Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #17

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Speaking of Letecia. The thought crossed my mind that the perp could have taken her body back to Indiana. Knows the area. Has many friends.
Letecia was a really special animal.

I can think of one other case where the perpetrator retrieved human remains during an investigation (Stephen Grant).

That person brought them home, and didn’t travel cross country with family likely in tow. I wouldn’t be surprised if we never saw anything like what she did, ever again.

There’s plenty of open space in Colorado, and that area is about as unforgiving as it gets. The killer wouldn’t have to get all the creative, and he’d still stand a good chance of her never being found.
The phone issue is one reason why I think Suzanne is close to home. (And I think something happened before Mother’s Day Sunday, too.)

I tried to imagine myself harming another, and if my phone would give anything away, and it absolutely would—if I turned off my phone for a few hours, or had no phone usage for several hours, or if all of a sudden it was texts only when usually there were phone calls.

Historically, there aren’t many times my phone is turned off, and I don’t usually have protracted times of inactivity.

I wish we knew more about Suzanne’s phone, whether or not it has been recovered. (Heck, I wish we knew more about anything connected to this case!)

I think the phone records of both Ms are probably pretty revealing. BM may not be as foolish as PF, but I don’t think he’s a brainiac when it comes to covering tracks, either.
I think like you in a lot of ways. Anyone with half a brain knows that your digital trail can make you or break you. So, if someone kills SM in her home sometime on Saturday he has several things he has to do by the next day, Mother’s Day, when people, especially her daughters, will likely be calling or texting her.
He must clean up the crime scene.
He must dispose of the body.
He must provide an alibi for himself.
He must try to leave a trail that would lead LE to the conclusion that she disappeared while on a bike ride, (and away from the home).
My thought is that the perp would let the battery on Suzanne’s phone die, rather than turning it off which would raise suspicion. After cleaning up any evidence in the home, the suspect would load the body in his vehicle after dark and dispose of her somewhere not too far from the home, but well hidden. If the suspect lived in the home he would leave both his phone and SM’s at the home while he disposed of the body. He would return home, load the bike, and a couple of personal items, perhaps her helmet, in his vehicle and drop them where they would be found quickly. He would return home and wait until early morning to leave for Denver bringing his phone with him.
It’s possible he waited until the drive to Denver to dispose of the body, but this would increase the possibility that LE would trace his steps to the body.
This theory would allow for the husband to say he spent Saturday, day and night, with his wife and then left her very much alive on Sunday morning. There are no close neighbors who would necessarily see if SM and her husband were at the home on Saturday. BM could have answered texts to SM’s phone on Saturday night letting the receiver assume it was Suzanne texting.
As you said, @windrower, the texts and calls on both phones will reveal multitudes of evidence to which we are not privy at this time.
It's certainly not what we've come to expect in missing person cases. However, we know that (1) investigators zero in on the spouse/BF/GF as a rule of thumb and (2) Barry Morphew knows that he is the only parent his girls have around right now. His prioritizing may simply be a realization that he needs to do anything to lessen the likelihood that investigators zero in on him so that he can be there for his daughters.

Again, I'm not saying that I know that Barry Morphew is innocent or not, but I have little faith in attempting to "read" the demeanor of the loved ones of missing persons.
I don’t know whether BM is guilty or not either, but I do know that very few wife killers give any thoughts to their children who have lost their mothers.
My thoughts .... I was wondering if BM saw this as an easy way out, meaning, he was thinking this all along, that he didn't want to be with SM, but was afraid to do something evil. Could it be, this is why he is acting so nonchalant about the disappearance of SM ? I'm just trying really hard to look at both sides of this case,meaning did he or didn't he have something to do with SM disappearing.

Just moopinion
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I remember somewhere on here it was said LE did not want them to talk because it would ruin the investigation. MOO

In the DWAP interview ( on page 1) @ the 36 min mark Lauren Scharf reported that Suzannes side of the family was asked not to talk.

“I have a feeling someone told him not to talk,” the relative said about Trevor Noel’s recent silence. During the first week of the investigation, Noel told local media outlets that police had recovered Suzanne Morphew’s bike, and Suzanne’s relative believes police did not want that information leaked.

The source said that Suzanne’s family has received very little specific information about the investigation. Of the relatives who are in central Colorado, “if they are told not to say anything, they don’t,” the relative said.

“We are as much in the dark as anyone else, because they don’t want information getting out there that might hurt the case.

‘We’re in the dark’: Missing Suzanne Morphew’s family waits and worries two weeks after Colorado mom’s mysterious disappearance [EXCLUSIVE]

I’m not trying to be difficult, but I watched the DWAP video with Lauren Scharf, and read the article, and neither say it was LE who asked the family not to talk or give interviews. And it isn’t clear from the context who asked the family not to speak publicly.

