Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #21

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excellent points - I've often found that when following a case on WS when you have opposing positions (some think X did it, and some think X is innocent - think Frazee, Watts, etc.) it seems "hate" creeps into the conversation as a way to describe the opposing view - in this case - the husband - for me, I don't hate - I just don't like what I think they may have done. It may come across that I "hate" the particular person in a case but I don't. if that makes any sense.
For the most part, I agree that the discourse is respectful and lively among this group. But, there are definitely hateful comments made. And for many, they are off-putting. If you firmly believe that BM is guilty, you might not even notice them. Just off the top of my head, I remember posts with words like cheater, raging narcissist, awful husband, liar, egomaniac, bully, rot in hell, etc. To some, that might seem like strangely strong speech aimed at someone about whom we know so little. I don’t consider those that might fall into this group to be thin skinned at all. Just an observation. MOO
I apologize if I’ve missed this, but can’t find the answer here on WS.
Snipped by me - Quoting Article dated May 14 from NY POST


“Spezze declined to comment when reached Wednesday by The Post on whether Morphew’s husband is cooperating with authorities or if investigators suspect foul play in the case.

“This is an open criminal investigation,” Spezze said.” “

When was it changed from a missing person case to a criminal investigation by Chaffee County Sheriff Department?

Edited to bold remarks

Bold by OP ;-)
Interestingly, if you follow the timeline it went the opposite way - from a criminal investigation to a missing person case. While this could be telling, IMO this is further evidence of LE's inexact phrasing. This would be at least the third example of such. That said, I think its only fair to note that others have made the point that, basically, she is missing until the reason for her going missing is known (and LE wants to tell us).

The NY Post link above is dated 05/14 and uses the phrase "open criminal investigation" stemming from a press conference.

Press releases have used the "missing person" language. Here are examples dated after the NY Post article.

CCSO press release 05/17: "As the investigation into the [SM] missing person case moves forward..."
May 17 Search Press Release - Chaffee County Sheriff

CCSO press release on 05/20: "Additionally, while [SM's] case remains categorized as a missing person..."
May 20, 2020 Press Release Suzanne Morphew missing person case - Chaffee County Sheriff

CCSO press release on 05/21: "...continue the missing person search for [SM]."
May 21, Investigation continues for missing woman - Chaffee County Sheriff

CCSO press release on 05/22: "Based on information developed during the [SM] missing person case..."
May 22 Press Release - Chaffee County Sheriff

CCSO press releases on 06/10 and 07/09 use the exact same language: "The Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office is being assisted by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in this missing person case."
Suzanne Morphew update June 10 - Chaffee County Sheriff
Suzanne Morphew still missing - Chaffee County Sheriff
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These are my odds:
98% chance that BM is responsible for SM’s disappearance and death
1% chance SM staged her own disappearance (only scenario I can think of where BM is innocent that might explain his odd behaviour)
1% chance of some other wild scenario not involving BM
I like your math there. For me, I’d remove any possibility of the staged disappearance, and add it to some wild scenario where BM is not responsible.
These are my odds:
98% chance that BM is responsible for SM’s disappearance and death
1% chance SM staged her own disappearance (only scenario I can think of where BM is innocent that might explain his odd behaviour)
1% chance of some other wild scenario not involving BM
These are my odds :) :
99 % probability that BM is solely responsible for SM’s disappearance
1% probability of some other wild scenario
unfortunately, I would still suspect BM involvement.
I just cannot get past his demeanour in his plea, lack of a meaningful reward when clearly he has money, not answering the simplest of questions when asked and conveniently being 3 hrs away on MD. Why couldn’t he get the job site in Denver ready on Saturday? What was he doing Saturday? Was he on his previous job site? Did he spend the day with Suzanne and if so, what were they doing?

I will not give him the benefit of the doubt. He’s done nothing deserving of it.
I haven't been entirely comfortable with TD like I have with Lauren Scharf, but I couldn't quite see what it was I was not comfortable with. Your point makes me realize what it was I was not seeing. TD may have years of experience on YouTube and maybe podcasts, but I haven't bothered to research this guy and his background and experience. Good point.

Yeah, I'm not at all interested in hearing TD's analysis of the case or what rumors he's heard on the street.

Having said that, I'm going to give him full credit for having managed to do what LS has not been able to accomplish:

He had a lengthy conversation with BM about the circumstances surrounding SM's disappearance.
And that is priceless.

Hearing and seeing BM proffer his version of events was beyond enlightening.
Apparently, LE thought so, too, because it sounds like they've been in touch with TD since that video was published.

It was poetic justice, really.
I think what we saw there was a case of one opportunist encountering another opportunist, with both subsequently trying to take advantage of the situation to advance their separate agendas:

TD saw a golden opportunity to get an inside scoop on a big case.
BM saw a golden opportunity to pitch his narrative to a member of the public.

At the end of the day, I think only one of them benefited from that encounter.

For BM, that interview was nothing short of an unmitigated disaster of epic proportions.

