Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #17

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1. Friends: we don't know, as it's not been made public. It's either folks who believe BM is entirely innocent of SM's disappearance, or folks that just really want her to be brought home safely. Either way, I don't see anything nefarious with the donor folks.

2. I didn't watch the "dad with a phone" video, but I do know that it's entirely common for LE to not share details related to the investigation, even with the closest people connected to the victim. The integrity of an ongoing investigation must be maintained, for an air tight case. I don't find that unusual at all.

3. Big disconnect if BM really is this "big game hunter" folks are saying he is. I'm sure I've missed a lot, but where did that info come from, anyway?
If BM is not in fact, a seasoned, big game hunter, it makes perfect sense that he might push the wild animal attack theory (assuming of course, he's entirely innocent).
If, on the other hand he is in fact an experienced big game hunter and he's still pushing a highly unlikely theory of a cat attack, he's either got a screw loose or he's hoping the rest of the world does, and won't notice how unlikely this theory really is. I'm guessing he's not really all that experienced or knowledgeable about the local wild cats.

I've seen nothing in MSM to suggest there was a warrant for his truck's GPS data. If that's true, I'm sure someone has a link?


I haven't hunted for many years, but when I did, I knew many hunters who came from the midwest to the west to hunt the big game. I would rate the best of them as "fair" hunters. I never met one that I would consider to be an expert.

There is not supposed to be anyone alive in the United States who has ever hunted mountain lions, wolves, grizzly bears or bald eagles for sport. If they have, they belong in a federal prison. I think it's safe to say that BLM is not an expert on mountain lions, nor is anyone on the sheriff's department roster. As an amateur, he is entitled to his opinion, just like us. As I said before, if I were in his shoes, I wouldn't let go of the mountain lion, either. If he is innocent, it helps him to cope with an enormous tragedy; and if he's not, it doesn't matter at all. It's higher on the gullibility scale than saying she joined the mother ship parked behind a comet. IMO
To point out contrast, I posted a link to “Morgan Harrington-one month into the case”.
Morgan Harrington: a month into the case - C-VILLE Weekly

I had been searching for a link to something that I thought I remembered from the case-I believe her parents may have been told about something related that had been kept from public knowledge. I don’t remember if it was the t-shirt or the link to Hannah Graham or the link to the Fairfax rape. I believe LE shared details that were private (instead of here with the “personal item/s unknown to BM). So much publicity, search parties, shared information-and the internet and SM were a lot younger back then.
The t-shirt linked all three cases by positive DNA match. The Hannah Graham investigation was a textbook model for how a modern LE investigation should be managed and coupled with open communication with the victim's families and the general public (different levels). Everything was "by the book".....the new book, resulting in a longstanding predator being locked up with no chance to ever stalk the streets again. IMO
To point out contrast, I posted a link to “Morgan Harrington-one month into the case”.
Morgan Harrington: a month into the case - C-VILLE Weekly

I had been searching for a link to something that I thought I remembered from the case-I believe her parents may have been told about something related that had been kept from public knowledge. I don’t remember if it was the t-shirt or the link to Hannah Graham or the link to the Fairfax rape. I believe LE shared details that were private (instead of here with the “personal item/s unknown to BM). So much publicity, search parties, shared information-and the internet and SM were a lot younger back then.

You could be thinking of this...Eichner wasn't family, just the fellow who spotted the t-shirt and followed up w/police. They did confirm later and share more info with Eichner, also think it's safe to guess that same info was shared w/Morgan's family.

“It was a few months later (the police) contacted us and told us it did have her DNA on it,” Eichner said of the T-shirt. He said the shirt was turned over to the Charlottesville police and that’s who he believes called with the news about the DNA.

Soon after that, Eichner said police told them the shirt was connected to a 2005 sexual assault in the City of Fairfax. “Obviously, at that time, they didn’t have an identity of the person in the Fairfax case,” he said.

