Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #17

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<modsnip: referenced post was modsnipped> I'm not discounting LE actions looking bad for husband, but I am open to other thoughts until we know for sure.

• BG may already be in custody for another crime, so there is no urgent need to warn the public. *I had thought that maybe this is some of the information that LE said they'd be sharing during canvassing, but I can't imagine that being kept quiet. It's possible, though.

• Family members talking directly to their missing loved one and at the same time talking to possible abductors isn't unusual. It's the way most pleas are guided. Offering a reward for safe return isn't odd if you think and hope the missing person is alive. The first thing you want is for the BG to stop and really think about what they're doing and hopefully let them go. The money gets the attention of someone (not the BG) who knows what's going on and might be willing to turn him in.

• Offering a reward, especially one this huge, makes perfect sense if you think she was abducted. Some people won't do the right thing unless there's something in it for them. Maybe they love the suspect or maybe they're afraid of him or his friends and relatives. Some people don't care (as in “it's none of my business”) but money can trigger a friend or relative to act when morals don't.

My random thoughts sometimes contradict each other:

• The equipment at the family home is probably for their own landscaping for the duration. That makes sense to me because it's not a whole platoon of huge equipment and vehicles.

• Husband may have business facilities and large equipment somewhere closer to wherever he gets the most work. There's no reason to store the big or numerous equipment at your home.

• Or, maybe he rents big equipment as needed. I could definitely see this as a kind of virtual business: bid for jobs, hire workers, rent equipment as needed... low overhead. It might be expensive to rent the equipment, but it's an option for some projects. My DH rents big stuff for specific projects, but he owns a mini forklift. It's not outrageously expensive depending on what you're renting.

• BM's shaking of the head “no”: That gesture is also one of disbelief or intense sadness and wistfulness. My DH's family all do that. They do that when they can't believe something or they're incredibly sad. The first time I saw it, I almost laughed because I had only seen that in old movies and it looked like bad “acting”, but that's what they do, all three of them. DH did it yesterday while reminiscing about the illness of one of our friends (now recovered).

• Releasing a recorded statement protects one against pesky questions being asked when you're on tv.

• Regarding cell phones including burners: we learned in Teresa Sievers murder just how much LE can discover. Think about how long it takes to go through and organize the data. LE is amazing. That was a deliberately (the bad guys thought) convoluted crime that provided an incredible amount of data and ultimately dead-on proof.

Two adder thoughts:

(1) heavy equipment rental is now a bigger dollar business than heavy equipment sales, in the primary market of the western United States, so you could be right. His business may be all in his pickup truck, a home office room and a banking drop box with accounting at an accounting firm. There are also many estimators, in all trades, working from home and paid by the bid or the job.

As for the movement of the head from side to side, rather than up and down; I was going to leave that one for the soothsayers but you left me the perfect opening. Men that were born between 1945 and 1975 were taught to ALWAYS look directly at who you are talking to, and to look into their eyes as much as possible. We were taught that it shows honesty, respect and sincerity. I encourage anyone to go back and look at the video again. His eyes never move from straight ahead, even when his head does slightly move. He was talking directly to someone. IMO
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Those aren't the man's only 2 choices.

It's not "get back to work" or "shrivel up and die."
There are actually more important and productive things he could be doing right now, if he's innocent.

Hey, here's a novel thought:

BM could actually devote his time, energy and attention to increasing public awareness about SM's disappearance.

He could hit the airwaves and ask people to keep an eye out for her.
He could update the community on the (cough, cough) private search efforts and encourage members of the public to keep looking.
He could grant interviews to MSM reporters in the hope of generating tips and leads.

Oh, but that's right. Sorry. I'm forgetting:

"It's too soon."

His beloved wife has only been missing for, what, a mere 7 weeks now?
Definitely too soon to talk to reporters!

Not too soon to file those court papers to seize guardianship of her, though.
Not too soon to get that judge in Indiana to sign off on the sale of "their" property back there.
Not too soon to get those GimmeMoney cash registers ringing.

"Life goes on," right?

For some, anyway.

I feel bad that you hate this guy. To each his own :(
I feel bad that you hate this guy. To each his own :(

I don’t understand how “hate” factors into this. That’s emotion.

It’s about looking at the facts, what law enforcement is doing, and how the husband of a missing wife is behaving.

The criticism comes from this man not doing the one thing that could potentially bring his wife home. If there is any “hate” here, it’s directed at the way this guy is behaving.

Find your damn wife!
I feel like we need a photofit of the mountain lion.

