Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #24

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Exactly... The fact that people remain suspicious of others close to a victim is not something that's going to go away, polygraph or not. And those "people" include law enforcement. So, what's the point of taking one?
Neither of them would have suffered any legal consequences had they not taken one either. The Polygraph had nothing at all to do with the outcome. The reason they didn't suffer any legal consequences is because LE had no proof he/she murdered their daughter.
In some cases, having friends in high places helps.
I'm still several pages back, but need to ask --

if a wife referred to her hubby as her "wild at heart" sweetie, what would that phrase imply to those of you who are familiar with it?

I'm building an opinion here but want to hear how others interpret that phrase.
Perhaps I shouldn’t chime in as I’m not truly familiar with the phrase, but my initial thoughts go to BM not being entirely satisfied with his life in Indiana. He seems like the type that needs to prove he’s a “real” man by killing things, except it proves the opposite. He merely needs to feed his ego. Surely his fragile ego is what brought us here, sadly.

Just my thoughts.
It appears that way.

In the TD video BM said he told Suzanne that he planned to work on MD and that he claims she was ok with that.
We have no proof whatsoever that this talk to his wife occurred or if so, when it happened --Sun morning or the night before.
Some people have difficulty thinking anything through.
There's bound to be slip-ups in Suzanne's case.
Would two best girlfriends who were texting each other about upcoming wedding plans, slip in a comment about what each would be doing for Mother's Day?
I'm sure said friend has supplied LE with the text messages exchanged Saturday evening,

The conversation likely wouldn't take place on Sunday, as he claimed to leave at 5:00 and Suzanne was sleeping when he left.

The sleeping explanation reminds me of the many missing child cases, where the parent claims they last saw him/her sleeping. Makes us all cringe ...
None of the above.

Allow me to remind you of your comment:
"If none of the Moorman family seeks to take part in or objects to the petition, they are -- in essence -- acquiescing to the guardianship.
Indeed, this is the perfect opportunity to call Barry as a witness in a hearing, under oath, to answer questions. If the Moorman family doesn't involve itself in the guardianship proceeding, then I will wonder how strong their suspicions of Barry really are."

If the family choses not to involve themselves --it could be because they may have fear of reprisal.

Contemporary English definition of Fear of Reprisal: "Something violent or harmful which you do to punish someone for something bad they have done to you... revenge, retaliation They didn't tell the police for fear of reprisal."

Edit: And as Truecolors pointed out this family member believes that he killed their loved one, they’d be justified in being cautious. Don’t poke the bear, as they say.

Well, the definition of "reprisal" you posted seems to denote something physical. You seem to nix an interstate plan or any sort of financial retaliation, though. That would seem to leave only Barry Morphew personally coming to Indiana to assault them, but I don't want to assume that is what you meant.

Nobody's going to be "happy" when charges are brought in this case.

I'm baffled by some posts characterizing those of us who believe BM is responsible as "hating" him, or "wanting" him to be guilty of having harmed her.

Frankly, that suggestion is ridiculous.
Feelings have nothing to do with our having applied our critical thinking skills to form an opinion.

I say it all the time:
"Feelings aren't Facts."

Facts are pointing many of us here to the extremely sad, but logical, conclusion that Suzanne is dead.

We want the person who took her life held accountable to the fullest extent of the law.
We could care less what the perpetrator's relationship to her is, aside from the fact that he's her murderer.
We want justice for Suzanne, because that's all that anyone can do for her now.

It's the least, the very least, this incredible woman deserves.

1,000 "Likes" !
Historically, there are some very fine examples of innocent’s behavior in cases of missing family members. Marc Klaas, Ed Smart and Mark Lunsford were all deemed suspicious by the public. However, like innocent people, they were focused on finding their family member and stayed the course. They were not deterred because some were distrustful of their behavior. They were willing to be scrutinized by LE and the public because their love and devotion to their missing family member outweighed their discomfort. They did not display the self protective, cover your behind type of behavior that we have seen with Barry.
Such a good post!
Well, the definition of "reprisal" you posted seems to denote something physical. You seem to nix an interstate plan or any sort of financial retaliation, though. That would seem to leave only Barry Morphew personally coming to Indiana to assault them, but I don't want to assume that is what you meant.
Would you please use laymen terms.
I'm still several pages back, but need to ask --

if a wife referred to her hubby as her "wild at heart" sweetie, what would that phrase imply to those of you who are familiar with it?