Morgan Harrington's T-shirt the key connection to Jesse Matthew
IMO, if you take away the guilty verdict, insert an innocent man, much of our confusion clears. You have an incredibly scared man, who has no idea where his wife is, and there is a load of guilt because he wasn’t home to prevent this.
He is not a guy who thrives on being the center of attention, he’s never had to be. He has three incredibly smart and talented gals, he is content to be the camera man.
He WILL do what it takes, just don’t hurt her.
He is trying to cooperate w/ LE, because he trusts them. THEY ARE HIS FRIENDS. But he has the nephew to consider, he’s SUZANNE’S family—- compromise.
He offers a small reward, not so high that it brings out all the crazies. He puts it on Facebook, so it’s easier to weed out the internet nuts(not us, of course). He hopes this will be that compromise, between LE and family.
He has a script, so he tries to follow it, but he knows it’s stilted. He never calls her Suzanne, he calls her SUE, or honey, or a hundred other private endearments.
He really wants it to be an accident, maybe SM IS wandering around, disoriented in the woods, dehydrated and ill. He’s happy that the lion attack has been ruled out, but that leaves only a terrible option left, and he is being forced to consider this.
We have multiple interpretations, of every little action BLM has taken, under assumption of guilt. Why not try applying the KISS principle, aka the OCCAMs Razor theory. He’s innocent, there’s less speculation. The fewer speculations based on innocence, begin to make sense.
Throw in the possibility that there is actually a local felon and it is even clearer.
I’m not asking you to to agree w/ me. I’m just asking for minds open to other research. I’m saying, what if ?

<modsnip: Please don't discuss removed posts. They are removed for a reason.>

I’m judging based on my feelings, perceptions, and opinions just as you are ...
I perceive him as arrogant, cocky, and controlling but that’s not why I think he is guilty. I think that because of his own words and actions since her disappearance.
Whether he’s guilty or not, I simply don’t like him as a person and I think he’s a terrible husband just from the little that I know about him. I suppose that comes from my personal experiences with people in my world.
I’m not one of those people who has to be right ... it won’t bother me one bit if BM is found to be totally innocent of SM’s disappearance.
I don’t think I would love WS so much if we all agreed and we all had the same judgments and opinions...
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<modsnip: Please don't discuss removed posts. They are removed for a reason.>

I’m judging based on my feelings, perceptions, and opinions just as you are ...
I perceive him as arrogant, cocky, and controlling but that’s not why I think he is guilty. I think that because of his own words and actions since her disappearance.
Whether he’s guilty or not, I simply don’t like him as a person and I think he’s a terrible husband just from the little that I know about him. I suppose that comes from my personal experiences with people in my world.
I’m not one of those people who has to be right ... it won’t bother me one bit if BM is found to be totally innocent of SM’s disappearance.
I don’t think I would love WS so much if we all agreed and we all had the same judgments and opinions...
I would feel terrible judging someone with so little information about them.
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<modsnip: Please don't discuss removed posts. They are removed for a reason.>

I’m judging based on my feelings, perceptions, and opinions just as you are ...
I perceive him as arrogant, cocky, and controlling but that’s not why I think he is guilty. I think that because of his own words and actions since her disappearance.
Whether he’s guilty or not, I simply don’t like him as a person and I think he’s a terrible husband just from the little that I know about him. I suppose that comes from my personal experiences with people in my world.
I’m not one of those people who has to be right ... it won’t bother me one bit if BM is found to be totally innocent of SM’s disappearance.
I don’t think I would love WS so much if we all agreed and we all had the same judgments and opinions...
You make very valid points. My own perception is somewhat based on several “good old boys” type husbands that I know. I am close enough to them to see beyond the terrible husband facade, always out hunting and fishing, neglecting family. I know their wives, they may complain in public, but sometimes they would rather have them out and about, leaving the wives to pursue their own interests.
I know they wouldn’t harm a hair on their wife’s head, even tho they can filet a fish or field dress a deer w/o pause.
They would probably unmercifully attack someone who harmed their family, but be totally unglued, if they didn’t know who had done this. BLM has more similarities to my friends, than the PFs, CWs, FDs.
That’s my assessment, based on my own life experiences and friends. After all I am OLD.
But I appreciate your ability to debate w/o trying to force me to change my mind, and I respect YOUR point of view.
I wish you could meet some of my friends, THAT would win you over, I firmly believe. They are teddy bears, until somebody harms their family or friends, THEN the inner bear comes out. But I probably need to add, anyone in a vulnerable position being mistreated would be defended.
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The t-shirt linked all three cases by positive DNA match. The Hannah Graham investigation was a textbook model for how a modern LE investigation should be managed and coupled with open communication with the victim's families and the general public (different levels). Everything was "by the book".....the new book, resulting in a longstanding predator being locked up with no chance to ever stalk the streets again. IMO
I remember the Morgan Harrington case. As far as we all were told was that she just vanished. In fact, I don't believe we were told until months later that LE found her T-shirt. But the Hannah Graham case, wow, Chief Longo really got out in front of it immediately. I wish every case could be run like that one.
I live in a travel trailer with my husband. We go somewhere, stay for a while, usually 2 months or so, and then take turns choosing the new destination. It has gotten very tricky in the pandemic but that’s another story. We are leaving Silver City July 12 and it’s my husband’s turn to find us a new destination. Turns out we are spending the rest of the summer in Salida. Total coincidence. It looks like a beautiful place, and we love hiking and biking, so I’m sure that’s why he picked it. I however will be a little sad and thinking about Ms. Morphew. If there is a chance to help in any way I of course will be happy to.

