Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #17

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I kinda doubt BM waited until he might have needed to get rid of SM body before he planned on how to do it. If BM decided on needing a grave he most likely dug it at least a month prior to SM disappearing. He would have given himself plenty of time for that chore. Even if he filled it back in he would have very loose dirt when the time came. So I'm thinking if there is a grave site it's on a remote property he was aware of.
I have three thoughts that I am struggling to understand..
1. Who were the friends who offered an additional $100K and $10K? All sorts of thoughts come to mind both good and bad.
2. Why would LE not share with BM the condition of the bike or the personal item found on the first night? This was mentioned in the “Dad with a phone video”.
3. Why did BM a big game hunter jump on the cat theory when he knows that it would be impossible for a mountain lion to attack her, cleanly pick her up and carry her away without a trace of evidence, and knows that he would be ridiculed for such a suggestion?
Aside, I have seen reports that LE requested or ordered a warrant to take BM truck gps data later on in the investigation. I was trying to find the WS post.
IMO, BM's nephew pushed him to make this video. He should have been just interviewed and said "I don't know what happened or where she is, it's up to LE, FBI and CBI to find out". (end of story)
I believe there is some truth to that but I also think he was reluctant to answer difficult questions that the media would have asked him. The nephew probably thought something was better than nothing.
:eek: Hello? If it’s hello, that really bothers me. Ugh. I get the impression that he’s either blaming her with the “Oh Suzanne... I told you not to go bike riding alone ... I warned you about the dangers” OR “Hello, Suzanne... why did you run away and leave ‘your girls’ ... they need you.”
I’ve considered that he should naturally be trying to figure out what happened to her IF he was innocent ... but the contradictions in his scenarios don’t make sense.
For example, if he thought she left on her own, why call 911 immediately? I think he might have expected LE to say they needed to wait 24 hours because SM was an adult.
Was anyone else surprised that they responded so quickly?
And, since BM is an avid hunter - he knows the big cat scenario isn’t very plausible.
And ...surely he realizes IF she wrecked her bike or was struck by a vehicle and wandered into the river that the dogs would have followed her scent.
It’s like he’s “playing dumb.”
But, he mentions the rain washing away tracks. IIRC I looked that up, and it was a minuscule amount that wasn’t even recorded in Almanac...
I would love to know IF rain was in the forecast for that weekend ... is there any way to check that kind of stuff?
If he had been told they must wait 24 hours and the area got a good rain shower the next morning... his “scenarios” might sound much more possible.
I’m going in circles... aren’t I?
Here is a quick Colorado mountain rainstorm.........lasting exactly 2:03. There are 22 seconds of beautiful mountain sunset at the end, which has nothing to do with the rainstorm but was apparently just too cool to leave out. My estimation that this rainstorm is perhaps a little heavier than average, and note that it is taken in July, as opposed to May. IMO
Please bear in mind that Susan Constantine also analyzed Wayne Cheney in the Mollie Tibbetts case:

If you listen to him when he’s talking, he’s talking about how it’s affecting himself,” Constantine said. “He’s not at all concerned about what happened to the victim.”

Constantine also touched on Cheney’s body language during the interview, which to her, seemed to be movements of deception.

“He has this increased anxiety, which is causing all these physiological responses of itching the ears to adjusting his glasses, to stroking his hair, to, you know, crossing his arms and uncrossing them. So what happens is that, when you’re under anxiety, it increases blood flow and causes irritation to his capillaries. Those are all deceptive indicators.”

