what is your impression of the state of the economy in Chaffee County right now? Are there people out of work? Are people having to compete for work, given the collapse of travel and tourism? Is it really true that some people are camping out due to homelessness (temporary or otherwise)? Would you personally feel safe (for example) going 5 miles off road on a hike - or bike ride? Have you heard about those boards with the nails in them that were found on mountain bike trails near Salida?

Sorry for all the questions, any impressions of this overall situation would be much appreciated.
I like these questions and thinking about them.

I am always attracted to animal predation theories, because somehow I got into studying animal-human interactions in the wild. But, in this case, I do not think that happened. There would in fact be signs of that.

I'd add one scenario (suicide). However, it has some of the same difficulties as the animal attack theory. She would have been found by now.

SO, it's either a murder or an abduction (followed by who knows what).

Now, to question 1. It's possible LE is following a couple of theories as this unfolds. We won't hear anything about any of them. But if they suspected an abduction by a person outside the immediate area, they would surely alert the public. So far, they must not evidence of that, but instead many other leads that are local that they are still following. Since we don't know exactly what LE has done (but I believe they've made an effort to talk to nearly every adult citizen of the Salida/Maysville area), it's hard to know what they would change. As far as we know, they haven't searched any residence except the Morphew residence. Could they have found evidence that shows Suzanne had relationships outside Salida that could have something to do with the case? We wouldn't know. The FBI actually knew that Letecia Stauch had gone along a certain route leaving Colorado and field offices all along that route were alerted or otherwise involved in that case. They knew she was going to return a rental car on a certain date and were there to intercept/arrest her so as not to do it at the residence she shared with her daughter and so as to have an element of surprise and avoid any suicide or homicide attempts.

So, if there is a viable "other suspect," LE has done nothing to indicate that, they've only focused on BM, as we all know. But there could be other suspects.

2. This is just basically asking our opinion on what we think we would do if our spouse went missing and the differences that we see generally between people who end up being found guilty and those who are not. If I truly had no idea what had happened, I would certainly consider "animal attack" and would put all my resources into trackers and animal behavior experts to rule that out. If I thought it was abduction, I'd rent a billboard (as has happened in other cases of this type where the family/community has resources to do so). If local laws forbid that kind of signage, I'd have detailed posters (like the ones we often see here for missing people) with every bit of information I could get out. I'd be at his last known location searching, daily, and would organize searches myself. I would have USGS maps of the region, I would use parts of those maps to engage people in more searches.

I'd cooperate as fully as possible with LE (through an attorney, for various reasons) and I'd expect LE to give me details such as exactly where they searched, so that I could continue searching once SAR teams were done with their thing. I'd be at the actual police station daily and I would expect the head of that organization to meet with me regularly or I'd be going as wide as possible with my criticism of local police (for their failure to see me regularly, I would not expect to know everything, but I would expect regular contact). If my husband disappeared on a local bike trail, I'd personally talk to as many bicyclists as possible, hoping they'd see a clue. I would have a website devoted to what I found. I'd be here on WS asking for help. I'd be everywhere I could be, asking for help. I'd raise money for one of those smart drone searches (I probably would need to, not sure we could afford it on our own).

If he was missing for a month, I'd need to memorialize the last spot I thought he was by leaving some flowers, getting together with family at that spot, probably inviting the community to that spot after a couple of months. I think by then, if LE had turned up no evidence of foul play, I'd consider his disappearance to be a wilderness misadventure, and I would continue to ask help from locals who frequent the backcountry. But my posters would use every bit of digital data at my disposal to give possible searchers an idea of where my husband went missing and what his typical habits were. LE would not be able to stop me from doing that. Naturally, I'd give LE all the information I possibly could.
Nicely stated analysis.
If I were in that position, and innocent, I wouldn't let go of the mountain lion. It's possible, but not probable. Yet if it did happen, it's a quick. merciful way to die. IMO
IMO, Any distancing there was an attempt to deal w/ a horrible reality, or simply not wanting to discuss SM w/ total stranger.
I just had a thought, perhaps BM actually reminds me of MY father, deceased since 1982. Nobody in town would even for one second think him guilty! He would be absolutely horrible in front of a camera, yet I absolutely know he adored my mother.
He wouldn’t know how to make himself look less guilty...recently found a px of my mother, “all my love ...”
He could have simply said: "No I'm not discussing my wife with a total stranger."