This is an unusual case for all kinds of reasons. We have recent examples, and even in CO specifically, of the "disappeared" partner in Kelsey Berreth, as well as the "runaway child" in Gannon Stauch -- and we know how those turned out. As counter-examples, we've had actual runaway Maddie Bell, and we know how that turned out. But I can't think of many cases in which a well-established and well-loved person with a family disappeared or walked away from a life -- and there were crickets. Okay, not exactly crickets, but a conspicuous lack of urgency from family and friends, minimal and minimalist updates from LE, a relatively low profile from local and/or outside media, and strikingly few avenues of inquiry.

In fact, the only times I can recall a similar case "profile" are where LE have a strong candidate well in view and are quietly making a case, and that's invariably an actual, real-life person, not a forensically-aware mountain lion, improbable pair of bandana'd kidnappers, oddly-named assailant neatly reminiscently of someone recently on the TV news, or some other imagined being. I really think that the family, friends and LE's actions since SM was declared missing tend to point in one or, at a stretch, a few clear directions. Until an arrest is made it's simply a waiting game IMO/JMO/MOO/Caveat of your choice.
His wife had him declared dead within 2 months of his disappearance.

What also floored me was that LE could tell the speed he was traveling.

Absolutely amazing - legally dead after only two months and no body, no suicide note (or note of leaving to begin a new life), etc. Staged his own suicide (for his own life insurance?), murdered, staged abduction, witness protection? Le "has theories they are not at liberty to discuss because it's still an ongoing investigation." If the investigation is ongoing, how on earth did she get him declared legally dead after only two months?

"Since the data showed that he was only traveling at 4.2 miles per hour, Sheriff Meeks determined that Michael had been traveling on a bicycle..." I had no idea the information could be as fine-tuned as this.
I feel like we need a photofit of the mountain lion.

This is an unusual case for all kinds of reasons. We have recent examples, and even in CO specifically, of the "disappeared" partner in Kelsey Berreth, as well as the "runaway child" in Gannon Stauch -- and we know how those turned out. As counter-examples, we've had actual runaway Maddie Bell, and we know how that turned out. But I can't think of many cases in which a well-established and well-loved person with a family disappeared or walked away from a life -- and there were crickets. Okay, not exactly crickets, but a conspicuous lack of urgency from family and friends, minimal and minimalist updates from LE, a relatively low profile from local and/or outside media, and strikingly few avenues of inquiry.

In fact, the only times I can recall a similar case "profile" are where LE have a strong candidate well in view and are quietly making a case, and that's invariably an actual, real-life person, not a forensically-aware mountain lion, improbable pair of bandana'd kidnappers, oddly-named assailant neatly reminiscently of someone recently on the TV news, or some other imagined being. I really think that the family, friends and LE's actions since SM was declared missing tend to point in one or, at a stretch, a few clear directions. Until an arrest is made it's simply a waiting game IMO/JMO/MOO/Caveat of your choice.
You’re right, it’s incredibly unusual.

The CBI and FBI were involved in the Kelsey Berreth case, so let’s use that as a guide. In that one, they weren’t sure what they were dealing with right away. So what did we see?

Appeals from law enforcement, with her description (height, weight, etc).

A press conference.

A video of when she was last spotted.

Appeals from her mother, to include tv interviews.

Here we have the same players, brought in almost right away. We’ve seen none of those things, with the exception of a small press conference.

Why? I think it’s because they know what happened, and the family is aware of it.
I don’t understand how “hate” factors into this. That’s emotion.

It’s about looking at the facts, what law enforcement is doing, and how the husband of a missing wife is behaving.

The criticism comes from this man not doing the one thing that could potentially bring his wife home. If there is any “hate” here, it’s directed at the way this guy is behaving.

Find your damn wife!
I think LE/Sheriff is telling him not to talk and he is obeying that, thus the hesitation to finish some sentences to the guy in the video. I don't think he's the kind of person that wants to be in the media either.
I think LE/Sheriff is telling him not to talk and he is obeying that, thus the hesitation to finish some sentences to the guy in the video. I don't think he's the kind of person that wants to be in the media either.

Why would they call him not to talk?

In a missing persons case, publicity is vital. If they think he did it, then they would definitely want him to talk.

So this doesn’t fly under either scenario, and good luck shutting up any family members trying to find their missing loved one, just ask Vanessa Guillen’s family.

If he didn’t want to be in the media, he wouldn’t have to. He could appoint someone who would actually go on camera, and keep spreading the word.

Police confirm sealed search warrant for home of missing Colorado mom Suzanne Morphew
Just curious... Is there a time limit on how long it can be sealed?

They are sealed until either an arrest is made and the contents of the warrant must be made public in court to substantiate the reason for the arrest warrant or until the case is over.

In Colorado, the warrant and the contents found were part of the arrest warrant in Gannon's case.

If the case never goes anywhere, warrants can be sealed forever, I guess. If the case is declared "closed" rather than "cold," I believe the warrants go public - @gitana or another attorney will know.
I think they only searched in the beginning for an alive Suzanne and then after that they likely just looked for clues or evidence. I think the friend who was interviewed said the extended family were all staying at a friend's house but by now I would imagine some of them have had to go back to work and their lives.