Cheney had nothing to do with Mollie's killing. Rivera confessed to her kidnapping and killing (but ultimately pled Not Guilty and trial process is ongoing).
But she was actually right about Cheney being deceptive, wasn’t she? He told media IIRC that he only had one charge against him and he made it sound like it was just a minor issue with an ex-girlfriend, when in fact he has a long rap sheet with charges that he obviously thought he could “deceptively” hide from reporters or he was intentionally being deceptive when speaking to reporters. Either way, that boy was being deceptive and Constantine saw it. Jmo.
Here is a quick Colorado mountain rainstorm.........lasting exactly 2:03. There are 22 seconds of beautiful mountain sunset at the end, which has nothing to do with the rainstorm but was apparently just too cool to leave out. My estimation that this rainstorm is perhaps a little heavier than average, and note that it is taken in July, as opposed to May. IMO

There is no weather reporting specifically for Monarch Pass. The National Weather Service includes it in the Grand Junction weather area. The driving distance from SM's home to the Grand Junction Airport is 176 miles, and there is a difference in elevation of 4,586 feet. Google search offers Salida weather as an alternative, which is actually the Pueblo airport, 114 road miles away and 4,055 feet elevation difference (welcome to the real west, where you can truly feel the world is getting along just fine without you) IMO
Grand Junction Airport:
National Weather Service
Pueblo Airport:
National Weather Service
I never saw what a funding page has to do with an investigation, anyway. If offering $210,000 in rewards to solicit less than $40,000 in contributions was a plot, the schemers need to take some refresher math classes IMO
BM only offered a $100k of that amount for SAFE RETURN.
Do we have ANY known cases where an abductor received reward money after safely returning a victim?
As far as the setting up of the Gimme Fund, I still don’t understand how anyone in this family thought it was the right thing to do, unless they are really really bad at math.
It is simple to calculate that this family did not need funding. BM may be innocent of murder but he’s definitely guilty of being an opportunist and exploiting this situation. JMO.
I believe there is some truth to that but I also think he was reluctant to answer difficult questions that the media would have asked him. The nephew probably thought something was better than nothing.
Exactly - like others we’ve seen the media shouts out questions like “Did you kill _____? Or Where is _______s body? Etc”
Best to stay away and not have to take those kinds of questions
7 weeks today we found out she was missing - I also think it was May 8/9 IMO
I'm guessing that he had his phone on Mother's Day but not the day before, wink, wink. Moo
All he actually had to do was leave his phone at home with her phone ... while he ran a few errands in the middle of the night ...
the day BEFORE (or even the day before that) anyone noticed SM was missing.
I would think that Covid restrictions should have kept them both somewhat isolated that weekend with no worries of visitors and with the girls gone on their camping trip - 9 hours away - I wouldn’t think there was any concern about them showing up, either.
IMO, BM's nephew pushed him to make this video. He should have been just interviewed and said "I don't know what happened or where she is, it's up to LE, FBI and CBI to find out". (end of story)
I don't think he would have allowed the media to interview him.

I think at one time the nephew posted something asking people to get busy at their computers to spread the word quickly to as many people as possible that she was missing. Maybe BM thought that would be the best way to reach many people quickly so he decided on SM as opposed to MSM. He also had the advantage of a controlled environment.

From the beginning I think BM has not been on the same page with LE and I don't think he is a fan of the media, either.
I have three thoughts that I am struggling to understand..
1. Who were the friends who offered an additional $100K and $10K? All sorts of thoughts come to mind both good and bad.
2. Why would LE not share with BM the condition of the bike or the personal item found on the first night? This was mentioned in the “Dad with a phone video”.
3. Why did BM a big game hunter jump on the cat theory when he knows that it would be impossible for a mountain lion to attack her, cleanly pick her up and carry her away without a trace of evidence, and knows that he would be ridiculed for such a suggestion?
Aside, I have seen reports that LE requested or ordered a warrant to take BM truck gps data later on in the investigation. I was trying to find the WS post.

1. The donor friends’ identities are private, but I’m not at all surprised by these donations or amounts. Wealthy people have homes in these areas. I have a family member that lives in a similar area, and she’s indeed made some very wealthy (and, in some cases, well known) close friends. Some are wealthy simply because the family invested in big acreage decades ago.

2. I’m also curious about the bike. My gut feeling is they wouldn’t share the info because they were looking into BM as a POI. Maybe he would “trip up” and reveal something he shouldn’t know.

3. The cat theory is so strange. Could be a desperate husband seeking any possible answer in his wife’s disappearance. I might not be very reasonable if my loved one was missing.

