Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #30

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But you know what is so crazy about this? Everything else BM has said and done has been so sloppy how is it that he pulls a slam dunk on hiding her body so well?!! :mad: Maybe he has just been lucky that LE haven’t looked in the right place yet? Or his landscaping/hunting skills were useful?
I really wonder about that, too. I think maybe only the vastness of the CO landscape has kept her hidden. And perhaps he used a non-GPS vehicle to convey her to the spot. Those two things may be the only things he did right.

RTD is the Regional Transportation District (public bus system).

The Regional Transportation District, more commonly referred to as RTD, is the regional agency operating public transit services in eight out of the twelve counties in the Denver-Aurora-Boulder Combined Statistical Area in Colorado. It operates over a 2,342-square-mile area, serving 3.08 million people. Wikipedia
Most every purchase made in the large metro area has a percentage of tax going to RTD, it’s either loved or hated it seems, but the light rail system is improving
Just catching up and still on page 26. If LE have known that BM has been lying all of this time, why have they not arrested him in by now? And I mean arrested for lying to officials and nothing more, at least until they have found evidence to suggest he was responsible for SM's disappearance. As someone else has stated, this has just happened with Megan Boswell. The same happened with Shannon Ryan recently, although much quicker.

This is the bit that i'm still struggling with - I just don't understand why they haven't arrested him for lying. Perhaps he isn't a flight risk, but he's responsible for those poor girls! If you're capable of murdering your wife, especially if premeditated, then you're capable of killing your daughters too - JMO of course.

I want a Chris Watts style interrogation, on video for us all to see, and I want the person questioning him to be a female. Part of me just wants to see a female bring him down and emasculate him, after years of thinking he could control the women in his life. JMO.
Good post !
I, too, have become increasingly concerned for those daughters. :(

I disagree that any missing person under the IC is adequately protected and their best interests considered.

If your (Indiana) laws for the missing were actually written to safeguard a loved one’s assets in their absence, and where both the court and guardian have to take into account the missing person's wishes, to begin with, this intervention burden you speak of would not be necessary.

Permanent guardianship papers on Tuesday was just a formality. The damage was already done on June 3, 2020 -- with the emergency petition, less than a month after SM was disappeared.

Take this up with your General Assembly. Tell them that a 21-year-old daughter in shock, should not have to make her way to the court to intervene.

Ask them to take missing persons out of the "incapacitated" definition and provide separately for the missing as a protected class.

Demand that the court or guardian must consider, so far as is reasonably ascertainable—

(a)any relevant wishes and feelings expressed by the missing person at any time, including any relevant written statement made by the missing person,

(b)the beliefs and values that would be likely to influence the missing person, and

(c)any other factors that the missing person would be likely to consider.


As always I appreciate you posts. I have been thinking about this since our last exchange. On this point we will just have to disagree. In fact, I think I disagree completely, especially when I try to zoom out and think about a law that applies broadly to a whole population when not just focused on this one case.

I think the June 3 action made perfect sense. There was no need to derail activity that was already in motion. That worked exactly as I think it should. If there was any evidence, the evidence was that Suzanne was already on board with that real estate activity. This was almost a textbook example of how things should happen.

Further, I think it could often be darn near impossible to establish your items (a) (b) and (c) above. If such things could be known, it seems an adult daughter or parent would be most likely to know, in which case the current setup works just fine. They would have to actually take some action, though, or the whole thing is moot anyway. Beyond that, I'm not convinced guardianship is primarily about those things (wishes and feelings and beliefs and values). Often times the guardian is put in place because the ward is not making (or has been deemed incapable of making) good decisions for himself. Therefore, I think there are "right" actions for a guardian to take that are best for a ward but would NOT be what the ward would do himself according to wishes, feelings, beliefs, and values.

I can see some logic in a missing person being assigned to a class other than incapacitated. This would only make sense, though, if there was a specific set of guidelines that would be meaningfully different than the guidelines for incapacitated persons. I struggle to understand what those would be, though. Certainly there has to be some action taken in a relatively short time and the answer cannot be to put everything on pause. Someone needs to be able to make decisions for the missing person.

picture is sourced as July 18 - but boy did I do a double take when I saw JP's pic - I thought it was BM - hmmm - I sense there is something more to the hotel stay
Husband of missing Colorado mom spent the night before her disappearance at cheap Denver hotel | Daily Mail Online
Wasn’t it around that time ( July 18 ) that we noticed that the Puma Path address no longer came up on Google Maps? And I made a joke on here about the DM lurking in the bushes with cameras or drones! I just typed Puma Path in Google Maps just now and look what it shows!