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So, I'm one of those pesky fence sitters :eek:;), I can see why things point to BM and do accept he is certainly coming across as mighty suspicious in his behaviours etc. but I am struggling as to the reason why he would harm his wife and the mother of his children - I mean they have been together a REALLY long time and would have faced some struggles during their time together. I did some reading on husbands killing their wives, and found some interesting things (interesting to me anyway) I read a number of articles/news articles/papers etc. one from the CDC (why does the Centre of Disease Control do studies on spousal killings? genuine question ) and from what I gathered women who co-habit are more likely to be killed than married women - 9 out of 10 co-habiting women, a married man is more likely to kill a 'mistress' particularly if they are younger and pregnant, the women would be most likely under 40, financial gain isn't always a motivator but jealousy if the wife wanted to move on was quite a big motivator - I did find that interesting, particularly in light of SM's illness and previous thoughts/opinions on here of her re-evaluating things, that made me think that SM wanted to re-direct her life and BM wasn't happy with the idea?
I read something by Dr Moncton Smith (Criminology Expert) - some of the British W/Sleuthers will know of her I would have thought - she stated there was an '8 stage pattern' that Uroxicide (think I spelt that correctly) follows - there was some points for discussion in there I feel such as 1,2,3,4,6 and 7 (although I am unclear whether some of them could be discussed here as we don't know what they were like and what relationship dynamics were when they first met etc. and as this was on BBC News - I don't know if its verified?). I am not too tech savvy though and cant seem to copy the links properly - just my thoughts, thanks for letting me share and sorry if I bored any of you :).

Not boring at all. I like use of stats and research to determine probabilities in these cases. Love it.

You make good points. For me this feels somewhat like the Michelle MacNeill case. She and her husband were about the same ages. He was having an affair. So, he killed her so he could be with the new woman.

I see that happen more in cases where the family is super religious and/or can't deal with criticism from family or the community. Also in cases where they don't want to lose money in a divorce.

I have no facts to base my feeling on. Just a feeling.

The CDC does studies on anything related to the health of the populace. I guess spousal murder would count, even though it's not necessarily a "disease?"
Having been through chemo, I can think of a few reasons one might not want their spouse present during infusions. I have my suspicions about BM but I don’t read much into his absence during chemo sessions.

I can too, and all of them belong to an overall list of "not getting along so well." Or "irritates me easily."
So, BM's 'Too Soon' comment, maybe it was a subconscious thought coming to the surface - as in (BM thinking) 'this wasn't what I planned, it's 'too soon' for them to report her missing'.

Just a thought

That comment is utterly damning in my eyes.

"It's too soon," is something a person says when they're trying to buy themselves time.

Time is not your friend when someone goes missing.

Who in the world tries to buy more time when they find themselves in a situation where every second counts?

There is no rational explanation, and no justification, for BM not jumping at the opportunity to implore the public to BOLO for his beloved wife of >25 years.

At least, no innocent rational explanation.

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Unless by "too soon," BM meant, "too late," that comment is utterly damning in my eyes.

"It's too soon," is something a person says when they're trying to buy themselves time.

Time is not your friend when someone goes missing.

Who in the world tries to buy more time when they find themselves in a situation where every second counts?

There is no rational explanation, and no justification, for BM not jumping at the opportunity to implore the public to BOLO for his beloved wife of 30+ years.

At least, no innocent rational explanation.

In a kidnapping case, every second counts. We all know what typically happens in those early hours.

Getting the word out right away can literally be the difference between life and death. It’s never “too soon,” but frequently “too late.”

Incidentally, the FBI is acutely aware of this fact, and even they didn’t do the things they invariably do in kidnapping cases.

It’s almost as if they knew...
Yeah, I'm not at all interested in hearing TD's analysis of the case or what rumors he's heard on the street.

Having said that, I'm going to give him full credit for having managed to do what LS could not and has not been able to accomplish:

He had a lengthy conversation with BM about the circumstances surrounding SM's disappearance.
And that is priceless.

Hearing and seeing BM proffer his version of events was beyond enlightening.
Apparently, LE thought so, too, because it sounds like they've been in touch with TD since that video was published.

It was poetic justice, really.
I think what we saw there was a case of one opportunist encountering another opportunist, with both subsequently trying to take advantage of the situation to advance their separate agendas:

TD saw a golden opportunity to get an inside scoop on a big case.
BM saw a golden opportunity to pitch his narrative to a member of the public.

At the end of the day, I think only one of them benefited from that encounter.

For BM, that interview was nothing short of a titanic disaster.

I understand where you’re coming from with the rumours, but I’m telling ya, our neighbour has given us the inside scoop on dirt on this street :). And, it was absolutely true and both houses went up for sale!

I think there’s a place for guys or gals like TD. He’s a grade above a few others out there. Unlike LS, who is professional and manicured and answers to her bosses, TD can fly by the seat of his pants wherever and whenever he likes. I look forward to his “scoop” every bit as much as LS’s. :oops:
excellent points - I've often found that when following a case on WS when you have opposing positions (some think X did it, and some think X is innocent - think Frazee, Watts, etc.) it seems "hate" creeps into the conversation as a way to describe the opposing view - in this case - the husband - for me, I don't hate - I just don't like what I think they may have done. It may come across that I "hate" the particular person in a case but I don't. if that makes any sense.

