Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #29

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First of all, Suzanne's family was not anywhere near the area where Suzanne disappeared. Most of them hadn't even been in regular contact with her in the last two years. Secondly, Barry is the husband and was the last person to see her. So her family would not be held to the same standards as the spouse.

Third, they have already indicated that they did not want to reveal too much because they didn't want to hinder the investigation.

And fourth, since LE are treating the husband as a suspect it seems natural that he would be scrutinized more than the rest of the family.

In terms of searching, Suzanne's family did search the area when she first went missing. They wouldn't know where else to search without evidence that points to a specific location. Her body could be anywhere in Colorado.


Another big issue is that by publicly speaking they risk losing any relationship with Suzanne's daughters. BM does not. By speaking out, he can only bring attention to the case and possibly help find his wife, if, you know....

But everyone else is possibly between a rock and a hard place.

That being said, if I were family of Suzanne's, I think I would try to speak out, not about my concerns regarding who may be involved or about the investigation, but about Suzanne: Who she is. What she's like. Photos of her. Her life. Everything about her character. Her family. Her friendships. Etc. Just to keep her case in the public eye and maintain pressure, or create a sense of guilt in whoever might be involved or have info they're scared to divulge.
Thanks @Alethea . Good post. I was absolutely trying to make a different point. I don’t see you referring to that here so much.

I was speaking of the inconsistencies of for example how BM has been crucified for not speaking to the media and maintaining a low profile- as SM’s family has done the same and not been skewered. My post was to in a nutshell point out some double standards and biases that I’ve noticed here that I wish could be overcome or walls knocked down for thought-provoking, calm discussion.

What if we removed the excuses for SM’s family, friends etc and held them to the same standards we are BM? How do they measure up in the search efforts ? Media representation? LE presser appearance? Until just now, almost 4 months in- nada - and they required anonymity when speaking.

Where else had this been noted in MSM - high profile cases? I’m thinking recently- the cases we discuss- FD, GS,KB, CW, MT - I guess we can go back SP, Totmom- goes on and on. This is beyond the bizarre.

BM is being scrutinized because LE is treating him as a POI. SM's family is not being scrutinized because they live in Indiana and there's no suggestion that one of her biological family members traveled from Indiana to Denver to kidnap or murder her on mother's day. The pure fact of proximity will tend to inculpate or exculpate people. I don't see that as a double standard, I see that as following the evidence.

I think you miss that people are only picking apart BM's statements because of the fact of his being the husband of a missing woman who has not been cleared by LE. LE in fact made a strange statement early in the case that they "hope BM will continue to cooperate." That doesn't sound like he has been extremely helpful to me.

The fact is: most women who are murdered are murdered by a spouse or domestic partner. Full stop. Ignoring the statistically most likely person to have committed a crime in some vague effort at "fairness" in criticizing people in a victim's life equally is just not productive, IMO.

Unless there's some indication that SM's family are somehow involved in her kidnapping and likely murder, I think they are rightfully off limits for discussion here.
Certainly not legal expert. Just anecdotally, in my own family, inheritance passed directly to children, bypassing spouse.
It makes sense with estate planning because if you name your children's spouses in your will and they subsequently divorce but your will never got updated, that could have unintended consequences. MOO
Another big issue is that by publicly speaking they risk losing any relationship with Suzanne's daughters. BM does not. By speaking out, he can only bring attention to the case and possibly help find his wife, if, you know....

But everyone else is possibly between a rock and a hard place.

That being said, if I were family of Suzanne's, I think I would try to speak out, not about my concerns regarding who may be involved or about the investigation, but about Suzanne: Who she is. What she's like. Photos of her. Her life. Everything about her character. Her family. Her friendships. Etc. Just to keep her case in the public eye and maintain pressure, or create a sense of guilt in whoever might be involved or have info they're scared to divulge.

I think that for the closest family members, this probably feels too risky.

They need to move through each day with "We have no idea what happened to Suzanne" as their mantra, and not let their minds stray into, "What if someone we know did it?" It has to be paralyzing, psychologically - I thought it seemed that AM prepared himself for the strain of it.

At some point, more family members will speak, I suspect - although there aren't many. Both AM and TN's wife indicate that they think Suzanne is no longer alive and that they are grieving.
It makes sense with estate planning because if you name your children's spouses in your will and they subsequently divorce but your will never got updated, that could have unintended consequences. MOO

Most couples leave their estates to each other first, not passing directly to the children. Many couples make it so that after their spouse dies, their separate property passes immediately to the children. Very few people disinherit their spouse and leave it all to the kids.

