Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #25

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So, here are some thoughts I have about that flier, thoughts which I'm going to qualify right away as being purely speculative in nature.

First, here are the things that struck me most forcefully about the flyer itself:
  • Use of her full Christian name
  • Exclusion of bike ride in the description of the circumstances under which she went missing
  • Statement that she was "reported" missing on May 10th
  • Photos used - both showing a very vibrant, happy Suzanne
  • Prominent visibility of wedding ring in one of the photos
  • Use of official seals of not just 1, not just 2, but 3 LEAs, including CCSO, CBI and the FBI
  • Written Identification of the 3 investigating agencies (see above)
  • Request for people having any information to contact LE
  • No mention of reward offered by family
  • No mention of when/where she was last seen
Based on both the contents and the timing of that flier being distributed, here are some speculative theories about the reason for the flier going out when/where/how it did:
  • Sending message to the perpetrator: We ain't buying what you're selling. We know the bike ride story is malarkey. Evidenced by no mention of the bike ride in the flier, no pictures of SM in her biking gear.
  • Sending message to the perpetrator: Local, state, and federal LEAs are working together to bring you to justice. You're outmatched, and outgunned. You're not in charge of what happens in this case. You're not driving this bus. We are. Evidenced by the mention of CCSO, CBI and FBI as well as the official seals of each agent on the flier.
  • Psychological Warfare with perpetrator: Attempting to induce sense of guilt in the perpetrator for his actions. Evidenced by using her full Christian name, selection of photos highlighting SM's vibrancy and vitality and highlighting her marital status via the wedding ring.
  • Sending message to the community at large, including any potential 3rd parties with guilty knowledge of the crime: Do not withhold information out of any misplaced sense of loyalty to family members/friends. Evidenced by exclusion of bike ride, mention of her being "reported" missing on the 10th, no mention of when/where she was seen, no mention of reward offered by BM.
  • Psychological Pressure applied to perpetrator via the Chinese water torture method, i.e., slow drip of investigative information being intentionally leaked. Evidenced by the timing of the flier distribution, i.e., on the immediate heels of both the PE video and LS's interview with SM's family members and at the exact 3-month anniversary mark of SM's having been reported missing.
I think this flier was primarily about messaging the guilty party, with an ancillary message being sent to the community that the bike ride scenario has been dismissed/discredited.

In a (gigantic!) nutshell, those are my thoughts.

I'm convinced the FBI had a direct hand in developing this most recent flier.


Excellent theories!!
About the recent posters of Suzanne, of interest to me were the following :

  • It was a "missing" poster, not an "abduction" poster
  • No mention of the "bike ride"
  • No photo of Suzanne with a bike helmet and riding clothes
  • A relaxed and ordinary pic. (Humanizing her for the public, as the spouse has neglected to do thus far. Not saying someone couldn't step up and do the right thing even now; but am not going to hold my breath -- or I'd lose consciousness)
  • No mention of the 'reward' offered. (Not that I think it was ever meant to actually be paid out -- 'safe return' means well and whole and no trauma whatsoever. So did the spouse think that after three months of captivity she's going to be unharmed at all , even emotionally ? Pretty cold train of thought for someone to have. Imo.)
  • A close up of her necklace and wedding ring ; as if it was a signal being sent by LE. (Has anyone seen these items or were they sold at a pawn shop recently ?)

Feel free to add more thoughts or theories as to the significant 'change' in tone and photos on the recent missing poster !
RBBM ... or has anyone personally received these jewelry items as gifts. For their own birthday or anniversary. I’ve seen a few instances where the perp, once the crime has been committed, has “regifted” to their own family. And this helped solve the case.
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Many years ago I had a friend who owned a pawn shop - he had to report a list of items every week. I wonder if they do that in CO or IN?

I think CO is supposed to have that. If this is an interstate thief, though, it would be hard to track down. A list that just says "diamond ring" isn't going to be helpful. And I don't know any pawnshops that have microscopes to read diamond serial numbers (but I live in a fairly small city with only 2 pawnshops).

I can't imagine any thief pawning it, when they could get more for it from a private sale.