And someone brought up an excellent point yesterday. When you are in the minority view and there are very few in that group, it can feel like being ganged up on but it could just be the fact there are 95 people with the "he did it" opinion and only 5 in the minority "he did not do it" opinion.

So if you are in the minority, you will get a 95-5 ration of comments going against your view so it could come across as feeling like a gang up when really it is just statistics.
In a kidnapping case, every second counts. We all know what typically happens in those early hours.

Getting the word out right away can literally be the difference between life and death. It’s never “too soon,” but frequently “too late.”

Incidentally, the FBI is acutely aware of this fact, and even they didn’t do the things they invariably do in kidnapping cases.

It’s almost as if they knew...


It's almost as if they aren't the only ones who knew, either.

If you catch my drift.

I understand where you’re coming from with the rumours, but I’m telling ya, our neighbour has given us the inside scoop on dirt on this street :). And, it was absolutely true and both houses went up for sale!

I think there’s a place for guys or gals like TD. He’s a grade above a few others out there. Unlike LS, who is professional and manicured and answers to her bosses, TD can fly by the seat of his pants wherever and whenever he likes. I look forward to his “scoop” every bit as much as LS’s. :oops:


Sometimes, you have to get in the mud to hogtie the pig.

I have no idea if pigs are hogtied.

But I like the metaphor, regardless.
Unless by "too soon," BM meant, "too late," that comment is utterly damning in my eyes.

"It's too soon," is something a person says when they're trying to buy themselves time.

Time is not your friend when someone goes missing.

Who in the world tries to buy more time when they find themselves in a situation where every second counts?

There is no rational explanation, and no justification, for BM not jumping at the opportunity to implore the public to BOLO for his beloved wife of 30+ years.

At least, no innocent rational explanation.


I agree - I find it irrational that he isn't making pleas/searching for his wife of 26 yrs, and do keep pondering as to why he is so silent, but they all are - this is puzzling to me - I get that the integrity of the case is a big factor, but, oh I don't know, maybe its cos I think with my heart and not my head most of the time and my mouth literally has a brain of its own - I honestly don't think I could maintain such a silence, unless someone gagged me :)
How is your sleuthing coming along? Didn’t you say you had made some progress?
New info has taken me in somewhat different direction, kidnapping still possibility, as in she was taken, and murdered elsewhere.
So this is not the scenario I would choose, as my favorite had her kidnapped and still alive.
I’m not eating crow, as IMO BM was not guilty of this. I am swallowing tears for both of them.
It IS a possibility, that LE IS also following this lead, and actually explains many of LE actions, from the beginning.

IOW, once you “consider” that BM is innocent, it forces you to look at other possibilities.

As an example, @kay74 has been catching heat, because she refuses to elaborate. I understand why she refuses to. She has many threads ago, refuted speculations, with just as valid speculations. I assume that everyone has at least given hers speculations considerations in the past. I know that I have given any member’s ideas consideration. I have absolutely understood some of LE actions, but I have never ruled out the possibility of another perpetrator. For example, she may have been kidnapped in her home, the bike actually could have been staged, but not by BM.
It also answers, the questions I myself had with my scenarios.
I am moving from finding Suzanne, to finding her body.
I’m sure I will develop a shield if I stay on these forums, but not likely a strong one.
I have been reading true crime, since my teens and I follow the news.
I will always be affected by these cases.

Sorry guys, having a bad day, as I said...Oh Suzanne...
I agree - I find it irrational that he isn't making pleas/searching for his wife of 26 yrs, and do keep pondering as to why he is so silent, but they all are - this is puzzling to me - I get that the integrity of the case is a big factor, but, oh I don't know, maybe its cos I think with my heart and not my head most of the time and my mouth literally has a brain of its own - I honestly don't think I could maintain such a silence, unless someone gagged me :)
I suspect a few characters have in fact been gagged. But if they haven’t, I’d just love to see TD “accidentally ” bump into them. I have a list if he’s interested :)
That we agree on. This case does not have the elements found in most spousal homicide cases.

We have no rumors of domestic violence, no known police calls to the home, no known financial or marital issues, and on the surface, this looks like the quintessential American family.

But I cannot ignore what I am seeing, and that supersedes all else. For whatever reason, they are looking at BM. I’m convinced that is both true, and there is a solid basis for it.

There is precedent though, as numerous happy marriages with the same elements (to include marriage length) have ended in homicide (I can think of two local ones).

So unusual? Absolutely.
Does it happen? Absolutely.

Yup. We have multiple case where everything seemed great - no DV, no child abuse. Nothing. And then there's murder:

1. Jason Young
2. Scott Peterson
3. Patrick Frazee
4. Justin Ross Harris
5. Martin MacNeill
6. Chris Coleman
7. Chris Watts
8. Neil Entwhistle
9. John List
10. Mark Hacking
11. Jeffrey McDonald
12. Christian Longo

I can go on and on with cases of seemingly happy families when suddenly, dad/husband commits murder.
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