Yes, that whole thing seemed really odd.

Why not just speak to the press, on TV, being flanked by your daughters, and ask millions of viewers for help finding your missing wife? It would be so much more credible. JMO
IMO, there was that question, why Suzanne? At the beginning, there was a shred of doubt that it might have been mistaken identity. Why “protect” them? I certainly wouldn’t have put the daughters up there.
I go there a lot for white water rafting type has very bad areas. Just like Co Springs. In fact the whitewater rafting festival is nearby..coming up in August this year so I will be attending. I would not go out after dark alone...but that's just me.
I'm reminded of that song: whatever the title the lyrics are: 'it never rains in southern califronia'

Any way - I just happened to be there that weekend - cruising up & down Buena Vista & the friendly folk in Salida....another 'adventure' lol

The Arkansas was flowing, but not crazy or dangerously high....plenty of snow still not melted off & passes closed...

But, no: I'd imagine no 'frozen' ground to dig.....

But then, when you've the equipment & man power & excuses (just for work) - BM had/has: no need for ground to be frozen or thawed....

I don’t think he used his equipment, that would be stupid, imo, and I don’t think BM is stupid, no matter how dumb he acts on camera. Using his equipment would draw too much attention - just by transporting it to a dig location. I don’t think she’s far from her home, which may be why BM wants to move away from that location IF that is his intent with the purchase of the 2 acres.
Since the ground never freezes (thanks @Dave F. for that info) I personally know that someone experienced at landscaping/dirt work has plenty of experience digging holes by hand as well as with machines. My husband does dirt work and we have several of those “digger” whatchamacallits aka backhoe and excavator. ;)
I have three thoughts that I am struggling to understand..
1. Who were the friends who offered an additional $100K and $10K? All sorts of thoughts come to mind both good and bad.
2. Why would LE not share with BM the condition of the bike or the personal item found on the first night? This was mentioned in the “Dad with a phone video”.
3. Why did BM a big game hunter jump on the cat theory when he knows that it would be impossible for a mountain lion to attack her, cleanly pick her up and carry her away without a trace of evidence, and knows that he would be ridiculed for such a suggestion?
Aside, I have seen reports that LE requested or ordered a warrant to take BM truck gps data later on in the investigation. I was trying to find the WS post.

1. Friends: we don't know, as it's not been made public. It's either folks who believe BM is entirely innocent of SM's disappearance, or folks that just really want her to be brought home safely. Either way, I don't see anything nefarious with the donor folks.

2. I didn't watch the "dad with a phone" video, but I do know that it's entirely common for LE to not share details related to the investigation, even with the closest people connected to the victim. The integrity of an ongoing investigation must be maintained, for an air tight case. I don't find that unusual at all.

3. Big disconnect if BM really is this "big game hunter" folks are saying he is. I'm sure I've missed a lot, but where did that info come from, anyway?
If BM is not in fact, a seasoned, big game hunter, it makes perfect sense that he might push the wild animal attack theory (assuming of course, he's entirely innocent).
If, on the other hand he is in fact an experienced big game hunter and he's still pushing a highly unlikely theory of a cat attack, he's either got a screw loose or he's hoping the rest of the world does, and won't notice how unlikely this theory really is. I'm guessing he's not really all that experienced or knowledgeable about the local wild cats.

I've seen nothing in MSM to suggest there was a warrant for his truck's GPS data. If that's true, I'm sure someone has a link?