I wouldn't expect them to give the public an update at all. A family member started the Finding Suzanne page for friends and family to share information. It was quickly overcome with critical comments, rumors, and all kinds of useless speculation.

They may be afraid that if they make a comment, they will be scrutinized and criticized no matter what they say. Jmo
And that is what I find so disturbing about the Gimme fund, Ms. B, with all respect to your thoughts. The fundraisers can say it's being used for something, but there is no way of knowing if it is indeed being used for that or just going into someone's pocket. No accountability or transparency at all. I didn't contribute to it, but had I done, I would want to know my funds were being used to support a search. Not a steak dinner.

I consider the Finding Suzanne page totally separate, apples and oranges. As far as it generating nasty rumors and the like, you simply close comments and only post updates and the missing flier with LE contact info and encourage people to share it on their own social media. People will find other places to float the rumors and the family is under zero obligation to encourage debate or speculation.

I've tried to give a lot of the financial aspects of this a pass,but the money is funny all the way round. At least to me.

Why would they call him not to talk?

In a missing persons case, publicity is vital. If they think he did it, then they would definitely want him to talk.

So this doesn’t fly under either scenario, and good luck shutting up any family members trying to find their missing loved one, just ask Vanessa Guillen’s family.

If he didn’t want to be in the media, he wouldn’t have to. He could appoint someone who would actually go on camera, and keep spreading the word.


Exactly. If he didn't want to personally be in the media, he could handle it like many other distraught families do -- appoint a spokesperson (calm relative, family friend, long-time neighbor, police spokesperson) to make statements AS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS stand behind and beside the spokesperson. Everyone understands that family members may be too distraught to talk to a microphone. Few people understand why you and your family have no presence whatsoever during the first, and supposedly critical, days of the disappearance of a wife and mother. Just MOO.
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Even if the family is too distraught to make a public appeal, I'm sure LE is happy to help find a victim's advocate to speak publicly.

I'm uncomfortable with no family appeals in any form, but no LE appeals or BOLO regarding the case also speaks volumes.

Two adder thoughts:

(1) heavy equipment rental is now a bigger dollar business than heavy equipment sales, in the primary market of the western United States, so you could be right. His business may be all in his pickup truck, a home office room and a banking drop box with accounting at an accounting firm. There are also many estimators, in all trades, working from home and paid by the bid or the job.

As for the movement of the head from side to side, rather than up and down; I was going to leave that one for the soothsayers but you left me the perfect opening. Men that were born between 1945 and 1975 were taught to ALWAYS look directly at who you are talking to, and to look into their eyes as much as possible. We were taught that it shows honesty, respect and sincerity. I encourage anyone to go back and look at the video again. His eyes never move from straight ahead, even when his head does slightly move. He was talking directly to someone. IMO

People are also taught to do this as part of social media use. Keep in mind that BM is not, in fact, looking at another person - but directly into the camera lens. Most men in that age group forget this and instead look at the face of the person behind the camera (I don't think there was a person behind that camera, in part due to this fact).

At any rate, I was very impressed with his ability to stare directly at the camera lens and not waiver. I suppose the skill of staring into people's eyes as a sign of trustworthiness amongst a certain population can be transferred to a camera.

BTW, it wasn't just men who were taught that. My dad taught me that too. I still cannot transfer to the camera lens easily, I have to practice and be less spontaneous.

Further, even people taught to look directly in someone's eyes will pause that behavior to think, and look away briefly from time to time. This video of course is very short, but I think it shows practice with being around a camera (no surprise there, given the family's use of SM).
Why would they call him not to talk?

In a missing persons case, publicity is vital. If they think he did it, then they would definitely want him to talk.

So this doesn’t fly under either scenario, and good luck shutting up any family members trying to find their missing loved one, just ask Vanessa Guillen’s family.

If he didn’t want to be in the media, he wouldn’t have to. He could appoint someone who would actually go on camera, and keep spreading the word.

I remember somewhere on here it was said LE did not want them to talk because it would ruin the investigation. MOO
<modsnip: referenced post was modsnipped> I'm not discounting LE actions looking bad for husband, but I am open to other thoughts until we know for sure.

• BG may already be in custody for another crime, so there is no urgent need to warn the public. *I had thought that maybe this is some of the information that LE said they'd be sharing during canvassing, but I can't imagine that being kept quiet. It's possible, though.

• Family members talking directly to their missing loved one and at the same time talking to possible abductors isn't unusual. It's the way most pleas are guided. Offering a reward for safe return isn't odd if you think and hope the missing person is alive. The first thing you want is for the BG to stop and really think about what they're doing and hopefully let them go. The money gets the attention of someone (not the BG) who knows what's going on and might be willing to turn him in.

