Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #16

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IMO, works if you know it is a kidnapping, at least for me.
Reward fund offering $172,000 for Mollie Tibbetts' safe return
In contrast to MT's reward fund, set up and administered by Crimestoppers and a bank so we know the money is actual and real - compare that to this reward offer. It was not done with the support of crimestoppers or a local bank - there is no money held in escrow that we are aware of - so in my mind, it's a nothing reward. I could have done the same thing for her safe return. The question is why ? I think I know the answer to that but I respect your opinion too. I hope I'm wrong and she is safely returned and the $210,000 is paid out to whoever held her hostage. But I really don't think I am. We both will see eventually (I hope). It's good to have different viewpoints.
I understand it was a general discussion regarding transparency. I also understand (and agree) that Mr. Morphew is being treated as suspect, or at least was at one time. I'm not talking about Mr. Morphew either; I was just making some generalized comments to follow up.

In this specific instance, I don't necessarily agree that his silence says "prove it;" his silence could simply be his compliance with LE requests. I simply think we don't have the necessary information to make the determination some have, although I certainly understand why others want to/have done so. Namely, whether law enforcement told him to shut his hole or not.
Whether BM is still the prime suspect, he certainly was early on as you say.

It also possible that LE is now onto someone else who is very close to the family.

LE is clearly treating this as a homicide investigation and not so much like a lost or abducted missing person.
It is so bizarre. So bizarre. The words "extended family" jumped straight out at me. Since TN is supposedly skilled in publicity, what could he possibly mean by using "extended"? Why not "the whole family" or "Suzanne's family and friends"? Usually when we use the words "extended family" we are referring to family members who are not in the immediate core of the family -- the great aunts, the cousins, nieces and nephews, etc. What could possibly be the purpose of using that phrase in this crafted update? It sounds like TN is leaving out BM and the daughters! What the heck? Is this just an inadvertent mistake? Am I reading too much into this?
I see it as a way to distance himself from the immediate family.
I understand it was a general discussion regarding transparency. I also understand (and agree) that Mr. Morphew is being treated as suspect, or at least was at one time. I'm not talking about Mr. Morphew either; I was just making some generalized comments to follow up.

In this specific instance, I don't necessarily agree that his silence says "prove it;" his silence could simply be his compliance with LE requests. I simply think we don't have the necessary information to make the determination some have, although I certainly understand why others want to/have done so. Namely, whether law enforcement told him to shut his hole or not.
Law enforcement is looking at him, so they probably aren’t going to recommend family and friends get in front of the cameras and keep this case in the news.

If he believes his wife was abducted, then it’s probable he’s the only one. It’s on him to do his part, because law enforcement isn’t going to encourage all the things they would normally do encourage someone in his position to do.

I cannot imagine them telling him to keep his mouth shut, or any innocent person complying in the unlikely event that did happen.

To this day, I’ve never seen an innocent person behave this way.
I understand it was a general discussion regarding transparency. I also understand (and agree) that Mr. Morphew is being treated as suspect, or at least was at one time. I'm not talking about Mr. Morphew either; I was just making some generalized comments to follow up.

In this specific instance, I don't necessarily agree that his silence says "prove it;" his silence could simply be his compliance with LE requests. I simply think we don't have the necessary information to make the determination some have, although I certainly understand why others want to/have done so. Namely, whether law enforcement told him to shut his hole or not.
Have to say I'm curious if LE told BM anything at all, or are just letting him sweat it out.

Wonder what LE thought about BM's spontaneous interview with TD ? ;)

I hesitate to call it a 'surprise' as I'm doubting TD just happened to come across BM by the road....
This was a general discussion in regards to being completely transparent. It was not based on the level of cooperation here (as we don’t know what that was).

I think it’s more than clear that BM is the prime suspect in what is in reality, a homicide investigation. His silence makes perfect sense, as he can only hurt himself by speaking out.

He’s saying “prove it.”



Generally speaking, if one is innocent, the best thing one can do to assist in the search for a missing loved one is to give LE the information they need to move on to more fruitful lines of inquiry.

