Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #21

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Ok. Factually she was a school teacher in Indiana before moving to CO. two years ago.

SM was a middle school teacher in Indiana before moving to CO two years ago.

Search for former Indiana teacher in Colorado focuses on area where personal item found

BM Uncle described her as "one of the sweetest, one of the sweetest people you would ever want to meet,” Bob Morphew explained. “She’s the kind of person that everybody loved.” He described Suzanne as a loving mother, wife, a former teacher and a kind person.

Search for former Indiana teacher in Colorado focuses on area where personal item found

I am unsure where the idea that she taught until she had children came from. Nor can I find any information on her substituting in CO. Posting supporting articles with statements is very helpful, and stops the spread of rumors and false information. I have been guilty of repeating comments without verifying.

Here’s the article that specifies the years she worked at the middle school (1995-1999).

Former Heights teacher missing in Colorado – Hamilton County Reporter
I'm thinking that the building site in Salida is not a disposal site for either Suzanne or other evidence. I think that he would have been too afraid of discovery. But I can see the need for LE to check it out. That 3 day search makes me think that they determined that the person who was there in the dark operating some sort of machinery was indeed BM.

I agree with the idea that he was there to make up time. He was expected to have the work finished, but something had him in a scheduling pickle. He wasn't going to be able to work there when he had planned, because other things had taken priority over the building site.

Maybe he had originally planned to do the work on mother's day. Maybe he originally planned to knock it out early and to be home with Suzanne on mother's day. But instead he needed to discard her body on the way to Denver on Mother's day. What a vile insult that would be to this lovely lady.

Whether the nighttime work was done Friday or Saturday night, I feel that Suzanne was deceased prior to the work. I'm sure LE knows which night and it is written in ink on their timeline.
I agree it is fishy to be working and making loud noises at that hour. Because isnt there a community or city rule that formal work from companies cannot be making loud noises past a certain hour?

I think my community has a rule of some sort about workers making noise after a certain time in the evening. Im not sure if their city ordinance or community has that or not but even if there is no rules or regulations about it, then surely BM would know that it is frowned upon to be making loud noises late at night no matter where his company is working.

Whomever did that work had an extreme sense of urgency or need to do it in secrecy to have to do it at that time of night. It was only 30 mins of work anyway. Why not just do it at 7am? Oh, because daylight and people are more likely to be awake?
So many thoughts are going through my head with the second part of LS special.

Lets say it was BM. Why would he use that kind of equipment (Noisy) at that time of hour? It would totally give him away.
At the same time, who else could it be. It is all to weird. It was his jobsite after all.

In my mind this would be an unpopular option to do anything here. (dumping evidence or hiding a body)

But hey i don't know how his mind works in that kind of situation.

Here is a guess from me:
If BM killed SM on Friday or Saturday, he would have to dispose of the body. I’m sure he thought going out under cover of darkness was the most prudent way of doing it. He decided to bury her body or some crucial evidence at this job site. He knew the cement pour was supposed to be on Tuesday, (IIRC).
This may have been when the whole bike plan was formulated along with the Denver trip.
He buries something in the dirt at the job site. If he is confronted by a neighbor he would say that he had to go to Denver to another job site on Sunday and he had to finish the prep at the Salida site so it would be ready for the pour.
He finishes hiding whatever at the Salida site, goes home and cleans up whatever evidence he can find, throws SM’s bike in the back of his truck along with a personal item or two. He dumps the bike down the side of the hill, throws the personal item out a little further away, and drives to Denver early Sunday morning. (That way he doesn’t’ have to produce a hotel receipt and can tell LE she was fine when he left Sunday morning.)
On Sunday, the whole plan kicks into action. SM is reported missing late in the day. She went for her usual bike ride on Sunday and never came home. Barry is tucked away in Denver. Her bike is found off the side of the road. There would be no reason for BM to be looked at as a suspect or to question his midnight dig at the site in Salida, (in BM’s mind), because SM went for that bike ride after BM was long gone.
Except she didn’t.........
I agree it is fishy to be working and making loud noises at that hour. Because isnt there a community or city rule that formal work from companies cannot be making loud noises past a certain hour?

I think my community has a rule of some sort about workers making noise after a certain time in the evening. Im not sure if their city ordinance or community has that or not but even if there is no rules or regulations about it, then surely BM would know that it is frowned upon to be making loud noises late at night no matter where his company is working.