• Offering a reward, especially one this huge, makes perfect sense if you think she was abducted. Some people won't do the right thing unless there's something in it for them. Maybe they love the suspect or maybe they're afraid of him or his friends and relatives. Some people don't care (as in “it's none of my business”) but money can trigger a friend or relative to act when morals don't.

My random thoughts sometimes contradict each other:

• The equipment at the family home is probably for their own landscaping for the duration. That makes sense to me because it's not a whole platoon of huge equipment and vehicles.

• Husband may have business facilities and large equipment somewhere closer to wherever he gets the most work. There's no reason to store the big or numerous equipment at your home.

• Or, maybe he rents big equipment as needed. I could definitely see this as a kind of virtual business: bid for jobs, hire workers, rent equipment as needed... low overhead. It might be expensive to rent the equipment, but it's an option for some projects. My DH rents big stuff for specific projects, but he owns a mini forklift. It's not outrageously expensive depending on what you're renting.

• BM's shaking of the head “no”: That gesture is also one of disbelief or intense sadness and wistfulness. My DH's family all do that. They do that when they can't believe something or they're incredibly sad. The first time I saw it, I almost laughed because I had only seen that in old movies and it looked like bad “acting”, but that's what they do, all three of them. DH did it yesterday while reminiscing about the illness of one of our friends (now recovered).

• Releasing a recorded statement protects one against pesky questions being asked when you're on tv.

• Regarding cell phones including burners: we learned in Teresa Sievers murder just how much LE can discover. Think about how long it takes to go through and organize the data. LE is amazing. That was a deliberately (the bad guys thought) convoluted crime that provided an incredible amount of data and ultimately dead-on proof.
I agree that the shaking of the head could have simply been, “I can’t believe this is happening... no, no, no... this can’t be true.”
It has nothing to do with my opinion of BM.
$$$Money is only an incentive to someone IF she is found SAFE, which means if anyone knows anything about BG involvement - it’s unlikely they will risk their own life offering information about a murder for free.
It just seems odd to me IF they have a BG in custody, why no rumors ... if it’s a known local, wouldn’t there be rumors? I can see why locals wouldn’t be talking about BM, they have only been in that area a short time and as SM’s pastor commented, “he isn’t as friendly and he is standoffish.”
Reasons why LE would not want people including a spouse to talk to the media other than what they themselves announce publicly? In no particular order and not necessarily referring to SM's disappearance:

1) They already have a suspect (not the spouse) in mind and they don't want to spook him any more than he already is.
2) If they believe a missing person is still alive, they don't want the person holding to panic and kill
3) They don't want to alert any possible accomplice that may either have the victim alive, or know where a body is
4) They don't want suspect's friends or family to destroy any evidence to try and protect them
5) They've been monitoring a suspect and want them to feel confident that LE has nothing so they free to continue moving about and maybe lead them to either the victim or to evidence
Yes, LE would definitely want any suspect to speak often, and speak loudly and clearly and on the record - via video, tv, radio, written or posted on the internet.
If LE wanted anyone to speak to the media and make public pleas for SM, they'd be doing it themselves if they couldn't get a family member or friend to do it. LE knows what they're doing and we don't - as frustrating as this is for us. We don't know if LE has requested family and friends to not speak to anyone. We also don't know that they have asked family or friends to make public pleas.
As for the movement of the head from side to side, rather than up and down; I was going to leave that one for the soothsayers but you left me the perfect opening. Men that were born between 1945 and 1975 were taught to ALWAYS look directly at who you are talking to, and to look into their eyes as much as possible. We were taught that it shows honesty, respect and sincerity. I encourage anyone to go back and look at the video again. His eyes never move from straight ahead, even when his head does slightly move. He was talking directly to someone. IMO
I disagree. It looks to me as if his eyes are fixed on the camera lense.
I would encourage you to go back and watch the TD video where BM has a real life candid conversation. He avoids looking at TD as much as he can. He is all over the place, continually walking and flailing his arms. He does almost anything to avoid eye contact. His head drops down after he makes a statement and he uses grand sweeping gestures as if to say "look over there..not at me"
I think LE/Sheriff is telling him not to talk and he is obeying that, thus the hesitation to finish some sentences to the guy in the video. I don't think he's the kind of person that wants to be in the media either.
The reason this doesn’t make sense to me is because of what he said about LE’s investigation with the bike.
If you don’t think LE is doing a good job, which he stated on camera that he did NOT wouldn’t you be more verbal?
I just view BM as the kind of guy who takes charge of things, the kind who does business as usual, and I don’t understand WHY he hasn’t made finding his wife his 1st priority. He just seems to be distancing himself from the investigation and that makes me suspicious of him. JMO.
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