Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #25

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I don’t think they need to put this flyer out. IMO this is just to send a message to whomever they feel is involved in her disappearance. They are communicating with him or her without saying a word.

Oh absolutely. They are telling BM and the community that a bike ride did not happen. BM is lying. Suzanne was a beautiful lady who deserved to be valued and was not. That LE know all of the above. Hopefully local citizens will be forthcoming with additional evidence and we will see an arrest and conviction sooner than later.
Pat Postiglione, a retired detective who stars in "Deadly Recall" on ID, stresses how important it is to canvas the neighborhood and talk to people over and over again. You never know what is going to jog someone's memory.

I have not seen the new flyer by LE but based on what members are describing it sounds like a clear pic of her, not one in a bike helmet. Perhaps she appeared more casual in this pic? More how she would look daily, around town?
My opinion of BM is well documented here. However, were someone else to be found responsible for SM‘s murder, and I do believe she was murdered, I still would not have a high opinion of him. In fact, I would think SM would be utterly disappointed in her husband if she were aware of his lack of effort on her behalf. She would no doubt conclude that she was not the love of his life. Sadly, I think she already realized this before she “disappeared.”
Agree with SuzieQ. I think Suzanne had finally lost all hope of BM being a loving husband. Her downfall wasn't her friendly nature, her downfall was seeing BM for who he really is. Once she could no longer support his crippled ego, she was doomed.

Moo of course.
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@osu posted in the last thread
In the first 24 hours LE used over 100 personnel to search for SM and put out this press release with 3 photos of her.
Missing Person - Chaffee County Sheriff

By the end of the week they had found an item they think belongs to her, closed down a major highway for an entire day to search again, brought in dive teams from Pueblo to search waterways, held a televised news conference, set up a tip line asking the public to call in anything they may have seen and sent out a Reverse 911 call ( which usually is only utilized in emergencies) to every resident and business in Chaffee County to save all video footage from surveillance cameras, doorbell cameras and game cameras.
This was all in the first week.
They have performed 10 major searches thus far.

On June 10th the one month anniversary of the day she was reported missing LE did a major canvas with over 2 dozen cops of Salida and handed out flyers. See below :
URL="CO - CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 , MEDIA,MAPS,TIMELINE *NO DISCUSSION*"]CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 , MEDIA,MAPS,TIMELINE *NO DISCUSSION*[/URL]

Oh yeah, and they have vetted and followed up on at least 600 leads.
If you think that LE has not done enough or has only focused on one possible scenario, then you have not been paying attention. JMO MOO

My diamond has a serial number micro-etched on it which comes in handy for insurance purposes. I do believe it would alert somehow.

I'm sure if someone wanted to slyly sale or trade it they wouldn't want to take it somewhere legit....I'm thinking much more clandestine.

My diamond was cut in New York City in 1895. No serial number. Lots of us have heirloom diamonds - Suzanne may or may not be one of those.

I don't think most pawn shops use micro engraving readers, judging just from what I've seen here locally.
Honestly I'm a little pissed off with LE giving out these missing persons flyers today. They either can't get Barry or they've been on a witch hunt for 3 months.

Hmm. Investigations in high profile cases can take a lot of time and be very difficult. Surely no one believes that three agencies, including the very powerful FBI and CBI, have been engaged in a witch hunt? What would be the purpose of that?

<modsnip: Removed rude and personalizing comment>

This isn't the first time they've passed out fliers, either.
It's simply the most recent instance of their having done so.
I can't imagine why anyone would take issue with their continuing to reach out to the community this way.

In point of fact, there are any number of reasons why LE might have distributed those particular fliers yesterday.
Personally, I think the intention of those fliers is more about sending a message to the perp than they are about trying to solicit information from the public.

It was a brilliant strategic move, regardless of whether or not those most recent fliers generate any new tips.