Fascinating topic and times may be a-changing. We finalized our will and trust just yesterday. My separate property (inheritance) passes directly to our children. Our joint property passes to my husband, and upon his death, to our children (or vice versa). Thing is, trusts can be dissolved, so there's involved in this.
I wonder when BM purchased his new gas guzzling F-350. Before or after SM's disappearance.

The truck would be a "business expense" as well as all of gasoline he purchased for it. I'll bet he used a company credit card every time he filled up. Apparently a F-350 gets about 11 mpg (on a good day). Then, reduce the mpg by the possible effect of mountain driving and/or hauling the flat bed trailer with the Bobcat.

It would be interesting to know when he last gassed up before SM's disappearance and where the gas gauge was when LE searched it.

Even more interesting if he gassed up on Saturday or Sunday and where. Gas stations are full of security cameras. What was his demeandor, pacing or calm? What time was it? Was anyone with him? What was he towing? Any interesting attachments brought along with the bobcat?

As in the Frazee case, the Gas Stations provided valuable evidence.:):)
Same here, I expect; guess LE have checked possible Gas Stations, on BM's possible routes, requesting 'Gas Stations keep all camera footage'.
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I feel strongly that BM is responsible for the disappearance of his wife.

At the same time, I feel the Moorman family did not initially respond to this crisis in a manner in which I would have expected. This, I feel, is a side story though, and likely has nothing to do with SM’s disappearance.


Here are my thoughts everyone, MOO...

The Moorman family probably had a really bad feeling; a gut instinct if you will, that BM had something to do with SM's disappearance early on. They may have feared for SM/BM's daughters' safety and knew how controlling/unpredictable he could be. Again, there is so much we are not privy to, especially about the Moorman's communication with LE. My feeling is they had a very good reason to stay silent. JMO
I'm inclined to think SM never left the property. If that is so, then her killer had from around 9PM (when SM's social media communication with her friend was abruptly ended) until daylight the next day (assuming he wanted to finish what he was doing under cover of darkness or with artificial lighting). That's about 8 hours.

I think SM's killer killed her with his own hands or with a close-proximity weapon (knife or cross-bow), and then concealed her remains on the Morphew property. He worked at that for a few hours, experienced some kind of unexpected interruption (disabled equipment - dead battery or failing hydraulics or broken bucket) that motivated him to visit the job site BM had been working nearby and to start up the heavy equipment for a half hour or so (as heard by the next door neighbor) to get what he needed to repair the disabled equipment back at the Morphew place, and then he returned to the Morphew home to finish what he'd started (fully concealing SM's remains).

It's even possible SM's killer had been prepping the site where he intended to conceal her remains before 9PM that day and that he explained it to SM by saying that he was improving or repairing some hardscaping on site instead.

I don't know how you explain the interrupted communication with the friend unless you consider that she was probably killed or otherwise disabled at that point.

And I don't know how you explain the odd half hour of heavy equipment operation noise heard by the neighbor at BM's job site unless you consider it in relation to SM's disappearance and presume that the operator was a person who knew that equipment was there and there was a reason he needed to use it at that late hour.

I like your theory but wouldn't that have made a lot of noise in the still of the night?
I’m convinced Barry left early that morning (he claims 5am) in order to dispose of Suzanne’s remains. I actually think he left earlier than that, which may be one of the discrepancies when it comes to his vehicle GPS data.

If she was buried on that property, I absolutely believe she would have been found. That would be insanely risky, and there would be telltale signs (disturbed earth). That area was combed with law enforcement searchers, family searchers, dogs, and drones.

As for the noise at that construction site, I believe if it’s related, it was Barry retrieving equipment to both set up his alibi, and perhaps conceal Suzanne’s body with.

I'm aware the Morphew property was cordoned off and family was denied access and that the subsequent two days LE investigators searched inside the home while patrol cars blocked the driveway. I've seen photographs of investigators going into and coming out of the home with what appear to be evidence bags. I've also seen reports there was a CSI photographer on site and that drones flew overhead and took video of the property. But, I must have missed the reports that dogs had been brought onsite for a search of the property surrounding the Morphew home. Do you have a link to such a report?

In the Vallow-Daybell case, investigators did not search the Daybell acreage beyond the house and barn with dogs until they had digital evidence which placed Alex Cox at key locations (near the fire pit and adjacent pet cemetery and near the pond) on the property for certain periods of time on the days following the separate disappearances of each of the two children and also had peculiar and irregular digital evidence which placed Chad Daybell at one of those locations on one of those dates with texted explanations about shooting and burying dead animals. That digital evidence indicating activity which occurred on critical dates provided probable cause to conduct the search of those areas with dogs.

