Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #25

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I stated that an unwillingness to challenge the guardianship petition is tantamount to agreeing to the guardianship. However, unwillingness to challenge the guardianship due to fear of reprisal would mean that they do not tacitly agree to the guardianship: they fear something else more.

If the type of supposed reprisal is reasonably feared, then I'm willing to back off of my belief that the Moormans tacitly agree to the guardianship. If the type of reprisal is unlikely, I'm less willing to do so.

My mind went to a fear of physical or financial reprisal. @Knox specifically brought up the possible reprisal of Barry Morphew cutting off the relationship between the Moormans & his daughters, something I had not considered, probably because my extended family isn't especially close. While that wouldn't be enough to deter me if I thought that a spouse injured my family member, it is a reasonable explanation in the case of a family that is close, like the Moormans seem to be. Given that possibility, I am willing to admit that the Moormans' not challenging the guardianship doesn't necessarily mean that they agree with the guardianship. They may indeed fear injury to their relationship with the Morphew daughters more.


<modsnip: Removed rude and personalizing comment>

This isn't the first time they've passed out fliers, either.
It's simply the most recent instance of their having done so.
I can't imagine why anyone would take issue with their continuing to reach out to the community this way.

In point of fact, there are any number of reasons why LE might have distributed those particular fliers yesterday.
Personally, I think the intention of those fliers is more about sending a message to the perp than they are about trying to solicit information from the public.

It was a brilliant strategic move, regardless of whether or not those most recent fliers generate any new tips.


I was feeling that OP was perhaps posting about this most recent flyer is a typical missing persons flyer- with clear photos, physical description- height, weight, hair /eye color-last seen date etc.

What one would have expected to see originally upon her missing.

What are you detailed reasons for this flyer being released now? You mentioned there were “any number of reasons” and that the flyers are to send a message to the perp.

What message do you feel these flyers are communicating to the perp- ? Has this method been used before?

Respectfully would like to know as I’m not understanding this philosophy and would like to know more, and I have been following this case from the beginning, I just would like to know what you are thinking- thank you!
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About the recent posters of Suzanne, of interest to me were the following :

  • It was a "missing" poster, not an "abduction" poster
  • No mention of the "bike ride"
  • No photo of Suzanne with a bike helmet and riding clothes
  • A relaxed and ordinary pic. (Humanizing her for the public, as the spouse has neglected to do thus far. Not saying someone couldn't step up and do the right thing even now; but am not going to hold my breath -- or I'd lose consciousness)
  • No mention of the 'reward' offered. (Not that I think it was ever meant to actually be paid out -- 'safe return' means well and whole and no trauma whatsoever. So did the spouse think that after three months of captivity she's going to be unharmed at all , even emotionally ? Pretty cold train of thought for someone to have. Imo.)
  • A close up of her necklace and wedding ring ; as if it was a signal being sent by LE. (Has anyone seen these items or were they sold at a pawn shop recently ?)

Feel free to add more thoughts or theories as to the significant 'change' in tone and photos on the recent missing poster !
So here is a theory on why LE could have been so quick to disregard the bike set up.

What if SM’s best friend, whom she was communicating with on 5/9 and then went silent, notified the police earlier in the day of 5/10. Something like:

-SM & best friend are communicating
-SM goes silent all of a sudden
-Best friend keeps trying to reach her the evening of 5/9 and can’t
-Best friend keeps trying to reach her the morning of 5/10 and can’t.
-Best friend tries to reach SM’s daughters but can’t since they are camping in ID and don’t have good reception
-Best friend tries BM but he’s not answering because “he is in Denver prepping a job” **cough, cough**
-Best friend calls LE and says she’s concerned for SM (say this happens mid day or early afternoon)
-LE says, ‘thanks for calling. It hasn’t even been 24 hours yet. Give it a little more time.’

Then everything else happens later in 5/10 as we know it.

Certainly very plausible.
This is a great post. I always wondered why the search for Suzanne began immediately. I always just had this gut feeling like it seemed urgent but how could it be if they were just finding out at that moment and she could have just been at the store? Saying my mom or neighbor isn’t home from her bike ride or isn’t home answering her phone doesn’t ignite an immediate ground search. I have always felt LE either already knew something prior to the 911 call or I wondered if the M’s had a previous domestic situation with LE or SM herself had gone to them out of fear. Those were just some of my assumptions. I like yours better though.
This is a great post. I always wondered why the search for Suzanne began immediately. I always just had this gut feeling like it seemed urgent but how could it be if they were just finding out at that moment and she could have just been at the store? Saying my mom or neighbor isn’t home from her bike ride or isn’t home answering her phone doesn’t ignite an immediate ground search. I have always felt LE either already knew something prior to the 911 call or I wondered if the M’s had a previous domestic situation with LE or SM herself had gone to them out of fear. Those were just some of my assumptions. I like yours better though.
My opinion of BM is well documented here. However, were someone else to be found responsible for SM‘s murder, and I do believe she was murdered, I still would not have a high opinion of him. In fact, I would think SM would be utterly disappointed in her husband if she were aware of his lack of effort on her behalf. She would no doubt conclude that she was not the love of his life. Sadly, I think she already realized this before she “disappeared.”
My sentiments, exactly. How very sad for SM. Most realize, after three months, that the odds of SM being alive are slim to none. If her body were left intact, she probably is down to just her remains now. Whoever did this to her has so little regard for her and her loved ones that he refuses to allow her to have a proper burial.