I see this as, just maybe, the “dotting of i’s and crossing of t’s” in anticipation of an arrest soon. Several people a number of times have lamented here that an appropriate and more typical missing person flyer hadn’t been distributed by LE — or anyone else for that matter. (And rightly so, IMO.) That’s no longer true.

IMO, LE may be reinforcing the fact that, despite initial appearances, they did not prematurely jump to any conclusions re: who was responsible for SM’s disappearance. They fully investigated all avenues and all reasonable scenarios. I would expect this to be necessary to both satisfy the judge granting the AW and to help blunt an attack on the investigation by the defense.

Jewelry could be one of the items found and they are using photos of her wearing it to make a statement. Or the wedding ring could just be LE’s way to symbolize that this was your wife, the person you vowed to be with forever. The previous poster had the bike helmet pic and the close up with her ring showing. Something about that ring that they want to stress. I also noticed that this poster has sheriffs office, CBI and FBI at the bottom. Kind of intimidating. The prior posters just said to call sheriff or crime stoppers.

I believe LE distributing flyers on the 3rd month anniversary is symbolic to both the countless personnel involved in this investigation as well as the public. These investigators are not made of stone. I also think the new/updated photos on the flyers are not about her jewelry or pawn shops. I think the new photos were to specifically take SM out of the biking gear and portray SM as a woman, wife, mother, daughter, and neighbor -- the role she lived the majority of her life vs a seasonal cyclist.

LE has every incentive to keep SM's story alive and portraying SM in her true role may also appeal to the citizen that knows something. The photos of SM on the flyers are not even current -- but they are symbolic of who is missing from their community. MOO
If LE is confident that BM is responsible, I think it’s worth poking him a little bit - try and pressure BM into making a full confession before you arrest him.

The whole mess becomes a lot less messy for everyone involved, if BM confesses.

Give him a little bit more time, and if he doesn’t confess, you drop the hammer.

About the recent posters of Suzanne, of interest to me were the following :

  • It was a "missing" poster, not an "abduction" poster
  • No mention of the "bike ride"
  • No photo of Suzanne with a bike helmet and riding clothes
  • A relaxed and ordinary pic. (Humanizing her for the public, as the spouse has neglected to do thus far. Not saying someone couldn't step up and do the right thing even now; but am not going to hold my breath -- or I'd lose consciousness)
  • No mention of the 'reward' offered. (Not that I think it was ever meant to actually be paid out -- 'safe return' means well and whole and no trauma whatsoever. So did the spouse think that after three months of captivity she's going to be unharmed at all , even emotionally ? Pretty cold train of thought for someone to have. Imo.)
  • A close up of her necklace and wedding ring ; as if it was a signal being sent by LE. (Has anyone seen these items or were they sold at a pawn shop recently ?)

Feel free to add more thoughts or theories as to the significant 'change' in tone and photos on the recent missing poster !

Great analysis. I think there are good reasons to believe that "bike ride" has now been abandoned as a theory based on multiple strands of evidence.

I bet that ring plays a role somehow. Hard to imagine that no metal detectors were in use during the early days of the search. If it was the ring (and it was also planted), then yes, they're signaling to the perp that they might have it.

If in addition, family members have told LE that Suzanne took her ring off before riding, then it's a second big flag. <modsnip: Stating info as fact without links to substantiate>

If someone was trying to set up a "she ran away/abduction scenario," the ring only works well with "she ran away." Unless of course, the abductor was a deranged stalker, then all bets are off.
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Hmm. Investigations in high profile cases can take a lot of time and be very difficult. Surely no one believes that three agencies, including the very powerful FBI and CBI, have been engaged in a witch hunt? What would be the purpose of that?
Of course a thorough investigation is taking time.
And no, there was never a 'witch hunt'.

From the beginning, time and resources were spent by LE looking for Suzanne, most likely on the biking paths that were possibly suggested by someone ?
And they smelled a rat.
That's about it, and here we are.
And no Suzanne.