Its a great choice this time of year.

Be sure to visit this restaurant in Poncha Springs which helped by having a large missing sign for Suzanne.

The 2nd link shows the town map is very close to Salida. The white water rubber raft rafting in that general area of Colorado is amazing. Places that charge a reasonable fee and you get an amazing experience with a guide in back to make sure the raft goes where its supposed to. :)

خرائط ‪Google‬‏‏
You make very valid points. My own perception is somewhat based on several “good old boys” type husbands that I know. I am close enough to them to see beyond the terrible husband facade, always out hunting and fishing, neglecting family. I know their wives, they may complain in public, but sometimes they would rather have them out and about, leaving the wives to pursue their own interests.
I know they wouldn’t harm a hair on their wife’s head, even tho they can filet a fish or field dress a deer w/o pause.
They would probably unmercifully attack someone who harmed their family, but be totally unglued, if they didn’t know who had done this. BLM has more similarities to my friends, than the PFs, CWs, FDs.
That’s my assessment, based on my own life experiences and friends. After all I am OLD.
But I appreciate your ability to debate w/o trying to force me to change my mind, and I respect YOUR point of view.
I wish you could meet some of my friends, THAT would win you over, I firmly believe. They are teddy bears, until somebody harms their family or friends, THEN the inner bear comes out. But I probably need to add, anyone in a vulnerable position being mistreated would be defended.
Two of my brothers! One of them talks like BM, "I seen". Remember that phrase.
He did not describe the vehicle. He simply said it stood out to him as being very out of place. I posted the video a week or so ago. I’ll go back and see if I can find it. @Dave F. found it before I could, thank you!
Thank you anyway. He must have been able to describe it more to LE...type of car - van, SUV, truck, color, etc. Interesting he said it appeared very suspicious to him. Hmmm...I wonder why?
Since the Gimme Fund was established to support people searching for Suzanne, when do you think we'll hear about those searches? Or from anyone who participated?
I think they only searched in the beginning for an alive Suzanne and then after that they likely just looked for clues or evidence. I think the friend who was interviewed said the extended family were all staying at a friend's house but by now I would imagine some of them have had to go back to work and their lives.

I wouldn't expect them to give the public an update at all. A family member started the Finding Suzanne page for friends and family to share information. It was quickly overcome with critical comments, rumors, and all kinds of useless speculation.

They may be afraid that if they make a comment, they will be scrutinized and criticized no matter what they say. Jmo
@vaporlass bbm sbm No, I cannot explain Michael Chambers events, as you report it: a judicial declaration of death w'in weeks after a MisPers case was opened. Unexpected outcome?
Strange, weird, bizarre? Yes and yes. I've read a few news articles about it, but have not seen actual pleadings or TX. ct orders. Maybe one of our legal professionals has seen & can answer, but I cannot comment on or guess about it. I'll address the rest of your question in another post. my 2 cts.
His wife had him declared dead within 2 months of his disappearance.
:eek: Hello? If it’s hello, that really bothers me. Ugh. I get the impression that he’s either blaming her with the “Oh Suzanne... I told you not to go bike riding alone ... I warned you about the dangers” OR “Hello, Suzanne... why did you run away and leave ‘your girls’ ... they need you.”
I’ve considered that he should naturally be trying to figure out what happened to her IF he was innocent ... but the contradictions in his scenarios don’t make sense.
For example, if he thought she left on her own, why call 911 immediately? I think he might have expected LE to say they needed to wait 24 hours because SM was an adult.
Was anyone else surprised that they responded so quickly?
And, since BM is an avid hunter - he knows the big cat scenario isn’t very plausible.
And ...surely he realizes IF she wrecked her bike or was struck by a vehicle and wandered into the river that the dogs would have followed her scent.
It’s like he’s “playing dumb.”
But, he mentions the rain washing away tracks. IIRC I looked that up, and it was a minuscule amount that wasn’t even recorded in Almanac...
I would love to know IF rain was in the forecast for that weekend ... is there any way to check that kind of stuff?
If he had been told they must wait 24 hours and the area got a good rain shower the next morning... his “scenarios” might sound much more possible.
I’m going in circles... aren’t I?