I think an assumption is being made that it was LE. But maybe it was BM who told people not to talk.

If I missed that it was definitely LE who asked the family to remain silent, please highlight where that information is stated.
‘We’re in the dark’: Missing Suzanne Morphew’s family waits and worries two weeks after Colorado mom’s mysterious disappearance [EXCLUSIVE]

A few quotes from the article, bbm.

I have a feeling someone told him not to talk,” the relative said about Trevor Noel’s recent silence.

Suzanne’s relative said they did not know Trevor Noel, and was not sure why Barry Morphew’s mother was the recipient of the donatons.

The relative said they have doubts about whether Suzanne actually went for a bike ride on May 10...


The source said that Suzanne’s family has received very little specific information about the investigation. Of the relatives who are in central Colorado, “if they are told not to say anything, they don’t,” the relative said.

“We are as much in the dark as anyone else, because they don’t want information getting out there that might hurt the case.

Perhaps I am misreading, but this article doesn't tell me that LE doesnt want anyone to talk at all. I understand it as though they dont want anyone talking specifically about the investigation - and that they (at least SMs family) are not being provided with info, and they feel its to keep leaks from happening. I could agree with "having a feeling" LE told TN to stop talking about the investigation when he kept pushing for reporters to ask questions about the bike. LE knew they were not going to answer those questions.

Is there another article perhaps that says no one should be seeking help from the media to find Suzanne? Also, the family dynamics suggested herein bother me a little, and I feel this person is only speaking for SMs side of the family.

The only way I would not be on every news channel possible is if/when LE proved to me that had found my person. But thats just me.

All of the above is jmho.
Lauren Scharf (Facebook)
May 25, 2020

Comments made by Reporter Lauren Scharf on May 27 at the link above:

There were no targeted searches today. I have heard from Suzanne''s family and I have more questions out to the Chaffee County Sheriff's Office to get answered. I had to be particular about the questions I asked since it is an open investigation. Hopefully, I can share soon what else I've learned.

The Chaffee County Sheriff's Office told me today that they are following up on the 400 tips received. As for targeted searched there hasn't been any (this entire week) that they are informing me about. I have reached out to family members on Suzanne's side and they tell me that they've been told not to comment. I will continue to ask questions to Law Enforcement and search for the truth.

I was able to find this Lauren Scharf May 27th Facebook statement on Suzanne’s family members quote to her:

“they tell me that they’ve been told not to comment”

Perhaps this is what is in question....?!

ETA-just saw this mentioned above on DWAP Interview much can transpire while I’m reading the archives!
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We've been doing a pretty decent job of making noise about SM here on her thread, even if her family isn't.

TOS prevents some of us from saying everything we'd like to, but trust me:

As soon as an arrest is made in this case, it's going to get plenty loud in here.

I totally agree. I'm so thankful that we're not forgetting about Suzanne Morphew here on WS. Once an arrest is made, I think we'll all be plenty loud by expressing thoughts we now must suppress. MOO
What my post was addressing, in particular, was the emotion, grief and all the related that people want to see and witness and keep mentioning as proof of BM being a loving spouse. Somehow that makes it all believable or something. Well, those don't make or break a case; better that LE get all the evidence they need.

I agree with you. I have asked for emotion :(but it’s not grief I’m looking for in him, it’s action. I don’t expect true grief for a while yet, even though it may seem obvious that she is no longer alive, I don’t think if it were my family I would be accepting her death at this point.
Maybe that’s what bothers me the most - it seems like they have just given up. I know I’m judging - I apologize. Maybe they are doing searches and other things and I should be MAD at reporters who aren’t reporting or seeking interviews, instead.
BM didn’t seem introverted or shy when he stopped to talk to a stranger (TD) and tell him all sorts of details about the case. After he did that, he might as well speak to real reporters and try to get more media attention. Imo.
My responses and harsh judgments are based on fear that I shouldn’t have at this point that this case won’t be solved ...
I’m the one getting all emotional and perhaps unreasonable as I tend to do with each case ... :(
I may have read the same article but I can't remember which one it was
either. I think it was a family member or friend who said they were told not to reveal information and they did not want to hinder the investigation, or something along those lines. Jmo
I know what you're referring to. The family member did a radio interview and said that the family wished to stay quiet lest they harm the investigation. They wanted to hold any information close to the vest. IMO.
This came from the latest update on the Gimme Fund last week.

Ironically, the point of canvassing and putting up flyers is to draw attention. If you’re doing it right, you notify the media in advance.

Must have forgot that part.
My feeling is that they don't want any added media attention. It is all so very odd. MOO
Letecia was a really special animal.

I can think of one other case where the perpetrator retrieved human remains during an investigation (Stephen Grant).

That person brought them home, and didn’t travel cross country with family likely in tow. I wouldn’t be surprised if we never saw anything like what she did, ever again.