Has to be so heartbreaking for her daughters, and the immediate members of Suzanne's side of the family.
I cannot begin to fathom their anguish. :(
I was feeling that OP was perhaps posting about this most recent flyer is a typical missing persons flyer- with clear photos, physical description- height, weight, hair /eye color-last seen date etc.

What one would have expected to see originally upon her missing.

What are you detailed reasons for this flyer being released now? You mentioned there were “any number of reasons” and that the flyers are to send a message to the perp.

What message do you feel these flyers are communicating to the perp- ? Has this method been used before?

Respectfully would like to know as I’m not understanding this philosophy and would like to know more, and I have been following this case from the beginning, I just would like to know what you are thinking- thank you!

So, here are some thoughts I have about that flyer, thoughts which I'm going to qualify right away as being purely speculative in nature.

First, here are the things that struck me most forcefully about the flyer itself:
  • Use of her full Christian name
  • Exclusion of bike ride in the description of the circumstances under which she went missing
  • Statement that she was "reported" missing on May 10th
  • Photos used - both showing a very vibrant, happy Suzanne
  • Prominent visibility of wedding ring in one of the photos
  • Use of official seals of not just 1, not just 2, but 3 LEAs, including CCSO, CBI and the FBI
  • Written Identification of the 3 investigating agencies (see above)
  • Request for people having any information to contact LE
  • No mention of reward offered by family
  • No mention of when/where she was last seen
Based on both the contents and the timing of that flyer being distributed, here are some speculative theories about the reason for the flyer going out when/where/how it did:
  • Sending message to the perpetrator: We ain't buying what you're selling. We know the bike ride story is malarkey. Evidenced by no mention of the bike ride in the flyer, no pictures of SM in her biking gear.
  • Sending message to the perpetrator: Local, state, and federal LEAs are working together to bring you to justice. You're outmatched, and outgunned. You're not in charge of what happens in this case. You're not driving this bus. We are. Evidenced by the mention of CCSO, CBI and FBI as well as the official seals of each agent on the flyer.
  • Psychological Warfare with perpetrator: Attempting to induce sense of guilt in the perpetrator for his actions. Evidenced by using her full Christian name, selection of photos highlighting SM's vibrancy and vitality and highlighting her marital status via the wedding ring.
  • Sending message to the community at large, including any potential 3rd parties with guilty knowledge of the crime: Do not withhold information out of any misplaced sense of loyalty to family members/friends. Evidenced by exclusion of bike ride, mention of her being "reported" missing on the 10th, no mention of when/where she was seen, no mention of reward offered by BM.
  • Psychological Pressure applied to perpetrator via the Chinese water torture method, i.e., slow drip of investigative information being intentionally leaked. Evidenced by the timing of the flyer distribution, i.e., on the immediate heels of both the PE video and LS's interview with SM's family members and at the exact 3-month anniversary mark of SM's having been reported missing.
I think this flyer was primarily about messaging the guilty party, with an ancillary message being sent to the community that the bike ride scenario has been dismissed/discredited.

In a (gigantic!) nutshell, those are my thoughts.

I'm convinced the FBI had a direct hand in developing this most recent missing flyer.

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Of course a thorough investigation is taking time.
And no, there was never a 'witch hunt'.

From the beginning, time and resources were spent by LE looking for Suzanne, most likely on the biking paths that were possibly suggested by someone ?
And they smelled a rat.
That's about it, and here we are.
And no Suzanne.

Has to be so heartbreaking for her daughters, and the immediate members of Suzanne's side of the family.
I cannot begin to fathom their anguish. :(

Yes. I mean the term “witch hunt” indicates targeting a group due to unpopular views or opinions. Like the McCarthy trials in the 50’s.

It can also indicate mass hysteria and unfounded accusations against innocent people due to that hysteria. Usually there is a gender/sexuality/power component to that type of witch hunt.

These are professional LE agencies that have expended enormous resources, and were able to get several search warrants with a showing of probable cause that a crime has been committed. So the judge would have to be part of that mass hysteria or political targeting as well.