Since these flyers are aimed at Salida (and apparently not even at nearby other towns), I'm guessing they think someone in Salida either knows the whereabouts of the jewelry or has the jewelry. All they need is one person to say they think they've seen someone wearing a brand new flashy engagement ring and there'd be a good reason to go ask said person a few questions at the front door, at least.
So, here are some thoughts I have about that flier, thoughts which I'm going to qualify right away as being purely speculative in nature.

First, here are the things that struck me most forcefully about the flyer itself:
  • Use of her full Christian name
  • Exclusion of bike ride in the description of the circumstances under which she went missing
  • Statement that she was "reported" missing on May 10th
  • Photos used - both showing a very vibrant, happy Suzanne
  • Prominent visibility of wedding ring in one of the photos
  • Use of official seals of not just 1, not just 2, but 3 LEAs, including CCSO, CBI and the FBI
  • Written Identification of the 3 investigating agencies (see above)
  • Request for people having any information to contact LE
  • No mention of reward offered by family
  • No mention of when/where she was last seen
Based on both the contents and the timing of that flier being distributed, here are some speculative theories about the reason for the flier going out when/where/how it did:
  • Sending message to the perpetrator: We ain't buying what you're selling. We know the bike ride story is malarkey. Evidenced by no mention of the bike ride in the flier, no pictures of SM in her biking gear.
  • Sending message to the perpetrator: Local, state, and federal LEAs are working together to bring you to justice. You're outmatched, and outgunned. You're not in charge of what happens in this case. You're not driving this bus. We are. Evidenced by the mention of CCSO, CBI and FBI as well as the official seals of each agent on the flier.
  • Psychological Warfare with perpetrator: Attempting to induce sense of guilt in the perpetrator for his actions. Evidenced by using her full Christian name, selection of photos highlighting SM's vibrancy and vitality and highlighting her marital status via the wedding ring.
  • Sending message to the community at large, including any potential 3rd parties with guilty knowledge of the crime: Do not withhold information out of any misplaced sense of loyalty to family members/friends. Evidenced by exclusion of bike ride, mention of her being "reported" missing on the 10th, no mention of when/where she was seen, no mention of reward offered by BM.
  • Psychological Pressure applied to perpetrator via the Chinese water torture method, i.e., slow drip of investigative information being intentionally leaked. Evidenced by the timing of the flier distribution, i.e., on the immediate heels of both the PE video and LS's interview with SM's family members and at the exact 3-month anniversary mark of SM's having been reported missing.
I think this flier was primarily about messaging the guilty party, with an ancillary message being sent to the community that the bike ride scenario has been dismissed/discredited.

In a (gigantic!) nutshell, those are my thoughts.

I'm convinced the FBI had a direct hand in developing this most recent flier.

Well done GK! I'd like to know if they specifically asked for a "type" of photo of her from her family or friend(s) as these are not on the 'net that I have found
Absolutely. And the CBI. They’re very accomplished in profiling and creating strategies based on that. Incredible how smart they are.

Heck - you know that what they mostly do is read our posts on WS. :D

At this point, with interviews of people back in Indiana as background, I'd think that it would only take an hour or two of strategizing amongst themselves to figure out an appropriate next step and test it while waiting.

I think there's some specific person in Salida, to whom this campaign is directed. Or that person's close acquaintances. I am not saying that LE know entirely what went down, but that they have a couple of leads as to motive and opportunity, and are narrowing down and eliminating, as well as getting more potential evidence.

There are a number theories that could get good traction after talking to family and friends, and now they're looking for more.
Yeah social media is no indicator of happiness:

“When they did have like big fights she would go and run to Facebook and post about how much she loved her family and how proud she was that they were her family and my dad would do the same stuff. So they were really fake towards social media.”

Crystal McDowell, murdered by her ex husband after she returned to live with him. He hid her body right before a hurricane. He ultimately confessed.

Photo timeline: The search for Crystal McDowell

Crystal McDowell Missing: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

crystal.mcdowell - Google Search

I watched that story last week. It was so difficult to watch the killer’s daughter, who loved and trusted her Dad so much, describe what it was like to find out that your father is a murderer. I did think about the Morphew girls and how so much of their lives have been torn apart. They have lost their mother, their father, well, we all know what is thought. They cannot continue on with their lives with any sense of normalcy. Go back to school? Start posting on social media again? Decide who in their extended family to continue a relationship with? All so difficult.