MOO If equipment was used at 3am it can't be just one neighbor noticing, the whole quiet mountain valley would hear it.
Here’s the temps for Salida last May. 70s day/30s night.
I’ve lived here ( 2 hrs from Salida) for over 20 years and I’m guessing she didn’t have AC or heat on. Perfect time of year to leave the bathroom window cracked. JMO
I would definitely rule out the AC, but as people get a little older, they tend to get cold a lot even when younger people think it’s quite warm. Ever go into an elderly neighbor or relative’s house and it feels stifling?
I think the nighttime temp being in the 30’s may have been cold enough for her to turn on the heat.
Hi Poedelini and Itsapuzzle,
Poedelini use one of the proxies for the Netherlands and for Its a puzzle use the one for Australia, if that’s where you are currently residing, and then copy and paste the url address of the Fox21 article or any other US article you can’t read into the url search bar.

Proxy Lists by Country

Also, Lauren Scharf has placed them on her YouTube channel:

Suzanne Morphew Special Part 1

Suzanne Morphew Special Part 2
Hypothetically, if a body was placed in this would there be blood spatter ? I’m sorry to ask this ..... I just recall the sifting of dirt at the building site
ETA: sifting

Its a good question and I have seen a few wood chippers in use for clearing wood. I have not seen one of those drum things but it would probably be similar as far as the finer debri that comes out.

Here is my take on it if someone used either the Drum thing or a wood chipper.

First, a hose does an amazing job of diluting and washing away any fresh blood so long as enough water is used to rinse everything. I base that on using a hose during deer processing.

Secondly, like someone else mentioned, if the exit area of the debri is pointed in a river, the majority of the small pieces of solid debris would go right in the river and probably be gone forever. Then a hose or Power Washer could be used to clean the machine itself and rinse most all of the debri off the machine and surrounding areas.

I am pretty sure that if LE knew the exact machine and knew the exact area where something like that was done to a human, they would be able to find small bits of human flesh and bone particles but it would not be obvious to a normal person just glancing at the area so long as it was thoroughly cleaned as mentioned. But a good forensic analysis of the area and the machine should be able to find small bits.

Anyway, that is my take on it.
Well, I guess for some folks 11:30 is the middle of the night.
Either way, it's a pretty tall order to believe this unusual activity this time of night, happening at a job site with heavy construction equipment, that BM happened to have been hired for dirt work on... on the very same weekend that his wife went mysteriously missing...

Is just a coincidence.

I agree with whoever said it upthread, that it's clearly obvious the CCSO didn't like the answers they got about the who/why was on that site at that time of night running heavy machinery of some sort.


This is what I found interesting- from Lauren's written article on the fox 21 website:

“I thought it sounded like one of them running and I sat up in bed and said, ‘it is one of them, what’s going on, this time of night? That’s ridiculous.’ And I thought maybe they had orders to move it or something, so I laid there listening and it kept going and going and going for about a half an hour. And I finally got up to check and, as I opened the back door, it stopped. So I thought, maybe they are just moving something or whatever, and so I did not go out and investigate.”

Branson said she did ask the construction workers if they left keys in the equipment. She said the workers told her they did leave keys behind, but kept them hidden.

I know it is not uncommon for keys to be left in/on heavy equipment at job sites like these and the "hiding places" used tend to be universal to most heavy equipment operators. Since it was 11:30 at night, I wouldn't be surprised to find out it was kids/young adults just being mischievous after smoking weed/drinking. Construction sites are popular places for kids to hang out when they are too young to be someplace like a bar or at home.

If BM is the guilty party, he has proven to be smart enough to cover his tracks pretty well since there doesn't seem to be a smoking gun that has led to an arrest warrant- this event, not even that late at night, had the potential to draw either sight or sound witnesses.