But he didn't....
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The homeowner(s) are not sleuthable under TOS and therefore not up for discussion. Move past that discussion on the thread please.

As always, members may discuss via private conversation where up to 20 members may be added to the private discussion.
All references to missing persons under Colorado statue are contained in Section 16 - Criminal Procedure. It was safe to call it a criminal investigation at 5:47 pm on May 10, 2020 when the 911 call was answered. As long as it's a missing person case, it will still be safe to also call it a criminal investigation. Same-o Same-o, IMO, IANAL

I’m not sure what you’re talking about? Rule 16 of the Colorado Rules of Criminal Procedure has to do with discovery rules prior to trial in a criminal case:

Rule 16 - Discovery and Procedure Before Trial, Colo. R. Crim. P. 16 | Casetext Search + Citator
I’m on the fence a bit about this. I tend to think they didn’t find anything either. What I find perplexing is that out of that whole slab, the search was very concentrated. We have that one section cut out, then 3 days of sifting dirt. Why was the search so precise? What did they expect to find? Why, if they didn’t find anything in the first hole, wouldn’t they have enlarged the hole or checked another area under the slab?

Any guesses?
Posts have been removed.

The homeowner(s) are not sleuthable under TOS and therefore not up for discussion. Move past that discussion on the thread please.

As always, members may discuss via private conversation where up to 20 members may be added to the private discussion.

Oh sure, I see this after I try and decipher what the heck is/isn't being said, lol. That's fine, I'm all about moving past that discussion. :)
al66pine said:
Why were CBI & FBI brought in so quickly?
Many posts asked about ^ . I have no basis for wondering if SM & BM were living in separate homes. I recall in other cases, when one of a married couple living in separate homes has gone missing, that 'living separately' stoked LE's investigation. If, a big IF, that was true, it would tend to support local LE's seeking assistance from state & federal agencies.
I doubt if WS ToS allow any further discussion. Just my 2 cts. ^^bbm

I remember how odd it was that the first news articles I read referred to the house as "her" house.

I believe @al66pine does have a basis to wonder if the couple was living apart. As early as May 14, Nephew TN refused to answer who SM lived with when asked directly.

To my knowledge, LE has never confirmed anything about the couples living arrangement.

Family offers $200k reward for missing woman’s ‘safe return, no questions asked’

May 14, 2020

Noel said Suzanne’s husband put out a reward of $100,000 and a family friend has matched the amount, totaling $200,000 for her safe return. [..]
Noel declined to comment if Suzanne had children or who she lived with. No further details were provided. [..] A ******** page has been created to support the family and search efforts.
al66pine said:
Why were CBI & FBI brought in so quickly?
Many posts asked about ^ . I have no basis for wondering if SM & BM were living in separate homes. I recall in other cases, when one of a married couple living in separate homes has gone missing, that 'living separately' stoked LE's investigation. If, a big IF, that was true, it would tend to support local LE's seeking assistance from state & federal agencies.
I doubt if WS ToS allow any further discussion. Just my 2 cts. ^^bbm

I believe @al66pine does have a basis to wonder if the couple was living apart. As early as May 14, Nephew TN refused to answer who SM lived with when asked directly.

To my knowledge, LE has never confirmed anything about the couples living arrangement.

Family offers $200k reward for missing woman’s ‘safe return, no questions asked’

May 14, 2020

Noel said Suzanne’s husband put out a reward of $100,000 and a family friend has matched the amount, totaling $200,000 for her safe return. [..]
Noel declined to comment if Suzanne had children or who she lived with. No further details were provided. [..] A ******** page has been created to support the family and search efforts.

There's a strong possibility that Noel didn't want to get into where the daughters were living but that's not to say that we know where the spouses were residing at the time of her disappearance.
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