not sure if i was the person that originally said it, but i do believe he said "hello suzanne" and the "hell" got cut off, so just the "oh" came out. like it was so awkward for him to be making the video and his "agony" such a stretch, the first thing he could come up with when the camera was on him was "hello suzanne." it's all over the place tho anyway, so not sure if it means anything at all. he's addressing her, the kidnappers, the mountain lion, a whole multiple choice of possible bad guys.
<modsnip: referenced post was modsnipped> I'm not discounting LE actions looking bad for husband, but I am open to other thoughts until we know for sure.

• BG may already be in custody for another crime, so there is no urgent need to warn the public. *I had thought that maybe this is some of the information that LE said they'd be sharing during canvassing, but I can't imagine that being kept quiet. It's possible, though.

• Family members talking directly to their missing loved one and at the same time talking to possible abductors isn't unusual. It's the way most pleas are guided. Offering a reward for safe return isn't odd if you think and hope the missing person is alive. The first thing you want is for the BG to stop and really think about what they're doing and hopefully let them go. The money gets the attention of someone (not the BG) who knows what's going on and might be willing to turn him in.

• Offering a reward, especially one this huge, makes perfect sense if you think she was abducted. Some people won't do the right thing unless there's something in it for them. Maybe they love the suspect or maybe they're afraid of him or his friends and relatives. Some people don't care (as in “it's none of my business”) but money can trigger a friend or relative to act when morals don't.

My random thoughts sometimes contradict each other:

• The equipment at the family home is probably for their own landscaping for the duration. That makes sense to me because it's not a whole platoon of huge equipment and vehicles.

• Husband may have business facilities and large equipment somewhere closer to wherever he gets the most work. There's no reason to store the big or numerous equipment at your home.

• Or, maybe he rents big equipment as needed. I could definitely see this as a kind of virtual business: bid for jobs, hire workers, rent equipment as needed... low overhead. It might be expensive to rent the equipment, but it's an option for some projects. My DH rents big stuff for specific projects, but he owns a mini forklift. It's not outrageously expensive depending on what you're renting.

• BM's shaking of the head “no”: That gesture is also one of disbelief or intense sadness and wistfulness. My DH's family all do that. They do that when they can't believe something or they're incredibly sad. The first time I saw it, I almost laughed because I had only seen that in old movies and it looked like bad “acting”, but that's what they do, all three of them. DH did it yesterday while reminiscing about the illness of one of our friends (now recovered).

• Releasing a recorded statement protects one against pesky questions being asked when you're on tv.

• Regarding cell phones including burners: we learned in Teresa Sievers murder just how much LE can discover. Think about how long it takes to go through and organize the data. LE is amazing. That was a deliberately (the bad guys thought) convoluted crime that provided an incredible amount of data and ultimately dead-on proof.
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If I were BM, I would continue to do business, housing investments, etc. It gives you hope. Better than sitting and crying and losing everything.

Those aren't the man's only 2 choices.

It's not "get back to work" or "shrivel up and die."
There are actually more important and productive things he could be doing right now, if he's innocent.

Hey, here's a novel thought:

BM could actually devote his time, energy and attention to increasing public awareness about SM's disappearance.

He could hit the airwaves and ask people to keep an eye out for her.
He could update the community on the (cough, cough) private search efforts and encourage members of the public to keep looking.
He could grant interviews to MSM reporters in the hope of generating tips and leads.

Oh, but that's right. Sorry. I'm forgetting:

"It's too soon."

His beloved wife has only been missing for, what, a mere 7 weeks now?
Definitely too soon to talk to reporters!

Not too soon to file those court papers to seize guardianship of her, though.
Not too soon to get that judge in Indiana to sign off on the sale of "their" property.
Not too soon to get those GimmeMoney cash registers ringing.

"Life goes on," right?

For some, anyway.

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• Releasing a recorded statement protects one against pesky questions being asked when you're on tv.
Pesky questions such as.. When was the last time you saw your wife? Did you and Suzanne have an argument the last time you were together? What was Suzanne wearing the last time you saw her? When did you speak to Suzanne last? Why weren't you with Suzanne on Mothers Day?

Those questions would not seem "pesky" to a man that wanted his wife back.
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