I wonder how many more days it will be before we hear from the PE guys or Lauren.
I see this as, just maybe, the “dotting of i’s and crossing of t’s” in anticipation of an arrest soon. Several people a number of times have lamented here that an appropriate and more typical missing person flyer hadn’t been distributed by LE — or anyone else for that matter. (And rightly so, IMO.) That’s no longer true.

IMO, LE may be reinforcing the fact that, despite initial appearances, they did not prematurely jump to any conclusions re: who was responsible for SM’s disappearance. They fully investigated all avenues and all reasonable scenarios. I would expect this to be necessary to both satisfy the judge granting the AW and to help blunt an attack on the investigation by the defense.

RBBM This was the opinion offered by many during the last canvas. How many times do you need to do this, though, in order to prove you are being open minded and thorough? I think they would have made their point after the last, more wide scale canvas. At what point do you simply need more info? JMO, but I think the CBI and CCSO were looking for new leads.
The posters hi-lighting the jewelry are interesting as they are definitely not bike related. IMO

These posters all but eliminate the bike ride theory

SM was seen ‘later than previously thought‘. If she was seen on video surveillance she may have been wearing one or more of these items and LE was using them as a memory jog.

LE have a theory that these items for whatever reason, financial or otherwise may have been taken from her.

It is nearly certain the poster was deliberately intended to hi light the ring. It is stunning and something people would notice.
I doubt many criminals at all, except those caught holding a hot snoking gun, would be apprehended if LE, private eyes, etc sat around all day and said stuff like well,., ain't got nothing on em now, presumed innocent, don't wanna come across like we are bashing em. Sometimes LE needs to build a case. Start from scratch, i.e. nothing , and go from there. Many times looking at what is right in front of them is better than looking for bogey men under rocks. MOO.
RBBM This was the opinion offered by many during the last canvas. How many times do you need to do this, though, in order to prove you are being open minded and thorough? I think they would have made their point after the last, more wide scale canvas. At what point do you simply need more info? JMO, but I think the CBI and CCSO were looking for new leads.
I think they keep doing it until they feel like they don't need to anymore IMO. I think it's a terrific way to keep her in the news - and I believe (like some here on WS) that they are tightening that old timeline.
So, here are some thoughts I have about that flyer, thoughts which I'm going to qualify right away as being purely speculative in nature.

First, here are the things that struck me most forcefully about the flyer itself:
  • Use of her full Christian name
  • Exclusion of bike ride in the description of the circumstances under which she went missing
  • Statement that she was "reported" missing on May 10th
  • Photos used - both showing a very vibrant, happy Suzanne
  • Prominent visibility of wedding ring in one of the photos
  • Use of official seals of not just 1, not just 2, but 3 LEAs, including CCSO, CBI and the FBI
  • Written Identification of the 3 investigating agencies (see above)
  • Request for people having any information to contact LE
  • No mention of reward offered by family
  • No mention of when/where she was last seen
Based on both the contents and the timing of that flyer being distributed, here are some speculative theories about the reason for the flyer going out when/where/how it did:
  • Sending message to the perpetrator: We ain't buying what you're selling. We know the bike ride story is malarkey. Evidenced by no mention of the bike ride in the flyer, no pictures of SM in her biking gear.
  • Sending message to the perpetrator: Local, state, and federal LEAs are working together to bring you to justice. You're outmatched, and outgunned. You're not in charge of what happens in this case. You're not driving this bus. We are. Evidenced by the mention of CCSO, CBI and FBI as well as the official seals of each agent on the flyer.
  • Psychological Warfare with perpetrator: Attempting to induce sense of guilt in the perpetrator for his actions. Evidenced by using her full Christian name, selection of photos highlighting SM's vibrancy and vitality and highlighting her marital status via the wedding ring.
  • Sending message to the community at large, including any potential 3rd parties with guilty knowledge of the crime: Do not withhold information out of any misplaced sense of loyalty to family members/friends. Evidenced by exclusion of bike ride, mention of her being "reported" missing on the 10th, no mention of when/where she was seen, no mention of reward offered by BM.
  • Psychological Pressure applied to perpetrator via the Chinese water torture method, i.e., slow drip of investigative information being intentionally leaked. Evidenced by the timing of the flyer distribution, i.e., on the immediate heels of both the PE video and LS's interview with SM's family members and at the exact 3-month anniversary mark of SM's having been reported missing.
I think this flyer was primarily about messaging the guilty party, with an ancillary message being sent to the community that the bike ride scenario has been dismissed/discredited.