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I disagree that any missing person under the IC is adequately protected and their best interests considered.

If your (Indiana) laws for the missing were actually written to safeguard a loved one’s assets in their absence, and where both the court and guardian have to take into account the missing person's wishes, to begin with, this intervention burden you speak of would not be necessary.

Permanent guardianship papers on Tuesday was just a formality. The damage was already done on June 3, 2020 -- with the emergency petition, less than a month after SM was disappeared.

Take this up with your General Assembly. Tell them that a 21-year-old daughter in shock, should not have to make her way to the court to intervene.

Ask them to take missing persons out of the "incapacitated" definition and provide separately for the missing as a protected class.

Demand that the court or guardian must consider, so far as is reasonably ascertainable—

(a)any relevant wishes and feelings expressed by the missing person at any time, including any relevant written statement made by the missing person,

(b)the beliefs and values that would be likely to influence the missing person, and

(c)any other factors that the missing person would be likely to consider.


Its unknowable, but I wonder what people would say about this guardianship topic if it was SM's daughter who had petitioned to be the permanent guardian. I suspect the opinions would be radically different. IMO
Nope. That was not the Denver story. That was the Co Springs story BM told to his brother-in-law Andy.
I did miss a lot of this case in June and July, but I followed this thread pretty closely at first, and now, again lately, and worked to get caught up. I just don't remember LE releasing whatever Barry told them about what he was doing in Denver.
I thought the only thing we knew (true or not true) was what he first told AM, re hotel room for tools, fixing wall that bad employee constructed, etc, paraphrased. Is there a document with what Barry told law enforcement?
I understand that a person can lie to whomever he wants to as long as it's not LE or the FEDS. I feel like Rip van Winkle here, missing something so big.
I’m just curious but did this worker get paid for his daily mail article? And why is it just coming out?

insurance papers on a house come once a year so to me that’s not a red flag. They also come when you refinance a house or change insurance. He also owned multiple homes so he would get a lot more mail.

BM doesn’t seem like he would be that stupid to make up several fake alibis. I think anyone this day and age would know cars have gps, cell towers ping phones, Hotel reservations have time stamps, check in has time stamp, LE would talk to his job site and be able to tell when it was booked ect.

I just have a hard time thinking that anyone would be that sloppy. Unless something happend and it was in the heat of the moment. Then I can see someone being sloppy trying to cover their tracks but if it wasn’t pre-meditated then having a hotel reservation prior makes no sense. I also just do not trust this worker at all. Is there any proof that there was chlorine smell or is it just his word?

Is there also proof of this conversation Sunday morning. Recording or text messages. The call could have taken place but it could have been about work or something. I feel like I’m this particular case I need proof or evidence.


I think these revelations are coming out now because LE is ready for them to come out now.

In effect, the media is fingering BM as the main suspect without LE having to officially name him.

The property docs are a HUGE red flag. If for no other reason, they're a red flag both because BM took them with him to the hotel room in the first place, AND because he left them behind.

The primary reason the property docs are a red flag to me is because of all the actions BM took in the immediate wake of SM's disappearance r/t property deals. All of that screams relevance to the crime.

He's always been entirely transparent to me.
BM strikes me as being pretty dumb, to be honest.
You don't have to be a genius to be an effective con man.
You just have to be superficially charming and convincingly disingenuous.

I think he's perfectly capable of being incredibly sloppy.

I say that because I think BM is a habitual liar.
Habitual liars take it for granted that everyone will blindly accept their statements.
They have no problem offering varying accounts to different parties.
They don't expect all these unconnected parties to compare notes.
They don't expect any actual fact-checking to occur, because they've gotten away with their lies for so long.

Something tells me we'll all see plenty of evidence regarding BM's hotel stay once charges are filed in the case.

I think the employee is in CYA mode, which is understandable, because let's face it, he needs to cover his backside, given the way BM manipulated him.

I believe this account, because there's no reason for this employee to come out with a story like this.

I'd love to be a fly on the wall in Sheriff Spezze's office right now.

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They are definately not cheap. I think the DM likes to sensationalize everything. I am sure there are facts peppered in, but saying it was a cheap hotel just sorta implies the WOW.. man with expensive home goes to cheap hotel for work Mother's Day weekend..

