Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #21

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I am a little bit questioning of this neighbors account. Often people elaborate to make a finding more interesting than it is. I doubt BM would be foolish enough to go to a job site in the middle of the night and start working. The neighbor thought it was a truck at first. It may have been a truck running its engine. It may have been BM digging. I am on the fence about this one.

If you hear unusual noises in the middle of the night, and your hearing is good, you determine the direction of the noise correctly, and you are usually right about the date, and the time. You can even provide a plausible explanation as to what is going on. The thing that is very hard to determine is the type of the noise. So it could have been a car, and they could have been moving, or something totally different. The only way to determine is to try different types of equipment and machinery with that lady at night, till she recognizes the sound. I doubt the machinery was moved away.
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Oh yes. There’s always something wrong in these cases. And sometimes DV that’s hidden.

But in some I think the wife is totally trusting and unsuspecting. Like the MacNeil case. And Neil Entwhistle. Scott peterson. (I don’t think is wjife susoected a thing.

Scott’s wife noticed, at least, that he didn’t want the child to such a degree that he hated stroking or touching her belly.
Yes. No specificity as to the precise time or day.

Logically, it had to have been in the wee hours of the morning on Saturday or Sunday.

ETA: I think “middle of the night” was my interpretation, as she seemed exasperated by the timing of it, and was sleeping.

LS answered this in her FB comments. She says the neighbor can't remember which night but she is certain it was Mother's Day weekend. And she heard the noise at 11:30 pm.
If you hear unusual noises in the middle of the night, and your hearing is good, you determine the direction of the noise correctly, and you are usually right about the date, and the time. You can even provide a plausible explanation as to what is going on. The thing that is very hard to determine is the type of the noise. So it could have been a car, and they could have been moving, or something totally different. The only way to determine is to try different types of equipment and machinery with that lady at night, till she recognizes the sound. I doubt the machinery was moved away.
Being inside a house with HVAC running and windows closed it may be difficult to determine the direction, too. She stated that when went to the door the noise stopped.

I've often been amazed at the lack of 'hearing' or audible witnesses in a case and the neighbors had the AC or heat going and the windows closed. Jodi Husentruit's case is an example. One person MAY have heard a scream in Jodi's case but that was it.
Thank you. What you have noticed is unbridled fantasy, lol. My mind generates a lot of ideas, but also, a disproportionate number of “false positives”, so you are right in disagreeing with me. )) On the positive side, if I feel that the situation reminds me of something I had already seen, it is usually for a reason.

ETA: A good example. I always wondered why SM, a housewife from Indiana, had such a captivating face. And came to the conclusion that to me, SM resembled a modern version of amazing German actress Romy Schneider, in her most famous role (“Sissi”). I wonder if anyone has noticed the similarity.
I have a some opinions about your viewpoints, but "unbridled fantasies" are not part of them. If they were fantasies, I wouldn't pause to always wonder. Glad to have you here for your counterpoint. Welcome.
I'm just discovering this case but she was a stunningly beautiful woman looking at her facebook page. her background pic and profile pic do not feature her husband , and there is one black and white photo on there of her husband and her standing in the door way of what looks like a hotel room, he has his arm across the door way blocking her leaving, that stood out to me , just my initial observations so far.
If you hear unusual noises in the middle of the night, and your hearing is good, you determine the direction of the noise correctly, and you are usually right about the date, and the time. You can even provide a plausible explanation as to what is going on. The thing that is very hard to determine is the type of the noise. So it could have been a car, and they could have been moving, or something totally different. The only way to determine is to try different types of equipment and machinery with that lady at night, till she recognizes the sound. I doubt the machinery was moved away.
Completely brilliant, yes, so they could either re-enact the night with the neighbour, demonstrating various equipment, or maybe play recordings of machinery to her till she says “yes, that’s it” ..... wonder if they did that.
It's on youtube now @swedeheart and @Poedelini, hope you can view it :)
ETA: Good on ya Lauren, so wonderful.

Thank you so much!

Hi Poedelini and Itsapuzzle,
Poedelini use one of the proxies for the Netherlands and for Its a puzzle use the one for Australia, if that’s where you are currently residing, and then copy and paste the url address of the Fox21 article or any other US article you can’t read into the url search bar.

Proxy Lists by Country

Oh this is so helpful! Thank you!
So many thoughts are going through my head with the second part of LS special.

Lets say it was BM. Why would he use that kind of equipment (Noisy) at that time of hour? It would totally give him away.
At the same time, who else could it be. It is all to weird. It was his jobsite after all.

In my mind this would be an unpopular option to do anything here. (dumping evidence or hiding a body)

But hey i don't know how his mind works in that kind of situation.

Being inside a house with HVAC running and windows closed it may be difficult to determine the direction, too. She stated that when went to the door the noise stopped.

I've often been amazed at the lack of 'hearing' or audible witnesses in a case and the neighbors had the AC or heat going and the windows closed. Jodi Husentruit's case is an example. One person MAY have heard a scream in Jodi's case but that was it.
Here’s the temps for Salida last May. 70s day/30s night.
I’ve lived here ( 2 hrs from Salida) for over 20 years and I’m guessing she didn’t have AC or heat on. Perfect time of year to leave the bathroom window cracked. JMO


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So many thoughts are going through my head with the second part of LS special.