If an immediate family member of mine ever went missing, I would certainly hope that my first instinct would NOT be to say to LE, "Listen, I'd love to help you guys out, but even though I'm completely innocent of having any involvement in their disappearance, I'm going to need to retain an attorney first, on account of, you know, I know my rights and stuff."

I understand a defense attorney making the case for innocent people always needing to get an attorney before talking to LE.

It's job security for defense attorneys if everyone does that.

But if I'm innocent, I'm talking to LE and telling them everything I can that might possibly help them find my loved one.

Every minute I prolong LE's focus on me and my movements is one more minute I'm delaying discovery of my loved one.

I can worry about LE stitching me up for the crime down the road.
Or something.


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I did not believe BM was responsible when SM first went missing. I have been surprised here enough times by how things have turned out. As time passed, between the odd plea, the disconnect between BM & LE, the jobsite search, the TD videos, TN stepping away as a family spokesperson, the complete silence of family, well I could go on and on. Too many arrows point in one direction.

I will only believe in one other alternate theory-and chances of this one are slim to none, but as I said, sometimes I am surprised. With the jobsite search, could it be a worker that knew SM? Knew BM would be out of town? Knew that the girls were away? I am not putting much stock in it, but I am trying to think outside the box and give a huge benefit of the doubt. Still going with BM, but...
I think your alternate theory would make more sense if and only if:
- Both BM and the alternate perpetrator benefitted if SM is gone.
- BM does not want the alternate perpetrator to get caught.

Then all the weirdness from BM we've been seeing make sense.
One of the key differences here is that BM came out and offered a 100k reward for the safe return of SM.

AS didn't offer a 100k reward, likely because he knew in good conscience he couldn't actually fulfill that promise if someone did find GS.

If one has 100k at one's personal disposal to offer as a reward, one doesn't need to be seeking handouts from strangers for food and shelter.

It would have been much more conscionable for BM to use his 100k to pay for food, shelter, etc. for family members and set up a crowd-funding account to offer a reward for SM's safe return.

This is unseemly, at best.

Respectfully, IIRC not only Al, all of us, LE of course, Joe Public knew very quickly, AS didn’t need to offer reward for safe return. I am not trying to be funny, but I can’t help myself when thinking of Letecia. She continues to amuse.

Last thought, AS didn’t need to use reward for tips, either. Everyone wanted to bring Gannon home.
Law enforcement is looking at him, so they probably aren’t going to recommend family and friends get in front of the cameras and keep this case in the news.

If he believes his wife was abducted, then it’s probable he’s the only one. It’s on him to do his part, because law enforcement isn’t going to encourage all the things they would normally do encourage someone in his position to do.

I cannot imagine them telling him to keep his mouth shut, or any innocent person complying in the unlikely event that did happen.

To this day, I’ve never seen an innocent person behave this way.

However, law enforcement told Mrs. Morphew's side of the family to do just that, to keep their mouth's shut. If we are to believe Ms. Lauren Scharf, as she announced in this vid:

Maybe they told Mr. Morphew (and his side of the family) to do the exact same? I don't know. I don't have that information.

P.S. I think Ms. Scharf is excellent :)
Have to say I'm curious if LE told BM anything at all, or are just letting him sweat it out.

Wonder what LE thought about BM's spontaneous interview with TD ? ;)

I hesitate to call it a 'surprise' as I'm doubting TD just happened to come across BM by the road....

Yeah, an up-and-coming YouTuber who just happens to want to start a true crime channel, simply bumped into him...that happened :p
This was a general discussion in regards to being completely transparent. It was not based on the level of cooperation here (as we don’t know what that was).

I think it’s more than clear that BM is the prime suspect in what is in reality, a homicide investigation. His silence makes perfect sense, as he can only hurt himself by speaking out.

He’s saying “prove it.”