For me that isn’t logical.
So, here are some thoughts I have about that flier, thoughts which I'm going to qualify right away as being purely speculative in nature.

First, here are the things that struck me most forcefully about the flyer itself:
  • Use of her full Christian name
  • Exclusion of bike ride in the description of the circumstances around her disappearance
  • Statement that she was "reported" missing on May 10th.
  • Photos used - both showing a very vibrant, happy Suzanne
  • Prominent visibility of wedding ring in one of the photos
  • Use of official seals of not just 1, not just 2, but 3 LEAs, including CCSO, CBI and the FBI
  • Written Identification of the 3 investigating agencies (see above)
  • Request for people having any information to contact LE
  • No mention of reward offered by family
  • No mention of when/where she was last seen
Based on both the contents and the timing of that flier being distributed, here are some speculative theories about the reason for the flier going out when/where/how it did:
  • Sending message to the perpetrator: We ain't buying what you're selling. We know the bike ride story is malarkey. Evidenced by no mention of the bike ride in the flier, no pictures of SM in her biking gear.
  • Sending message to the perpetrator: Local, state, and federal LEAs are working together to bring you to justice. You're outmatched, and outgunned. You're not in charge of what happens in this case. We are. Evidenced by the mention of CCSO, CBI and FBI as well as the official seals of each agent on the flier.
  • Psychological Warfare with perpetrator: Attempting to induce sense of guilt in the perpetrator for his actions. Evidenced by using her full Christian name, selection of photos highlighting SM's vibrancy and vitality and highlighting her marital status via the wedding ring.
  • Sending message to the community at large, including any potential 3rd parties with guilty knowledge of the crime: Do not withhold information out of any misplaced sense of loyalty to family members/friends. Evidenced by exclusion of bike ride, mention of her being "reported" missing on the 10th, no mention of when/where she was seen, no mention of reward offered by BM.
  • Psychological Pressure applied to perpetrator via the Chinese water torture method, i.e., slow drip of investigative information being intentionally leaked. Evidenced by the timing of the flier distribution, i.e., on the immediate heels of both the PE video and LS's interview with SM's family members and at the 3-month anniversary mark of SM's having been reported missing.
I think this flier was primarily about messaging the guilty party, with an ancillary message being sent to the community that the bike ride scenario has been dismissed/discredited.

In a gigantic nutshell, those are my thoughts.

I'm convinced the FBI had a direct hand in developing this most recent flier.


Absolutely. And the CBI. They’re very accomplished in profiling and creating strategies based on that. Incredible how smart they are.
If LE is confident that BM is responsible, I think it’s worth poking him a little bit - try and pressure BM into making a full confession before you arrest him.

The whole mess becomes a lot less messy for everyone involved, if BM confesses.

Give him a little bit more time, and if he doesn’t confess, you drop the hammer.

I disagree that LE works in this manner of holding off an arrest to poke the suspect, with a hope and a prayer the perp will make a full confession, and if that doesn't work, drop the hammer.

There is no recovered body here. And there must also be insufficient evidence of a crime. Otherwise, this would not still be classified as a missing person investigation. If there is any poking, it will be to take the suspect off his game where he will make a mistake and provide investigators with more evidence that can move the investigation closer to probable cause to arrest the suspect. MOO
Yeah social media is no indicator of happiness:

“When they did have like big fights she would go and run to Facebook and post about how much she loved her family and how proud she was that they were her family and my dad would do the same stuff. So they were really fake towards social media.”

Crystal McDowell, murdered by her ex husband after she returned to live with him. He hid her body right before a hurricane. He ultimately confessed.

Photo timeline: The search for Crystal McDowell

Crystal McDowell Missing: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

crystal.mcdowell - Google Search
Wow. I had not heard of this case! I feel so bad for his daughter. I hate that people can get so angry and lose their temper enough to kill. Happens so often.
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