I don’t think he used his equipment, that would be stupid, imo, and I don’t think BM is stupid, no matter how dumb he acts on camera. Using his equipment would draw too much attention - just by transporting it to a dig location. I don’t think she’s far from her home, which may be why BM wants to move away from that location IF that is his intent with the purchase of the 2 acres.
Since the ground never freezes (thanks @Dave F. for that info) I personally know that someone experienced at landscaping/dirt work has plenty of experience digging holes by hand as well as with machines. My husband does dirt work and we have several of those “digger” whatchamacallits aka backhoe and excavator. ;)
I agree about the dangers of digging, regardless of who the perp is. LE have soil science nailed. They have outstanding reviews in the subject. Using one's own dirt moving equipment is going to leave evidence of where it's been and what it's been doing; and if it is washed so clean that it has no evidence? Well, that can be evidence, too. Most DYI car and truck washes have security cams that record license plates, now. IMO
To point out contrast, I posted a link to “Morgan Harrington-one month into the case”.
Morgan Harrington: a month into the case - C-VILLE Weekly

I had been searching for a link to something that I thought I remembered from the case-I believe her parents may have been told about something related that had been kept from public knowledge. I don’t remember if it was the t-shirt or the link to Hannah Graham or the link to the Fairfax rape. I believe LE shared details that were private (instead of here with the “personal item/s unknown to BM). So much publicity, search parties, shared information-and the internet and SM were a lot younger back then.
:eek: Hello? If it’s hello, that really bothers me. Ugh. I get the impression that he’s either blaming her with the “Oh Suzanne... I told you not to go bike riding alone ... I warned you about the dangers” OR “Hello, Suzanne... why did you run away and leave ‘your girls’ ... they need you.”
I’ve considered that he should naturally be trying to figure out what happened to her IF he was innocent ... but the contradictions in his scenarios don’t make sense.
For example, if he thought she left on her own, why call 911 immediately? I think he might have expected LE to say they needed to wait 24 hours because SM was an adult.
Was anyone else surprised that they responded so quickly?
And, since BM is an avid hunter - he knows the big cat scenario isn’t very plausible.
And ...surely he realizes IF she wrecked her bike or was struck by a vehicle and wandered into the river that the dogs would have followed her scent.
It’s like he’s “playing dumb.”
But, he mentions the rain washing away tracks. IIRC I looked that up, and it was a minuscule amount that wasn’t even recorded in Almanac...
I would love to know IF rain was in the forecast for that weekend ... is there any way to check that kind of stuff?
If he had been told they must wait 24 hours and the area got a good rain shower the next morning... his “scenarios” might sound much more possible.
I’m going in circles... aren’t I?
IMO, if you take away the guilty verdict, insert an innocent man, much of our confusion clears. You have an incredibly scared man, who has no idea where his wife is, and there is a load of guilt because he wasn’t home to prevent this.
He is not a guy who thrives on being the center of attention, he’s never had to be. He has three incredibly smart, gorgeous, and talented gals, he is content to be the camera man.
He WILL do what it takes, just don’t hurt her.
He is trying to cooperate w/ LE, because he trusts them. THEY ARE HIS FRIENDS. But he has the nephew to consider, he’s SUZANNE’S family—- compromise.
He offers a small reward, not so high that it brings out all the crazies. He puts it on Facebook, so it’s easier to weed out the internet nuts(not us, of course). He hopes this will be that compromise, between LE and family.
He has a script, so he tries to follow it, but he knows it’s stilted. He never calls her Suzanne, he calls her SUE, or honey, or a hundred other private endearments.
He really wants it to be an accident, maybe SM IS wandering around, disoriented in the woods, dehydrated and ill. He’s happy that the lion attack has been ruled out, but that leaves only a terrible option left, and he is being forced to consider this.
We have multiple interpretations, of every little action BLM has taken, under assumption of guilt. Why not try applying the KISS principle, aka the OCCAMs Razor theory. He’s innocent, there’s less speculation. The fewer speculations based on innocence, begin to make sense.
Throw in the possibility that there is actually a local felon and it is even clearer.
I’m not asking you to to agree w/ me. I’m just asking for minds open to other research. I’m saying, what if ?
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I go there a lot for white water rafting type has very bad areas. Just like Co Springs. In fact the whitewater rafting festival is nearby..coming up in August this year so I will be attending. I would not go out after dark alone...but that's just me.
You offer invaluable information, and it probably isn’t “just you”. My research shows lots of criminal activity, most indeed based on interaction amongst the other local characters, drugs are common theme as everywhere, but no one wants to be caught in the crossfire.
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