I 100% agree. I'm pretty sure that 'Dad with a phone' is permitted on WS, as another commenter posted the video, and he did an interview with Lauren Scharf of Fox21 news on 6/6, if you haven't seen it.
Can that be discussed? She addressed LE asking Suzanne's family about staying quiet, among other interesting tidbits.
We have heard nothing as to LE asking BM or his family to remain silent.
When something becomes 'usual' or accepted that it's the norm, we tend to throw it by the wayside but it's glaring me in the face how BM hasn't reached out to media.
Some continue to suppose he's been gagged, even as a suggestion by LE.
I don't believe that for a second.

As for the give me fund, I suspect that they're not immune to reading social media. Many have criticized TN's use of language by calling himself Suzanne's nephew and the many changes of beneficiary/accountant of the funds. Could be the reason for the wording in today's update.
Hey Everyone,

Checking in to see if there is one iota of a morsel of new information on Suzanne's case. Unless I am missing something there is nothing new right?

I do not get the silence. From Barry, the kids, LE, everybody. This case is going coooooold.

Thank you,

@riolove77 said:

I want to make a general point of saying that this case is nowhere near cold.

Folks, we don't even refer to a case as cold until it's hitting the six month point. This is, what, under three weeks old?

I think people are equating a lack of info from LE as them not having any. Quite the contrary - often when police and prosecutors aren't talking, it's because they have so much to say that they can't or won't. Trust me - I know.

CO - CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #9
If an immediate family of mine ever went missing, I would certainly hope that my first instinct would NOT be to say to LE, "Listen, I'd love to help you guys out, but even though I'm completely innocent of having any involvement in their disappearance, I'm going to need to retain an attorney first, on account of, you know, I know my rights and stuff."

I understand a defense attorney making the case for innocent people always needing to get an attorney before talking to LE.

It's job security for defense attorneys if everyone does that.

But if I'm innocent, I'm talking to LE and telling them everything I can that might possibly help them find my loved one.

Every minute I prolong LE's focus on me and my movements is one more minute I'm delaying discovery of my loved one.

I can worry about LE stitching me up for the crime down the road.
Or something.



@GordianKnot, I hope you don't mind the snip for focus.

I practice primarily med mal defense. One of my favorite attorneys and best friends is one of my "foes." A dirty, ambulance-chasing, cheating, lying Plaintiff's attorney :p. Why mention this?

These conditions between law enforcement and suspect in practice are generally much more nuanced. Defense lawyers know D.A.'s, go have beers together, discuss their client's issues with each other "off the record", etc.... If one is innocent, has a lawyer, and wishes to pass information to police on, there are ways. It isn't totally adversarial. D.A.'s and defense attorneys don't shoot each other down in public at the mere sight of each other.

Also, it's not just job security for defense attorneys to advise criminal clients this way. Police enforce laws. That is their job. It is to make sure the stuff lawyers write down in code is being followed. When it is not, it is their job to gather information pertinent to a prosecution of a breach of those laws. Enforcing laws. As a suspect, they are not your friend. They are gathering info to put you in the slammer, no two ways about it. That's ok, and what as a citizen I expect from my LE. That is, by definition, their job. It is what it is.

A defense attorney's role in this process is to make sure that the LE are playing by the rules. If that involves telling a client to shut up and step back/don't comply, so be it. It is what it is.

Checks and balances, and necessary to have a healthy judicial and executive system.
I don't believe that was planned. TD is an affable kind of non-threatening guy. He disarms people and they let him in.

I agree.

This may be one of the few scenes surrounding SM's disappearance that wasn't staged.

I don't think BM planned to encounter TD that day.

I do think it ended up being a case of mutual usury.

TD got his big scoop, and BM got a chance to recount his version of events to a member of the public.

While both parties apparently saw and seized upon an opportunity to use the other, I'm not sure it ended up benefiting both of them.

In fact, I see that interview as being highly disadvantageous to one of them.

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I gotta say I am SHOCKED at the family's lack of involvement in the case. No appearances no information. I don't know what to think. This is not adding up as a normal missing person or even abduction case. I don't know what this is anymore. Middle aged woman married 30 plus years has 2 kids just vanishes and the family has nothing to say? What is this really?
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