There’s plenty of open space in Colorado, and that area is about as unforgiving as it gets. The killer wouldn’t have to get all the creative, and he’d still stand a good chance of her never being found.

BBM. The thought of SM never being found makes me incredibly sad. I really pray that somehow they figure out where she is. Her daughters and family members deserve to be able to bury her properly. MOO
At the moment, I can't find the video of the guy with a dog (Ithink!) and the blonde journalist(?) who said that a member of SM's family told her that LE asked them not to speak publicly.
There was also an approved article where (which I also cannot find???) a SM family member said the same.
I don't recall any member of BM's family ever saying anything like that.
If someone remembers what I'm talking about, re video or article, I would so appreciate your adding links.
I'm sorry if this violates rules, but I distinctly remember that these two items were approved here.
Please delete if necessary.

I think this is the reference that is being referred to but it never says specifically that LE is the one telling them NOT to talk. I think the lawyer may be the one advising against it.

I have a feeling someone told him not to talk,” the relative said about Trevor Noel’s recent silence. During the first week of the investigation, Noel told local media outlets that police had recovered Suzanne Morphew’s bike, and Suzanne’s relative believes police did not want that information leaked.

The source said that Suzanne’s family has received very little specific information about the investigation. Of the relatives who are in central Colorado, “if they are told not to say anything, they don’t,” the relative said.”
‘We’re in the dark’: Missing Suzanne Morphew’s family waits and worries two weeks after Colorado mom’s mysterious disappearance [EXCLUSIVE]
I remember somewhere on here it was said LE did not want them to talk because it would ruin the investigation. MOO

If link hasn't been found yet, here it is:

“We are as much in the dark as anyone else, because they don’t want information getting out there that might hurt the case. It’s hard to wait and watch and wonder what’s happening,” they said, adding that the situation was “surreal” for Suzanne’s family members.
Hmmmmm moon in the uk has quite the different meaning and I suspect (deduce..) that GordianKnot is familiar :p

The meaning you are getting at is well known in the States too. The difference being only in (mooning + over) means to crush on someone. But, yes, to moon someone is different entirely. :D
‘We’re in the dark’: Missing Suzanne Morphew’s family waits and worries two weeks after Colorado mom’s mysterious disappearance [EXCLUSIVE]

OK, I’m officially confused. I don’t know if this has to do with my command of the English language, but for me this doesn’t say LE told them not to speak. In my understanding this says LE won’t share anything with them to prevent them from harming the investigation by releasing something they shouldn’t. Am I reading it wrong?
It also says TN may have been told not to talk but it’s unclear by whom.
I do understand LE might’ve stopped sharing information with him after he released the info about finding the bike.

I definitely don’t believe LE would say:
Please, do not plead with the public for info about SM’s disappearance or please, do not ask the public to look out for her or for anything else she was known to take with her on her bike rides. (If the family believed she went missing from her bike ride)
I don’t think LE woud ask anyone to stop raising awareness about a missing person.

All the above is speculation and opinion.
Or we are currently in the middle of some very unusual times and the location of the missing person is remote? Perhaps Denver media can't send a reporter down there everytime the family is putting up posters at the park?

Are those that criticize the family of the missing in this situation doing anymore than the family is?

have we seen ONE photo of the family putting up posters? (perhaps i missed that.). as high a profile case as this is, and all the questions people seem to have surrounding it (on sm), i would think that it would be a pretty big deal for any journalist, and there are LOADS of them, to report on any little thing happening around this case in recent days or weeks. but we've got nothing, and by "we" i don't just mean us here at websleuths. there are people from around the world interested in this case, from what i've seen.

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‘We’re in the dark’: Missing Suzanne Morphew’s family waits and worries two weeks after Colorado mom’s mysterious disappearance [EXCLUSIVE]

OK, I’m officially confused. I don’t know if this has to do with my command of the English language, but for me this doesn’t say LE told them not to speak. In my understanding this says LE won’t share anything with them to prevent them from harming the investigation by releasing something they shouldn’t. Am I reading it wrong?
It also says TN may have been told not to talk but it’s unclear by whom.
I do understand LE might’ve stopped sharing information with him after he released the info about finding the bike.

I definitely don’t believe LE would say:
Please, do not plead with the public for info about SM’s disappearance or please, do not ask the public to look out for her or for anything else she was known to take with her on her bike rides. (If the family believed she went missing from her bike ride)
I don’t think LE woud ask anyone to stop raising awareness about a missing person.

All the above is speculation and opinion.
100 percent agree. I really doubt LE would have told them not to plead publicly for her to be found. I have never heard of that. How would making a public plea hinder an investigation? I’m not accusing anyone of lying. Just don’t think that LE specifically said to not make any public pleas.
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