What could be so important that you would murder someone and just dispose of her remains? far as I am concerned.
About the recent posters of Suzanne, of interest to me were the following :

  • It was a "missing" poster, not an "abduction" poster
  • No mention of the "bike ride"
  • No photo of Suzanne with a bike helmet and riding clothes
  • A relaxed and ordinary pic. (Humanizing her for the public, as the spouse has neglected to do thus far. Not saying someone couldn't step up and do the right thing even now; but am not going to hold my breath -- or I'd lose consciousness)
  • No mention of the 'reward' offered. (Not that I think it was ever meant to actually be paid out -- 'safe return' means well and whole and no trauma whatsoever. So did the spouse think that after three months of captivity she's going to be unharmed at all , even emotionally ? Pretty cold train of thought for someone to have. Imo.)
  • A close up of her necklace and wedding ring ; as if it was a signal being sent by LE. (Has anyone seen these items or were they sold at a pawn shop recently ?)

Feel free to add more thoughts or theories as to the significant 'change' in tone and photos on the recent missing poster !
Jewelry could be one of the items found and they are using photos of her wearing it to make a statement. Or the wedding ring could just be LE’s way to symbolize that this was your wife, the person you vowed to be with forever. The previous poster had the bike helmet pic and the close up with her ring showing. Something about that ring that they want to stress. I also noticed that this poster has sheriffs office, CBI and FBI at the bottom. Kind of intimidating. The prior posters just said to call sheriff or crime stoppers.
IMO, I don't believe the recent effort by CCSO & CBI to hand out flyers was to rattle anyone. I think they are legitimately trying to jog the memory of someone who had contact with SM or knows information that would be important to LE.

There's nothing like rattling a guilty person more than showing up to search a home or dig a worksite, as an example.
You disregard the fact, she wanted 20 more years!
That was six years ago though. Things can happen. She also apparently hasn’t posted a photo of him on her social media since 2017. Not sure if that’s 100% accurate but I’ve heard it several times and saw her account but I might not have had full access. I can’t speak for them but I had a friend who posted all kinds of loving pictures and then one day we find out they were getting divorced. You just never know.
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That, and maybe something smaller was found somewhere. That diamond has a serial number. And the gold bar necklace may have a maker's mark or engraving as well. Something's up with the jewelry.

Speculation :
Is it possible that they found something at the dig and are withholding it ?
As far as the jewelry, LE would want to be certain it was Suzannes'.
So now they're just letting BM sweat ?
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IMO, I don't believe the recent effort by CCSO & CBI to hand out flyers was to rattle anyone. I think they are legitimately trying to jog the memory of someone who had contact with SM or knows information that would be important to LE.

There's nothing like rattling a guilty person more than showing up to search a home or dig a worksite, as an example.
Pat Postiglione, a retired detective who stars in "Deadly Recall" on ID, stresses how important it is to canvas the neighborhood and talk to people over and over again. You never know what is going to jog someone's memory.
IMO, if any of her jewelry ended up in a pawnshop, then I believe her disappearance is from an unknown person, even a random crime. I don't believe that to be the case. In the grand-scheme of things, IMO, pawning jewelry for cash is not worth it, low level, not to mention a huge risk. Quick cash was not needed by anyone known to her. IMO
I think there's something with the jewelry being somewhat highlighted? prominent? very eye-catching? on the recent flyers. There is clue there from LE. I have no idea what it is, but I bet whoever is responsible sure does.

I would love a pro’s opinion on the new flyer-Old Cop, the PE guys. What do the changes mean? Why was this type of flyer not released earlier? Do they have an opinion on the photos chosen, considering the amount they could pick from? Why did LE not put the flyer on their FB page, yet put very particular photos of their distribution locations?

Regarding the friend’s Saturday texting and abrupt end-did the friend receive an odd text or two after the initial conversation stopped? That felt somehow different than their normal texting? Did friend try to reach BM the next day and he was unresponsive to her? Or did he tell her she was probably on a bike ride? Did she contact the girls when she could not get in touch with their Mom? I feel like we are getting closer to why LE knew that something was not quite right that first night.
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