Apparently DM thinks most of us stay at the Ritz or the Four Seasons.

Holiday Inn Express is often a newer property compared to some plain Holiday Inns, and they are known for their generous breakfasts. No room service, often no pool, but they all have good beds and are known for cleanliness. I'd say they are medium-priced.
This steady leak of information from different sources, e.g., LS, the PE dudes, AM, the DM, etc., is growing steadily more powerful.

It's gone from a trickle, to a stream, to a heavy flow.

And now, a veritable tsunami.

I likened it earlier to the Chinese Water Torture method.

I believe this information is absolutely and intentionally coming from LE.

They're crushing the perp beneath the waves of guilty indicators.

It's all over but the shoutin'.

They've got him dead to rights.

I will add my BAM !
Here is a question that I have. When was Suzanna's Dad diagnosed with cancer? Not that I am interested in his private medical history, but was it before Suzanne went missing or after? I have read a lot of speculation that Suzanne wanted to back to Indiana could her fathers illness had been the reason for her wanting to return.
We know she battled the same horrible condition not once but twice, and her Father was there for her she would know how hard of a fight he had coming and wanted to be there to support him with his age and all.
What if her return was part of the conversation she was having with her friend when the messages quickly went radio silent. Could this have been something that Suzanne and Barry had discussed and he thought he had gotten through to her that she was staying in Colorado and then realized she was still hell bent on getting back to Indiana for her Dad.
The fact that the girls Grandpa has to get out to a national audience for his grandkids to call him just to let him know they are OK is very telling to me. After all the years that Suzanne and Barry were married it would seem that Barry himself would want to check in with his Father-In-Law to see how he is doing with treatment since his Daughter is missing not to mention having the girls check in with Grandpa.
I'm having a hard time with the latest articles. DM began its articles saying that Barry "spent the night" at the hotel but doesn't corroborate this in any way. Everything that BM's employee reported on could have happened on Sunday after BM left Salida and drove to Broomfield. Right? I suppose they could have checked with the hotel desk, but then why not say that? If you're going to have that in your title, you need to back it up by evidence. Yeah, I know it's DM and not journalism, but a lot of assumptions are being made based on this article's headline. Am I missing something?

And this DM info was just repeated by Crime Online who gave the date of SM's disappearence as May 11 and stated that was Mother's Day. Get a proof reader, please!

Just catching up to the DM article but @oviedo made a great observation.
Snipped from article:
“A manager at the $92-a-night property confirmed to that they do not use chlorine to clean guest rooms and have handed security footage from the weekend of May 9 to police.”

There would be no reason to hand over security footage for May 9 if he didn’t check in until May 10. I take it BM did check in on May 9, the reason the May 9 video was turned in to police!
Husband of missing Colorado mom spent the night before her disappearance at cheap Denver hotel | Daily Mail Online
I really wonder about that, too. I think maybe only the vastness of the CO landscape has kept her hidden. And perhaps he used a non-GPS vehicle to convey her to the spot. Those two things may be the only things he did right.

The vastness has limits, rural people notice cars on roads with limited destinations.
Access to public lands are trail heads and pullouts.
Bridges or dranage overpasses offer going in off the beaten track, but the vehicle will be out of place. Boldness works, it's possible to find a gap between people, but there is always a risk of random mountain biker, hiker, homeless or fence mender. So to me points MOO a night trip. Night trip more likely to be close to a road.
Here is a question that I have. When was Suzanna's Dad diagnosed with cancer? Not that I am interested in his private medical history, but was it before Suzanne went missing or after? I have read a lot of speculation that Suzanne wanted to back to Indiana could her fathers illness had been the reason for her wanting to return.
We know she battled the same horrible condition not once but twice, and her Father was there for her she would know how hard of a fight he had coming and wanted to be there to support him with his age and all.
What if her return was part of the conversation she was having with her friend when the messages quickly went radio silent. Could this have been something that Suzanne and Barry had discussed and he thought he had gotten through to her that she was staying in Colorado and then realized she was still hell bent on getting back to Indiana for her Dad.
The fact that the girls' Grandpa has to get out to a national audience for his grandkids to call him just to let him know they are OK is very telling to me. After all the years that Suzanne and Barry were married it would seem that Barry himself would want to check in with his Father-In-Law to see how he is doing with treatment since his Daughter is missing not to mention having the girls check in with Grandpa.
Very concerning.
Are communications being cut off completely and why ?
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