The search warrant for the Morphew home is sealed and LE has remained tight-lipped about what their probable cause was, what they were searching for, and what they might have found, so we can only know through what CCSO or CBI stated or through what was observed by MSM what the extent of that search was.

I'm aware dogs were used the first week or so to search the areas OUTSIDE the Morphew property where SM was known to bike and where the bike and other personal item were found and surrounding areas, but are you certain they were brought onto and have searched the Morphew property?
Reasons why someone doesn't want to show their face or have their voice recorded:

- insecure
- afraid of being recognized

That's all I have. Anyone else?
I'm far behind (again) but so far I'll go with choice B.
-can't control the narrative if on camera.
-can't control body language.
-can't answer questions that were not prearranged which would contradict the numerous stories told to different parties, including LE. That would be legal suicide.
-can't read from carefully (hah) prepared notes.

Those are just quick thoughts. I'm sure there are many other reasons.
I'm aware the Morphew property was cordoned off and family was denied access and that the subsequent two days LE investigators searched inside the home while patrol cars blocked the driveway. I've seen photographs of investigators going into and coming out of the home with what appear to be evidence bags. I've also seen reports there was a CSI photographer on site and that drones flew overhead and took video of the property. But, I must have missed the reports that dogs had been brought onsite for a search of the property surrounding the Morphew home. Do you have a link to such a report?

In the Vallow-Daybell case, investigators did not search the Daybell acreage beyond the house and barn with dogs until they had digital evidence which placed Alex Cox at key locations (near the fire pit and adjacent pet cemetery and near the pond) on the property for certain periods of time on the days following the separate disappearances of each of the two children and also had peculiar and irregular digital evidence which placed Chad Daybell at one of those locations on one of those dates with texted explanations about shooting and burying dead animals. That digital evidence indicating activity which occurred on critical dates provided probable cause to conduct the search of those areas with dogs.

The search warrant for the Morphew home is sealed and LE has remained tight-lipped about what their probable cause was, what they were searching for, and what they might have found, so we can only know through what CCSO or CBI stated or through what was observed by MSM what the extent of that search was.

I'm aware dogs were used the first week or so to search the areas OUTSIDE the Morphew property where SM was known to bike and where the bike and other personal item were found and surrounding areas, but are you certain they were brought onto and have searched the Morphew property?

I did not follow the Chad Daybell case. But it seems like Suzanne's case is different in that she is reported missing and 'reportedly last seen' by her husband in her bed asleep. Would that make a difference is the beginning, as far as looking for a scent trail and starting from her home? I always thought that probably happened in the beginning. And that cadaver dogs were brought in later via search warrant. But that's just me. Moo
I wonder when BM purchased his new gas guzzling F-350. Before or after SM's disappearance.

The truck would be a "business expense" as well as all of gasoline he purchased for it. I'll bet he used a company credit card every time he filled up. Apparently a F-350 gets about 11 mpg (on a good day). Then, reduce the mpg by the possible effect of mountain driving and/or hauling the flat bed trailer with the Bobcat.

It would be interesting to know when he last gassed up before SM's disappearance and where the gas gauge was when LE searched it.

Even more interesting if he gassed up on Saturday or Sunday and where. Gas stations are full of security cameras. What was his demeandor, pacing or calm? What time was it? Was anyone with him? What was he towing? Any interesting attachments brought along with the bobcat?
He might need the power a diesel would provide to pull heavy equipment in CO.

I bet there is footage of him from security systems along the way, just like Patrick Frazee, Fotis Dulos and Chase Merritt. MOO
I like your theory but wouldn't that have made a lot of noise in the still of the night?

IIRC, the Morphew property is 7 wooded acres with a river or large creek running between its boundaries and those of the neighbors, who also live on large properties. I'd have to test to be certain, but while I think I could hear a skid steer running on a property that is a couple acres away, I'm not so sure I would hear it if it was the full 7 wooded acres away and there was a running river or stream or creek between.
IIRC, the Morphew property is 7 wooded acres with a river or large creek running between its boundaries and those of the neighbors, who also live on large properties. I'd have to test to be certain, but while I think I could hear a skid steer running on a property that is a couple acres away, I'm not so sure I would hear it if it was the full 7 wooded acres away and there was a running river or stream or creek between.
Wind could influence this too. MOO.
I'm aware the Morphew property was cordoned off and family was denied access and that the subsequent two days LE investigators searched inside the home while patrol cars blocked the driveway. I've seen photographs of investigators going into and coming out of the home with what appear to be evidence bags. I've also seen reports there was a CSI photographer on site and that drones flew overhead and took video of the property. But, I must have missed the reports that dogs had been brought onsite for a search of the property surrounding the Morphew home. Do you have a link to such a report?