I'm building an opinion here but want to hear how others interpret that phrase.
Adventuresome, a free spirit.
And will you not be happy if he's found innocent? Will there be apologies?

I’d be thrilled and would apologize for ever suggesting the girls’ father was responsible. It’s the worst possible outcome for those girls, and I dearly hope there is another explanation. Justice—and finding Suzanne—is the ultimate goal here.

I agree with everything you've posted.

It's offensive, IMO , to suggest that posters here would be "happy" for a certain person to be charged in this case. It could possibly mean that 2 girls will lose both parents, and I don't think anyone here would be "happy" about that.

It's a shame when posters aren't respectful of others that have differing viewpoints/opinions, IMO.

SM needs to be found and anyone responsible for what happened to her brought to justice, IMO.
You're right as usual.

A little respect to others with different viewpoints goes a long way.
I have so much compassion for her family.
It's heartbreaking. :(

Justice for Suzanne should be our only concern.
Now that the family is speaking out I'm hoping they they will file an "objection" to the proposed guardianship. I would think they had to be notified. I'm not sure


I'm wondering if LE raised the issue of BM"s filing for guardianship of SM with her siblings.
I would be beyond shocked if the subject never came up in discussion between LE and SM's family.

I'm wondering if part of LE's motivation behind sharing some of their investigative findings with her family was to empower her family to advocate more assertively on her behalf.

LE may be trying to embolden the family to prevent any more being taken away from SM than already has been.

Stripping her of the legal right to govern her own decisions would be the final indignity.

Would two best girlfriends who were texting each other about upcoming wedding plans, slip in a comment about what each would be doing for Mother's Day?
I'm sure said friend has supplied LE with the text messages exchanged Saturday evening,

The conversation likely wouldn't take place on Sunday, as he claimed to leave at 5:00 and Suzanne was sleeping when he left.

The sleeping explanation reminds me of the many missing child cases, where the parent claims they last saw him/her sleeping. Makes us all cringe ...


Good point. Maybe SM told her friend via text that she and BM planned to spend the day together....

Spezze seems to have sent an email stating that he ‘has not released any information in regards to any component of the investigation. In that report it quotes family members and this is obviously unsubstantiated information. A problem is today’s media/social media world”.
I can’t tell if he’s splitting hairs here, or if he really did send an email; why would he bother to respond.
To whom was this email sent?
To be fair, the guy has been married to the same woman for twenty something years. There appears to be evidence to suggest that BM is a lot of things, but promiscuous? I don’t know.
None of us know for sure about anything. How many years a couple is married, IMO, has little to do with what's possible or if he's ever cheated on his wife.
Or maybe Suzanne's side of the family complained. They seemed to consider carefully before selecting PE to do the story, and they specifically said the family gave them "permission" to share details with the public.

Knowing how the DM makes so many errors, maybe they revealed something the family didn't want known? I didn't see the article but I imagine if they added some speculation the family might have an issue with that.

Or maybe they are just having technical difficulties. Would the family really have the power to prevent them from posting an article?

This must be very uncomfortable for them after everything that's just come out.

I don't think it any accident that SM's family came forward and talked to Fox21 and PE just after meeting with investigators that reportedly traveled to Indiana last week to talk to family and friends of the Morphew's, and further their investigation.

I'm also confident that that SM's family talked to PE and Fox21 with the blessing of LE. They are not about to do or say anything to interfere with the integrity of this investigation.

As for DM pulling whatever they reported this morning, we've seen first hand what DM is capable of when citing an "unnamed relative." We already know that SM's family released no specific details about the investigation to PE or Fox21.

If DM took liberties to embellish, citing unnamed family, or say BM failed a polygraph versus BM did not take a polygraph, or the truck data indicated BM was in Wyoming when no location data ever released, it's blatantly false and should be stopped.

We recently saw the same thing a few days ago with the Investigation Discovery video and their own false, misleading information. I say kudos to anybody that facilitated stopping any past, present, or future misinformation from spreading. MOO
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