Lets say it was BM. Why would he use that kind of equipment (Noisy) at that time of hour? It would totally give him away.
At the same time, who else could it be. It is all to weird. It was his jobsite after all.

In my mind this would be an unpopular option to do anything here. (dumping evidence or hiding a body)

But hey i don't know how his mind works in that kind of situation.


well, he could always say he was just "working" and apologize to anyone that confronted him. this is why i think he might have had help. maybe he had someone looking out. i don't know, can't wrap my head around any of it. why, just WHY do people think this is a good solution for getting out of a marriage?! it's so selfish, and now suzanne's daughters are never going to know what happened to their mom, bc i have no doubt he is gaslighting the hell of them now.

anybody know if disposing of a body would (or could) be quick, if done the way we are thinking it might have been done? *can't even type it, and not fully sure i wanna know which one of you knows the answer to this. :eek: ;)

I have some thoughts about that.

IF SM never went for a bike ride on Mother's Day, and the entire bike ride scene was staged, then we're looking at a case of foul play, and whatever happened to her likely happened before Sunday morning.

IF BM is responsible for SM's disappearance, he would have found himself needing to cover up/conceal/dispose of all the evidence after the crime, which would have likely taken a considerable amount of time.
That may potentially have thrown his work schedule off significantly.

We have no way of knowing, obviously, but BM may have been scheduled to work on that property site on either Friday or Saturday.

If he was, then perhaps he went to that work site late at night or in the very early morning hours to get the work done, because he was concerned that it would look suspicious if had not followed through on a job that was scheduled to be completed right around the same timeframe that SM went missing.

The fact that nothing tying that property to SM was found during LE's search doesn't mean that the loud noises heard there that night are completely unrelated to her disappearance.

I do think BM was there in the wee hours.
I don't think he was burying SM there, though.
If BM disappeared SM, I think she's nowhere near any place that can be tied directly to him.

Not even Frazee was dumb enough to do that.

I think he was there that night, though, furiously trying to make up for lost time.

Makes sense. I agree that I dont think SM was buried there, but Ive wondered about destroyed evidence. Especially if he was catching up on work after the fact.

He also could have been doing his job there ahead of time so he could make a last minute trip to Denver, you know the one.

So with the ultimate question being - " Who was there that night?", LE would have to rule out every person working on, or related to, that job site prior to obtaining a SW and/or even considering destroying the place. This wasnt a small task, so I cant imagine them not narrowing it down as far as possible first. To me, it would seem that if a person was there to do legit work, they would have come forward and said yes, it was me, and heres what I did and why I did it. If it was BM, and he didnt come forward, his GPS and/or cell records should tell that story for him. It could have been random kids playing around with unlocked equipment, but kids wouldnt leave the place neat and tidy. Also, Im guessing this wasnt a random coincidence.

I just cant imagine that LE doesnt have surveillance footage for in and around some of these locations. Im hoping they have lots of it.

LS answered this in her FB comments. She says the neighbor can't remember which night but she is certain it was Mother's Day weekend. And she heard the noise at 11:30 pm.

Well, I guess for some folks 11:30 is the middle of the night.
Either way, it's a pretty tall order to believe this unusual activity this time of night, happening at a job site with heavy construction equipment, that BM happened to have been hired for dirt work on... on the very same weekend that his wife went mysteriously missing...

Is just a coincidence.

I agree with whoever said it upthread, that it's clearly obvious the CCSO didn't like the answers they got about the who/why was on that site at that time of night running heavy machinery of some sort.

Being inside a house with HVAC running and windows closed it may be difficult to determine the direction, too. She stated that when went to the door the noise stopped.

I've often been amazed at the lack of 'hearing' or audible witnesses in a case and the neighbors had the AC or heat going and the windows closed. Jodi Husentruit's case is an example. One person MAY have heard a scream in Jodi's case but that was it.
Early in May no A/C would be running in Salida even if her home had it, not very common. An open window is all the cool air needed but might kick on the furnace.
I believe her account
Correction: it's a Vermeer wood chipper but it's pretty massive and there's mention of a tub grinder.

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Hypothetically, if a body was placed in this would there be blood spatter ? I’m sorry to ask this ..... I just recall the sifting of dirt at the building site
ETA: sifting
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BM and at least one other company have equipment at a job site. There was a loud, constant noise heard by a neighbour at 11:30 pm on the Friday or Saturday night of Mother’s Day Weekend. Neighbour reports her suspicions. LE investigates the site and does not find anything. This was a dead end, IMO.
I love that we are getting a few more bits of info over the past week that helps advance what the bigger picture might be. Related to the late night construction work:


-Barry was there disposing of a body, part of a body, or ashes. It seems like the lab testing of soil is what we’d be waiting on in this scenario

-Barry was disposing of other evidence such as a weapon or shell casings. Possible, and if anything like this was found, I’d imagine they are testing it to match what potentially was discovered during the M home search(s)

-This work wasn't directly tied to SM but instead Barry got behind on his work because he needed to “attend to something urgent” when he should have been working or he needed to get Sunday work done wince he needed to be out of town in Denver on Sunday as his alibi.

There are so many conversations LE could have had with all of the parties involved in that construction project that will expose a number of short comings in what BM might be saying.

IMO, LE has A LOT right now. Hey just need the body and/or results from lab testing and digital forensics.
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