In the Vallow-Daybell case, investigators did not search the Daybell acreage beyond the house and barn with dogs until they had digital evidence which placed Alex Cox at key locations (near the fire pit and adjacent pet cemetery and near the pond) on the property for certain periods of time on the days following the separate disappearances of each of the two children and also had peculiar and irregular digital evidence which placed Chad Daybell at one of those locations on one of those dates with texted explanations about shooting and burying dead animals. That digital evidence indicating activity which occurred on critical dates provided probable cause to conduct the search of those areas with dogs.

The search warrant for the Morphew home is sealed and LE has remained tight-lipped about what their probable cause was, what they were searching for, and what they might have found, so we can only know through what CCSO or CBI stated or through what was observed by MSM what the extent of that search was.

I'm aware dogs were used the first week or so to search the areas OUTSIDE the Morphew property where SM was known to bike and where the bike and other personal item were found and surrounding areas, but are you certain they were brought onto and have searched the Morphew property?
If they used search dogs to search the surrounding acres, then there’s no way they wouldn’t have searched around the house as well. I was speaking of the surrounding area though.

At some point they clearly believed the bike was staged, so why would they merely start at the bike and move out, and not cover the property itself?

In every single Colorado case I have followed, cadaver dogs have been brought in to the home in question.

That home was sealed immediately for a reason, and we know that the typical strategy is to start at the home and move outwards.

Let’s say that law enforcement inexplicably did not search the morphew property with dogs and LE personnel:

Why did Barry leave so early?
Why does his GPS data not support his story?
Why would he bury her on his property when he knew that area would be swarming with law enforcement?

If Suzanne was buried nearby, I’ll eat my hat. I get the impression we may never know though.
Here’s Barry’s interview with Lauren, where he claims that despite 30 hours of interviews, law enforcement never asked him to take a polygraph. I couldn’t believe that when I read it.

“People don’t know the truth”: Suzanne Morphew’s husband breaks silence after three months | FOX21 News Colorado

ere’s Suzanne’s brother with the Profiling Evil guys. CBI traveled to Indiana, and dropped a bomb on him. He was apparently told that Barry refused to take a polygraph or voice stress analysis, and his truck GPS data didn’t support his account.

This explains the silence from Suzanne’s side, as they not only know that she is not coming back, but her husband is suspected of being responsible. Her brother said they didn’t want to damage the investigation by speaking to the media earlier.

Barry says that he was not asked to take a polygraph. Suzanne's brother claims that Barry was asked to take a polygraph but refused. Barry has an incentive to lie but there's no evidence outstanding to prove that he lied; Suzanne's brother has not revealed the source of his supposed information, so it cannot be verified. <modsnip>
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I'm aware the Morphew property was cordoned off and family was denied access and that the subsequent two days LE investigators searched inside the home while patrol cars blocked the driveway. I've seen photographs of investigators going into and coming out of the home with what appear to be evidence bags. I've also seen reports there was a CSI photographer on site and that drones flew overhead and took video of the property. But, I must have missed the reports that dogs had been brought onsite for a search of the property surrounding the Morphew home. Do you have a link to such a report?

In the Vallow-Daybell case, investigators did not search the Daybell acreage beyond the house and barn with dogs until they had digital evidence which placed Alex Cox at key locations (near the fire pit and adjacent pet cemetery and near the pond) on the property for certain periods of time on the days following the separate disappearances of each of the two children and also had peculiar and irregular digital evidence which placed Chad Daybell at one of those locations on one of those dates with texted explanations about shooting and burying dead animals. That digital evidence indicating activity which occurred on critical dates provided probable cause to conduct the search of those areas with dogs.

The search warrant for the Morphew home is sealed and LE has remained tight-lipped about what their probable cause was, what they were searching for, and what they might have found, so we can only know through what CCSO or CBI stated or through what was observed by MSM what the extent of that search was.

I'm aware dogs were used the first week or so to search the areas OUTSIDE the Morphew property where SM was known to bike and where the bike and other personal item were found and surrounding areas, but are you certain they were brought onto and have searched the Morphew property?

Check the media thread - some of the earliest reports list the different agencies involved in Suzanne's search (at least two groups of dogs mentioned separately, with other dog-wielding entities also involved).

IIRC, it's like 15 or 20 different groups of searchers, including the dog team from the nearby prison.
ever hear a wood chipper? I was driving home from work the other day and saw (and heard) one in action - a big one - wonder if the sound was similar ???
(sorry folks)
Yes, they are very noisy. I doubt that was the noise she heard. A wood chipper is louder than a chainsaw and would attract attention.
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