In a (gigantic!) nutshell, those are my thoughts.

I'm convinced the FBI had a direct hand in developing this most recent missing flyer.


We need a bam!! @Warwick7
Well done GK! I'd like to know if they specifically asked for a "type" of photo of her from her family or friend(s) as these are not on the 'net that I have found
They are not current photos so they may be from older sm posts by SM. Actually, I think @osu posted one of the photos used on the flyer and can probably lead you to the source. (I don't recall if linked).

Posts discussing screenshots or comments from social media about an email purported to be from the Sheriff have been removed. They are considered rumor until/unless they are sourced and vetted by WS approved sources.

Also, it is against TOS to solicit or discuss private messages. If you want to private message with someone, just do it without announcing it on the thread.
PE indicated that the move was due to business "stressors." We can't sleuth his business. But I feel that things were not going well for BM professionally, he was losing respect, and he didn't see a way forward in Indiana. Moo of course.

Did the Profiling Evil guys obtain this info from the anonymous family member or from a different source? I've listened to their YouTube recordings but must've missed it.
I may be behind, but Lauren Scharf has responded to the screenshot of the email twice in the past few hours. She’s actually going back and forth with the individuals who posted it. She’s tough. Go Ms. Scharf #justiceforsuzanne

LBP posted a second screenshot (which I’m sure you saw), with other members of LE cc’d. It’s all very weird. I hope Lauren Scharf works on verifying if it is real, and reports back.

I've not seen Fox21's LS FB since last night but in reference to the Crime on Line report (quoted below) by another one of our respected reporters, she was very clear that 1) CCSO declined to comment on information citing SM's unnamed family member, and 2) family did not elaborate on how information from BM's vehicle differed from what he told investigators. This may be all the family knows -- the data differs and LE or other source did not give them any specifics on how/why!

It does not follow that the private poster thinks she's entitled to a personal explanation from CCSO greater than provided the professional journalists seeking additional confirmation of news they did not personally source (i.e., Crime on Line cites Fox21 and not the family member). I also don't think LS owes the poster (***) any favors. LS knows her source and reported responsibly. I think we're seeing just another sound reason why WS does not allow info from fb groups, etc. on this forum. MOO

Husband of missing Suzanne Morphew refused polygraph test; truck data doesn’t line up with alibi, family member says

August 11, 2020

The Fox 21 News report does not elaborate on how the data from Barry’s truck purportedly conflicts with what he told police. CrimeOnline has requested further specifics about a “critical analysis” test that Barry declined, according to the relative’s account.


According to Fox 21 News, the Chaffee County Sheriff’s department declined to comment on the family member’s new claims about Barry Morphew’s cooperation.

CrimeOnline will provide further updates when more information is available.


1) Confirming CCSO declined to comment on SM's family member's comments. (There's no email from Sheriff circulating).

2) Confirming the family member did not elaborate on how the data from BM's truck conflicts with what he told police.
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Did the Profiling Evil guys obtain this info from the anonymous family member or from a different source? I've listened to their YouTube recordings but must've missed it.
Some keep adding "anonymous" in front of the family member that spoke to PE to imply the lack of credibility. I do have a question. Have you ever heard of the spouse of a missing/possibly abducted person wanting to remain anonymous, refuse an interview and getting in front of a camera? Just curious, not being confrontational.
Did the Profiling Evil guys obtain this info from the anonymous family member or from a different source? I've listened to their YouTube recordings but must've missed it.
I don't believe a source was cited for the alleged information. It was not cited as fact. We do know that LE traveled to Indiana last week (or prior to family contacting PE) to talk to "family and friends of the Morphews" and further their investigation. The speculation could have come from any one of multiple sources. MOO
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