And I also understand the need for them to search based on that information- at that point of the project, there were only slabs to destroy, not an entire structure. If they discounted her reporting and in 6-7 months learned that her tip was a good one, it would have been a much more expensive search. I'm glad LE is looking at every possibility.
Here is a guess from me:
If BM killed SM on Friday or Saturday, he would have to dispose of the body. I’m sure he thought going out under cover of darkness was the most prudent way of doing it. He decided to bury her body or some crucial evidence at this job site. He knew the cement pour was supposed to be on Tuesday, (IIRC).
This may have been when the whole bike plan was formulated along with the Denver trip.
He buries something in the dirt at the job site. If he is confronted by a neighbor he would say that he had to go to Denver to another job site on Sunday and he had to finish the prep at the Salida site so it would be ready for the pour.
He finishes hiding whatever at the Salida site, goes home and cleans up whatever evidence he can find, throws SM’s bike in the back of his truck along with a personal item or two. He dumps the bike down the side of the hill, throws the personal item out a little further away, and drives to Denver early Sunday morning. (That way he doesn’t’ have to produce a hotel receipt and can tell LE she was fine when he left Sunday morning.)
On Sunday, the whole plan kicks into action. SM is reported missing late in the day. She went for her usual bike ride on Sunday and never came home. Barry is tucked away in Denver. Her bike is found off the side of the road. There would be no reason for BM to be looked at as a suspect or to question his midnight dig at the site in Salida, (in BM’s mind), because SM went for that bike ride after BM was long gone.
Except she didn’t.........
the sound by itself would probably not have been, but that it was the husband of a missing woman's current place of employment + said employee's wife is missing + strange, loud machinery noise in the middle of the night reported by a neighbor, i would say it would be enough to check it out. moo.
MOO a man and woman's voices at night followed by heavy equipment? So strange. Homeless or teens could not typically get equipment at a site started, as most operators do something to render them inoperable at night.
I think I remember this story during the actual search (via live video news clip) and if it's the same, I heard it from the woman's son that said he arrived Salida on Saturday around noon to visit his mom for Mother's Day weekend.

Based on this story, I think the neighbor would have heard the construction noise either very late Friday night or early morning Saturday as it was told to her son on Saturday.

I recall that the family believed it was most likely earth moving heavy equipment from mom's description and she thought the noise was enough to rattle her widows.

Anybody else remember this? It was most likely a clip by News4 reporter as they had a big presence in town covering the 3-day search of the building site.

Skid steer loaders are noisy little things to operate. IIRC, that was the equipment we saw near the front yard at the home. If the neighbor heard the noise Friday/Saturday night around 11:30. Someone may have been finishing a bit of work at the job site, because he needed to load that piece of equipment up to use somewhere else?
Yes, I recall pics and video being mentioned prior to the actual segment being aired last night. Yet, that was omitted from last night’s segment. Maybe playing some mind games with BM? After all, he has NO idea what LE have on him thus far!

Would love to see an arrest today, but I have a feeling it’s going to take just a wee bit longer. I hope it’s not too long. I bet some virtual donuts and coffee it would be under 5 months :)
Could there could there be two neighbors? I also heard mention of the photo and video the other day, but nothing in yesterday’s newscast. The neighbor last night said she was awakened by the noise, it when on for about a half hour, and when she opened her door it stopped. She said she did not go outside to investigate.
The information about the photo and video was that a neighbor would take photos and videos of the work being done and periodically send them to the out of state property owner so he could see the progress on the job site. Reportedly, this neighbor also heard the sound of loud equipment late night on MD weekend and thought it unusual enough to take video and photos of that. But we have not heard anymore on that from LS. Maybe she’s saving that for a future broadcast? Or maybe LE asked her not to mention again that there might be photos/video? They may not want a POI to know they have this.
What happens if an industrial wood chipper is aimed toward the river?

It'd be hard to put that tree back together. Or even find it.

Evil if it wasn't a tree.

Didn’t they dig up some areas in the dirt right by the river? I think someone said they were called pilings or postings or something like that but they were in that dirt area right by the river and they were huge holes dug around them. I Will go back and look for those photos when I have time but if anyone else wants to help please do. Thx! :)
Does anyone know if heavy construction type machinery has an internal electronic log of when it was started and used?

I know some manufacturing equipment does this for safety purposes and many cars have an onboard computer that can record that.
Newer Cat Heavy Equipment has that feature, we used it recently to document our trash compaction efforts to Corporate.

Not sure if smaller equipment has the same feature. But if they use GPS to make final grade, it's possible.
So many thoughts are going through my head with the second part of LS special.

Lets say it was BM. Why would he use that kind of equipment (Noisy) at that time of hour? It would totally give him away.
At the same time, who else could it be. It is all to weird. It was his jobsite after all.

In my mind this would be an unpopular option to do anything here. (dumping evidence or hiding a body)

But hey i don't know how his mind works in that kind of situation.

Maybe desperate and not thinking clearly. May have had help and it was accomplice’s idea. Maybe he thought the rushing river water would muffle the noise. Maybe it wasn’t even Barry?! o_O
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